Install elm package with a specifying version? - elm

I am doing an Elm's tutorial. By that, the package elm/http is version 1.0.0. But when I installed, the current version is 2.0.0. And I don't how to install the package with a specifying version(here is elm/http 1.0.0).
I tried to modify the version of elm/http package to 1.0.0 in elm.json and then re-install with elm install elm/http but It's not working.
In JavaScript, I use npm i thePackage#1.0.0 to do that.
Many thanks!

In Elm 0.19, elm install <package> just updates your elm.json file, there is no local installation of the packages. So updating the field in elm.json to 1.0.0 should be all that you need to do. elm make will see that and use the right package.


How to skip python dependency with node sass installation?

When I install node-sass for compiling my sass files. It asks for installing python2.7 on the windows machine for node-gyp.
So, Is there any option to skip the python dependency and work without it?

Use NVM To Install Latest NodeJS For Specific Major Version

I want to install the latest minor/patch version of NodeJS 4 using nvm. I don't just want "latest", because that would be NodeJS 8 or whatever later, potentially breaking-change version is out now.
If it were an npm dependency, I would be able to say nvm install "^4", but that doesn't work. Is there a simple command to do this? If there isn't, is there something I can do on the command line to find the latest version and install it in a one-liner that works on both Windows and Unix-based consoles?
(nvm maintainer here)
If you run nvm --help (make sure you're using the latest version of nvm), you'll see a description of all the things nvm supports. Specifically, nvm does not support semver ranges, however, nvm install 4 or nvm install 4.x will install the latest available version of node 4.
Separately, you can use nvm install --lts=argon (and nvm alias default lts/argon if you want to peg to the LTS line specifically instead of just v4.

Protobuf issue during TensorFlow installation

I am trying to install the TensorFlow version 0.12 which requires Protobuf 3.1.0. I also use Anaconda in which repository there is only Protobuf 3.0.0. How can I upgrade Protobuf and install TensorFlow?
The official website prints out the requirement of 3.1.0 but at the same time it provides the wrong package 3.0.0.
I just changed 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 in the URL, so
instead of
Seems to work just fine!
pip uninstall protobuf
pip install -U protobuf
worked for me.
If you are using poetry you can update protobuf with the right versions poetry add "probuf#>=3.9.2,<3.20" and then poetry add tensorflow.
The same with pip, upgrade protobuf to the specified version and then run pip install tensorflow.
One solution is to use pip install protobuf. One can also download the whl package from and run
pip install protobuf-3.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

What does 'npm outdated --depth=0 ' mean to do as ask action when seeing differences?

When running the command npm outdated --depth=0 I see the following:
Package Current Wanted Latest Location
cordova 5.4.1 5.4.1 6.0.0 cordova
grunt-angular-templates 0.5.9 0.5.9 1.0.3 grunt-angular-templates
grunt-autoprefixer 0.4.2 0.4.2 3.0.4 grunt-autoprefixer
grunt-bump 0.3.4 0.3.4 0.7.0 grunt-bump
What does those differences between 'Current', 'Wanted' and 'Latest' mean to me? Respectively what am I supposed to do in case?
Current: Current version of the packages installed.
Wanted: The maximum version of the package that satisfies the semver range specified in package.json. If there's no available semver range (i.e. you're running npm outdated --global, or the package isn't included in package.json), then wanted shows the currently-installed version.
Latest: The version of the package tagged as latest in the registry. Running npm publish with no special configuration will publish the package with a dist-tag of latest. This may or may not be the maximum version of the package, or the most-recently published version of the package, depending on how the package's developer manages the latest dist-tag.

Upgrade maven.2.0.8 to maven.2.0.9 on Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04)

Ubuntu packages for 8.04 only goes upto version 2.0.8 of Maven. How do I install maven 2.0.9 package using apt-get or other Ubuntu package installer ? Thanks.
Try to download and install a .deb from the "maven2" package. Not sure this will work though.
But actually, my advice would be to install Maven manually (download the distribution, extract it, add $M2_HOME/bin to the $PATH and there you go).