Adam optimizer error: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation - optimization

I am trying to implement Actor-Critic learning atuomation algorithm that is not same as basic actor-critic algorithm, it's little bit changed.
Anyway, I used Adam optimizer and implemented with pytorch
when i backward TD-error for Critic first, there's no error.
However, i backward loss for Actor, the error occured.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call
last) in
46 # update Actor Func
47 optimizer_M.zero_grad()
---> 48 loss.backward()
49 optimizer_M.step()
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\ in backward(self,
gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
100 products. Defaults to False.
101 """
--> 102 torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
104 def register_hook(self, hook):
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\ in
backward(tensors, grad_tensors, retain_graph, create_graph,
88 Variable._execution_engine.run_backward(
89 tensors, grad_tensors, retain_graph, create_graph,
---> 90 allow_unreachable=True) # allow_unreachable flag
RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has
been modified by an inplace operation
above is the content of error
I tried to find inplace operation, but I haven't found in my written code.
I think i don't know how to handle optimizer.
Here is main code:
for cur_step in range(1):
action = M_Agent(state, flag)
next_state, r = env.step(action)
# calculate TD Error
TD_error = M_Agent.cal_td_error(r, next_state)
# calculate Target
target = torch.FloatTensor([M_Agent.cal_target(TD_error)])
logit = M_Agent.cal_logit()
loss = criterion(logit, target)
# update value Func
# update Actor Func
Here is the agent network
# Actor-Critic Agent
self.act_pipe = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(state, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 256),
nn.Linear(256, num_action),
self.val_pipe = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(state, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 256),
nn.Linear(256, 1)
def forward(self, state, flag, test=None):
temp_action_prob = self.act_pipe(state)
self.action_prob = self.cal_prob(temp_action_prob, flag)
self.action = self.get_action(self.action_prob)
self.value = self.val_pipe(state)
return self.action
I wanna update each network respectively.
and I wanna know that Basic TD Actor-Critic method uses TD error for loss??
or squared error between r+V(s') and V(s) ?

I think the problem is that you zero the gradients right before calling backward, after the forward propagation. Note that for automatic differentiation you need the computation graph and the intermediate results that you produce during your forward pass.
So zero the gradients before your TD error and target calculations! And not after you are finished your forward propagation.
for cur_step in range(1):
action = M_Agent(state, flag)
next_state, r = env.step(action)
optimizer_M.zero_grad() # zero your gradient here
# calculate TD Error
TD_error = M_Agent.cal_td_error(r, next_state)
# calculate Target
target = torch.FloatTensor([M_Agent.cal_target(TD_error)])
logit = M_Agent.cal_logit()
loss = criterion(logit, target)
# update value Func
# update Actor Func
To answer your second question, the DDPG algorithm for example uses the squared error (see the paper).
Another recommendation. In many cases large parts of the value and policy networks are shared in deep actor-critic agents: you have the same layers up to the last hidden layer, and use a single linear output for value prediction and a softmax layer for the action distribution. This is especially useful if you have high dimensional visual inputs, as it act as sort of a multi-task learning, but nevertheless you can try. (As I see you have a low-dimensional state vector).


Calculating gradients in Custom training loop, difference in performace TF vs Torch

I have attempted to translate pytorch implementation of a NN model which calculates forces and energies in molecular structures to TensorFlow. This needed a custom training loop and custom loss function so I implemented to different one step training functions below.
First using Nested Gradient Tapes.
def calc_gradients(D_train_batch, E_train_batch, F_train_batch, opt):
#set up gradient tape scope in order to track gradients of both d(Loss)/d(Weights)
#and d(output)/d(input)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape1:
with tf.GradientTape() as tape2:
#set gradient tape to watch Tensor
#pass D thru model to get predicted energy vals
E_pred = model(D_train_batch, training=True)
df_dD_train_batch = tape2.gradient(E_pred, D_train_batch)
#matrix mult of -Grad_D(f) x Grad_r(D)
F_pred = -tf.einsum('ijkl,il->ijk', dD_dr_train_batch, df_dD_train_batch)
#calculate loss value
loss = force_energy_loss(E_pred, F_pred, E_train_batch, F_train_batch)
grads = tape1.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights)
opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_weights))
Other attempt with gradient tape (persistent = true)
def calc_gradients_persistent(D_train_batch, E_train_batch, F_train_batch, opt):
#set up gradient tape scope in order to track gradients of both d(Loss)/d(Weights)
#and d(output)/d(input)
with tf.GradientTape(persistent = True) as outer:
#set gradient tape to watch Tensor
#output values from model, set trainable to be true to get
#model.trainable_weights out
E_pred = model(D_train_batch, training=True)
#set gradient tape to watch trainable weights
#get gradient of output (f/E_pred) w.r.t input (D/D_train_batch) and cast to double
df_dD_train_batch = outer.gradient(E_pred, D_train_batch)
#matrix mult of -Grad_D(f) x Grad_r(D)
F_pred = -tf.einsum('ijkl,il->ijk', dD_dr_train_batch, df_dD_train_batch)
#calculate loss value
loss = force_energy_loss(E_pred, F_pred, E_train_batch, F_train_batch)
#get gradient of loss w.r.t to trainable weights for back propogation
grads = outer.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights)
#updates weights using the optimizer and the gradients (grads)
opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_weights))
These were attempted translations of the pytorch code
# Forward pass: Predict energies from the descriptor input
E_train_pred_batch = model(D_train_batch)
# Get derivatives of model output with respect to input variables. The
# torch.autograd.grad-function can be used for this, as it returns the
# gradients of the input with respect to outputs. It is very important
# to set the create_graph=True in this case. Without it the derivatives
# of the NN parameters with respect to the loss from the force error
# will not be populated (=the force error will not affect the
# training), but the model will still run fine without errors.
df_dD_train_batch = torch.autograd.grad(
# Get derivatives of input variables (=descriptor) with respect to atom
# positions = forces
F_train_pred_batch = -torch.einsum('ijkl,il->ijk', dD_dr_train_batch, df_dD_train_batch)
# Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights.
loss = energy_force_loss(E_train_pred_batch, E_train_batch, F_train_pred_batch, F_train_batch)
which is from the tutorial for the Dscribe library at
Using either versions of the TF implementation there is a huge loss in prediction accuracy compared to running the pytorch version. I was wondering, have I maybe misunderstood the pytorch code and translated incorrectly and if so where is my discrepancy?
Model directly computes energies E, from which we use the gradient of E w.r.t D in order to calculate the forces F. The loss function is a weighted sum of MSE of both Force and energies.
These methods are in fact the same, my error was somewhere else which was creating differing results. For anyone whose trying to implement the TensorFlow versions, the nested gradient tapes are about 2x faster, at least in this scenario and also ensure to wrap the functions in an #tf.function in order to use graphs over eager execution, The speed up is about 10x.

LSTM model loading producing weird results, non-serializable keyword arguments error

I am building an LSTM model with attention, it trains and tests well in the same session. I am getting problems saving, and loading the model in another session.
Problem 1) When I save the model with'my_model.h5'), I get a weird warning:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/engine/ UserWarning: Layer lstm_1 was passed non-serializable keyword arguments: {'initial_state': [<tf.Tensor 's0:0' shape=(?, 128) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'c0:0' shape=(?, 128) dtype=float32>]}. They will not be included in the serialized model (and thus will be missing at deserialization time).
'. They will not be included '
Problem 2) Upon loading my model with model = load_model('my_model.h5'), at test time produces terribly inaccurate results.
I have tried saving the weights with model.save_weights and reloading them with mode.load_weights, but to no avail.
What is going on?
def model(Tx, Ty, n_a, n_s, human_vocab_size, machine_vocab_size):
X = Input(shape=(Tx, human_vocab_size))
s0 = Input(shape=(n_s,), name='s0')
c0 = Input(shape=(n_s,), name='c0')
s = s0
c = c0
# Initialize empty list of outputs
outputs = []
# Step 1: Define your pre-attention Bi-LSTM. Remember to use return_sequences=True. (≈ 1 line)
a = Bidirectional(LSTM(n_a, return_sequences=True))(X)
# Step 2: Iterate for Ty steps
for t in range(Ty):
# Step 2.A: Perform one step of the attention mechanism to get back the context vector at step t (≈ 1 line)
context = one_step_attention(a, s)
# Step 2.B: Apply the post-attention LSTM cell to the "context" vector.
# Don't forget to pass: initial_state = [hidden state, cell state] (≈ 1 line)
s, _, c = post_activation_LSTM_cell(context, initial_state = [s, c])
# Step 2.C: Apply Dense layer to the hidden state output of the post-attention LSTM (≈ 1 line)
out = output_layer(s)
# Step 2.D: Append "out" to the "outputs" list (≈ 1 line)
# Step 3: Create model instance taking three inputs and returning the list of outputs. (≈ 1 line)
model = Model(inputs = [X, s0, c0], outputs = outputs)
return model
There is an issue on github describing this problem.
Here it was solved by describing the model that is saved differently. In this post they describe that it might be because you save a state, that is only known during training, but can not be reconstructed while loading. This is while it will not be stored and your problem 1. occures. And this one results in problem 2.

Pytorch how to get the gradient of loss function twice

Here is what I'm trying to implement:
We calculate loss based on F(X), as usual. But we also define "adversarial loss" which is a loss based on F(X + e). e is defined as dF(X)/dX multiplied by some constant. Both loss and adversarial loss are backpropagated for the total loss.
In tensorflow, this part (getting dF(X)/dX) can be coded like below:
grad, = tf.gradients( loss, X )
grad = tf.stop_gradient(grad)
e = constant * grad
Below is my pytorch code:
class DocReaderModel(object):
def __init__(self, embedding=None, state_dict=None):
self.train_loss = AverageMeter()
self.embedding = embedding = DNetwork(opt, embedding)
self.optimizer = optim.SGD(parameters)
def adversarial_loss(self, batch, loss, embedding, y):
grad = embedding.grad
perturb = F.normalize(grad, p=2)* 0.5
adv_embedding = embedding + perturb
network_temp = DNetwork(self.opt, adv_embedding) # This is how to get F(X) = False
start, end, _ = network_temp(batch) # This is how to get F(X)
del network_temp # I even deleted this instance.
return F.cross_entropy(start, y[0]) + F.cross_entropy(end, y[1])
def update(self, batch):
start, end, pred =
loss = F.cross_entropy(start, y[0]) + F.cross_entropy(end, y[1])
loss_adv = self.adversarial_loss(batch, loss,, y)
loss_total = loss + loss_adv
I have few questions:
1) I substituted tf.stop_gradient with grad.detach_(). Is this correct?
2) I was getting "RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already been freed. Specify retain_graph=True when calling backward the first time." so I added retain_graph=True at the loss.backward. That specific error went away.
However now I'm getting a memory error after few epochs (RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (2) : out of memory at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1525909934016/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
). I suspect I'm unnecessarily retaining graph.
Can someone let me know pytorch's best practice on this? Any hint / even short comment will be highly appreciated.
I think you are trying to implement generative adversarial network (GAN), but from the code, I don't understand and can't follow to what you are trying to achieve as there are a few missing pieces for a GAN to works. I can see there's a discriminator network module, DNetwork but missing the generator network module.
If to guess, when you say 'loss function twice', I assumed you mean you have one loss function for the discriminator net and another for the generator net. If that's the case, let me share how I would implement a basic GAN model.
As an example, let's take a look at this Wasserstein GAN Jupyter notebook
I'll skip the less important bits and zoom into the important ones here:
First, import PyTorch libraries and set up
# Set up batch size, image size, and size of noise vector:
bs, sz, nz = 64, 64, 100 # nz is the size of the latent z vector for creating some random noise later
Build a discriminator module
class DCGAN_D(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
... truncated, the usual neural nets stuffs, layers, etc ...
def forward(self, input):
... truncated, the usual neural nets stuffs, layers, etc ...
Build a generator module
class DCGAN_G(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
... truncated, the usual neural nets stuffs, layers, etc ...
def forward(self, input):
... truncated, the usual neural nets stuffs, layers, etc ...
Put them all together
netG = DCGAN_G().cuda()
netD = DCGAN_D().cuda()
Optimizer needs to be told what variables to optimize. A module automatically keeps track of its variables.
optimizerD = optim.RMSprop(netD.parameters(), lr = 1e-4)
optimizerG = optim.RMSprop(netG.parameters(), lr = 1e-4)
One forward step and one backward step for Discriminator
Here, the network can calculate gradient during the backward pass, depends on the input to this function. So, in my case, I have 3 type of losses; generator loss, dicriminator real image loss, dicriminator fake image loss. I can get gradient of loss function three times for 3 different net passes.
def step_D(input, init_grad):
# input can be from generator's generated image data or input image from dataset
err = netD(input)
err.backward(init_grad) # backward pass net to calculate gradient
return err # loss
Control trainable parameters [IMPORTANT]
Trainable parameters in the model are those that require gradients.
def make_trainable(net, val):
for p in net.parameters():
p.requires_grad = val # note, i.e, this is later set to False below in netG update in the train loop.
In TensorFlow, this part can be coded like below:
grad = tf.gradients(loss, X)
grad = tf.stop_gradient(grad)
So, I think this will answer your first question, "I substituted tf.stop_gradient with grad.detach_(). Is this correct?"
Train loop
You can see here how's the 3 different loss functions are being called here.
def train(niter, first=True):
for epoch in range(niter):
# Make iterable from PyTorch DataLoader
data_iter = iter(dataloader)
i = 0
while i < n:
# (1) Update D network
make_trainable(netD, True)
# train the discriminator d_iters times
d_iters = 100
j = 0
while j < d_iters and i < n:
j += 1
i += 1
# clamp parameters to a cube
for p in netD.parameters():, 0.01)
data = next(data_iter)
##### train with real #####
real_cpu, _ = data
real_cpu = real_cpu.cuda()
real = Variable( data[0].cuda() )
# Real image discriminator loss
errD_real = step_D(real, one)
##### train with fake #####
fake = netG(create_noise(real.size()[0]))
# Fake image discriminator loss
errD_fake = step_D(input, mone)
# Discriminator loss
errD = errD_real - errD_fake
# (2) Update G network
make_trainable(netD, False)
# Generator loss
errG = step_D(netG(create_noise(bs)), one)
print('[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %f Loss_G: %f Loss_D_real: %f Loss_D_fake %f'
% (epoch, niter, i, n,[0],[0],[0],[0]))
"I was getting "RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time..."
PyTorch has this behaviour; to reduce GPU memory usage, during the .backward() call, all the intermediary results (if you have like saved activations, etc.) are deleted when they are not needed anymore. Therefore, if you try to call .backward() again, the intermediary results don't exist and the backward pass cannot be performed (and you get the error you see).
It depends on what you are trying to do. You can call .backward(retain_graph=True) to make a backward pass that will not delete intermediary results, and so you will be able to call .backward() again. All but the last call to backward should have the retain_graph=True option.
Can someone let me know pytorch's best practice on this
As you can see from the PyTorch code above and from the way things are being done in PyTorch which is trying to stay Pythonic, you can get a sense of PyTorch's best practice there.
If you want to work with higher-order derivatives (i.e. a derivative of a derivative) take a look at the create_graph option of backward.
For example:
loss = get_loss()
loss_grad_penalty = loss + loss.grad

How to feed the list of gradients, or (grad, variable name) pairs, to my model

This is related to a previous question: How to partition a single batch into many invocations to save memory, and also to How to train a big model with relatively large batch size on a single GPU using Tensorflow?; but, still I couldn't find the exact answer. For example, the answer to another related question tensorflow - run optimizer op on a large batch doesn't work for me (btw. it wasn't accepted and there are no more comments there).
I want to try to simulate larger batch size but using only one GPU.
So, I need to compute the gradients for every smaller batch, aggregate/average them across several such smaller batches, and only then apply.
(Basically, it's like synchronized distributed SGD, but on a single device/GPU, performed serially. Of course, the acceleration advantage of distributed SGD is lost but larger batch size itself will maybe enable convergence to larger accuracy and larger step size, as indicated by a few recent papers.)
To keep memory requirement low, I should do standard SGD with small batches, update the gradients after every iteration and then call optimizer.apply_gradients() (where optimizer is one of the implemented optimizers).
So, everything looks simple but when I go to implement it, it is actually not so trivial.
For example, I would like to use one Graph, compute gradients for each iteration, and then, when multiple batches are processed, sum the gradients and pass them to my model. But the list itself can't be fed into the feed_dict parameter of Also, passing gradients directly doesn't exactly work, I get the TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' (I think the reason is that I can't pass in the numpy.ndarray, only tensorflow variable).
I could define a placeholder for the gradients, but for that I would need tu build the model first (to specify the trainable variables etc.).
All in all, please tell me there is a simpler way to implement this.
There is no simpler way than what you have already been told. That way may seem complicated at first, but it actually is really simple. You just have to use the low level API to manually calculate the gradients for each batch, average over them and than manually feed the averaged gradients to the optimizer to apply them.
I'll try to provide some stripped down code of how to do this. I'll use dots as placeholders for actual code which would depend on the problem. What you would usually do would be something like this:
import tensorflow as tf
input = tf.placeholder(...)
loss = ...
# initialize the optimizer
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LEARNING_RATE)
# define operation to apply the gradients
minimize = optimizer.minimize(loss)
if __name__ == '__main__':
session = tf.Session(config=CONFIG)
for step in range(1, MAX_STEPS + 1):
data = ...
loss =[minimize, loss],
feed_dict={input: data})[1]
What you want to do instead now, to average over multiple batches to preserver memory would be this:
import tensorflow as tf
input = tf.placeholder(...)
loss = ...
# initialize the optimizer
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LEARNING_RATE)
# grab all trainable variables
trainable_variables = tf.trainable_variables()
# define variables to save the gradients in each batch
accumulated_gradients = [tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(tv.initialized_value()),
trainable=False) for tv in
# define operation to reset the accumulated gradients to zero
reset_gradients = [gradient.assign(tf.zeros_like(gradient)) for gradient in
# compute the gradients
gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss, trainable_variables)
# Note: Gradients is a list of tuples containing the gradient and the
# corresponding variable so gradient[0] is the actual gradient. Also divide
# the gradients by BATCHES_PER_STEP so the learning rate still refers to
# steps not batches.
# define operation to evaluate a batch and accumulate the gradients
evaluate_batch = [
for accumulated_gradient, gradient in zip(accumulated_gradients,
# define operation to apply the gradients
apply_gradients = optimizer.apply_gradients([
(accumulated_gradient, gradient[1]) for accumulated_gradient, gradient
in zip(accumulated_gradients, gradients)])
# define variable and operations to track the average batch loss
average_loss = tf.Variable(0., trainable=False)
update_loss = average_loss.assign_add(loss/BATCHES_PER_STEP)
reset_loss = average_loss.assign(0.)
if __name__ == '__main__':
session = tf.Session(config=CONFIG)
data = [batch_data[i] for i in range(BATCHES_PER_STEP)]
for batch_data in data:[evaluate_batch, update_loss],
feed_dict={input: batch_data})
# apply accumulated gradients
# get loss
loss =
# reset variables for next step[reset_gradients, reset_loss])
This should be runnable if you fill in the gaps. However I might have made a mistake while stripping it down and pasting it here. For a runnable example you can take a look into a project I am currently working on myself.
I also want to make clear that this is not the same as evaluating the loss for all the batch data at once, since you average over the gradients. This is especially important when your loss does not work well with low statistics. Take a chi square of histograms for example, calculating the average gradients for a chi square of histograms with low bin counts won't be as good as calculating the gradient on just one histogram with all the bins filled up at once.
You would need to give the gradients as the values that get passed to apply_gradients. It can be placeholders, but it is probably easier to use the usual compute_gradients/apply_gradients combination:
# Some loss measure
loss = ...
optimizer = ...
gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
# gradients is a list of pairs
_, gradient_tensors = zip(*gradients)
# Apply gradients as usual
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradients)
# On training
# Compute some gradients
gradient_values =, feed_dict={...})
# gradient_values is a sequence of numpy arrays with gradients
# After averaging multiple evaluations of gradient_values apply them, feed_dict=dict(zip(gradient_tensors, gradient_values_average)))
If you want to compute the averages of the gradients within TensorFlow too, that requires a bit of extra code specifically for that, maybe something like this:
# Some loss measure
loss = ...
optimizer = ...
gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
# gradients is a list of pairs
_, gradient_tensors = zip(*gradients)
# Apply gradients as usual
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradients)
# Additional operations for gradient averaging
gradient_placeholders = [tf.placeholder(t.dtype, (None,) + t.shape)
for t in gradient_tensors]
gradient_averages = [tf.reduce_mean(p, axis=0) for p in gradient_placeholders]
# On training
gradient_values = None
# Compute some gradients
for ...: # Repeat for each small batch
gradient_values_current =, feed_dict={...})
if gradient_values is None:
gradient_values = [[g] for g in gradient_values_current]
for g_list, g in zip(gradient_values, gradient_values_current):
# Stack gradients
gradient_values = [np.stack(g_list) for g_list in gradient_values)
# Compute averages
gradient_values_average =
gradient_averages, feed_dict=dict(zip(gradient_placeholders, gradient_values)))
# After averaging multiple gradients apply them, feed_dict=dict(zip(gradient_tensors, gradient_values_average)))

How do I get the gradient of the loss at a TensorFlow variable?

The feature I'm after is to be able to tell what the gradient of a given variable is with respect to my error function given some data.
One way to do this would be to see how much the variable has changed after a call to train, but obviously that can vary massively based on the learning algorithm (for example it would be almost impossible to tell with something like RProp) and just isn't very clean.
Thanks in advance.
The tf.gradients() function allows you to compute the symbolic gradient of one tensor with respect to one or more other tensors—including variables. Consider the following simple example:
data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
var = tf.Variable(...) # Must be a tf.float32 or tf.float64 variable.
loss = some_function_of(var, data) # some_function_of() returns a `Tensor`.
var_grad = tf.gradients(loss, [var])[0]
You can then use this symbolic gradient to evaluate the gradient in some specific point (data):
sess = tf.Session()
var_grad_val =, feed_dict={data: ...})
In TensorFlow 2.0 you can use GradientTape to achieve this. GradientTape records the gradients of any computation that happens in the context of that. Below is an example of how you might do that.
import tensorflow as tf
# Here goes the neural network weights as tf.Variable
x = tf.Variable(3.0)
# TensorFlow operations executed within the context of
# a GradientTape are recorded for differentiation
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# Doing the computation in the context of the gradient tape
# For example computing loss
y = x ** 2
# Getting the gradient of network weights w.r.t. loss
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x)
print(dy_dx) # Returns 6