Unexpected job aborting in jenkins when using katalon to execute automatic tests - selenium

I’m executing automatic tests using Katalon in console mode.
Sometimes job executed by Jenkins ends unexpectedly without any error.
Katalon Studio version 5.10.1,
Jenkins version 2.121.3
I've tried to find some Jenkins logs other than console logs, which logged why that job is aborted
Jenkins console logs:
/var/lib/jenkins/.katalon/5.10.1/Katalon_Studio_Linux_64-5.10.1/katalon -noSplash -runMode=console -projectPath=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/(...) -browserType=Firefox -testSuitePath=Test Suites/MainTestingSuite
Delete folder: Libs
Opening project file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/(...).prj
Request sent successfully.
[EL Warning]: 2019-05-10 13:54:15.046–Ignoring attribute [lastRun] on class [TestSuiteEntity] as no Property was generated for it.
**Build step ‘Execute shell’ changed build result to UNSTABLE**
Got SIGTERM, exiting
In exit
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :80
Killing Xvnc4 process ID 29224
Archiving artifacts
‘Reports/MainTestingSuite/’ doesn’t match anything, but ‘’ does. Perhaps that’s what you mean?
No artifacts found that match the file pattern “Reports/MainTestingSuite/”. Configuration error?
Recording test results
ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error?
Finished: FAILURE
Someone already had that problem? How to track that case?
I’m waiting for your answer.

I’ve finally found cause of that problem.
Katalon job failed like that, when you try executed two Katalon instances at the moment. I’ve changed number of executors at jenkins to 1, and problem is not occuring anymore.
Best Regards


NUnit tests are not restarted through VSTest in DevOps

I am using VSTest to run tests via Azure DevOps. Tests run successfully, but using the option rerun failed tests: true, an error appears during the restart phase.
NUnit 3.12.0 ;
NUnit Adapter (Checked with
vstest.console.exe "C:\agent2.172.2\_work\r1\a\UITest\drop\Tests.Web\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\Tests.Web.dll"
NUnit Adapter Test execution started
An exception occurred while invoking executor 'executor://nunit3testexecutor/': Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter Missing Operator '|' or '&'. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed.
How can I fix this error and successfully restart the tests in DevOps?
I tried googling for a similar issue but didn't find anything that would work. Any help is really appreciated
Here's similar discussion, according to comments from the Contributors of azure-pipelines-task repo:
1.You should update your VS and VSTest component within it to latest version since we don't support data driven tests for Rerun scenario. It will be available with VS 15.8 release and higher.
2.You should configure your VSTest task following this solution:
Recommended to give total number of your tests as input (Number of tests per batch).

Unable to run a test from MTM - Config issue

I have set up a Test Controller and Test Agent running in separate machines and they are able to communicate with each other.
When I try to run the test from MTM (Selenium Tests), the test failed with the below error message
(QTController.exe, PID 1104, Thread 15) Could not use lab service account to access the build directory.
Failure: Network path does not exist or is not accesible using following user:
using MYDEV\timothy.alex. Error Code: 67
(QTController.exe, PID 1104, Thread 15) TcmRunner: Error starting the test run: The build directory of the test run either does not exist or access permission is required..
This clearly mentions that the error is because of access issue. But when I try downloading the build from the url mentioned in the error log using the same credentials mentioned in the ERROR log, I am able to download the drop zip file.
Is there any thing I am missing in the set up. Any help would be really really great.
It looks like you're using the new task-based build system. You can't run automated tests from a task-based build from MTM at present -- you have to use the older XAML build system for that.

Empty codeception report, causes Jenkins build failure

In our Yii project we're using Jenkins CI and Codeception for different types of tests. The problem is, that codeception report is empty, which causes whole Jenkins build failure.
All tests are running without errors. Jenkins execute shell for codeception:
php codecept.phar run --xml --html
Console output error line which causes failure:
[xUnit] [ERROR] - The result file '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/project/workspace/code/protected/tests/_output/report.xml' for the metric 'PHPUnit' is empty. The result file has been skipped.
I understand simple logic, if report is empty -> build failed. But why is report empty? Is that a bug or can I do something about this?
The problem was, that in one of our tearDowns was the following line:
which makes Yii-Application die. For some reasons this caused that codeception has not generated the report.

TeamCity config fails on cleanup of selenium-server.jar

I've setup a TC configuration ready to run Selenium tests once we get a build agent able to run them.
This is the first TC config I've created but it was running until I got TC to run the Selenium test runner. Now it fails when it tries to cleanup the Selenium-server.jar.
Can you exclude file types from the cleanup or is there another solution that I'm missing here?
TC build errors;
> Problem reported from build script. New build status text is: : {build.status.text}; Swabra cleanup failed
> Error while applying patch: Error while applying patch: Failed to delete: C:\BuildAgent\work\f43641868cf93216\src\django_selenium\selenium-server.jar
You can configure Swabra cleaner to ignore your selenium-server.jar using path rule:
but it looks like there is a problem in selenium tests setup. The error message you posted may be caused by some process (most probably, selenium server) still running after tests are finished. It has locked the library and thats why swabra can't delete it.

jenkins error FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\selenium tests for moveon\moveon4tests1\build.xml

I am using Jenkins and Ant to run my selenium tests. It works fine when I run them on my local machine.
Now I have a Jenkins server which is on a different location and I have to run my tests on that server.
when I tried to run the tests on that server Its is failing because it couldn't find the build.xml file. can you please let me know how can I change the home directory path?
Started by user :**********
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/moveon4 java tests/workspace
FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\selenium tests for move\movetests1\build.xml
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Are you using "Invoke Ant" in your Jenkins job configuration for the build step that executes your Ant build ? If so, the build file location is hidden away in the Advanced section - it's an annoying quirk of Jenkins.