Can we use OSMnx to extract Street Networks from OSM in different years? Let me say 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 - osmnx

I am using OSMnx to extract street networks, but unfortunately, I can't obtain different years of street networks from OpenStreetMap. Does anyone have tips for doing that, please? Thanks.


Google BigQuery Cymbal Group data sets

This is not so much a programming question as it is a public data set question. Please let me know if there is a more appropriate venue to ask this.
I have been trying to find out more information about this data set:
About Cymbal: Google Cloud's demo brand
Cymbal Group
Synthetic datasets across industries showcasing Google Cloud.
​ I can not see it when I use the Explorer to browse
bigquery-public-data. I can see the cymbal_investments dataset but not
the one described above.
I am especially interested in the Retail Subsidiaries data such as:
Cymbal Superstore — An American superstore and grocer with a
multinational presence.
Cymbal Shops — An American retail chain selling homewares,
electronics, and clothing.
Cymbal Direct — An online direct-to-consumer Chicago-Based footwear
and apparel retailer.
Please let me know if you can point me to the right dataset.
Thanks for any suggestions.

ArcMap and attribute table

I am wondering how you can save multiple data for one point feature in ArcMap?
For example, I have a shape-file with point features, the data that needs to be included for each point feature consists of different years (2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010). Each year includes data such as total number of students, enrollments, est. How can I save this data in arcMap for each specific point feature?
I need to be able to save all data for individual point features, from which I can load into Geoserver, and when a point feature is selected in OpenLayers (Geoserver), all the (yearly) data will be displayed.
So far I have tried joining the data in arcmap, but when served up in GeoServer, only the year 2007 is displayed when a point feature is selected, and the rest of the years are not displayed (happens for all point features).
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
You may want to look into creating a One to Many join in ArcMap or see whether this is possible in Geoserver.
join your data and export it.. you will have a NEW shapefile for all the years together ..
It sounds like the locations of the points for all of the years are the same. If that is the case, then the "Spatial Join" tool within ArcMap is going to help you. The only annoying part when using that tool is that you will have to run it 3 separate times as you can only join two files at a time.
Another thing that helps with that tool is to that provide a numerical value for the search radius under "match option".
Its pretty simple. Please follow the following steps
Scenario: Let's consider we are sampling the water bore locations. So water source location will be the same. We will take samples for 5 conductive years.I am considering the Point fixed with changing years results.
1. Join all layers in arcmap.
2. Export this joined layer.
3. Again add in ArcMap.
4. Give unique symbology on the basis of Years. such as 2005, 2006,2007, 2008 etc.
5. Each colour will categorize the yearly basis results.
6. Import this layer in Geo Server.
7. Get this layer in your application.
8. Click on any point and Get the all year results.
Hope this is the answer.

Creating a Choropleth Map at the County Level

I'm trying to create an animation of the population density of the Appalachian region from roughly 1790 to 2010 in decennial steps at the county level.
I've successfully created a choropleth for 2010 by modifying what was done in this tutorial by Nathan Yau. I've run into a few problems. For one, US county boundaries evolve rapidly over time so I can't use the same SVG file as in the tutorial. I think I need to do the following:
Obtain historical county boundaries as GIS files from here.
Convert GIS files into SVG files using Kartograph (after installing its numerous dependencies).
Obtain population data (with FIPS info) for each county in Appalachian region since 1790 from US census data.
Mimic what was done in tutorial to create choropleth for each decade and stitch together into animation.
This just seems insanely complicated for something so simple and I'm new to a lot of this so I'm not convinced I'll be able to get all of it to work. I guess my questions are the following:
Will the strategy I outlined work? Is there a better/simpler way to do what I'm trying to do?
Also, as for getting the census data, this also seems harder than it has to be. I just want a simple .csv file with say FIPS label, county name, and population for a given year, and yet the best I can find is something like this with a link to the actual source in some arcane format.
Thanks for any help!
You can download tables of population data by county from the US Census here:

Google Fusion Table - Proximity Search

I might have gotten in over my head here, and am looking for any possible assistance, as I am really not familiar with writing code. If you can dumb down any possible answers, that'd be spectacular.
I created a Google Fusion Table that lists worldwide sea ports by city and country, and visualizes them on a map. I want to have the ability to type in an inland location and have the map mark the location, and advise the closest one or two seaports.
For example: I enter a location of Richmond, VA, and the map will mark Richmond, VA on the map, and advise that the Norfolk, VA and New York, NY sea ports would be closest.
I'm not sure where to begin to accomplish this. Is this too vague of a question? Any help provided will be greatly appreciated!
You can accomplish this using a bit of JavaScript code. The Fusion Tables Layer in the Google Maps API allows you to find the nearest n neighbors to a latitude, longitude coordinate. An example can be found here:
Here are the overall steps you would take to create the app:
Create an HTML page that has a search box plus a map with the Fusion Table Layer displaying the data from your table
When the user enters a search term, such as Richmond VA, you would geocode the string to get the lat/lon coordinate. You can use the Google Maps API geocoding service:
When you get the lat/lon coordinate, use this to update the query sent to the Fusion Tables Layer (similar to the example above) to show the 2 nearest ports.

Roads Shapefile Names

I have a shapefile with a road network and it seems like the roads are all listed as 1 big polyline. Is this typical is it possible to get a road network where the roads are listed individually and have names associated with them?
If someone sent me a shapefile of roads where all the roads were a single polyline, I would assume the person was playing a practical joke on me.
Typically, a useful shapefile of roads would at least be broken into a single line for each defined road, or even better, a network intersection-to-intersection segment shapes.
It's not a trivial task to split up a single polyline into a more useful multi-segmented shapefile.
Doing a quick Google search returns a couple of free solutions for shapefile editors although I can't vouch for any of them. I use my company's own codebase written in C# using Tatuk for working with shapefiles.