Zapier basic auth pass blank data - api

I have been trying to create an app in Zapier for one of my project. On the very first step, I am doing Authentication where I choose "Basic Auth" method. I have set API URL along with details, however cannot see the expected result and seeing error in my API return value. After debugging, I found that API doesn't get the value I pass thru the Zapier. I have checked the same API in postman and it works, however it only doesn't work thru the Zapier.
Below is even more detail how I proceed, what is expected result and what I am getting:
Process we're following
We have created an App
We went to Authentication step, there we have selected “Basic Auth” option
Under the Basic Auth, we have configure with setting end point and method is “Post”
We have set our field names as Key and as value we have set “{{bundle.authData.password}” and “{{bundle.authData.username}}” in order to field mapping
Then came to Step 2 to test the authentication
Under the “Test Setup”, we have connected the current Zapier account and clicked on “Test Authentication”
This process doesn’t post any value in parameters. Hope I could explain the issue, please help us to find where we’re going wrong.
Expected Result
"data": {
"first_name": "Dhaval",
"last_name": "Parekh",
"email_address": "",
"phone_no": "1234567890",
"user_id": "7oiA****",
"token_id": "zNkzT***"
"resend_verification_link": false,
"status": true,
"message": "You have successfully Logged in!!"
Actual Result
"resend_verification_link": false,
"status": false,
"message": "The password must contain a minimum of one lower case character. one upper case character, one digit"
What I understand after spending too much time, is it doesn't send the data with post method and hence I'm getting this issue. While it works fine with the Get Method. So, should I consider that Basic Auth will only with work with "Get" method in Zapier? Or I'm missing any piece to include here?
Please let me know what is missing? Or even I'm going thru the wrong root. I want to create an app in Zapier to allow other apps to connect.


Google Civic API: 400 Bad Request [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
400 BAD request HTTP error code meaning?
(10 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
This is my first time using an API, and i'm trying to figure out what exactly i'm doing wrong here. I'm trying to do the simple tutorial as seen here
I'm using and the code i'm using is...
Public Sub New()
Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim iplookup As String = webClient.DownloadString("<AIzaoKpBLK6uOqCJovCHmbHWYavDxx4cA-3_v8>")
End Sub
And I keep getting a 400 bad request error and i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any and all help is much appreciated. As I said, this is my first time using an API so please dumb it down if you could. Also, I changed a few characters in my key to post this.
Accessing the link you used on the code, you get more details about the error, specifically this:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "keyInvalid",
"message": "Bad Request"
"code": 400,
"message": "Bad Request"
Meaning you API Key is invalid. First of all, I surely don't think the "<" and ">" are part of the key, so try removing that first. Then, you should check you account to see if you are using the correct key. If it still doesn't work, check restrictions.
Go to your Google API Console, on the left side click on Credentials, and there should be your Key. If it's not, create one. Check your restrictions to make sure you can access it, then click the little copy button on the right side to make sure your are not copying it wrong. Replace the APIKEYHERE and nothing else on the following link with your key, making sure to not add anything else, and try to access it in your browser. If you have no setting in your API you should get an Error 403, meaning you didn't configure the access:

"integrationuser" is not an Active user in KissFlow

I am using kissflow API to attach file but I am getting this error
"error": "ValidationError The user integrationuser#xxxxxxx is not an
Active user" }
I am using this url with data {Name:'xxxxx','Url':'xxxxxx'} as suggested in Doc Quotation/Sxxxxxx9/attachment/create
I already created request for this with this url
And got success result with id and subject
Id": "d442c98a-bca2-11e8-9ac6-c7734a25d32a",
"Subject": "Request from integrationuser#ap9d9afe30_96bd_11e8_a251_0e8f5e2360a0"
Please help me to understand why this error comes.
Note : I am using test account.
And there is no such user with name integrationuser in Users
I got the same error, in my case im using a real account.
Create a valid account for use in integrations e.g.
Add the header "email_id" with the email of this user ""
It works for me with a valid account.
However i need to pay by a license for it =P.
I'm talking with support for a better solution using default integrationuser, i will post here the answer from support for clarify this situation.
You can see this solution on documentation here :

slashDB accessing a database via POST request and using APIkey yields 403 error

Question about security for POST method of HTTP:
I made a user called "MyAPP":
"userdef": [
"api_key": "dzn8k7hj2sdgddlvymfmefh1k2ddjl05",
"user_id": "MyAPP",
"name": "MyAPP",
"creator": "admin",
"edit": [],
"dbdef": [
"querydef": [
"databases": {
"Gaming": {
"dbuser": "mydbuser_here",
"dbpass": "mypass_here"
"email": "",
"view": []
Then I wanted to issue a POST in order to execute a SQL Pass-thru
such as this:
Where I built a query and named it "InsertBestScore":
insert into Gaming.Leaderboard
(ScreenName, Score)
(:ScreenName, :Score);
If I run this via POSTMAN using the POST method:
... then I get an access, 403 :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<description>Access was denied to this resource. Please log in with your username/password or resend your request with a valid API key.</description>
Also, I would be calling this POST (or PUT) request from an application, in my case a Python program running from within a AWS Lambda Function.
Now, I came across this in the documentation:
Two parameters API key
SlashDB also allows a two parameters credentials in this authentication method - app id and api key. This may come handy when integrating with API management systems like 3Scale. By default header and query string argument would be:
• appid - identifies certain application
• apikey - secret for the application
Request with API key in header - Access granted
... however in the example above, I don't see where the appid comes into play.
Can you tell me how one would call the SlashDB endpoint and pass a APIkey and assure that the userid is known as MyAPP.
So, to sum up, the Documentation mentions:
• Another application utilizes an API key to authenticate, which is sent with every request. The application is recognized as SlashDB user App2, which uses database login db_admin. Effectively this application can SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE data.
So I want to actually, do just what is in that bullet: Identify myself as the user (instead of App2, I'm user MyAPP), and then use the dbuser and dbpass that was assigned to access that "Gaming" database.
Make sure you've given user MyAPP permission to execute the query.
To do so:
login as admin,
go to Configure -> Queries,
open your query definition,
update field Execute. It accepts comma separated user ids.
OK, there are really two questions here:
Why was access denied?
What is the appid and how to use it.
Ad. 1: There are two authorization barriers that the request has to clear.
The first one is imposed by SlashDB in that the user executing the query must be listed in the Execute field on the query definition screen. This is done under Configure -> Queries -> "edit" button on your query.
The second barrier is imposed by the database. The SlashDB user who is executing your POST request must be mapped to a physical database user with INSERT privileges to the Gaming.Leaderboard table. It goes without saying that this database user must be associated with the database schema in which the table exists.
Ad. 2. To enable the appid the user api key must be composed out of two parts separated by colon ":". The first part will be interpreted as the appid and the second will be the apikey.
To do that, use Configuration -> Users -> 'edit' button for the user in question. Then simply add a colon at the beginning of the API key and type in your desired appid to the left of the colon. The app will have to supply both keys to execute the request. Note that the names of those keys (i.e. appid) are configurable in /etc/slashdb/slashdb.ini.
The reasoning behind this feature is to facilitate API Management platforms, which can help with key management, especially when API will be exposed to third party developers.

Wit AI response for API requests

I'm using wit ai for a bot and I think it's amazing. However, I must provide the customer with screens in my web app to train and manage the app. And here I found a big problem (or maybe I'm just lost). The documentation of the REST API is not enough to design a client that acts like the wit console (not even close). it's like a tutorial of what endpoints you can hit and an overview of the parameters, but no clean explanation of the structure of the response.
For example, there is no endpoint to get the insights edge. Also and most importantly, no clear documentation about the response structure when hitting the message endpoints (i.e. the structure the returned entities: are they prebuilt or not, and if they are, is the value a string or an object or array, and what the object might contain [e.g. datetime]). Also the problem of the deprecated guide and the new guide (the new guide should be done and complete by now). I'm building parts of the code based on my testing. Sometimes when I test something new (like adding a range in the datetime entity instead of just a value), I get an error when I try to set the values to the user since I haven't parsed the response right, and the new info I get makes me modify the DB structure at my end sometimes.
So, the bottom line, is there a complete reference that I can implement a complete client in my web app (my web app is in Java by the way and I couldn't find a client library that handles the latest version of the API)? Again, the tool is AWESOME but the documentation is not enough, or maybe I'm missing something.
The document is not enough of course but I think its pretty straightforward. And from what I read there is response structure under "Return the meaning of a sentence".
It's response in JSON format. So you need to decode the response first.
Example Request:
$ curl -XGET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN'
Example Response:
"msg_id": "387b8515-0c1d-42a9-aa80-e68b66b66c27",
"_text": "how many people between Tuesday and Friday",
"entities": {
"metric": [ {
"metadata": "{'code': 324}",
"value": "metric_visitor",
"confidence": 0.9231
} ],
"datetime": [ {
"value": {
"from": "2014-07-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"to": "2014-07-02T00:00:00.000-07:00"
"confidence": 1
}, {
"value": {
"from": "2014-07-04T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"to": "2014-07-05T00:00:00.000-07:00"
"confidence": 1
} ]
You can read more about response structure under Return the meaning of a sentence

How to get AWS API Gateway to validate JSON Body against Model

The newly released "x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" (in April I believe) is supposed to be able to run a JSON schema validation against the POST/PUT payload of an API.
I've tried to implement this in several different ways now but I can't make it work...
I have added the validators:
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators": {
"ValidateBody": {
"validateRequestParameters": false,
"validateRequestBody": true
"ValidateHeaders": {
"validateRequestParameters": true,
"validateRequestBody": false
For any methind I will look for specific headers so I also have the parameters in the "root" of the Swagger:
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator": "ValidateHeaders"
In the POST I have a x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator: ValidateBody and then a Model with the JSON schema where several elements are required.
I can however POST anything as long as it is JSON... There is no validation against the JSON schema done...
What am I missing?
It is working!
There is a time lag between the deploy and the actual usage of the new code even though I am not doing any caching it seems.
Went out for lunch and came back to a working solution!
"message": "Invalid request body"
It would be nice to be able to modify the response message though...