Apache can't reach site when I pass parameters to the page - apache

I am working with TwoRavens which I deployed to Apache server on a docker container.
Now whenever I try to access the TwoRavens instance, I can do that by requesting this link: localhost:85/dataexplore/gui.html which works just fine and shows the page I requested.
However, when I try to pass some parameters to the page (which I should to perform some actions):
Apache throws a message indicating that this site can't be reached.


Myaccount and Console apps in WSO2IS-5.11.0 are not working when the server started with port offset

Changing the port by changing the offset in the deployment.toml or using -DportOffset doesn't get applied to the Console and the My Account applications.
How to reproduce:
Change the offset by adding the following config to the deployment.toml
Start the server
Access the console app from https://localhost:9445/console
Access the my account app from https://localhost:9445/myaccount
Following error is displayed.
Observed, that the reason is that the callback URL is not changed when the hostname or port is changed. Even changing the URLs manually from the management console is not allowed.
What is the recommendation to get Myaccount and Console apps working when hostname or port is changed?
An approach is to manually change the callback URL of the Myaccount and Console apps accordingly when a port or hostname change is done in the server, by removing these applications from the system applications list.
Change hostname or port of the server
Remove Myaccount and Console apps from read only system apps by adding the following to the deployment.toml
read_only_apps = []
Restart the server
Update callback URL of the myaccount and console apps from the management console accordingly.
Change the issuer URI of the Resident IDP accordingly.
These applications can be hosted externally. In that case the callback URLs can have different hostnames and ports.
Thus, it is not good to change the callback URLs automatically. So, the manual option is Aysh pointed in the above comment is the recommended approach ATM.

Persits ASPPDF ImportFromUrl ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out

We have a test website that uses Persits ASPPDF to build a PDF using the ImportFromUrl method. It works fine on our test domain, but when I use the same code on another domain (and crucially perhaps, a sub-domain) I get the "MSXML2::ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out." error.
This leads me to think its related to the problem outlined in
"the calling Active Server Page (ASP) should not send requests to an ASP in the same virtual directory or to another virtual directory in the same pool or process. This can result in poor performance due to thread starvation."
So perhaps the config of the two servers hosting the two sites (test and live) are different - and if so what would that be? - Or you can't run this method on a sub-domain? Any guidance out there please?
I've had the same issue for weeks and finally found out what the problem was. In my case, it was because I had set to True the options that allow the debug of classic ASP code, without which I could not debug using visual studio. Setting those options back to False fixed the issue.

HTTPS Load Balancing Google Container Cluster

I'm trying to load balance a cluster that is exposing port 7654. I've followed the instructions here. When following it exactly (creating the nginx cluster), it works fine, but when I try to apply it to my containers I can't get it to pass the health check. If I use kubectl to expose 7654 with LoadBalancer instead of NodePort, I'm able to connect, so it seems that the container is working fine. Does anyone have any advice for creating a load balancer?
According to https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/health-checks#overview a successful health check "must return a valid HTTP response with code 200 and close the connection normally within the timeoutSec period". It's possible that your empty response wasn't closing the HTTP connection and adding HTML content caused your backend to close the connection.

OOM Error on JBoss 4.11

We are maintaining an application which uses Jboss as its AS. Recently customer complained about OOM error and he was unable to login. We restarted Jboss and added configurations to collect heapdump.
Customer's application usage pattern: Customer opens a page containing 10 charts which are rendered in an inframe. Flex is used for UI. This page refreshes itself every 5 minutes.
Request Flow: The application is built in such a way that all the requests go through Apache (Http) proxy server. Every 5 minutes the dashboard request has to pass through Apache proxy server.
After 5 days OOM error occurred and on analyzing the heapdump we noticed that the error was due to "org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession", loaded by "org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedClassLoader3 # 0x7b440dd70" occupy 1,776,569,336 (87.71%) bytes.
Full description is:
847,599 instances of "org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession", loaded by "org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedClassLoader3 # 0x7b440dd70" occupy 1,776,569,336 (87.71%) bytes. These instances are referenced from one instance of "org.apache.catalina.Session[]", loaded by "org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedClassLoader3 # 0x7b440dd70"
org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedClassLoader3 # 0x7b440dd70
Common Path To the Accumulation Point says:
java.lang.Thread # 0x7b4a5f358 ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[jboss.web]]
org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession # 0x797b49b70
I am new to Jboss and proxy servers. How to debug this issue? Could you please help me.
org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession is a class representing user http session. I would say, that your every request creates new http session on JBoss which is never expired. Either pass session cookie back to JBoss with every refresh to reuse sessions and not to create new ones. Or configure sensible http session expiration policy in you JBoss.
Good luck,
Plumbr team

wsman requests in apache server

I had configured mod_wsman module in apache server. got xml error response when entering ip address in browser. I have also configured mod_wsgi module for web.py python web framework for rendering web pages. So I had given valid urls in browser, it didn't displayed.
Is any body working on mod_wsman.
Apache and WSMAN services are run in a separate process state. Apache is working in 80 ports, while WSMAN service work in other ports, such as port 8889.
Module to write the most important is to write the the wsman a hook function wsman_handler (request_rec * r), its incoming parameter is a pointer point to the Apache message, the beginning of the function is to determine the type of request, if not is wsman request, the module returns DECLINED The code shown below,
if( strcmp(r->handler, "wsman-handler")) if (strcmp (r-> handler, "wsman-handler"))
return DECLINED; return DECLINED