SQL Server : large data import with clustered index - sql

Performance-wise, does a clustered index help or not when bulk inserting hundreds of millions of rows in a table?
LE: after the INSERTs I have to put the database into production so I will have to create the one or more indexes.

A clustered index specifies that the data is ordered on the data pages.
When you are inserting data, the new data has to be sorted and compared to existing values. This is going to incur overhead.
The one exception is when you have an identity column -- that is being generated during the insert. Then the database knows that the new data goes "at the end" of the table.

Indexes are meant for speeding up retrieval (SELECT) of rows. They only have anti-effect with respect to INSERT or DELETE or UPDATE. And, in your case, if INSERT is the predominant operation to be performed in your system, don't go for indexes at all. Even in your Production system, assess the ratio between retrieval operations and insert/update operations and if it turns out to be that the retrieval operation is going to be dominant, then you can think of indexes.
Note: Whenever we define a Primary Key on a table, a basic index structure is already created for that table. So, without any specific need for retrieval optimization, there is no actual need to design and implement indexes.
You can know more here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sql-indexes/


Why is only reading faster in an indexed table and not writing?

The data structure used for indexing in a DB table is B-Tree (default, out of B-Tree, R-Tree, Hash). Since look-ups, deletions, and insertions can all be done in logarithmic time in a B-Tree, then why is only reading from an indexed table is faster and but writing is slower?
Indexes are only used for speeding up SELECT statements. For INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE your statements will be slower than normal due to the index needing to be updated as part of the statement.
I should maybe clarify on the UPDATE/DELETE point. It is true that the statements will be slowed down due to the change to the index added to the overhead, however the initial lookup part (WHERE) of the UPDATE and DELETE statement could be sped up due to the index. Basically any place a WHERE clause is used and you reference the indexed fields, the record selection part of that statement should see some increase.
Also, if an UPDATE statement does not alter any of the columns that are part of an index then you should not see any additional slowness as the index is not being updated.
Because indexes require additional disk space. Indexes increase the amount of data that needs to be logged and written to a database. Indexes reduce write performance. When a column covered by an index is updated, that index also must be updated. Similarly any deletes or insert requires updating the relevant indexes.
The disk space and write penalties of indexes is precisely why you need to be careful about creating indices.
That said, updates to non-indexed columns can have their performance improved with indexes.
UPDATE Table SET NonIndexedColumn = 'Value' WHERE IndexedKey = 'KeyValue'
Will be faster than this:
UPDATE Table SET IndexedColumn = 'Value' WHERE IndexedKey = 'KeyValue'
But the above two will likely both be faster than this in any reasonably sized table:
UPDATE Table SET NonIndexedColumn = 'Value' WHERE NonIndexedKey = 'KeyValue'
Deletes, especially single deletes, can similarly be faster even though the table and the indexes need to be updated. This is simply because the query engine can find the target row(s) faster. That is, it can be faster to read an index, find the row, and remove the row and update the index, instead of scanning the entire table for the correct rows and removing the relevant ones. However, even in this case there is going to be more data to write; it's just that the IO cost of scanning an entire table could be fairly high compared to an index.
Finally, in theory, a clustering key that spreads inserts across multiple disk pages can allow the system to support more concurrent inserts since inserts typically require page locks to function, but that is a somewhat uncommon situation and it may result in worse read performance due to fragmenting your clustered indexes.
INSERT and DELETE have to update every index for the table (and the heap if there's no clustered index), in order to maintain consistency. UPDATEs may get away with updating fewer indexes, depending on which columns have been affected by the update (because only those indices that index/include those columns have to be updated)
A SELECT, on the other hand, is only reading and so, if an index contains all columns required by the SELECT, only that index has to be accessed. We know that the data in that index is accurate precisely because the modification operations are required to maintain that consistency.

SQL Index - Recreate after DELETE

I have a temp table #Data, that I populate inside a stored procedure.
It contains like 15M rows.
Then I create a clustered index, say IX_Data, for a couple of column of the temp table #Data.
Then I delete from #Data which deletes like 1M rows (keeping the total rows 14M now).
My question: at this point, should I drop IX_Data and recreate it?
#Data is being referred further in the rest of the stored procedure just at one place.
You should not. Indexes are maintained by dbms automatically and always kept in sync.
That's why it's not recommended to create more indexes than you need since it's a performance penalty for every DML query.
You don't specify which database you are on (maybe it's Oracle?), but your question seems about fragmentation, since data integrity should be mantained in every database even if you delete a million of rows (so there's no need to drop and recreate an index for data integrity).
So, how do you know if your index is fragmented (so you need to recreate, or better, rebuild it)? Every database has his method. Oracle has internal tables from which you can determine if an object is fragmented.
But it depends on your type of database.

Drop/Rebuild indexes during Bulk Insert

I have got tables which has got more than 70 million records in it; what I just found that developers were dropping indexes before bulk insert and then creating again after the bulk insert is over. Execution time for the stored procedure is nearly 30 mins (do drop index, do bulk insert, then recreate index from scratch
Advice: Is this a good practice to drop INDEXs from table which has more than 70+ millions records and increasing by 3-4 million everyday.
Would it be help to improve performance by not dropping index before bulk insert ?
What is the best practice to be followed while doing BULK insert in BIG TABLE.
Thanks and Regards
Like everything in SQL Server, "It Depends"
There is overhead in maintaining indexes during the insert and there is overhead in rebuilding the indexes after the insert. The only way to definitively determine which method incurs less overhead is to try them both and benchmark them.
If I were a betting man I would put my wager that leaving the indexes in place would edge out the full rebuild but I don't have the full picture to make an educated guess. Again, the only way to know for sure is to try both options.
One key optimization is to make sure your bulk insert is in clustered key order.
If I'm reading your question correctly, that table is pretty much off limits (locked) for the duration of the load and this is a problem.
If your primary goal is to increase availability/decrease blocking, try taking the A/B table approach.
The A/B approach breaks down as follows:
Given a table called "MyTable" you would actually have two physical tables (MyTable_A and MyTable_B) and one view (MyTable).
If MyTable_A contains the current "active" dataset, your view (MyTable) is selecting all columns from MyTable_A. Meanwhile you can have carte blanche on MyTable_B (which contains a copy of MyTable_A's data and the new data you're writing.) Once MyTable_B is loaded, indexed and ready to go, update your "MyTable" view to point to MyTable_B and truncate MyTable_A.
This approach assumes that you're willing to increase I/O and storage costs (dramatically, in your case) to maintain availability. It also assumes that your big table is also relatively static. If you do follow this approach, I would recommend a second view, something like MyTable_old which points to the non-live table (i.e. if MyTable_A is the current presentation table and is referenced by the MyTable view, MyTable_old will reference MyTable_B) You would update the MyTable_old view at the same time you update the MyTable view.
Depending on the nature of the data you're inserting (and your SQL Server version/edition), you may also be able to take advantage of partitioning (MSDN blog on this topic.)

Insert data into a huge table with Indexes

I need to insert data and the amount of data is pretty huge. There are some indexes that I need to define on this table. So, my question is...which is better and why
Create table --> Insert Data --> Create Indexes
or, Create table --> Create Indexes --> Insert Data
choice #1 will be faster because it's more efficent to build an index from scratch than by adding records one after another. That again is because the records will be sorted beforehand and the index blocks are filled up and written in an ordered manner. In oracle you can also use ´create index ... nologging´ to avoid creating the redo log.
When you build an index oracle can sort the whole table in it's temporary sort space, then build the index from this.
If you have the index built already, then for each row inserted, it has to lookup the position in the index where the new value will go, then add the value to the index.
So it's a lot quicker to load the data then build the index
Choice #1 will usually be faster, but there are cases where Choice #2 could be faster - i.e. where you have multiple INSERTs, and one or more subsequent inserts query the same table and use one or more of the indexes.
Another consideration, of course, is if there will be concurrent activity from other sessions before/while the data is loaded - they might suffer if they have no indexes to take advantage of.

Index and Insert Operations

I have one job with around 100K records to process. This job truncates the destination tables, and then insert all the records "one at a time", not a batch insert, in these tables.
I need to know how indexes will take affect as these records are inserted? Whether cost of creating index during the job will be more than benefit from using them?
Are there any best practices or optimization hints in such situation?
This kind of question can only be answered on a case-by-case basis. However the following general considerations may be of help:
Unless some of the data for the inserts comes from additional lookups and such, No index is useful during INSERT (i.e. for this very operation, indexes may of course be useful for other queries under other sessions/users....)
[on the other hand...] The presence of indexes on a table slows down the INSERT (or more generally UPDATE or DELETE) operations
The order in which the new records are added may matter
Special consideration is to be had with regards if the table is a clustered index
Deciding whether to drop indexes (all of them or some of them) prior to the INSERT operation depends much on the relative number of records (added vs. readily in)
INSERT operations may often introduce index fragmentation, which is in of itself an additional incentive to mayve drop the index(es) prior to data load, then to rebuild it (them).
In general, adding 100,000 records is "small potatoes" for MS-SQL, and unless of a particular situation such as unusually wide records, or the presence of many (and possibly poorly defined) constraints of various nature, SQL Server should handle this load in minutes rather than hours on most any hardware configuation.
The answer to this question is very different depending if the indexes you're talking about are clustered or not. Clustered indexes force SQL Server to store data in sorted order, so if you try to insert a record that doesn't sort to the bottom the end of your clustered index, your insert can result in significant reshuffling of your data, as many of your records are moved to make room for your new record.
Nonclustered indexes don't have this problem; all the server has to do is keep track of where the new record is stored. So if your index is clustered (most clustered indexes are primary keys, but this is not required; run "sp_helpindex [TABLENAME]" to find out for sure), you would almost certainly be better off adding the index after all of your inserts are done.
As to the performance of inserts on nonclustered indexes, I can't actually tell you; in my experience, the slowdown hasn't been enough to worry about. The index overhead in this case would be vastly outweighed by the overhead of doing all your inserts one at a time.
Edit: Since you have the luxury of truncating your entire table, performance-wise, you're almost certainly better off dropping (or NOCHECKing) your indexes and constraints before doing all of your inserts, then adding them back in at the end.
The insert statement is the only operation that cannot directly benefit from indexing because it has no where clause.
The more the indexes table has more slower execution becomes .
If there are indexes on the table, the database must make sure the new entry is also found via these indexes. For this reason it has to add the new entry to each and every index on that table. The number of indexes is therefore a multiplier for the cost of an insert statement.
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