Using flex with react native maps? - react-native

absoluteFillObject it's the only way to get map working?
I want to distribute the screen in this way
map - flex 3
bottom layout (eg taxi details) - flex 1
but I can't get the map working with flex (variable size) without getting an error about the map size can't be 0
It's important the map don't use the whole screen because the center of the map it's not the center of the screen since we have a bottom layout using part of the screen
As a workaround i use marginBottom to avoid the bottom layout height but that way I have to give a fixed height to the bottom layout and I lose the flexible size

<View style={{width:'100%', height:'100%'}}>
<Map style={{width:'100%', height:'75%'}}></Map>
<OtherComponent style={{width:'100%', height:'25%'}}></OtherComponent>
I faced same issue with Map and flex combination. I just give height in percentage and its work for me. You can try with above code for your solutions.

The Nirmalsinh's solution work, but I would suggest just wrap the map view in a flex container, e.g.:
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
<MapView height: '100%'}}/>

This works for me...
<View style={styles.container}>
and the styles,
container: {
height: 540, // you can customize this
width: 400, // you can customize this
alignItems: "center"
map: {


RecyclerListView Error in React Native APP

This is my code:
And I get the error:
LayoutException: RecyclerListView needs to have a bounded size.
Currently height or, width is 0.Consider adding style={{flex:1}} or,
fixed dimensions
According to a few issues from Github it solves easy (wrap it and set minHeight/minWidth = 1 in a wrapper).
<View style={{ minHeight: 1, minWidth: 1 }}>
<RecyclerListView ... />
PS: For my case (vertical list) I added 'minHeight: 1' only.
Wrap your recyclerlistview in a view
You can give height to the view or you can give height to the style under recyclerlistview. Example:
<View style={{
height:"100%"}> //Here
style={{height:"100%",}} //or Here, If you add here then the last row of your rendered data list will not have any issue and may fulfill your all issues
<Text style={{padding:10, fontWeight:"bold", textAlign:"center"}}>
Loading... </Text>

Overlapping components of same width and height

Is it possible to implement ReactNative layout containing two components, where 2nd component overlaps 1st one and has the same width, possibly also same height (without hardcoding width/height of course)? It is easy to implement something like that in native Android, but I can't find example for ReactNative. I'd be surprised if it is not possible though.
You could try below
<View style={{ flex: 1 }} >
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
// 1st component
<View style={StyleSheet.absolueFill}>
// 2st component

How to make an image of a <ImageBackground> tag darker (React Native)

I'm trying to create an image with a text on it, and in order for the the text to be clearly seen I need to make the image darker.
Also (don't sure if it matters or not) I need the background image to be touchable.
This question was asked several times here and I've seen some answers, but none of them worked for me, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something more crucial here.
My code is the following:
<View style={postStyles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>
<ImageBackground source={require('../../assets/images/my_img.jpg')}
style={{width: '100%', height: 150}}>
<Text style={postStyles.title} numberOfLines={2}>
My text
From looking around here, I've tried the following solutions:
Tried to wrap the text element inside the imagebackground tag inside a
View element that has a style property of "backgroundColor" with value of 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)' (also tried different values),
Tried to add this backgroundColor property to the styles of both the container itself, the TouchableOpacity element
Tried to above two solutions with the "elevation" property instead of backgroundColor (I work in Android).
None of the above solutions worked, in a sense that the background image didn't change at all, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something more crucial.
If anyone still having problems with the ImageBackground component, this is how i solved it, basically i set a view inside the image background which has the backgroundColor that darkens the image.
<View style={styles.innerContainer}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
imageBackground: {
height: '100%',
width: '100%'
innerContainer: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.60)'
if you want to make the image darker, you'll need the Image component and use the tintColor prop like:
<Image source={require('./your_image.png')} style={{ tintColor: 'cyan' }}>
this tintColor prop only works for Image component not ImageBackground, also if you want to add a text on the Image component, you'll need to positioning that text with position: 'absolute' or 'relative'
<View style={postStyles.container}>
onPress={() => his.props.navigation.navigate('AnotherWindow')}>}
style={{ width: '100%', height: 150, tintColor: 'cyan' }}
<Text style={postStyles.title} numberOfLines={2}>
My text
Also, if you implement this approach you'll need to calculate the dimensions of the screen for each device, well you'll need to check this other component from react-native:
Please, let me know if this works :D
You should just add tintColor to ImageBackground imageStyle and you're done. easy peasy!
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('AnotherWindow')}>
<ImageBackground source={require('../../assets/images/my_img.jpg')}
style={{width: '100%', height: 150}}
imageStyle={{tintColor: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'}}>
<Text style={postStyles.title} numberOfLines={2}>
My text

FlatList not filling 100% height in react-native

I got a FlatList that occupies the 50% of the vertical space on the screen.
This FlatList has only a few items, and because of this, is not taking the entire space but only the half of it, and when I scroll up/down, it looks as if it has overflow: hidden.
I read this in the RN GitHub about it, they recommended using flexGrow: 1 on the FlatList's contentContainerStyle, also the parent View with flex: 1. But is not working. Is this still working? They said to use it on ScrollViews, but isn't FlatList inherited from ScrollView or something like that?
This is my current structure:
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
style={ styles.cardContainer }
keyExtractor={ this._keyExtractor }
data={ this.state.listData }
renderItem={ this._renderItem }
You actually want to put flex onto your FlatList. Currently you have it on your contentContainerStyle.
So flex:1 on your FlatList will make it fill the rest of the container.
You'll want to adapt this to your solution depending on what you currently have in styles.cardContainer.
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<View style={{ height: Dimensions.get("window").height * 0.25 }} />
style={{ flex: 1 }}
data={["1", "2", "3"]}
Set the contentContainerStyle of the FlatList to flexGrow: 1 will not block the scroll functionality on long list.
There might have issue with the old version, but latest works just fine.
To add onto this 2 years later, i had a justifyContent:center on my list container and that was what made the flex not fill the entire space. Otherwise flexGrow works.

React Native FlatList last item visibility issue

I am fetching products list and then displaying using a FlatList, my list contains 5 items and as you can see FlatList row height is variable because of varying description text. So the issue is my last item card is not completely visible maybe this is some kind of flat list issue or layout issue. Any help would be highly appreciated
renderProducts() {
if (this.props.loading === true) {
return (
<View style={Styles.spinnerStyle}>
<ActivityIndicator size='large' />
return (
keyExtractor={(item) =>}
renderItem={({ item }) => (
uri: item.image !== null ? item.image.src :'../resImage.jpg'
<Text style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>
icon={{ name: 'code' }}
buttonStyle={{ borderRadius: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0 }}
title='VIEW NOW'
render() {
return (
<View style={Styles.viewStyle}>
<Text style {Styles.textStyle}>ProductsList</Text>
Set bottom padding to the <FlatList> content container:
contentContainerStyle={{ paddingBottom: 20 }}
Add {flex: 1} to the View tag housing the Flatlist component.
In my case,
const App = () => {
return (
<Provider store={createStore(reducers)}>
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Header headerText={'My App'} />
<ScreenTabs /> // this is my content with FlatList
export default App;
Just wrap it in a view with flex:1
<ParentView style={{flex:1}
<View style={{flex:1}}>
// Your flatlist
Also, note that the each parent of this "View" in which Flatlist is wrapped must also be a View with Flex of 1. Otherwise, that your flatlist wont be visible.
use contentContainerStyle props of FlatList
<FlatList contentContainerStyle={{ paddingBottom: 20}} />
Latest update:
react-navigation has a SafeAreaView with an option to not show that bottom area.
import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-navigation';
<SafeAreaView forceInset={{ bottom: 'never' }} />
Old response below:
You can't see your list with flex: 1 because flex: 1 will grow the component to the parent. If the parent doesn't have flex: 1, it won't stretch to its parent or the screen. Keep in mind, however, that flex: 1 with a SafeAreaView will cause the bottom safe area to show. This will look bad if your SafeAreaView backgroundColor is a different color from your list's back ground.
My old workaround was to add an item to the bottom of the array of items, but I'm still exploring how to scroll past/under the bottom safe area margin with a FlatList (which is how I found this post to begin with).
Update: Using ListFooterComponent you can create even a plain white "footer" with height and/or a margin
For example (I wouldn't directly copy and paste this if I were you... there's surely a better way to detect bezel-less iPhones, especially in 2019 when we have more than one)
ListFooterComponent={<View style={{ height: 0, marginBottom: 90 }}></View>}
This is how I would do it, using the iPhoneX's height for now. But it's not future-proof since the conditional will need to be updated every time a new iPhone with no bezels comes out:
ListFooterComponent={<View style={{ height: 0, marginBottom: noBezels ? 90 : 0 }}></View>}
Or you could just always have some spacing at the bottom, like a loading gif, a message... whatever.
I found out about react-native-device-info which has a hasNotch() method. I find that useful for styling for iPhones with no bezels by combining hasNotch() with Platform.OS === 'ios'
You can try this solution
For Vertical FlatList:
ListFooterComponent={<View />}
For Horizontal FlatList:
For IOS issues you can apply some IOS specific props:
// ...
contentInset={{top: 0, bottom: 20, left: 0, right: 0}}
// ...
The solution with contentContainerStyle padding didn't seem the best overall for fixing the safe area IOS issues in my case.
Work very well for me
contentContainerStyle={{ paddingBottom: 30 }}
style={{height: '95%'}}
renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
<ListItem item={item} onPress={() => handlePress(item, index)} />
Make use of the contentContainerStyle prop in the flatlist
<FlatList contentContainerStyle={{paddingBottom: 10}} />
For dynamic flatlist, you can assign height to the parent view. I resolved it with same.
<View style={{height:'80%'}}>
I had the same issue and found the solution. To fix the issue just add style={{flex: 1}} for each View element who is a parent for FlatList.
See updated code below.
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}> // Here you should add style as {flex: 1}
<View style={Styles.viewStyle}>
<Text style={Styles.textStyle}>ProductsList</Text>
{ this.renderProducts() }
This worked for me.
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
style={{flex: 1}}
renderItem={({item}) => (
<ListItem item={item} onPress={() => handlePress(item)} />
#krish solution is great for the fixed-size list items, however as
#Neeraj Sewani said, it may not be suitable for dynamic size list items.
so you can fix the issue like this -in case direction is column -:
<View style={{height: '90%'}}>
Otherwise, -in case direction is row -:
<View style={{height: '90%', width:'90%'}}>
I was seeing this same problem in our Android + iOS React Native hybrid app. We embed the FlatList component within our native UIs inside a Fragment in Android and we were unable to scroll to the last item in the list, even though the scroll indicator would show that there was more to scroll, the ScrollView would simply not scroll further. I tried all the combinations of using a wrapping <View style={{flex:1}}> to wrap the FlatList as well as using contentContainerStyle={{flexGrow:1}} on the FlatList without success. Pursuing the clue further it turned out that the FlatList needs an absolute, predefined height on Android to allow scroll to the bottom - it works just fine on iOS but on Android using match_parent wasn't going to work. Since we need to support all types of devices, phone and tablet too, it wasn't possible to pre-define an absolute height either.
To fix this, I made a custom FrameLayout subclass to house the ReactRootView's fragment, which overrides onLayout() to ignore the child view measurements, forcing the views to have the exact dimensions of the FrameLayout, somewhat like so in Kotlin:
class StretchFrameLayout #JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : FrameLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
override fun onLayout(changed: Boolean, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int) {
for (child in children){
if (child.visibility == View.GONE) continue
child.updateLayoutParams {
this.width = measuredWidth
this.height = measuredHeight
if (needsRelayout){
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom)
This work very well in my case:
contentContainerStyle={{ height: '100%' }}
renderItem={({ item }) => <Todos items={item} pressed={pressed} />}
I've solved it doing contentInset={{ bottom: data.length * itemStyle.height, }} with itemStyle.height being 50 worked fine.