Query the contents of a file using another file in AWK - awk

I am trying to conditionally filter a file based on values in a second file. File1 contains numbers and File2 contains two columns of numbers. The question is to filter out those rows in file1 which fall within the range denoted in each row of file2.
I have a series of loops which works, but takes >12hrs to run depending on the lengths of both files. This code is noted below. Alternatively, I have tried to use awk, and looked at other questions posted on slack overflow, but I cannot figure out how to change the code appropriately.
Loop method:
while IFS= read READ
position=$(echo $READ | awk '{print $4}')
while IFS= read BED
St=$(echo $BED | awk '{print $2}')
En=$(echo $BED | awk '{print $3}')
if (($position < "$St"))
if (($position >= "$St" && $position <= "$En"));
echo "$READ" | awk '{print $0"\t EXON"}' >> outputfile
done < file2
done < file1
Blogs with similar questions:
awk: filter a file with another file
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next} !($2 in a)' d3_tmp FS="[ \t=]" m2p_tmp
Find content of one file from another file in UNIX
awk -v FS="[ =]" 'NR==FNR{rows[$1]++;next}(substr($NF,1,length($NF)-1) in rows)' File1 File2
file1: (tab delimited)
AAA BBB 1500
CCC DDD 2500
EEE FFF 2000
file2: (tab delimited)
GGG 1250 1750
HHH 1950 2300
III 2600 2700
Expected output would retain rows 1 and 3 from file1 (in a new file, file3) because these records fall within the ranges of row 1 columns 2 and 3, and row 2 columns 2 and columns 3 of file2. In the actual files, they're not row restricted i.e. I am not wanting to look at row1 of file1 and compare to row1 of file2, but compare row1 to all rows in file2 to get the hit.
file3 (output)
AAA BBB 1500
EEE FFF 2000

One way:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[i]=$2;b[i++]=$3;next}{for(j=0;j<i;j++){if ($3>=a[j] && $3<=b[j]){print;}}}' i=0 file2 file1
AAA BBB 1500
EEE FFF 2000
Read the file2 contents and store it in arrays a and b. When file1 is read, check for the number to be between the entire a and b arrays and print.
One more option:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{for(i=$2;i<=$3;i++)a[i];next}($3 in a)' file2 file1
AAA BBB 1500
EEE FFF 2000
File2 is read and the entire range of numbers is broken up and stored into the associate array a. When we read the file1, we just need to lookup the array a.

Another awk. It may or may not make sense depending on the filesizes:
$ awk '
a[$3]=$2 # hash file2 records, $3 is key, $2 value
for(i in a) # for each record in file1 go thru ever element in a
if($3<=i && $3>=a[i]) { # if it falls between
print # output
break # exit loop once match found
}' file2 file1
AAA BBB 1500
EEE FFF 2000


awk the column of one file from another file

having some trouble with awk. I have two files and am trying to read a column of the 2nd file with the first and pull out all matches.
apples peaches 3
apples peaches 9
oranges pears 7
apricots figs 1
expected output:
apples peaches 3
apricots figs 1
awk -F"|" '
FNR==NR {f1[$1];next}
($3 in f1)
' file1 file2 > output.txt
It's not clear (to me) the format of file2 (eg, is that a space or tab between fields?), or if a line in file2 could have more than 3 (white) spaced delimited strings (eg, apples black raspberries 6), so picking a delimiter for file2 would require more details. Having said that ...
there are no pipes ('|') in the sample files so the current code (using -F"|") is going to lump the entire line into awk variable $1
we can make this a bit easier by recognizing that we're only interested in the last field from file2
Adding an entry to file2:
$ cat file2
apples peaches 3
apples peaches 9
oranges pears 7
apricots figs 1
apples black raspberries 2
A couple small changes to the current awk code:
awk 'FNR==NR {f1[$1]; next} $(NF) in f1' file1 file2
This generates:
apples peaches 3
apricots figs 1
apples black raspberries 2
This is more a side-note, I suggest to use awk, as explained by markp-fuso.
You can use the join command:
join -11 -23 <(sort -k1,1n file1) <(sort -k3,3n file2)
The example above is using join with the help of the shell and the sort command:
Command explanation:
-11 # Join based on column 1 of file 1 ...
-23 # and column 3 in file 2
<(sort -k1,1n file1) # sort file 1 based on column 1
<(sort -k3,3n file2) # sort file 2 based on column 3
The <() constructs are so called process substitutions, provided by the shell where you run the command in. The output of the command in parentheses will be treated like a file, and can be used as a parameter for our join command. We don't need to create an intermediate, sorted file.

Extract text between patterns in new files

I'm trying to analyze a file with the following structure:
The idea is to detect the 'AAAAA' pattern and extract the two following lines. After this is done, I would like to append the next 'AAAAA' pattern and the following two lines, so th final file will look something like this:
Taking into account that the last one will not end with the 'AAAAA' pattern.
Any idea about how this can be done ? I've use sed but I don't know how to select the number of lines to be retained after the pattern...
Fo example with AWK:
awk '/'$AAAAA'/,/'$AAAAA'/' INPUTFILE.txt
Bu this will only extract all the text between the two AAAAA
With sed
sed -n '/AAAAA/{N;N;p}' file.txt
with smart counters
$ awk '/AAAAA/{n=3} n&&n--' file
The grep command has a flag that prints lines after each match. For example:
grep AAAAA --after 2 <file>
Unless I misunderstood, this should match your requirements, and is much simpler than awk scripts.
You may try this awk:
awk '$1 == "AAAAA" {n = NR+2} NR <= n' file
just cheat
mawk/mawk2/gawk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "AAAAA\n"; RS = "^$";
} END { for(x=2; x<= NF; x++) { print $(x) } }'
no one says the fields must be split by spaces, and rows must be new-lines one-by-one. By design of FS, every field after $1 will contain the matches you need, and fitting multiple "rows" of each within $2 etc.
In this example, in $2 you will find 12 bytes, like this :
1 2 3 \n 4 5 6 \n 7 8 9 \n # spaced out for readability

Comparing two lists and printing select columns from each list

I want to compare two lists and print some columns from one, and some from the other if two match. I suspect I'm close but I suppose it's better to check..
1st file: Data.txt
101 0.123
145 0.119
242 0.4
500 0.88
2nd File: Map.txt
red 1 99
blue 3 101
rob 3 240
ted 7 500
So, if I want to compare the 3rd column of file2 against the 1st of file1 and print the 1st column of file2 and all of file1, I tried awk 'NR==FNR {a[$3];next}$1 in a{print$0}' file2 file1
but that only prints matches in file1. I tried adding x=$1 in the awk. i.e. awk 'NR==FNR {x=$1;a[$3];next}$1 in a{print x $0} file2 file1 but that saves only one value of $1 and outputs that value every line. I also tried adding $1 into a[$3], which is obviously wrong thus giving zero output.
Ideally I'd like to get this output:
blue 145 0.119
ted 500 0.88
which is the 1st column of file2 and the 3rd column of file2 matched to 1st column of file1, and the rest of file1.
You had it almost exactly in your second attempt. Just instead of assigning the value of $1 to a scalar you can stash it in the array for later use.
awk 'NR==FNR {a[$3]=$1; next} $1 in a {print a[$1], $0}' file2.txt file1.txt
$ cat file1.txt
101 0.123
145 0.119
242 0.4
500 0.88
$ cat file2.txt
red 1 99
blue 3 101
rob 3 240
ted 7 500
$ awk 'NR==FNR {a[$3]=$1; next} $1 in a {print a[$1], $0}' file2.txt file1.txt
blue 101 0.123
ted 500 0.88

Compare two files with first column matching text and 2nd column of first file > than 2nd column value of 2nd file

Looking for an awk one liner:
I have two files each with two columns
I need to print records where the first column match in both files
and where the second file value column is > than the first file value column.
AAAA 322
BBBB 322
DDDD 200
AAAA 700
CCCC 400
DDDD 100
Looking for result
AAAA 700
Appreciate any help. So far I can match the column 1 but not sure how to calculate the second value column when it's >
awk 'NR == FNR{a[$1];next}$1 in a' file1.txt file2.txt
AAAA 700
DDDD 100
I think I may have gotten it by reversing the file order and using:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2 FS $3;next}{ print $0, a[$1]}' file2.txt file1.txt|awk '$3 > $2' |awk '{print $1" "$3}'
AAAA 700
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ cat file1
AAAA 322
BBBB 322
DDDD 200
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ cat file2
AAAA 700
CCCC 400
DDDD 100
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ awk 'FNR==NR{A[$1] = $2; next}($1 in A) && $2 > A[$1]' file1 file2
AAAA 700
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2 FS $3;next}{ print $0, a[$1]}' file2.txt file1.txt|awk '$3 > $2' |awk '{print $1" "$3}'
AAAA 700
this achieved the output I was after

Concatenate files based off unique titles in their first column

I have many files that are of two column format with a label in the first column and a number in the second column. The number is positive (never zero):
KET 45
FEW 56
Within each file, the labels are not repeated.
I would like to concatenate these many files into one file with many+1 columns, such that the first column includes the unique set of all labels across all files, and the last five columns include the number for each label of each file. If the label did not exist in a certain file (and hence there is no number for it), I would like it to default to zero. For instance, if the second file contains this:
KET 14
then the final output would look like:
AGS 3 5
KET 45 14
KJV 0 2
FEW 56 3
I am new to Linux, and have been playing around with sed and awk, but realize this probably requires multiple steps...
*Edit note: I had to change it from just 2 files to many files. Even though my example only shows 2 files, I would like to do this in case of >2 files as well. Thank you...
Here is one way using awk:
awk '
NR==FNR {a[$1]=$0;next}
print (($1 in a)?a[$1] FS $2: $1 FS "0" FS $2)
delete a[$1]
for (x in a) print a[x],"0"
}' file1 file2 | column -t
AGS 3 5
KET 45 14
KJV 0 2
FEW 56 3
You read file1 in to an array indexed at column 1 and assign entire line as it's value
For the file2, check if column 1 is present in our array. If it is print the value from file1 along with value from file2. If it is not present print 0 as value for file1.
Delete the array element as we go along to get only what was unique in file1.
In the END block print what was unique in file1 and print 0 for file2.
Pipe the output to column -t for pretty format.
Assuming that your data are in files named file1 and file2:
$ awk 'FNR==NR {a[$1]=$2; b[$1]=0; next} {a[$1]+=0; b[$1]=$2} END{for (x in b) {printf "%-15s%3s%3s\n",x,a[x],b[x]}}' file1 file2
KJV 0 2
KET 45 14
AGS 3 5
FEW 56 3
To understand the above, we have to understand an awk trick.
In awk, NR is the number of records (lines) that have been processed and FNR is the number of records that we have processed in the current file. Consequently, the condition FNR==NR is true only when we are processing in the first file. In this case, the associative array a gets all the values from the first file and associative array b gets placeholder, i.e. zero, values. When we process the second file, its values go in array b and we make sure that array a at least has a placeholder value of zero. When we are done with the second file, the data is printed.
More than two files using GNU Awk
I created a file3:
$ cat file3
KET 45
FEW 56
AGS 17
ABC 100
The awk program extended to work with any number of files is:
$ awk 'FNR==1 {n+=1} {a[$1][n]=$2} END{for (x in a) {printf "%-15s",x; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {printf "%5s",a[x][i]};print ""}}' file1 file2 file3
ABC 100
WEGWET 12 12
KET 45 14 45
AGS 3 5 17
FEW 56 3 56
This code works creates a file counter. We know that we are in a new file every time that FNR is 1 and a counter, n, is incremented. For every line we encounter, we put the data in a 2-D array. The first dimension of a is the label and the second is the number of the file that we encountered it in. In the end, we just loop over all the labels and all the files, from 1 to n and print the data.
More than 2 files without GNU Awk
Without requiring GNU's awk, we can solve the problem using simulated two-dimensional arrays:
$ awk 'FNR==1 {n+=1} {b[$1]=1; a[$1,":",n]=$2} END{for (x in b) {printf "%-15s",x; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {q=a[x,":",i]+0; printf "%5s",q};print ""}}' file1 file2 file3
KJV 0 2 0
ABC 0 0 100
WEGWET 12 0 12
KET 45 14 45
AGS 3 5 17
FEW 56 3 56