How to compare float variables using strict inequality? - optimization

I'm trying to implement a maximize problem. In one part I am trying to compare a float to a dvar float for which I get the Error "The operator >(float, dvar float) is not available in the context of CPLEX." Using >= works, but I get wrong results. Is there any way to work around the error?
float price[D][A] = ...;
float volaforecast[D] = ...;
dvar float vola;
dvar int change[D][A];
maximize sum(d in D, a in A)(price[d][a] * change[d][a]);
subject to {
forall(d in D: d > 1) {
( volaforecast[d] <= vola &&
volaforecast[d-1] > vola &&
change[d]["a"] == 0
) || (
volaforecast[d] > vola &&
volaforecast[d-1] <= vola &&
change[d]["a"] == 1

As Tim mentioned in his comment, you should use var >= value + epsilon. Strict inequality doesn't fit the Linear Programming paradigm that CPLEX uses.


how to print a result in cplex other than the decision variable

I want to print the value of pl[i]+pevdis[tvail][number]-pevch[tvail][number] as my result. The following is my code in Cplex.
int t=24;
int n=20;
int j=0;
range number =1..n;
range tavail=1..t;
float soc[number][tavail]=...;
//forcasted load at 0..4
float pl[tavail]=[10000000,7000000,9000000,6000000,12000000,6000000,4000000,15000000,9000000,12000000,6000000,8000000,10000000,7000000,9000000,6000000,12000000,6000000,4000000,15000000,9000000,12000000,6000000,8000000];
//soc of ev at 0..11
float pg[tavail]=[10000000,9500000,8500000,11000000,600000,7500000,10000000,9500000,8500000,11000000,600000,7500000,10000000,9500000,8500000,11000000,600000,7500000,10000000,9500000,8500000,11000000,600000,7500000];
//target load at 0..11
float pt[tavail]=[10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000,10000000];
//bus voltage at 0..11
float v[tavail]=[240,232,229,233,230,235,228,234,227,229,231,230,226,232,233,230,236,233,231,232,232,233,233,230];
//bus voltage at
// target bus voltage at 0..11
float vt[tavail]=[230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230,230];
//decision variable charging power ev
dvar float pevch[tavail][number] in 0..100000;
//decision variable discharging power of ev
dvar float pevdis[tavail][number] in 0..100000;
//levelised load
//objective function
minimize sum(i in tavail)((pt[i]-pl[i])+sum(j in number)-pevch[i][j]+sum(j in number)pevdis[i][j]);
subject to
forall(i in tavail,j in number)
if(pt[i]-pl[i]<0 && 0.7<soc[j][i]<0.9&& v[i]<vt[i])
forall(i in tavail,j in number)
if(pt[i]-pl[i]>0 &&
soc[j][i]<=0.7 && v[i]>vt[i])
After the subject to block you can do whatever printing you need.
For instance
minimize sum(i in tavail)((pt[i]-pl[i])+sum(j in number)-pevch[i][j]+sum(j in number)pevdis[i][j]);
subject to
forall(i in tavail,j in number)
if(pt[i]-pl[i]<0 && 0.7<soc[j][i]<0.9&& v[i]<vt[i])
forall(i in tavail,j in number)
if(pt[i]-pl[i]>0 &&
soc[j][i]<=0.7 && v[i]>vt[i])
int i=1;
int tvail=2;
int n2=3;
pl[i]+pevdis[tvail][n2]-pevch[tvail][n2] );

How to stop the search in CP Optimizer if the upper bound doesn't get better after x seconds

I'm wondering if there exists a way in CP Optimizer 12.10 to stop the search if the upper bound (of a minimization problem) doesn't get better after "x" seconds. This would be especially helpful when trying to solve a difficult instance of an NP-Hard problem and the search is stuck in one incumbent solution.
I know there exist some parameters to control the search as cp.param.TimeLimit (I'm using that) or cp.param.FailLimit but that is not that I need for my problem.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
what you can do is use a main block (flow control) if you rely on the OPL API and in this main block you give a time limit of x seconds, then you get the bound and the current objective, you save them if you think you should go further or stop if you're ok with the solution.
Let me share a full example out of the lifegame example in the OPL product. And remember John Conway once again.
using CP;
int n=20;
int Half=n div 2;
range FirstHalf = 1..Half;
range LastHalf = n-Half+1..n;
range States = 0..1;
range Bord = 0..(n+1);
range Interior = 1..n;
range obj = 0..(n*n);
tuple neighbors {
int row;
int col;
{neighbors} Neighbor =
dvar int Life[Bord][Bord] in States;
dvar int Obj in obj;
dvar int x[0..(n+2)*(n+2)-1];
maximize Obj;
subject to {
forall(i,j in Bord) Life[i][j]==x[i*(n+2)+j];
Obj == sum( i , j in Bord )
forall( i , j in Interior ) {
2*Life[i][j] - sum( nb in Neighbor )
Life[i+nb.row][j+nb.col] <= 0;
3*Life[i][j] + sum( nb in Neighbor )
Life[i+nb.row][j+nb.col] <= 6;
forall( ordered n1 , n2 , n3 in Neighbor ) {
-sum( nb in Neighbor : nb!=n1 && nb!=n2 && nb!=n3 )
Life[i+nb.row][j+nb.col] <= 2;
forall( j in Bord ) {
Life[0][j] == 0;
Life[j][0] == 0;
Life[j][n+1] == 0;
Life[n+1][j] == 0;
forall( i in Bord : i<n ) {
Life[i][1]+Life[i+1][1]+Life[i+2][1] <= 2;
Life[1][i]+Life[1][i+1]+Life[1][i+2] <= 2;
Life[i][n]+Life[i+1][n]+Life[i+2][n] <= 2;
Life[n][i]+Life[n][i+1]+Life[n][i+2] <= 2;
sum( i in FirstHalf , j in Bord )
Life[i][j] >=
sum( i in LastHalf , j in Bord )
sum( i in Bord , j in FirstHalf )
Life[i][j] >=
sum( i in Bord , j in LastHalf )
var obj=0;
var bound=0;
var oldobj=0;
var oldbound=0;
while (1==1)
writeln("bound and obj =",bound," ",obj);
if (Opl.abs((oldobj-oldbound-obj+bound))<=0) break;
which gives
bound and obj =398 181
bound and obj =398 180
bound and obj =398 180
// Script execution finished with status 1.

how do i correctly use >= and <= in code?

I have tried many thing involving this, >=, >==, =>, ==>.i can not find one that works. hey all return either primary expression needed or expected initializer before '>'. I am creating a IR receiver latch switch and thus have to create parameters for the code because the receiver is not constant in all conditions. Full code below. Any suggestions to fix the code please reply and don't DM me. Thank you.
int LEDState = 0;
int LEDPin = 8;
int dt = 100;
int recieverOld ==> 500 and recieverOld ==< 2000;
int recieverNew;
int recieverPin = 12;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(recieverPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
recieverNew = digitalRead(recieverPin);
if((recieverOld >== 0 && recieverOld <== 10) && (recieverNew >== 500 && recieverNew <== 2000) {
if(LEDState == 0) {
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
LEDState = 1;
recieverOld = recieverNew;
expected initializer before '==' token
if one = used line 4 and related, return error expected primary-expression before '>' token
if > before = line 4 and related, return error expected initializer before '>=' token
Any solutions or suggestions welcome.
Operators that do no exist, and that you should NOT use:
==>, ==<, >==, <==
Operators that works and you can use them:
>= - MORE THAN OR EQUAL, compare operator, for example X >= 5
<= - LESS THAN OR EQUAL, compare operator, for example X <= 5
> - MORE THAN, compare operator, for example X > 5
< - LESS THAN, compare operator, for example X < 5
== - compare operator, when you want to compare values of the variables if they have the same value, for example X == 5, Y == X, 10 == 7
=== - equality operator, similar to compare operator ==, but aditionally checks the type of a variable. for example X === Y, '10' === 10
= - assign operator, when you want to assign something to the variable, for example X = 5
<> OR != - NOT EQUAL, compare operator, for example X != 5, Y <> 10
!== - similar to != or <>, but also checks the type of a value. For example 10 !== '10', and will return opposite result of the equality operator ===

What is the Modulo function for negative decimals Objective-C?

I need to calculate modulos with decimals that can be negative as well
for example: fmod( -5.2, 3 );
while mod() works with integers, and fmod() (or fmodf()) works well with decimals, fmod() returns wrong results with negative decimals:
double modulo = fmod (5.2, 3);
NSLog (#"==> %f", modulo);
==> 2.2 // This is correct !!
double modulo = fmod (-5.2, 3);
NSLog (#"==> %f", modulo);
==> -2.2 // This is wrong !! should be 0.8
Is there another mod() in the library or should i write my own decimal negative mod function ?
something like :
if (res = fmod(x,m) < 0) {
Thx !
-2.2 is correct and is also -5.2 mod 3. The fmod function is a C function (and therefore also Objective C), so you can find more detail about it by typing man fmod into terminal. When doing fmod it will preserve the sign of the value that you are moding. So to get the mod you want, you will need to check the sign (of either the result, or the value you are passing in) and if it is negative you will need to add the modulo base, in this case 3.
This is the definition of the fmod function:
fmod(double x, double y);
Specifically, the functions return the value x-i*y, for some integer i such that, if y is non-zero, the result has the same sign as x and magnitude less than the magnitude of y.
from the OS X man page.
For your purposes, you can do something like this:
#include <math.h>
float f_mod(float a, float n) {
return a - n * floor(a / n);
Of course, be careful to check n>0.
f_mod(-5.2f, 2.0f) = 0.8
f_mod(5.2f, 2.0f) = 2.2
Thank you so i ended up writing a wrapper... What i was hopping i could avoid. This works great for me, and, in my opinion, represents the correct mathematical definition of the modulo (not the C implementation). I am sure this function can be optimized,but for clarity i leave it this way:
//-- Modulo
double calcModulo ( double x, double m) {
double res = INFINITY;
if (m==0)
return res ;
double posMod, negMod, posM, posX;
posM = m < 0 ? -m:m;
posX = x < 0 ? -x:x;
posMod = fmod (posX, posM);
negMod = fmod (-posX,posM) + posM;
// pick up the correct res
if ( x >= 0 ){
if (m > 0) {
res = posMod;
} else {
res = -negMod;
if (m > 0) {
res= negMod;
} else{
res= -posMod;
return res;

Bézier Curve Didn't Draw Straight

I did make algorithm for creating Bézier Curve with Objective-C and Cocos2D. Here is my code
int sum=1;
int i;
if(x == 0){
return 1;
sum = sum*i;
return sum;
int sum;
//NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"fac n-i=%f\n", fach] );
sum = [self factorial:n]/([self factorial:i]*[self factorial:(n-i)]);
return sum;
return t*(0.001);
int i;
float hasil=1;
hasil = hasil*a;
return hasil;
float sum = 0;
sum = [self binomialCoefficient:n:i]*[self power:t :i]*[self power:(1-t) :(n-i)];
//NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"yeah"]);
return sum;
and for implementation you just put an array of x and y and access it. For example to draw a single dot in control curve I did it like this
float myPx = px[i];
float myPy = py[i];
posx = posx+([self bernstein:theT :banyak-1 :i]*myPx);
posy = posy+([self bernstein:theT :banyak-1 :i]*myPy);
Yes, this code doesn't give the perfect nice line, but I try to draw it dot by dot.
It works well, but the problem arise when I try to use 3 dots. The middle dot for curving the lines didn't behave like what I expected. For example if I put 3 dots in these coordinates:
It didn't curving up but curving down. If I want to put it straight I have to put it all the way higher.
Am I do it wrong in syntax or data types? Or is it just my algorithm?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
(sorry for my bad english)
The factorial loop should be
for ( i = 1 ; i <= x ; i++ )
instead of
for ( i = 1 ; i < x ; i++ )