Update data when value changes Vue Js - vue.js

I have quite a complicated situation and i'm not amazing at Vue so I need some help.
I have a Firebase DB that gets an array (clients) and displays it.
const clientsRef = db.ref('clients')
firebase: {
clients: {
source: clientsRef,
//data has been retrieved from firebase
readyCallback: function() {
this.getSiteCount() // Get number of sites associated with client
this.loaded = true // Hide loader bar once this becomes true
On load complete getSiteCount() will get the clients unique ID and compare it against the sites DB and count how many exist. Below code simply loops around each client and then checks how many sites have the client_id of aClient['.key']. Not really important this works and gets the count and adds it to the clients array.
getSiteCount: function() {
this.clients.forEach((server, clientIndex) => {
this.clients[clientIndex].siteCount= 0
serverContactsRef.orderByChild('client_id').equalTo(server['.key']).on('child_added', (clientDetails) => {
this.clients[clientIndex].siteCount= this.clients[clientIndex].siteCount+ 1
Now in my html I have v-for="clients in filterClients" and the computed function...
filterClients: function() {
function compare(a, b) {
if (a.siteCount < b.siteCount) {
return 1
if (a.siteCount > b.siteCount) {
return -1
return 0
return this.clients.sort(compare)
I suspect because the getSiteCount() function runs once the clients have been pulled (0.5s delay) from the DB it's initial siteCount value is 0 and filterClients runs before those values get set. I need to delay filterClients() until the getSiteCount() function runs or need it to update automatically when the getSiteCount() function runs.
Can someone help me make sure the initial load of the page displays the clients in order of how many sites it has (siteCount)

It was in fact a Caveat.
Vue cannot detect the following changes to an array:
When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
I changed
this.clients[clientIndex].siteCount= 0
Vue.set(this.clients[clientIndex], 'contractsNr', 0)
Updates when the data comes in perfectly now.
Thanks Jacob


useInfiniteScroll utility of Vueuse is fetching same items again

Here is a reproducable stackblitz -
What's wrong? -
My code fetches 15 items, and with the bottom scroll event it should fetch another 15 different items but it just fetches same items again.
I've followed this bottom video for this implementation, it's okay in the video but not okay in my stackblitz code:
The only difference with this video is that he's using axios while i use useFetch of nuxt 3.
It's not really a cache issue. useFetch is "freezing" the API URL, the changes you make to the string directly will not be reliably reflected. If you want to add parameters to your API URL, use the query option of useFetch. This option is reactive, so you can use refs and the query will update with the refs. Alternatively, you can use the provided refresh() method
const limit = ref(10)
const skip = ref(20)
const { data: users, refresh: refreshUsers } = await useFetch(
//use the data object directly to access the result
//if you want to update users with different params later, simply change the ref and the query will update
limit.value = 23
//use refresh to manually refresh the query
This results in a first API call and then a second with the updated values
You can leave the cache alone, as it is just a workaround, and will not work reliably.
[Updated] The useFetch() documentation is now updated as described below.
The query option is not well documented yet, as discussed in this nuxt issue. I've created a pull request on nuxt/framework to have it reflected in the documentation. Please see a full explanation below:
Using the query option, you can add search parameters to your query. This option is extended from unjs/ohmyfetch and is using ufo to create the URL. Objects are automatically stringified.
const param1 = ref('value1')
const { data, pending, error, refresh } = await useFetch('https://api.nuxtjs.dev/mountains',{
query: { param1, param2: 'value2' }
This results in https://api.nuxtjs.dev/mountains?param1=value1&param2=value2
Nuxt3's useFetch uses caching by default. Use initialCache: false option to disable it:
const getUsers = async (limit, skip) => {
const { data: users } = await useFetch(
initialCache: false,
//returning fetched value
return users.value.users;
But you probably should use plain $fetch instead of useFetch in this scenario to avoid caching:
const getUsers = async (limit, skip) => {
const { users } = await $fetch(
//returning fetched value
return users;

Vuejs - update array of an object which is in an array

I'm developing a helpdesk tool in which I have a kanban view.
I previously used nested serializers in my backend and I managed to have everything working with a single query but it's not scalable (and it was ugly) so I switched to another schema :
I query my helpdesk team ('test' in the screenshot)
I query the stages of that team ('new', 'in progress')
I query tickets for each stage in stages
So when I mount my component, I do the following :
async mounted () {
if (this.helpdeskTeamId) {
await this.getTeam(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if (this.team) {
await this.getTeamStages(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if (this.stages) {
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage)
where getTeam, getTeamStages and getStageTickets are :
async getTeam (teamId) {
this.team = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeam(teamId)
async getTeamStages (teamId) {
this.stages = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStages(teamId)
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, 'tickets', [])
async getStageTickets (stage) {
const tickets = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStageTickets(this.helpdeskTeamId, stage.id)
// tried many things here below but nothing worked.
// stage.tickets = stage.tickets.splice(0, 0, tickets)
// Even if I try to only put one :
// this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0])
// I see it in the data but It doesn't appear in the view...
// Even replacing the whole stage with its tickets :
// stage.tickets = tickets
// this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
In getTeamStages I add an attribute 'tickets' to every stage to an empty list. The problem is when I query all the tickets for every stage. I know how to insert a single object in an array with splice or how to delete one object from an array but I don't know how to assign a whole array to an attribute of an object that is in an array while triggering the Vue reactivity. Here I'd like to put all the tickets (which is a list), to stage.tickets.
Is it possible to achieve this ?
If not, what is the correct design to achieve something similar ?
Thanks in advance !
It turns out that there was an error generated by the template part. I didn't think it was the root cause since a part of the view was rendered. I thought that it would have prevent the whole view from being rendered if it was the case. But finally, in my template I had a part doing stage.tickets.length which was working when using a single query to populate my view. When making my API more granular and querying tickets independently from stages, there is a moment when stage has no tickets attribute until I set it manually with this.$set(stage, 'tickets', []). Because of that, the template stops rendering and raises an issue. But the ways of updating my stage.tickets would have worked without that template issue.
I could update the stages reactively. Here is my full code; I used the push method of an array object and it works:
<li v-for="item in stages" :key="item.stageId">
{{ item }}
export default {
data() {
return {
stages: [],
methods: {
async getTeamStages() {
this.stages = [{ stageId: 1 }, { stageId: 2 }];
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, "tickets", []);
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage);
async getStageTickets(stage) {
const tickets = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (let ticket of tickets) {
mounted() {
It should be noted that I used the concat method of an array object and also works:
this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets = this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets.concat(tickets);
I tried your approaches some of them work correctly:
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, tickets)
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0]);
stage.tickets = tickets
this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
I'm sure it is XY problem..
A possible solution would be to watch the selected team and load the values from there. You seem to be loading everything from the mounted() hook, and I suspect this won't actually load all the content on demand as you'd expect.
I managed to make it work here without needing to resort to $set magic, just the pure old traditional vue magic. Vue will notice the properties of new objects and automatically make then reactive, so if you assign to them later, everything will respond accordingly.
My setup was something like this (showing just the relevant parts) -- typing from memory here, beware of typos:
teams: [],
teamId: null,
team: null
methods: {
async refreshTeam(id){
let team = await fetchTeam(id)
if(!team) return
//here, vue will auomaticlly make this.team.stages reactive
this.team = {stages:[], ...team}
let stages = await fetchStages(team.id)
if(!stages) return
//since this.team.stages is reactive, vue will update reactivelly
//turning the {tickets} property of each stage reactive also
this.team.stages = stages.map(v => ({tickets:[], ...v}))
for(let stage of this.team.stages){
let tickets = await fetchTickets(stage.id)
if(!tickets) continue
//since tickets is reactive, vue will update it accordingly
stage.tickets = tickets
async mounted(){
this.teams = fetchTeams()
Notice that my 'fetchXXX' methods would just return the data retrieved from the server, without trying to actually set the component data
Edit: typos

Vue axios delete request not working. How do I fix it?

Im having issues with delete request, my post, get are working fine.
What am I doing wrong?
removeUser(id) {
axios.delete('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users' + id)
.then(function(response) {
const user = response.data;
this.users.splice(id, user);
if response.status === 204, then delete is succeed.
for the client, here is an axios example, notice there is a ' after users
destroy() {
return request.delete('/api/users/' + id)
for the server, here is an Laravel example:
if( $article->delete() ) {
return response()->json(null, 204);
} else {
I can see only 1 problem on the code you provided.
You're trying to modify the Vue instance $data users object by executing this.users.splice(id, user);. But you're inside the callback function and this no longer represents the Vue instance.
To fix this & make the users object actually modify after the response comes you'll need to do it like this :
removeUser(id) {
let that = this;
axios.delete('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users' + id)
.then(function(response) {
const user = response.data;
that.users.splice(id, user);
Now , I don't have any code from the back-end so I'll just make some assumptions :
The route might not be well defined > if you're using NodeJS then you should check your routes , it should look like this :
router.route('/users:id').delete(async function(req,res,next){ /* ... */ });
You might have a route problem because / is missing before the user value
1 hint : Again , if you're using NodeJS , you could use this inside your .delete route :
res.status(200).json({ errorCode : null , errorMessage : null , users : [] });
To see if you're receiving it on front-end.
I think you do need to append the trailing '/' to the URL, that way the URL is properly formed, such as "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/123" (rather than "users123" at the end).
Aside from that, the first parameter to Array.prototype.splice is the position where item removal should begin. The second (optional) parameter, deleteCount, is the number of items to remove. Beyond deleteCount, you can pass a collection of objects which are to be inserted after the start position and after items have been removed.
You just need to find the object in your this.users array and remove it. If you want to use Array.prototype.splice for that, then you can use Array.prototype.findIndex to find the index of the user in the array then remove it:
// Find the index of the item to remove
const indexOfUserToRemove = this.users.findIndex(u => u.id === id);
// Call splice to remove the item
this.users.splice(indexOfUserToRemove, 1);

How to solve duplicate page in ion-infinite-scroll ionic 4

I am using ionic 4 and I am doing pagination using ion-infinite-scroll. My problem is I always get the duplicate page problem. Can I know how to solve this duplicate problem? Here is my code in home.page.ts:
doInfinite(event) {
this.userService.getData().then(res => {
loadData(event) {
console.log('Load more data');
this.userService.getData().then(res => {
Here is home.html
<ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="loadData($event)">
loadingText="loading ...">
It depends what your userService.getData() looks like.
It doesn't look like you are telling it to start at an offset.
Each time you pull data down, you should assign that list data to some local on-page variable, let's say dataList.
Then use this.dataList.length as the starting index for your next data request.
So some pseudo-code for how this might work would be:
let dataFeed = [];
let startAtRecord = 0;
constructor() {
this.userService.getData(startAtRecord).then(res => {
this.dataFeed = res;
this.startAtRecord = this.dataService.length;
loadData(event) {
// ask for a batch of records, starting at `startAtRecord`
this.userService.getData(startAtRecord).then(res => {
// add the new res data to the existing dataFeed
this.dataFeed = [...this.dataFeed, ...res];
// keep track of the number of records loaded
this.startAtRecord = this.dataService.length;
Do you see what I'm saying? The data service has to load the next page of data so you don't get the same one back, so it needs to track where its starting the list from.

React Native - Saving search terms after delay

I am creating a search toolbar that allows the user to see their most recent searches, using Realm Browser as my database. I save a search whenever the user types in the TextInput component, however, I don't want to add a search term after each key stroke, but only after the user has stopped typing for certain amount of time.
handleOnChange function will update state and only call getResults after 2 seconds
handleOnChange(text) {
searchStr: text
}, () => setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000))
In getResults, I call my addRecentSearch function if certain criteria is met.
getResults() {
let searchTags = []
let searchCalcs = []
let tagNames = this.state.tags.map((tag) => {
return tag.name
if (this.state.searchStr.length >= 2 || this.state.tags.length !== 0) {
searchCalcs = Realm.searchCalcs(this.state.searchStr, tagNames)
results: searchCalcs,
tagsForFiltering: searchTags
So I use setTimeout to allow enough time for my state to get updated when the user types. Then, once the states been updated, I will want to add the search query. However, I'm not getting the results I expected when grabbing the most recent searches.
For example:
Type: "h"
Result: nothing happens as str must be at least 2 characters in length
Type: "he"
Result: meets criteria, and will add "he" as a recent search term.
Arr: ["he"]
Type: "heart" (Note: adding 3 characters in succession)
Result: It seems that even with the timeout function, my getResults function is being called (thus adding the search query for each character I added)
Arr: ["he", "heart", "heart", "heart"]
I want my arr to look like:
arr: ["he", "heart"]
You aren't fully debouncing in your example. You are only delaying everything by 2000ms. You need to create a timer and then reset it every time a change happens (by clearing and starting timer again). In this way, only the final 'delay' takes effect. Make sense?
You are very close to have written your own debounce function, so you can use clearTimeout, or there are some libraries that do it. See Lodash https://lodash.com/docs/#debounce