Issues with uninstall program in control panel built with WiX toolset - wix

I'm creating msi installer that run services with auto start for windows using wix toolset. msi was successfully compiled and installed, and services are working correctly.
The problem is that, when i try to uninstall the program in control panel, it's showing the following message:
I tried to remove the program from regedit and tried to install using the command:
MsiExec /I installer.msi REINSTALLMODE=voums REINSTALL=ALL
Here is the code of product and package declarations:
<Product Name='Foobar 1.0' Manufacturer='Acme Ltd.' Id='6DA5C23A-86C7-4D14-AEC0-86416A69ABDE' UpgradeCode='6DA5C23A-7349-453F-94F6-BCB5110BA4FD' Language='1033' Codepage='1252' Version='1.0.0'>
<Package Id='*' Keywords='Installer' Description="Acme's Foobar 1.0 Installer" Comments='Foobar is a registered trademark of Acme Ltd.' Manufacturer='Acme Ltd.' InstallerVersion='100' Languages='1033' Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='1252' />
In INSTALLDIR, i have an exe file for service, and do some actions:
<Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='Foobar 1.0'>
<Component Id='ConfPathEnv' Guid='6DA5C23A-6BE3-460D-A14F-75658D16550B' KeyPath="yes">
<Environment Id="AQLIGHT_CONFIG_PATH" Name="AQLIGHT_CONFIG_PATH" Value="[INSTALLDIR]config.json" Permanent="yes" Part="last" Action="set" System="yes" />
<Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='6DA5C23A-83F1-4F22-985B-FDB3C8ABD471'>
<File Id='serviceEXE' Name='service.exe' DiskId='1' Source='service.exe' KeyPath='yes' />
<ServiceInstall Id="InstallService" Name="AqLightService" DisplayName="AqLightService 1.0" Start="auto" ErrorControl="normal" Arguments="install" Type="ownProcess" />
<ServiceControl Id="ControlService" Name="AqLightService" Start="install" Stop="uninstall" Remove="uninstall" Wait="yes" />
In order to remove folder when uninstalling the program, i use the following code:
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="Foobar 1.0">
<Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="6DA5C23A-7E98-44CE-B049-C477CC0A2B00">
<RemoveFolder Id='ProgramMenuDir' On='uninstall' />
<RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' />
I tried to change the GUIDs for each componet several times, but it did't help.

Custom Action: That error message can mean a number of things, but most commonly it is caused by a failing custom action. However, in this case it looks like the message is from iTunes?
Logging: No two ways about it: you need a verbose log file to try and make sense of this (adjust paths as appropriate):
msiexec.exe /x "Setup.msi" /L*V "C:\Setup.log"
Self-Repair?: My guess is that you have a corrupted machine / Windows Installer Database, or a self-repair problem that you have
turned into a corrupt machine by hacking the registry. Maybe. On Self-Repair.
Conditioning: When you need conditions to run only at certain times / installation modes - you need to deal with conditioning. There are many previous answers on MSI conditions. They are always hard to get right and testing is essential. Please see the answers below for information:
"MSI Condition Cheat Sheet"
Wix custom uninstallation action - how to run before msi removing files
How to execute conditional custom action on install and modify only? - tip on how to test conditions using VBScript and the MSI API call "EvaluateCondition" at runtime - ze proof izt in ze pudding! :-).
This condition might be enough for you (no guarantees):
Please test in all installation modes: : install, uninstall, modify, repair, self-repair, patching, major upgrade, etc.... Hard to tell how things can conspire, no substitute for real-world testing (just to state the obvious).
Here are more details on logging and interpreting the log file: on logging
Interpreting MSI log files, etc...
Event logging, etc...
And another answer on logging.


How to avoid having two versions of a product installed with Windows Installer / MSI?

I have written and am maintaining a number of Wix installation source files which I use to build MSI files for distribution of my application.
I have not explicitly programmed for any kind of upgrading, updating, reinstallation or anything of the kind -- there is a single feature that consists of a number of components with stable GUIDs and I have observed that at least a clean installation does what I expect it to.
However, I (and anyone in possession of the MSI files I distribute) may seemingly install distinct versions of my application side-by-side using their respective (distinct) MSI files. Which isn't a problem in itself, except that I obviously use the same folder as installation target -- "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Foobar" -- to install the application (version regardless) in. Meaning that in effect there is always ever one version that ends up being installed.
I would argue that Windows Installer behaves correctly in so far that it updates files from whichever MSI package it installed last. One interesting side-effect of this is that if the last MSI was of earlier version, the files in the application folders would be overwritten with the copies from that earlier version.
But none of that seems to be the actual problem to me. I want to fix the disparity between what is actually installed (a single application version) and what Windows tracks as installed -- in my case two records of two distinct application versions.
Since I install the application in a folder that doesn't depend on the version being installed, tracking multiple application versions by Windows is a mistake.
So I guess my question is, how do I fix this so that only one version is shown (reflecting reality) or what's the idiomatic approach in these kind of cases? I deliberately did not overspecify my Wix source code, hoping in return that Windows Installer would use some built-in intelligence to figure everything out on its own. But I may need to add some explicit upgrade or uninstall-previous-version-first instructions, I suppose.
My minified Wix source code (file "foobar.wxs") would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Wix xmlns="" xmlns:util="">
<Product Name="Foobar" Manufacturer="ACME Inc." Id="*" UpgradeCode="ae9a7d6d-6c2d-446a-97d9-9dbe829d2ea8" Language="1033" Codepage="1252" Version="!(wix.PRODUCT_VERSION)">
<Package Id="*" Languages="1033" SummaryCodepage="1252" Compressed="yes" InstallerVersion="200" />
<Icon Id="foobar" SourceFile="!(wix.APPPATH)/foobar.ico" />
<Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="foobar" />
<Property Id="ARPCOMMENTS" Value="Gives you full foobar powers" />
<MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes" CompressionLevel="high" />
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="DesktopFolder" />
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="Foobar" FileSource="!(wix.APPPATH)">
<File Id="foobar.exe" Name="foobar.exe" />
<!-- There are other components like above (assets) -->
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
<Directory Id="foobar_menu" Name="Foobar">
<Component Id="foobar_shortcut" Guid="e80a6b95-a145-453a-b327-65a977e741fe">
<Shortcut Icon="foobar" Id="foobar_shortcut" Name="Foobar" Target="[foobar]foobar.exe" />
<Shortcut Directory="DesktopFolder" Icon="foobar" Id="foobar_desktop_shortcut" Name="Foobar" Target="[foobar]foobar.exe" />
<RegistryValue KeyPath="yes" Root="HKMU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Type="string" Value="" />
<RemoveFolder Id="remove_foobar_menu" On="uninstall" />
<Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
<Directory Id="app_data_foobar" Name="foobar">
<Component Guid="" Id="app_data_config_folder">
<CreateFolder />
<Component Guid="" Id="app_data_config_folder_log_file">
<File Name="foobar.log" Source="foobar.log.template">
<!-- Add write access permission to the log file to members of "Users" group. -->
<!-- PermissionEx Sddl="D:AR(A;;GWGR;;;BU)" / -->
<!-- Bug with Windows Installer, can't use PermissionEx/MsiLockPermissionsEx table. See -->
<util:PermissionEx Append="yes" GenericWrite="yes" User="Users" />
<Feature Id="foobar">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="foobar" />
<ComponentRef Id="foobar_shortcut" />
<ComponentRef Id="app_data_config_folder" />
<ComponentRef Id="app_data_config_folder_log_file" />
I am compiling the object file with the following Windows Command Prompt line:
candle.exe -ext WixUtilExtension -out %TEMP% foobar.wxs
And then generating the MSI file with:
light.exe -ext WixUtilExtension -spdb "-dAPPPATH=%apppath%" "-dPRODUCT_VERSION=%version%" -out %TEMP%\foobar-%version%.msi %TEMP%\foobar.wixobj
(using Wix
Upgrade Code: As long as you have set an upgrade code (which identifies a bunch of related products) you can use a major upgrade element to indicate products that are to be uninstalled as part of a new MSI's installation.
MajorUpgrade Element: Just inject a MajorUpgrade element for default treatment of major upgrades into your existing WiX source. It is a sort of "magic element" doing a lot for you making a number of (usually good) assumptions. There are older and more flexible ways to do it - if you need more detailed control (for legacy purposes usually - auto-magic does not cover all bases):
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
The above is the standard use for all WiX files created in Visual Studio.
Note: I will try to tune up this answer shortly with more links, but give that a go first?
First link: Using Visual Studio to make WiX files. The Hello WiX and Visual Studio-type of scenario.
Major Upgrade Suggested Reading: A few things to know about major upgrades. All WiX markup essentially revolves around the compiled MSI's Upgrade table. It is there that major upgrade logic is configured. Custom actions could also affect things, and a few other things such as launch conditions perhaps.
WiX Documentation: How To: Implement a Major Upgrade In Your Installer
Major Upgrade - Common Problems: WIX does not uninstall older version
Major Upgrade - Manual Configuration: Adding entries to MSI UpgradeTable to remove related products (using old-style Upgrade elements)
Major Upgrades - How-To & Concept: Doing Major Upgrade in Wix creates 2 entries in Add/Remove Programs

Unable to uninstall program from WiX created MSI

After installing osquery with an MSI made with WiXToolSet (Using the script provided by osquery), I tried uninstalling it which failed.
Also it didn't show as a program in the appwiz.
(Link to the script -
I've tried using both the MSI itself - osquery.msi /uninstall and the unsintall string - msiexec /I{'uninstallstring'}.
I also tried repairing using the /fv option.
The code the script used with WiX to create the MSI:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<?define OsqueryVersion = 'OSQUERY_VERSION'?>
<?define OsqueryUpgradeCode = 'ea6c7327-461e-4033-847c-acdf2b85dede'?>
<Wix xmlns="" xmlns:util="">
$wix += "`n Id='$(New-Guid)'`n"
$wix +=
<Package Id='*'
Description='osquery standalone installer'
Comments='Facebooks opensource host intrusion detection agent'
SummaryCodepage='1252' />
<MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes" />
DowngradeErrorMessage="A later version of osquery is already installed. Setup will now exit." />
<Condition Message='A newer version of osquery is already installed.'>
<Condition Message="You need to be an administrator to install this product.">
<Property Id='SOURCEDIRECTORY' Value='packs'/>
<PropertyRef Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS" />
<Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
<Directory Id='ProgramFiles64Folder'>
<Directory Id='INSTALLFOLDER' Name='osquery'>
<Directory Id='DaemonFolder' Name='osqueryd'>
<Component Id='osqueryd'
<Permission User="[WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS]" Read="yes"
ReadExtendedAttributes="yes" Traverse="yes"
ReadAttributes="yes" ReadPermission="yes" Synchronize="yes"
GenericWrite="no" WriteAttributes="no"/>
<Permission User="[WIX_ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATORS]" GenericAll="yes"/>
<Permission User="[WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSYSTEM]" GenericAll="yes"/>
<File Id='osqueryd'
<ServiceInstall Id='osqueryd'
Arguments='--flagfile="C:\Program Files\osquery\osquery.flags"'
<ServiceControl Id='osqueryd'
<Component Id='osqueryi' Guid='6a49524e-52b0-4e99-876f-ec50c0082a04'>
<File Id='osqueryi'
<Component Id='extras' Guid='3f435561-8fe7-4725-975a-95930c44d063'>
<File Id='osquery.conf'
<File Id='osquery.flags'
<File Id=''
<File Id='osquery_utils.ps1'
<File Id='manage_osqueryd.ps1'
When trying to use the MSI to uninstall I saw the following message :
This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package
When trying to use the uninstall string I see this message:
This action is only valid for products that are currently installed
Upgrade Code Retrieval: How can I find the Upgrade Code for an
installed MSI file? (if you want to test the below with another package family, find upgrade code via methods described here).
Debugging: To find the product code (provided it is actually defined), maybe try to run this code:
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set upgrades = installer.RelatedProducts("ea6c7327-461e-4033-847c-acdf2b85dede")
For Each u In upgrades
MsgBox u, vbOKOnly, "Product Code: "
Procedure: 1) copy & paste the script into notepad, 2) save as ANSI file: "Find Related Products.vbs" on desktop, 3) double click script file to run. Make a note of the product codes shown by the message boxes (if any). Hit CTRL + C to copy content of the actual VBScript dialog.
Uninstall: From the cmd.exe using the product code you found by running the script above:
msiexec.exe /x {Product-Code}
Alternative: Browse through %SystemRoot%\Installer manually if you can't get the above to work, and follow the advice in section 4 here. Locate the right MSI, right click and go "Uninstall".
Powershell: Uninstall application by UpgradeCode

How to create msi installer which can install file located near by it?

How to create msi installer which can install file located near by it or fetch this file over http?
We want to create an msi installer with wix toolkit 3.9 that should distribute our virtual machine (size is bigger than allowed in cab files), hypervisor, register(unregister) powershell scripts and something else.
We cannot create MSI with big file.
I see two approaches:
We can put virtual machine image located near by msi installed and programming this installer to install image if it exists near by it.
d:> dir
We can agree with client that he must put vm image located near the msi installer manually, before run it.
Download this vm image with http. What are the options for this?
How I can do this ?
I do this like this:
<!-- This is a list of directories that are used by this product as installation locations or custom -->
<!-- action file search locations. -->
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="LocalAppDataFolder" Name="AppData">
<Directory Id="AppRootDirectory" Name="Lookd"/>
<DirectoryRef Id="AppRootDirectory">
<Component Id="SupplementalScripts" Guid="31693357-578d-4dde-aefc-92f413942810" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1">
<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveAppRootDirectory" On="uninstall" />
<File Id="SupplementalScripts_Register" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" Source="dst\Scripts\Register.ps1" Checksum="no"/>
<File Id="SupplementalScripts_UnRegister" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" Source="dst\Scripts\UnRegister.ps1" Checksum="no"/>
<File Id="SupplementalScripts_Throw" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" Source="dst\Scripts\Throw.ps1" Checksum="no"/>
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\CVisionLab\Lookd" ForceCreateOnInstall="yes" ForceDeleteOnUninstall="yes">
<RegistryValue Name="Version" Value="[ProductVersion]" Type="string"/>
<Component Id="VirtualMachineDiskImage" Guid="daa7375f-7bd8-4e97-846a-db5f6e6b025a">
<CopyFile Id="VDIFile" SourceName="lookd.vdi" SourceDirectory="SOURCEDIR" DestinationDirectory="TARGETDIR" />
But I recive and error when build:
error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:SOURCEDIR' in section 'Product:{7BBA165B-9A8A-40D1-97FA-233F93426F83}'.
If 1 will work for you, then a WiX CopyFile should work. The source location of the copy would be the [SourceDir] property, and the destination some directory defined in your WiX.
If it's really that big, download may be tedious, but if you use it then do it from an app you install rather than run it from the MSI install.
Clarifying in response to comment: there are just two recommendations here that are separate and not related:
Use WiX CopyFile if you choose to copy the file from next to the MSI file to the client system.
If you choose the download option, doing that from the MSI will be tedious and very error prone. It may not even work given that VS custom actions have very limited (or no) access to the network. So do a download from the app you're installing and not the MSI, if you do in fact decide to download.

WiX: Managed to not overwrite config file during upgrade, however shortcuts are removed

I have a similar problem like forki23 by bring Wix to not overwrite a configuration file during upgrade. I have a config file that should not be overwritten during upgrade, but it should be removed during uninstall. However every solution I find, breaks something else.
If I set NoOverwrite=yes and move the RemoveExistingProducts to InstallFinalize the config file is handled as I wished. However, in this case the shortcut is removed during upgrade for some reason. If I leave RemoveExistingProducts at InstallInitialize, the config file is actually removed during upgrade, however the shortcuts are present.
Why is this happening and is there are way to fix it?
<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize" />
<!-- InstallInitialize causes config-file to disappear during upgrade -->
<!-- InstallFinalize causes shortcuts to disappear during upgrade -->
<Property Id="DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS" Value="1" />
<Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="MyApp">
<Component Id="MYAPP.EXE" DiskId="1" Guid="...">
<File Id="MYAPP.EXE" Name="MyApp.exe" Source="..." Vital="yes" KeyPath="yes">
<Shortcut Id="startmenuShortcut"
Advertise="yes" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKLM"
<Component Id="MYAPP.EXE.CONFIG" DiskId="1" Guid="..." NeverOverwrite="yes">
KeyPath="yes" />
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="!(loc.ProductPrefix)">
<Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="...">
<RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="SOFTWARE\MyApp"
Type="string" Value="[INSTALLLOCATION]" KeyPath="yes" />
<RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall"/>
Note A: The config-file is a machine-wide configuration and should apply for all users.
Note B: I'm using WiX 3.7 and the target plattform is Windows 7 and 8.
Theoretically "NoOverwrite=yes and move the RemoveExistingProducts to InstallFinalize" should work, but it s clear we are losing something from the big picture. The best method to see why Windows Installer removes the shortcuts is to create a verbose log when launching the upgrade setup. You can do that in a cmd.exe with this command: msiexec /i [msi path] /L*V debug.log
The post the a download link for the log and the GUIDs of the components hosting the shortcuts so we can see if the log helps us understand what happens.
Windows installer works very exact in those things, and if anything gets removed in the After="InstallFinalize" case, this means, that a component has been removed, MSI has thought is not needed, because not contained in your new version of the msi file. Be very sure the GUID of the component containing MYAPP.exe and the shortcut has not changed in your new version. (Compare with a tool like Orce or Insted). It seems it has!
MSI removes only full components, not only shortcuts. Really! Maybe you have an update problem of shortcuts in Windows. Sometimes such things happen. Try to reboot to be sure, that this happens, what you think. Maybe there is an error in your test procedure (or it's the above mentioned GUID problem). There are not many other possibilities, if you have not custom actions which remove shortcuts or you try to add shortcuts as files or such dangerous stuff.
Putting a shortcut in the same component as the .exe is common, but not optimal in my eyes! I recommend to separate resources as much as possible, so put it in an own component. This has advantages, if you later want to rename the shortcut. Then you can just change the GUID of this component and the important .exe file is not touched.
There is a small disadvantage of that, loosing the direct connection to the file version of MYAPP.exe in overinstall scenarios, so if MYAPP.exe is a shared file between several different setups, this is not recommended. Perfect solutions for this are possible, but are not in the focus here.
Workaround: If you are still able to change the old (first) msi setup, just mark the component MYAPP.EXE.CONFIG as permanent. Then it will not be uninstalled during Major Upgrade (but not uninstalled at all, what has advantages and disadvantages, in other words, it is mostly acceptable for .config files).
If version 1 of your setup is already shipped, then you could do the same with some tricks too.

Per-Machine install problem with User Profile

When building my WXS data into an MSI I get the following error:
ICE38: Component CreateFolder installs to user profile. It must use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file.
This is confusing me cause I have my project set to be a per-machine installation, so from my understanding it should install to the "C:\Users\All Users" or "C:\Users\Default" not to the actual user profile. I have tried a couple of different methods to say it is a per-machine installation, but none of them work. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I am stumped!
To make it an per-machine I tried these two settings (separately) and neither one worked.
<Property Id="ALLUSERS" Value="2" />
<Package InstallScope="perMachine" ... />
EDIT: Code for CreateFolder
<Directory Id="AdminToolsFolder" SourceName="Admin Tools">
<Component Id="CreateFolder" Guid="{452A617E-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-3710802B3BBD}" KeyPath="yes">
<CreateFolder Directory="AdminToolsFolder" />
I wrote up a solution to this problem a while ago:
If you want to create a shortcut you can use the Shortcut element:
<Directory Id="AdminToolsFolder" SourceName="Admin Tools">
<Component Id="MyShortcuts" Guid="<guid value>">
<Shortcut Id="Shortcut_MyAdminTool" Directory="AdminToolsFolder"
Name="My Admin Tool" Target="[#AdminTool]"
Show="normal" WorkingDirectory="TARGETDIR" />