pouchdb + vuex update live with changes - vue.js

I have an app that takes updates into VUEX store and syncs those change from pouchdb to couchdb. Which is great but now I need to have two clients connected and see the change in near realtime.
So I have the https://pouchdb.com/guides/changes.html API which I can use to listen for changes to the DB and when that happens call a action which mutates the vuex state on Client 2. Code below.
However the bit I cannot seem to work out is this code is not just listening all the time ? So where should I put this in Vue to ensure that it hears any changes. I can call it when I make a state change and I see that it hears the change but ofcourse I want to trigger a state change on client 2, without them having to make change. Do I need a timer ? The pouch docs seem to suggest this changes api should be able to update UI based on a change to the data, which I can probably call with a button press to check for changes ...but I want to listen in near realtime ?
since: 'now',
include_docs: true
.on('change', function(change) {
// received a change
store.commit('CHANGE_STATE', change.doc.flavour)
.on('error', function(err) {
// handle errors

Your explanation is a bit fuzzy in that you talk about client 2 without ever mentioning client 1. I assume client 2 is a passive listener and client 1 is where data is changed. If I remember correctly from when I was building my Vue / PouchDB project last year I looked into how to coordinate the Store and the Database, and then thought, "Why bother? They're just two kinds of local storage". As long as changes in client 1 replicate to your Couch server and client 2 detects those server side changes and writes them into reactive variables, they'll propagate to the UI.
I used replicate.to() for storing client-side changes and replicate.from() to detect server-side changes. The replicate() functions have their own timer, constantly monitoring the changes queue, so you don't need to roll your own.

This is what I ended up doing !
actions: {
// do one way, one-off sync from the server until completion
pouchdb.replicate.from(remote).on('complete', function(info) {
// then two-way, continuous, retriable sync
.sync(remote, { live: true, retry: true })
.on('change', function(info) {
store.commit('CHANGE_STATE', info.change.docs[0].flavour)
.on('paused', function(err) {
// replication paused (e.g. replication up to date, user went offline)
.on('active', function() {
// replicate resumed (e.g. new changes replicating, user went back online)
.on('denied', function(err) {
// a document failed to replicate (e.g. due to permissions)
.on('complete', function(info) {
// handle complete
.on('error', function(err) {
// handle error


How to use useEffect() without performance degradation

I have a React Native app where, on one screen, I have a useEffect hook that constantly fetches data from a site and updates my local variable with that data (see below for a simplified example). The problem I am running into though is that this is killing the performance of my app. Even if you leave this screen, the app is sluggish.
The issue is no doubt caused by the countless calls to the URL to get the data & constantly resetting my local variable with the data. I tried using a dependency array with the hook, but if I do that it doesn't continually update, it only updates on the first load of the screen and I need it to update whenever there is a change (whenever new data is available).
Is there a way to do this so that I constantly get any updates from the remote source but don't slow down my app?
const [retrievedData, setRetrievedData] = [{}];
useEffect(() => {
let fetchedData;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
.catch(error => console.error(error));
When useEffect doesn't have a dependencies array (the second argument), it will run on every render. That is why you are making so many calls.
If you need to update the data real-time, the first question you must answer is: how will the client know the data has changed in the server?
One way you could make the server notify the client is by using WebSockets. A WebSocket creates a bidirectional connection between the client and the server, and the server can notify the client whenever anything changes. Other than that, you could also use a technique called "long polling" or "server-sent events".
But any of these three solutions would require you to change your server (in addition to your client).
Quick fix: limit the update frequency to "refresh every N seconds"
The quick and dirty alternative without changing the server is just to decide a frequency (e.g., update every 5s) and go with it in the client.
useEffect(() => {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
.catch(error => console.error(error));
}, 5000); // update every 5s
return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
}, []); // add to this array any variable that affects the fetch (e.g., URL)
Which number of seconds should you use? That will depend on each case. To decide that, evaluate both UX and server load.

how to place server action listeners in a vuejs project?

I am trying to make a simple chat app using vuejs and socketio.
I would like to broadcast a message from one user to all the others.
I have the following code on the server side to do that:
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('send-message', message => {
console.log('message sent: ' + message)
socket.broadcast.emit('receive-message', message)
On the client side, I am listening to that action in this method:
this.socket.on('receive-message', message => {
I am having a hard time knowing where to place that method. putting in mounted() or created() will make it get called over and over again. I only want to call it when the server actually sends a message.
What is the correct way to place server action listeners in a vuejs project?
putting in mounted() or created() will make it get called over and
over again.
this.socket.on is a "socket version" of document.addEventListener (docs) so, you will set a function (callback) that will be executed when a certain event occurs (receive-message in your case). Depending on what createMessageHtmlElement actually does, you can put this.socket.on in either created() or mounted().
Assuming you have a simple app, probably the best place to do that is App.vue since the listener is going to be registered when the App.vue is registered (Vue lifecycle)

Abort an Updates.fetchUpdateAsync() after a certain time [Expo/React native]

Expo React Native SDK Version: 46
Platforms: Android/iOS
Package concerned : Expo.Updates
Hello everyone, I want to programmatically check for new updates, without using the fallbackToCacheTimeout in app.json that will trigger the check of the new updates when the application is launched because like that I can't put a custom loading page.
So by doing this all by code as follow :
const update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();
await Updates.reloadAsync();
But I want to be able to abort all those calls after a certain time (thus, the user that have a bad connection can use the app without waiting a very long time).
I check the documentation and I cannot found any method that allow this.
I dont't think it's possible to cancel a Promise for now in Javascript, or maybe any connection ?
Or does the "fallbackToCacheTimeout" value in the app.json will automatically apply to the fetch updates call of the Expo API?
Do someone have any idea how to do it ? :(
First of all I am assuming you have set updates.checkautomatically field to ON_ERROR_RECOVERY in app.json or app.config.js file. If not, please check the documentation. The reason why you need this is to avoid automatic updates which can also block your app on splash screen.
Updated Solution
Because of the limitation in javascript we can't cancel any external Promise (not created by us or when its reject method is not exposed to us). Also the function fetchUpdateAsync exposed to us is not a promise but rather contains fetch promise and returns its result.
So, here we have two options:
Cancel reloading the app to update after a timeout.
But note that updates will be fetched in background and stored on
the device. Next time whenever user restarts the app, update will
be installed. I think this is just fine as this approach doesn't
block anything for user and also there is a default timeout for http
request clients like fetch and axios so, request will error out in
case of poor/no internet connection.
Here is the code:
try {
const update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
if (update.isAvailable) {
const updateFetchPromise = Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();
const timeoutInMillis = 10000; // 10 seconds
const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject("timedout"), timeoutInMillis))
// This will return only one Promise
Promise.race([updateFetchPromise, timeoutPromise])
.then(() => Updates.reloadAsync())
.catch((error) => {
if (error === 'timedout') {
// Here you can show some toast as well
console.log("Updates were not cancelled but reload is stopped.")
} else if (error === 'someKnownError') {
// Handle error
} else {
// Log error and/or show a toast message
} else {
// Perform some action when update is not available
} catch (err) {
// Handle error
Change the expo-updates package just for your app using a patch
Here you can return a cancel method with Updates.fetchUpdateAsync() and use it with setTimeout to cancel the fetch request. I won't be providing any code for this part but if you are curious I can definitely provide some help.
Please refer this section to understand use of fallbackToCacheTimeout in eas updates.
Old solution:
Now, for aborting or bypassing the promise i.e. Updates.fetchUpdateAsync in your case. You can basically throw an Error in setTimeout after whatever time duration you want, so that, catch block will be executed, bypassing the promises.
Here is the old code :
const update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
// Throw error after 10 seconds.
const timeout = setTimeout(() => { throw Error("Unable to fetch updates. Skipping..") }, 10000)
await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();
// Just cancel the above timeout so, no error is thrown.
await Updates.reloadAsync();

Update all clients after a change in vuex state

I am using vue2 syntax and vuex , versions : vue/cli 4.5.13 and vue#2.6.14 and vuex 3.6.2
I have a simple to do project , for adding todos in a list, based on the 2019 vue tutorial by traversy.
I have a simple form ij my component to add a to do
<form #submit.prevent="onSubmit" >
and in my vuex store I have
const state = {
const getters = {
allTodos: (state) => {return state.todos}
const actions = {
async addTodo({commit}, title){
const res = await axios.post('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos', {
commit('newTodo', res.data);
const mutations = {
newTodo:(state, todo)=>(
Is there a way to update all clients that view the todos, without clients have to refresh nothing, as soon as a new todo is added in the state, using only vuex/vue?
Thank you
Is there a way to update all clients that view the todos, without clients have to refresh nothing, as soon as a new todo is added in the state, using only vuex/vue?
No, it is not possible.
There is no link between all your clients. All your Vue/VueX code lives in a single client. Here's what you need to do to get where you want to go, and its a long way from here:
Build a backend server. Here's a Node.js guide
Build an APi in your server. Your clients will make requests to this server to get all todos, and post new todos to the server. Here's an express.js guide
You need a database to store your todos in the server. You can use something like MongoDB or an ORM like Sequelize for node.js.
Now you can either write a code to periodically request the server for todos in the background and update it in your vue components, or you can use a pub/sub library like pusher. Pusher uses WebSockets under the hood for maintaining a persistent bidirectional connection. If you want to, you can implement this on your own, you can read about it here, thanks to #Aurora for the link to the tutorial.
Here's a consolidated guide for doing all this:
Is there a way to update all clients that view the todos, without clients have to refresh nothing, as soon as a new todo is added in the state, using only vuex/vue?
There's a couple of errors in your code:
change todos:'' to todos:[]
change state.todos.unshift(todo) to state.todos.push(todo)
This way, every time that you call addTodo action, all components connected to allTodos getter will show the latest todos
Vuex/Vue are reactive. So in every page that you see using that showcomponent will show you the last update. If you want to show in every USER CONNECTED, of course you don't need http request, you need WEBSOCKETS

How do MongoDB Stitch SDK's work in regards to client instantiation or how does Stitch.defaultAppClient.getServiceClient work?

I'm using expo to build out a React Native application and I'm running into issues when attempting to write code that accesses remote MongoDB servers. I'm attempting to use MongoDB's provided Stitch SDK's for React Native.
When running
const mongoClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient.getServiceClient(RemoteMongoClient.factory, "mongodb-atlas");
I'm running into the following error:StitchServiceError: service not found: 'mongodb-atlas'
When my app initializes in my main App component, I'm initializing the default client using Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient per the recommended documentation. Based on my debugging logs, this part is working correctly and I'm able to authenticate with the service correctly and I am storing the client in the App component's state. I'm running the loadClient method in the constructor of my main App component.
_loadClient() {
console.log("Loading Stitch client");
Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").then(client => {
this.setState({ client });
.loginWithCredential(new AnonymousCredential())
.then(user => {
console.log(`Successfully logged in as user ${user.id}`);
this.setState({ currentUserId: user.id });
this.setState({ currentUserId: client.auth.user.id });
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Failed to log in anonymously: ${err}`);
this.setState({ currentUserId: undefined });
For more context: I'm executing the getServiceClient function in a separate react saga so that I can fetch data behind the scenes based on actions that are dispatched within the application. I'm calling getServiceClient inside a function that gets called upon every dispatch of a specific action. All of this is exported to a single async function which is then applied as saga middleware enhancer to a store.
I think I'm not able to retrieve the service client because the defaultappclient isn't initialized within the context of the saga because of the way sagas work (from my understanding) but I need more insight into how getServiceClient() works.
I ended up storing the client in a local instance in the saga js file so that the instance is available for all sagas and I plan on keeping all sagas within this file. I am using asynchronous functions to ensure that the app client is initialized prior to binding any client requests to redux actions.
let appClient;
function* initAppClient() {
console.log("Initializing Stitch Client");
yield Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient("client-identification-here ").then(client => appClient=client);
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield initAppClient();
yield takeEvery('ACTION HERE', uploadState);
The downside to this approach is that this instance won't be available to the rest of my react application and I won't be able to use Stitch functionality to update anything through the actual react application. This works for me as I only plan on using Stitch when state changes within my application and this decouples any server/remote data operations from react application functionality which focuses on presentation, routing, etc. If I want to use Stitch within my react application, I would have to initialize another client within react's context.