Multi line string separation in velocity template - velocity

Using the velocity template language and I have a multiline string. I am trying to find the end of line so I can split these strings. But somehow I am not able to find it. Used all the functions like replace, replaceAll, indexof, split for \n, \n, but it does not recognize the end of line in the multiline character. I have this template in the work document.
#set($index = $st.indexOf(“\n”))
Always returns -1. Tried different things to find the carriage return in velocity template. But does not work. One of the string I have is:
and I want to change it to:
instead of
So I need to find the end of line. Any help is appriciated.


How to tell if carriage return is in my string?

I have a textbox control that allows for the user of enter button to enter details like ADdresses or other demographic information. Since the default for addresses are as follows:
Address 1
Address 2
City, st
I am wondering if there is a way to tell if the Enter key was used to make a new line here? I've looked around and currently the only is to have a check in VB for vbCrLf however I'm not seeing it pick this up in the code.
Test data for this would be something similar to below
123 N Street
S Test Street
Test City, XX
The code below is what I'm trying to just replace any return carriage and replace with a space
Text.Replace(vbCrLf, " ")
Will this vbCrLf not pick up a carriage return unless there's an actual space between the above test values?
If you are using a MultiLine textbox (as it seems from your sample) then you don't need to search for the newline characters and replace them with a space.
You could simply use the Lines property where every line is stored separated from the other and then use the string Join method to create a single line string
Dim singleLine = string.Join(" ", myTextBox.Lines)
Of course if you are just interested to know if there is a newline character then just check the Length property of the Lines array
vbCrLf actually refers to two characters, a carriage return (13) and a line feed (10).
I would search and replace each separately. It isn't strictly necessary (as replace will work on the two characters at once), but can catch instances in which the user cut and pasted information, instead of typing directly into the text box.
Text = Text.Replace(vbCr, " ")
Text = Text.Replace(vbLf, " ")
Text = Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ")
The Replace() function will indeed properly detect and replace all occurrences of the target with the replacement - it does not matter whether there are leading or trailing spaces.
However, please consider that String objects are immutable and cannot be changed after they have been instantiated. Therefore, Replace() does not modify the existing object but rather returns a new string as its result.
To actually see the results of the function call, you need to do something along these lines:
newString = Text.Replace(vbCrLf, " ")
I spent quite some time to resolve exactly this problem, the solution I came across was:
text = text.Replace(" ", ControlChars.CrLf)
Sorry cant remember where I found the solution but if I do remember it I will post the link here.

Visual Basic pulling a character from a certain line number

I am working on a macro that needs to be able to check and make sure that a character on a certain line is what it should be before it finishes the form.
Where or how do i find the information to do this?
I have tried using the command "Left(#of line ,1)" and am not getting it to return anything at this point.
I Assume that you have this text in a string. Comment to my answer if wrong.
You can use a Regex to compare to string with your character like so :
If Regex.IsMatch(MyString, *.{X}Y) Then
'You have to manually replace X for the number of characters before the character you scan for
'You have to manually replace Y for the-said character it is supposed to be
Look at for more info on Regex.
If you want to only take one line in your string :
TheLine = split(MyString,Environnement.Newline)([Line Number])

Read a text file and display result in a window

I have a text file which contains about 60 lines. I would like to parse out all the text from that file and display in a window. The text file contains words that are separated by an underscore. I would like to use regular expression to solve this problem.
This is my code as of now. I am trying to read "filename" in my code.
Dim filename = "D:\databases.txt"
Dim regexpression As String = "/^[^_]*_([^_]*)\w/"
I know I don't have much done here anyway but I am trying to learn VB on my own and have gotten stuck here.
Please feel free to suggest what I should be doing instead.
Something like this:
TextBox1.Lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines("fileName")
To remove underscores:
TextBox1.Lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines("fileName").Replace("_", String.Empty)
If you also need other special characters removed, you can use Regex.Replace:
Remove special characters from a string
Also on MSDN:
How to: Strip Invalid Characters from a String
Or the old school way - loop through all characters, and filter only those you need:
Most efficient way to remove special characters from string

write new line to file

I'm trying to write to file newline. I'm using WS_DOWNLOAD but have no idea how to write new line into text.
Anyone knows ?
Set a character type field to cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf and insert that in the appropriate places (wherever you want a new line) to your output.
This contains the carriage return & linefeed characters.

Replace a 'bel' character in a file in vb.NET

I've come across a character in one of my data feeds, which I have never encountered before
The images above are the data feed in Notepad++ and Notepad view. As you can see it appears as 'BEL' in Notepad++ and a sort of 'bullet point' in Notepad.
How would I go about replacing this character in vb.NET?
I've tried a simple replace in a SSIS Script Task by copying and pasting the character into the replace function, e.g.
text = text.Replace("copy and pasted character", "")
and this gives this error
All help is extremely appreciated,
I’ve got no idea what SSIS is but since you wanted to know a solution in VB.NET, the code you’ve tried will work here. That is:
text = text.Replace("copy and pasted character", "")
will work just fine in VB. Alternatively, you can use the following:
text = text.Replace(Chr(7).ToString(), "")
Find out what the Ascii value of the character is and then use the Chr function to eliminate it
text = text.Replace(Chr(n), "")
[Bell] is probably character 7