How can I define a simple non-method function on wren? - scripting

The documentation of the wren scripting language explains how to define methods within a class, but I want to define a simple function and not a method. I tried this:
#! /usr/bin/env wren
square(n) {
return n * n
and this (omitting the parts other than the attempted function definition:
var square= {|n|
return n * n
and this
var square= {|n|
return n * n
but nothing worked.
Any advice how I could make it work without resorting to method definitions?

I found a solution: Obviously I forgot the invoke the call() method on the function object. This works:
#! /usr/bin/env wren
var square= {|n|
return n * n
However, I find it hard to believe that all user-defined functions have to be called by explicitly invoking a "call" method on them!
The last time I have seen something like that where "call" had to be written explicitly all the time was TI BASIC for the TI-99/4a.
But that was about 35 years ago! ;-)


Raku last on non-loops

I have something that I can do easily in Perl, but not in Raku without fiddling around with flag variables. Here's the Perl code:
foreach $item (1 2 3 4 5) {
$item == 6 and last MAIN_BLOCK;
print "No items matched!\n";
The relevant difference here is that Perl will allow you to use last to exit from any labelled block. Raku will only do this if the block is a loop.
Is there a good way to do this? I feel like there should be a phaser for this, but haven't figured out how to do it without flag variables, which seem like they should be avoidable.
Raku supports similar control flow with given blocks.
Here's a fairly literal translation (i.e., not necessarily idiomatic Raku) from the Perl code you posted:
given * {
for ^6 -> $item {
succeed if $item == 6;
default { print "No items matched!\n"; }
edit: Oh, and for a less-literally-translated/more-idiomatic-Raku solution, well, TIMTOWTDI but I might go with returning from an anonymous sub:
sub { for ^6 { return when 6 }
say "No items matched!" }()
(Of course, I suppose it's possible that the most Raku-ish way to solve do that doesn't involve any Raku syntax at all – but instead involves modifying one of Raku's braided languages to allow for loops to take an else block. But I'm not advising those sort of shenanigans!)

Apply a proxy to a variable (not an attribute) using traits

This question is a near-duplicate of Apply a proxy using traits. However, that question dealt with applying a proxy to an Attribute, and I would like to do the same thing for a Variable. From Jonathan's answer, I understand that I
need to arrange for the Proxy to be bound into the attribute, so that there's a Proxy there rather than a Scalar container that is usually created by class initialization logic.
However, I can't seem to bind successfully to a Variable:D, even at compile time. (Including with nqp::bind). I'd greatly appreciate any pointers in the correct direction.
(Ideally, I'd like to support using the variable/trait with assignment syntax. In a perfect world, I'd have syntax like:
my $thing is custom-proxy = 42;
And the result of that would be that $thing is containerized inside the Proxy, but not in a Scalar. But if that's not possible, I'd settle for getting it working with binding via :=.
[EDIT: building on the accepted answer below, it is possible to mostly do this with the following code:
multi trait_mod:<is>(Variable \v, :$tom) {
v.willdo(<-> $_ {
$_ =
STORE => -> $, $v { say "store $v" },
FETCH => { say "fetch!"; 42}
}, 1))
This works for variables that are not initialized to a different value or for state variables on calls to the function other than the first.
You can always bind.
my $actual-thing = 42;
my $thing :=
FETCH => anon method fetch () {
say 'fetch';
STORE => anon method store ($new) {
say 'store ',$new;
$actual-thing = $new
say $thing;
$thing = 5;
say $thing;
Which currently results in the following.
store 5
(The repeated FETCH calls are a known limitation.)
If you wanted to have syntax like
my $thing is custom-proxy = 42;
You would need to start with
multi trait_mod:<is> ( Variable:D \var, :$custom-proxy! ){
The problem is that currently doing it this way requires a lot of deep Rakudo/nqp knowledge that I do not possess.
For example the code behind my $var is default('value') looks a bit like this:
multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Variable:D $v, Mu :$default!) {
my $var := $v.var;
my $what := $var.VAR.WHAT;
my $descriptor;
$descriptor := nqp::getattr($var, $what.^mixin_base, '$!descriptor');
my $native = $v.native($what);
# make sure we start with the default if a scalar
$var = $default if nqp::istype($what, Scalar);
Why does that have $what.^mixin_base?
I have no idea.
Why isn't $!descriptor accessible something like $v.var.descriptor?
I have no idea.
How do we change $v.var.VAR from a Scalar to a Proxy?
I have no idea.
Is that last one doable? (From within a trait_mod:<is>)
I am fairly certain that the answer is yes.
My 2d[1]:
I'd settle for getting it working with binding via :=.
sub custom-proxy is rw { FETCH => { 42 }, STORE => { ... } }
my $variable := custom-proxy;
say $variable; # 42
In a perfect world, I'd have syntax like:
my $thing is custom-proxy = 42;
Aiui, that's #Larry's intent.
But, as you presumably know, if a type (eg role custom-proxy { ... }) is applied using an is trait to a scalar variable (eg my $variable is custom-proxy) then the compiler emits a compile time error message (is trait on $-sigil variable not yet implemented).
I can't seem to bind successfully to a Variable:D, even at compile time
First, let's clarify what a Variable is, and what you would need to successfully bind to:
multi trait_mod:<is>(Variable \var, :$foo!) { say var.var.VAR.WHAT } # (Scalar)
my $variable is foo;
You might think you could bind to var. But the compiler is passing an lvalue, so you're not going to be able to alter it.
You might think you could bind to var.var, which is an attribute of a Variable. (I explain what a Variable is, and its var attribute, and why I had to write "varvarVAR!" in the above code, here.)
The SO you linked shows how to alter the value bound to an attribute in some object:
$a.set_build: -> \SELF, | {
$a.set_value: SELF,
STORE => -> $, $val { say "store $val" },
FETCH => { say "fetch!"; 42 }
So perhaps you could use that approach to alter the .var attribute of a Variable?
Unfortunately, "setting build logic" is used to "bind the attribute ... at each object creation", (hence "you'll be overriding any initial default value").
So I don't think this technique is going to help in this case because the Variable, and hence its .var attribute, has presumably already been built by the time the Variable is passed to the is trait.
In summary, while a trait is called at compile-time, I think it's called too late because the var attribute has already been permanently bound.
My guess is that altering Raku(do) so that the Variable's .var attribute becomes writable, or using metaprogramming to dive underneath Variable's public API to force through a change, would be beyond fraught, unreasonably complicating the compiler's variable handling code and/or swapping out codegen optimization logic for pessimization logic.
This may be behind #Larry's speculation that a more controlled is type on scalar variables will one day be implemented.
[1] My two (pennies | dogecoin).

Lodash way of creating a custom function

I'm trying to implement a simple function in pure lodash way.
function forward(i) => {
return (j) => {
return String.fromCharCode(i + j)
So that I can do _.range(26).map(forward(65)). Take me some time to make this work:
function a = _.wrap(String.fromCharCode, (fn, a, b) => fn(a + b))
function b = _.ary(a, 2)
function forward = _.curry(b)
Now my question is is there an easier way to do this? and how do I use sum to construct (fn, a, b) => fn(a + b)?
One last thing is I couldn't find wrap function file in Lodash repo.
The function _.curry(...) is kind of strange when it comes to calling functions with various parameters. Let me guide you with an example below.
The ary-function (_.ary(..., 2)) takes any function and ensures its never called with more than a specific amount of arguments (in this case two). Less arguments than specified, will just end up calling the underlying function with less arguments. A definition of this function could look like this:
function ary() {
const args = arguments;
// implementation
There is no way to tell how many arguments the function is expecting, as you would with a function with actual parameters (function(a, b) { }). If you would define const forward1 = _.curry(_.ary(target, 2)), and call it with forward1(42)(2), the curry function would just pass down the first argument to ary as it thinks its done.
We can get around this by using an overload of curry that specifies how many parameters the underlying function is expecting (const forward2 = _.curry(target, 2)). Only in the case where forward2 is called in a curry-style (not sure what its even called) with two parameters, it passes it down to target. A call with one argument will just return a new function, waiting for it to be called with the second argument. Now we can get rid of the ary-call, as it serves us no purpose anymore.
As for chaining actions, there's a helper for that. For example: c(b(a(...) can be rewritten to _.flow([a, b, c]). Lodash also provides a function for a + b, which is _.add().
Together your problem can be rewritten to:
const forward = _.curry(_.flow([_.add, String.fromCharCode]), 2);
or more verbose:
const methods = _.flow([
const forward = _.curry(methods, 2);
Note that the 2 corresponds to the amount of parameters the _.add method expects.

Why is Perl 6's unwrap method a method of Routine?

There's an unwrap method, but the way it seems I'm supposed to use
it isn't the way it should be used. It seems like it should either be a
standalone routine or a method in a different class. What am I missing?
It appears that it doesn't care what its invocant is as long as it
gets the right Routine::WrapHandle thingy as an argument. In this
example, I wrap a subroutine and get back a WrapHandle:
sub add-two-numbers ( $n, $m ) { $n + $m }
sub do-some-stuff ( $n, $m, $o ) {
add-two-numbers( $n max $m, $m max $o );
put do-some-stuff( 5, 10, 15 );
# now I want to look into do-some-stuff to see what it's
# passing
my $wraphandle = &add-two-numbers.wrap: {
say "Arguments were (#_[])";
callwith( |#_ );
put do-some-stuff( 5, 10, 15 );
Then, I can create a different and unrelated routine and call unwrap
on that:
my &routine = sub { 1 };
&routine.unwrap( $wraphandle );
put do-some-stuff( 5, 10, 15 );
The invocant to unwrap seems superfluous. Indeed, I can call it as a
class method and it still works:
Routine.unwrap( $wraphandle );
But, it seems this should either be a routine (since the invocant
doesn't matter):
unwrap( $wraphandle ); # doesn't exist
Or a method on Routine::WrapHandle since that's the source of the
$wraphandle.unwrap; # but, this method doesn't exist in that class
So, what am I missing about this method?
At a guess, the interface was designed one way (with the routine keeping the information and being able to remove 'passive' handles), but implemented another (with the handle already keeping all required information so it can unwrap itself).
As to the notion that unwrap should perhaps be a method on the handle: It actually is, but the method is called restore, which Routine.unwrap merely delegates to (cf core/
method unwrap($handle) {
$handle.can('restore') && $handle.restore() ||
If you want the full story, besides core/, there's also Perl6::Metamodel::WrapDispatcher defined in Perl6/Metamodel/Dispatchers.nqp. From what I can see, it certainly should be possible to implement the original design I conjectured, but it would need someone feeling strongly enough about the issue to actually do it...

Why can't I call "gist" on "while"? (Perl 6)

I can call the gist method on the say built-in function:
sub say (| is raw) { #`(Sub|54790064) ... }
Why can't I call gist on while?
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <unknown file>
Undeclared routine:
while used at line 1
Obviously while isn't a "routine" but say is. But I thought that all of the built-ins in Perl 6 were really functions that we could redefine.
I thought that all of the built-ins in Perl 6 were really functions that we could redefine.
while is not a routine or macro, but part of the syntax, defined in Perl6's grammar.
If you wanted to redefine it, you would have to create your own slang, which currently involves black magic.
For some reason I have yet to figure out, it only works when done in a module (otherwise, %*LANG seems not to be defined).
Let's call the module froop.pm6:
use nqp;
sub EXPORT {
nqp::bindkey(%*LANG, 'MAIN', nqp::atkey(%*LANG, 'MAIN').^mixin(role {
rule statement_control:sym<while> {
$/.hash<sym>.^mixin: role {
method Str { 'while' }
}|$<sym>=until]<.kok> {}
This replaces the while keyword (in statement position) with froop, eg
use froop;
my $i = 0;
froop $i < 5 { say $i++ }