How to Improve Performance of sql query - sql

The Table
CREATE TABLE ABC(key number(5), orders number(5), cost number(5), dat date);
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost, dat) values (1, 3, 5, to_date('10-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 5, 2, to_date('02-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 6, 1, to_date('03-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 7, 2, to_date('05-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 8, 3, to_date('07-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 3, 4, to_date('08-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 6, to_date('02-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 9, to_date('01-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 2 ,5, to_date('03-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 2, to_date('05-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 1, 1, to_date('06-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('10-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 9, to_date('01-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 2 ,5, to_date('05-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 2, to_date('06-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 1, 1, to_date('07-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('11-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost, dat) values (1, 3, 5, to_date('10-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 5, 2, to_date('02-17-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 6, 1, to_date('03-18-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 7, 2, to_date('05-14-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 8, 3, to_date('07-13-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 3, 4, to_date('08-12-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 6, to_date('02-11-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 9, to_date('01-15-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 2 ,5, to_date('03-14-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 2, to_date('05-18-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 1, 1, to_date('06-19-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('10-11-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 9, to_date('01-12-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 2 ,5, to_date('05-16-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 2, to_date('06-17-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 1, 1, to_date('07-12-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('12-11-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
Now, The query
one as
(select t.key, sum(t.cost) as tot, sum(t.orders) as qty from table t
where >= to_date('01-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy') and < to_date('04-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy')
group by t.key),
two as
(select t.key, sum(t.cost) as tot, sum(t.orders) as qty from table t
where >= to_date('04-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy') and < to_date('07-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy')
group by t.key),
three as
(select t.key, sum(t.cost) as tot, sum(t.orders) as qty from table t
where >= to_date('07-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy') and < to_date('10-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy')
group by t.key),
four as
(select t.key, sum(t.cost) as tot, sum(t.orders) as qty from table t
where >= to_date('10-01-2017','mm-dd-yyyy') and < to_date('01-01-2018','mm-dd-yyyy')
group by t.key)
select o.key, o.tot, o.qty, s.tot, s.qty, t.tot, t.qty, f.tot,f.qty
from one o
left join two s on s.key = o.key
left join three t on t.key = o.key
left join four f on f.key = o.key
I want to know if I could improve the performance of this SQL Query?
If you notice the code, you can see that there is a 'Where' statement that is taking results from various dates groups. Most of the query is repetitive except the where clause.
Is there a way to optimize the query? In terms of performance and number of lines.
Expected Output Format: I can code the format part, but, That's the idea

Looks like you are trying to get quarterly totals/quantities. Could be simplified doing sum( case/when ).
SQL Fiddle Result
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1From and t.dat < Tmp.Q1End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q1Tot,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1From and t.dat < Tmp.Q1End then t.orders else 0 end ) as Q1Qty,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1End and t.dat < Tmp.Q2End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q2Tot,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1End and t.dat < Tmp.Q2End then t.orders else 0 end ) as Q2Qty,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q2End and t.dat < Tmp.Q3End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q3Tot,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q2End and t.dat < Tmp.Q3End then t.orders else 0 end ) as Q3Qty,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q3End and t.dat < Tmp.Q4End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q4Tot,
sum( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q3End and t.dat < Tmp.Q4End then t.orders else 0 end ) as Q4Qty
ABC t,
( select
to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q1From,
to_date('04-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q1End,
to_date('07-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q2End,
to_date('10-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q3End,
to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q4End
dual ) Tmp
t.dat >= to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
and t.dat < to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by
and definitely have an index on ( date, key )… The date field to optimize the WHERE clause, the KEY to optimize the group by
Doing all in one will prevent missing numbers such as an item not sold in first quarter but IS sold in second, third or fourth, it would otherwise be left out of the final results.


How to find all those Sellers from the table who had increase in sales in at least 3 months consecutively in SQL?

How to find all those Sellers from below table who had increase in sales in at least 3 months consecutively?
Record | Seller_id | Months | Sales_amount
0 121 Feb 100
1 121 Jan 87
2 121 Mar 95
3 121 May 105
4 121 Apr 100
5 321 Jan 100
6 321 Feb 87
7 321 Mar 95
8 321 Apr 105
9 321 May 110
10 597 Jan 100
11 597 Feb 105
12 597 Mar 95
13 597 Apr 100
14 597 May 110
This is curious you have no year and months are three letter codes. Do it with lag
and table of months
With tbl as (
select * from (values
-- source data
(0 , 121,'Feb',100)
,(1 , 121,'Jan',87 )
,(2 , 121,'Mar',95 )
,(3 , 121,'May',105)
,(4 , 121,'Apr',100)
,(5 , 321,'Jan',100)
,(6 , 321,'Feb',87 )
,(7 , 321,'Mar',95 )
,(8 , 321,'Apr',105)
,(9 , 321,'May',110)
,(10, 597,'Jan',100)
,(11, 597,'Feb',105)
,(12, 597,'Mar',95 )
,(13, 597,'Apr',100)
,(14, 597,'May',110)
) t(id, Seller_id, Months, Sales_amount)
), months as (
select * from ( values
(1, 'Jan')
,(2, 'Feb')
,(3, 'Mar')
,(4, 'Apr')
,(5, 'May')
-- , etc
) t(id,name)
select *
from (
select t.*,
lag(Sales_amount,1) over (partition by Seller_id order by m1,
lag(Sales_amount,2) over (partition by Seller_id order by m2
from tbl t
join months m on
) t
where Sales_amount > m1 and m1 > m2;
VALUES -- source data
(0, 121, 'Feb', 100),
(1, 121, 'Jan', 87),
(2, 121, 'Mar', 95),
(3, 121, 'May', 105),
(4, 121, 'Apr', 100),
(5, 321, 'Jan', 100),
(6, 321, 'Feb', 87),
(7, 321, 'Mar', 95),
(8, 321, 'Apr', 105),
(9, 321, 'May', 110),
(10, 597, 'Jan', 100),
(11, 597, 'Feb', 105),
(12, 597, 'Mar', 95),
(13, 597, 'Apr', 100),
(14, 597, 'May', 110)
) t (id, Seller_id, Months, Sales_amount) ),
(1, 'Jan'),
(2, 'Feb'),
(3, 'Mar'),
(4, 'Apr'),
(5, 'May') -- , etc
) t (id, name) ),
AS (SELECT a.*, id2,
ON a.Months =,
AS (SELECT --c1.*
c1.Months AS m1,
c2.Months AS m2,
c3.Months AS m3,
c1.Sales_amount AS sa1,
c2.Sales_amount AS sa2,
c3.Sales_amount AS sa3
FROM c c1
ON c1.id2 = c2.id2 - 1
AND c1.Seller_id = c2.Seller_id
ON c2.id2 = c3.id2 - 1
AND c2.Seller_id = c3.Seller_id)
WHEN sa1 < sa2
AND sa2 < sa3 THEN
END is_con

Query Optimization to reduce multiple joins statements

Here is the table:
key NUMBER(5),
orders NUMBER(5),
cost NUMBER(5),
dat DATE
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost, dat) values (1, 3, 5, to_date('10-11-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 5, 2, to_date('02-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 6, 1, to_date('03-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 7, 2, to_date('05-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 8, 3, to_date('07-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 3, 4, to_date('08-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 6, to_date('02-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 9, to_date('01-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 2 ,5, to_date('03-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 2, to_date('05-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 1, 1, to_date('06-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('10-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 9, to_date('01-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 2 ,5, to_date('05-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 2, to_date('06-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 1, 1, to_date('07-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('11-10-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost, dat) values (1, 3, 5, to_date('10-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 5, 2, to_date('02-17-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 6, 1, to_date('03-18-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 7, 2, to_date('05-14-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 8, 3, to_date('07-13-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (1, 3, 4, to_date('08-12-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 6, to_date('02-11-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 9, to_date('01-15-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 2 ,5, to_date('03-14-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 3, 2, to_date('05-18-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (2, 1, 1, to_date('06-19-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('10-11-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 9, to_date('01-12-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 2 ,5, to_date('05-16-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 3, 2, to_date('06-17-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 1, 1, to_date('07-12-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
insert into ABC (key, orders, cost,dat) values (3, 4, 12, to_date('12-21-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy'));
Not sure why my results are repeating.
Here is my query:
with qone as
(select a.key, a.max_price, max(t.dat) as qo_dat from ABC t
(select key, max(cost) as max_price from ABC
where dat >= to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('04-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by key) a on a.key = t.key and a.max_price = t.cost
group by a.key, a.max_price),
qtwo as
(select a.key, a.max_price, max(t.dat) as qt_dat from ABC t
(select key, max(cost) as max_price from ABC
where dat >= to_date('04-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('07-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by key) a on a.key = t.key and a.max_price = t.cost
group by a.key, a.max_price),
qthree as
(select a.key, a.max_price, max(t.dat) as qth_dat from ABC t
(select key, max(cost) as max_price from ABC
where dat >= to_date('07-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('10-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by key) a on a.key = t.key and a.max_price = t.cost
group by a.key, a.max_price),
qfour as
(select a.key, a.max_price, max(t.dat) as qf_dat from ABC t
(select key, max(cost) as max_price from ABC
where dat >= to_date('10-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('01-01-
2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by key) a on a.key = t.key and a.max_price = t.cost
group by a.key, a.max_price)
select qo.key, qo.max_price as max_q1, qo.qo_dat, qt.max_price as max_q2,
qt.qt_dat, qth.max_price as max_q3, qth.qth_dat, qf.max_price as max_q4,
qf.qf_dat from qone qo
join qtwo qt on qt.key = qo.key
join qthree qth on qth.key = qth.key
join qfour qf on qf.key = qf.key
order by keyenter code here
I want to know if there is a way to reduce the lines.
How I did it? I find the Max Price and Max Date for each quarter, I define the quarters using where statement.
I use Divide and Conquer technique, I find the Max price and the respective date for all four quarters and join them on the key. Sample of one self-defined quarter below.
`select a.key, a.max_price, max(t.dat) as qo_dat from ABC t
(select key, max(cost) as max_price from ABC
where dat >= to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('04-01-
2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by key) a on a.key = t.key and a.max_price = t.cost
group by a.key, a.max_price`
Possible optimized solution: but I m figuring out a way to add a corresponding date next to it
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1From and t.dat < Tmp.Q1End then t.cost
else 0 end ) as Q1Tot,
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1End and t.dat < Tmp.Q2End then t.cost else
0 end ) as Q2Tot,
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q2End and t.dat < Tmp.Q3End then t.cost else
0 end ) as Q3Tot,
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q3End and t.dat < Tmp.Q4End then t.cost else
0 end ) as Q4Tot
ABC t,
( select
to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q1From,
to_date('04-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q1End,
to_date('07-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q2End,
to_date('10-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q3End,
to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q4End
dual ) Tmp
t.dat >= to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
and t.dat < to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by
Instead of using JOINs or cross joins, consider using the analytical function NTH_VALUE (see documentation) for displaying the required values for the 4 quarters side by side.
NTH_VALUE returns the measure_expr value of the nth row in the window
defined by the analytic_clause.
First step: find the "max costs" and their corresponding dates for all keys (and quarters).
select *
from (
select key, dat, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) quarter
, max( cost ) over ( partition by key, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) order by cost desc ) maxcost_
, max( dat ) over ( partition by key, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) order by cost desc ) maxdat_
, row_number() over ( partition by key, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) order by cost desc ) rownum_
from abc
where rownum_ = 1
-- result
1 17-FEB-17 1 2 17-FEB-17 1
1 14-MAY-17 2 2 14-MAY-17 1
1 12-AUG-17 3 4 12-AUG-17 1
1 01-OCT-17 4 5 11-OCT-17 1
2 10-JAN-17 1 9 15-JAN-17 1
2 10-MAY-17 2 2 18-MAY-17 1
3 10-JAN-17 1 9 12-JAN-17 1
3 10-MAY-17 2 5 16-MAY-17 1
3 10-JUL-17 3 1 12-JUL-17 1
3 10-NOV-17 4 12 21-DEC-17 1
10 rows selected.
Final query: use the first query as an INLINE VIEW, and call NTH_VALUE for retrieving the values for each quarter.
select unique key
, nth_value( maxcost_, 1 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q1max
, nth_value( maxdat_, 1 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q1date
, nth_value( maxcost_, 2 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q2max
, nth_value( maxdat_, 2 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q2date
, nth_value( maxcost_, 3 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q3max
, nth_value( maxdat_, 3 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q3date
, nth_value( maxcost_, 4 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q4max
, nth_value( maxdat_, 4 ) from first over ( partition by key ) q4date
from (
select *
from (
select key, dat, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) quarter
, max( cost ) over ( partition by key, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) order by cost desc ) maxcost_
, max( dat ) over ( partition by key, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) order by cost desc ) maxdat_
, row_number() over ( partition by key, to_char( dat, 'Q' ) order by cost desc ) rownum_
from abc
where rownum_ = 1
) -- inline view (no name required)
order by key
-- result
1 2 17-FEB-17 2 14-MAY-17 4 12-AUG-17 5 11-OCT-17
2 9 15-JAN-17 2 18-MAY-17 NULL NULL NULL NULL
3 9 12-JAN-17 5 16-MAY-17 1 12-JUL-17 12 21-DEC-17
Maybe you could rewrite it in a shorter way, as in SQL Fiddle:
select a.key, qtr, a.max_price, max(t.dat) as qo_dat
from ABC t
join (
select key, to_char(dat, 'Q') as qtr, max(cost) as max_price
from ABC
where dat >= to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
and dat < to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by key, to_char(dat, 'Q')
) a on a.key = t.key and a.max_price = t.cost and a.qtr = to_char(t.dat, 'Q')
group by a.key, a.qtr, a.max_price
order by a.key, a.qtr, a.max_price
The output is a little bit different, but it shows what you want. Doesn't it?
select a.key, a.q1tot, b.dat, a.q2tot, c.dat, a.q3tot, d.dat, a.q4tot, e.dat from (
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1From and t.dat < Tmp.Q1End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q1Tot,
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q1End and t.dat < Tmp.Q2End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q2Tot,
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q2End and t.dat < Tmp.Q3End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q3Tot,
max( case when t.dat >= Tmp.Q3End and t.dat < Tmp.Q4End then t.cost else 0 end ) as Q4Tot
ABC t,
( select
to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q1From,
to_date('04-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q1End,
to_date('07-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q2End,
to_date('10-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q3End,
to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy') Q4End
dual ) Tmp
t.dat >= to_date('01-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
and t.dat < to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy')
group by
t.key) a
( select key, cost, dat from ABC
where dat < to_date('04-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy')) b
on a.key = b.key and a.Q1tot = b.cost
( select key, cost, dat from ABC
where dat >= to_date('04-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('07-01-2017',
'mm-dd-yyyy')) c
on a.key = c.key and a.Q1tot = c.cost
( select key, cost, dat from ABC
where dat >= to_date('07-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('10-01-2017',
'mm-dd-yyyy')) d
on a.key = d.key and a.Q1tot = d.cost
( select key, cost, dat from ABC
where dat >= to_date('10-01-2017', 'mm-dd-yyyy') and dat < to_date('01-01-2018', 'mm-dd-yyyy')) e
on a.key = e.key and a.Q1tot = e.cost
This is my code, But the above two queries perform faster

Select rows until running sum reaches specific value

I have the following data:
DECLARE #t TABLE (usr VARCHAR(100), dt DATE, amount INT);
('a', '2018-01-01', 100), -- 100
('a', '2018-02-01', 100), -- 200
('a', '2018-03-01', 100), -- 300
('a', '2018-04-01', 100), -- 400
('a', '2018-05-01', 100), -- 500
('b', '2018-01-01', 150), -- 150
('b', '2018-02-01', 150), -- 300
('b', '2018-03-01', 150), -- 450
('b', '2018-04-01', 150), -- 600
('b', '2018-05-01', 150); -- 750
And a value such as 300 or 301 (a user variable or column). I want to select rows until running total of amount reaches the specified value, with the following twist:
For 300 I want to select first 3 rows for a and first 2 rows for b
For 301 I want to select first 4 rows for a and first 3 rows for b
This is supposed to be simple but the solutions I found do not handle the second case.
DECLARE #t TABLE (usr VARCHAR(100), dt DATE, amount INT);
('a', '2018-01-01', 100), -- 100
('a', '2018-02-01', 100), -- 200
('a', '2018-03-01', 100), -- 300
('a', '2018-04-01', 100), -- 400
('a', '2018-05-01', 100), -- 500
('b', '2018-01-01', 150), -- 150
('b', '2018-02-01', 150), -- 300
('b', '2018-03-01', 150), -- 450
('b', '2018-04-01', 150), -- 600
('b', '2018-05-01', 150); -- 750
DECLARE #Total INT = 301;
FROM cte
WHERE cte.RunTotal - cte.amount < #Total -- running total for previous row is less
-- than #Total then include current row
DECLARE #t TABLE (usr VARCHAR(100), dt DATE, amount INT);
('a', '2018-01-01', 100), -- 100
('a', '2018-02-01', 100), -- 200
('a', '2018-03-01', 100), -- 300
('a', '2018-04-01', 100), -- 400
('a', '2018-05-01', 100), -- 500
('b', '2018-01-01', 150), -- 150
('b', '2018-02-01', 150), -- 300
('b', '2018-03-01', 150), -- 450
('b', '2018-04-01', 150), -- 600
('b', '2018-05-01', 150); -- 750
declare #target int = 300;
with cte_RunningTotal as
sum(amount) over (partition by usr order by dt rows unbounded preceding) as runningTotal
from #t
select *
from cte_RunningTotal
where runningTotal < #target + amount
order by usr, dt

SQL Server episode identification

I am working with a blood pressure database in SQL Server which contains patient_id, timestamp (per minute) and systolicBloodPressure.
My goals are to find:
the number of episodes in which a patient is under a certain blood pressure threshold
An episode consists of the timestmap where the patient drops below a certain threshold until the timestamp where the patient comes above the threshold.
the mean blood pressure per episode per patient
the duration of the episode per episode per patient
What I have tried so far:
I am able to identify episodes by just making a new column which sets to 1 if threshold is reached.
select *
when sys < threshold THEN '1'
However , I am not able to 'identify' different episodes within the patient; episode1 episode 2 with their relative timestamps.
Could someone help me with this? Or is there someone with a better different solution?
EDIT: Sample data with example threshold 100
ID Timestamp SysBP below Threshold
1 9:38 110 Null
1 9:39 105 Null
1 9:40 96 1
1 9:41 92 1
1 9:42 102 Null
2 12:23 95 1
2 12:24 98 1
2 12:25 102 Null
2 12:26 104 Null
2 12:27 94 1
2 12:28 88 1
2 12:29 104 Null
Thanks for the sample data.
This should work:
declare #t table (ID int, Timestamp time, SysBP int, belowThreshold bit)
insert #t
(1, '9:38', 110, null),
(1, '9:39', 105, null),
(1, '9:40', 96, 1),
(1, '9:41', 92, 1),
(1, '9:42', 102, null),
(2, '12:23', 95, 1),
(2, '12:24', 98, 1),
(2, '12:25', 102, null),
(2, '12:26', 104, null),
(2, '12:27', 94, 1),
(2, '12:28', 88, 1),
(2, '12:29', 104, null)
declare #treshold int = 100
;with y as (
select *, case when lag(belowThreshold, 1, 0) over(partition by id order by timestamp) = belowThreshold then 0 else 1 end epg
from #t
z as (
select *, sum(epg) over(partition by id order by timestamp) episode
from y
where sysbp < #treshold
select id, episode, count(episode) over(partition by id) number_of_episodes_per_id, avg(sysbp) avg_sysbp, datediff(minute, min(timestamp), max(timestamp))+1 episode_duration
from z
group by id, episode
This answer relies on LEAD() and LAG() functions so only works on 2012 or later:
CREATE TABLE #bloodpressure
Patient_id int,
[TimeStamp] SmallDateTime,
SystolicBloodPressure INT
INSERT INTO #bloodpressure
(1, '2017-01-01 09:01', 60),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:02', 55),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:03', 60),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:04', 70),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:05', 72),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:06', 75),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:07', 60),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:08', 50),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:09', 52),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:10', 53),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:11', 65),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:12', 71),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:13', 73),
(1, '2017-01-01 09:14', 74),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:01', 70),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:02', 75),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:03', 80),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:04', 70),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:05', 72),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:06', 75),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:07', 60),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:08', 50),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:09', 52),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:10', 53),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:11', 65),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:12', 71),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:13', 73),
(2, '2017-01-01 09:14', 74),
(3, '2017-01-01 09:12', 71),
(3, '2017-01-01 09:13', 60),
(3, '2017-01-01 09:14', 74)
Now using Lead And Lag to find the previous rows values, to find whether this is the beginning or end of a sequence of low blood pressures, in combination with a common table expression. Using a UNION of start and end events ensures that an event which covers just one minute is recorded as both a start and an end event.
OVER (PaRTITION BY Patient_Id ORDER BY TimeStamp) As PrevValue,
OVER (PaRTITION BY Patient_Id ORDER BY TimeStamp) As NextValue
FROM #bloodpressure
-- Get Start Events (EventType 1)
SELECT 1 As [EventType], Patient_id, TimeStamp,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Patient_id, TimeStamp) AS RN
WHERE (PrevValue IS NULL AND SystolicBloodPressure < 70) OR
(PrevValue >= 70 AND SystolicBloodPressure < 70)
-- Get End Events (EventType 2)
SELECT 2 As [EventType], Patient_id, TimeStamp,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Patient_id, TimeStamp) AS RN
WHERE (NextValue IS NULL AND SystolicBloodPressure < 70 ) OR
(NextValue >= 70 AND SystolicBloodPressure < 70)
SELECT C1.Patient_id, C1.TimeStamp As EventStart, C2.TimeStamp As EventEnd
ON C1.Patient_id = C2.Patient_id AND C1.RN = C2.RN
WHERE C1.EventType = 1 AND C2.EventType = 2
ORDER BY C1.Patient_id, C1.TimeStamp

PostgreSQL/plpython: how compare two columns from different table in loop

I have a problem with loop in which I must compare columns between different tables.
I have two tables year2004 and year2005. Both contains month numbers and an amount for that month. I want compare the amount from both tables and produce a third table year with the number of month and greatest amount for that month.
For example I have in 2004 - 100, in 2005 - 200 so I must return values(2005, number_of_month, 200). Have you any ideas for solve this problem?
PS. Sorry for my writing errors, I learned English only few years ago :)
I'm guessing that you're trying to find the greatest amount for each month across the two years.
This would be much, much easier if your data was all in one table monthly_statistics with a date column. Then it'd just be a simple aggregate function or a window.
So lets turn the two tables into one.
Given sample data:
CREATE TABLE year2004 ( month int primary key, amount int);
INSERT INTO year2004 (month, amount)
VALUES (1, 50), (2, 40), (3, 60), (4, 80), (5, 100), (6, 800), (7, 20), (8, 40), (9, 30), (10, 40), (11, 50), (12, 99);
CREATE TABLE year2005 ( month int primary key, amount int);
INSERT INTO year2005 (month, amount)
VALUES (1, 88), (2, 44), (3, 11), (4, 123), (5, 12), (6, 88), (7, 21), (8, 19), (9, 44), (10, 89), (11, 4), (12, 42);
we could either join the tables, or we could convert it to a single table by date then filter it. Here's how we might generate a single table with the contents:
SELECT DATE '2004-01-01' + month * INTERVAL '1' MONTH AS sampledate, amount
FROM year2004
SELECT DATE '2005-01-01' + month * INTERVAL '1' MONTH, amount
FROM year2005;
That's what you'd use if you were going to create a new table, but if you don't care about the actual dates, only the months, you can simply union all the two tables:
WITH samples AS (
SELECT month, amount
FROM year2004
SELECT month, amount
FROM year2005
SELECT month, max(amount) AS amount
FROM samples
ORDER BY month;
samplemonth | amount
5 | 123
11 | 89
1 | 99
2 | 88
3 | 44
9 | 40
4 | 60
6 | 100
10 | 44
12 | 50
7 | 800
8 | 21
(12 rows)