How to detect css value source? - react-native

I need to detect the css value source for a component, currently, I get this in react-native-debugger:
I can't find the style source that caused the padding value to be 14 as above.
Any idea how to debug this?
I am from a web design background, I usually use Chrome to find the source css file, but in react-native I am just starting to learn.


Compose Desktop: How to Access Extended Material Icon Set?

I am making an app using Compose for Desktop. I am trying to include a simple file download Icon that I know is included in the lengthy set of Material Icons, however it is not available under Icons.Filled. Some of the icons included, in my opinion, are nowhere near as commonly used as download... go figure.
I know that Compose for Android has a dependency for an extended set of Material Icons. I tried adding that dependency to my Desktop app, but it threw errors at me.
For now I have added a Feather Icons set courtesy of DevSrSouza, but I would like to know if there is a way to access the Material Icons extension in Compose for Desktop? Thanks.
I guess you have already found the answer but I also had this problem for long time, so here is a right dependency for compose desktop: "org.jetbrains.compose.material:material-icons-extended-desktop:$compose_version"

Nuxt js styling issue

I recently joined a team working on a nuxt js frontend application. Since the beginning, I could not make the project run properly in terms of styling.
Styles, classes, are correctly loaded in the html, I can clearly see them in the code inspector.
Though, it does not behave like it normally should (See picture 1). I compared nearly everything with the other developers and impossible to find a fix.
Did any of you already have such an issue ? And any idea of how to fix it ?
Thank you
Small example of the styling issue I have between 2 menus

VS Code stops letting me collapse code and navigate to definition when working in Vue.js

I've been having a really weird issue with VS Code. After using it for an undetermined amount of time, I'm unable to collapse code and navigate to definition. The arrow indicators in the left margin for collapsing code disappear and I can't seem to get them to come back. Closing the file doesn't work, and restarting the app doesn't work either. The only thing that works is a complete system restart. The same thing happens with ctrl+clicking a class name expecting it to navigate to definition but it doesn't.
I thought at first it was probably an extension I installed so I uninstalled all my extensions, restarted the app and now the collapse icons don't show up at all. I'm working in VueJS and think it might have something to do with *.vue extensions but I'm not sure.
You need Vetur for pretty much any functionality in *.vue files, and Vue Peek for Ctrl+Clicking paths

Are there any instruments to watch screen layout in React Native without running app?

I familiarized with Android development and started to read some information about React Native. And one of the problem which I faced with is that I can't see the screen layout.
In Android Studio, for example, I could see the design of my XML layout without running app. Maybe there are such instruments in React Native, but I didn't see them in WebStorm nor VSCode. Maybe I am wrong and they exist, so, can you help me to find them in such situation?
Some modules format the xml document in vscode,
but others have previewable tools.
Extension Settings
xmlTools.enableXmlTreeView: Enables the XML Tree View for XML
xmlTools.enableXmlTreeViewMetadata: Enables attribute and child
element counts in the XML Document view.
xmlTools.enableXmlTreeViewCursorSync: Enables auto-reveal of
elements in the XML Document view when a start tag is clicked in the
xmlTools.enforcePrettySelfClosingTagOnFormat: Ensures a space is
added before the forward slash at the end of a self-closing tag.
I also had the same problem where there is no layout view in VSCode like in Android Studio. My suggestion is to mock out your View containers with coloured boxes. This is an example of designing a screen's header, so I'm making sure the spacing and sizing is all good:

Standalone video control example for Google TV jQuery Library?

The jQuery VideoControl is documented here:
It takes a set of VideoParms. That are not specified.
It is used in the sample templates on this page:
I've taken apart the templates, but I'm having difficulty creating a simple example of a standalone video control. In the templates, the sidenav and carousel code are tied to how the videocontrol works. There is a relationship between the keyController and behavior (behaviorZones) that I can not find an explanation for.
Is there a standalone example somewhere? What needs to be setup with keycontroller, css, and behavior to get this going?
I'm not aware that there is a standalone videocontrol.js sample but it should be possible to set it up. Most of the necessary pieces are inside videocontrol.js, in particular in the videocontrol's constructor and this function: gtv.jq.VideoControl.prototype.makeControl.
keycontroller mapping is used to handling key inputs and some of the CSS are dynamically controlled within JS so there might be errors if you just rip them apart straight from the Template. You'd have to debug it using a solid tool like Chrome Developer Tools. You can watch tutorials of this tool here:
Otherwise please send your error traces and/or code snippet for debugging help.