Why is lazy variable initialised multiple times per thread - kotlin

I am working on some code where I create a HikariDataSource as a by lazy value. I did apply the mode LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED, so I am confused as to why the initialization is done twice when I spin up a new thread that reads that value
// in module database
val dataSource: HikariDataSource by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED) {
fun initDatabase() {
dataSource.connect().let { //do stuff}
// in main module
fun main() {
thread {
dataSource.connect().let { // initializes a new data source... }
I would expect the HikariDataSource to be initialized once, but for some reason its called twice...
I think the fact that I am exposing that variable to another gradle project might affect it, but not sure why..

Well, I think I just answered my own question...
The main module that access the dataSource object is a ktor server that was configured for hot reload..
As soon as I disabled the hotreload and tried again, the variable was not initialized twice.
I guess ktor is doing some stuff with the classloader for hot reload that causes this thing to happen.


How to test subscribe call of Observable using Mockk?

I have a function in my ViewModel in which I subscribe to some updates, I want to write a test that will check that after the subscribe is triggered, the specific function is called from the subscribe.
Here is how the function looks:
fun subscribeToTablesUpdates() {
.subscribe { tablesList ->
And this is the test that I wrote:
fun subscribeToTablesListTest() {
val mockedTablesList = mockk<List<Table>()
every {
} returns Observable.just(mockedTablesList)
verify {
The issue is that I receive assertion exception without any another info and I don't know how to fix that.
Edit 1: subscribeToTableUpdates() is calling from the init block of ViewModel.
So basically the test itself was done right, but there were linking issue. Since the function of the VM was called from the init block the subscription happened only once, and that created a situation when at the time when I mocked the data service, the observer was already subscribed to the other service. Since the init block is called only once, there is no way to change the implementation of the data service to that observer.
After all this investigation the one thing which I successfully forgot came to my mind again: extract every external dependencies to constructors, so further you could substitute it for the test without any problems like this.

Kotlin: retain coroutine context in scenario with nested runBlocking

I'm fairly new to kotlin coroutines, and I have what I think is a somewhat esoteric use case related to how runBlocking and coroutine contexts interact.
To start with, a simple example. Let's say I've got a dead simple context element. Nothing fancy.
class ExampleContext(val s: String) : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(Key) {
companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<ExampleContext>
When I run these examples, they behave exactly the way I'd expect them to:
runBlocking(ExampleContext("foo")) {
println(coroutineContext[ExampleContext.Key]?.s) // prints "foo
runBlocking(ExampleContext("foo")) {
launch {
println(coroutineContext[ExampleContext.Key]?.s) // prints "foo"
runBlocking(ExampleContext("foo")) {
launch(ExampleContext("bar")) {
println(coroutineContext[ExampleContext.Key]?.s) // prints "bar"
When I do this it prints null (as I would expect it to, because it runBlocking defaults to having EmptyContext in its constructor):
runBlocking(ExampleContext("foo")) {
runBlocking {
println(coroutineContext[ExampleContext.Key]?.s) // prints null
So here's my conundrum. The docs (and all the guidance I've found on the web) basically say don't do this: runBlocking is supposed to be run at the outermost layer of the coroutine logic and that's it. No nesting. What I'm working on is a library that needs to populate some context for access inside code that I don't own that gets called later (basically, you can think of it like an interceptor). The rough pseudocode looks a little like this:
class MyLibrary(otherPeoplesLogic: OtherPeoplesBusinessLogic) {
fun <IN, OUT> execute(input: IN): OUT {
... do my library's thing, including adding in a custom context element ...
try {
return otherPeoplesLogic.execute(input)
} finally {
... do my library's cleanup ...
To support coroutines in OtherPeoplesBusinessLogic, all I'd really have to do is add runBlocking like this:
class MyLibrary(otherPeoplesLogic: OtherPeoplesBusinessLogic) {
fun <IN, OUT> execute(input: IN): OUT {
... do my library's thing ...
runBlocking(myCustomContext) {
try {
return otherPeoplesLogic.execute(input)
} finally {
... do my library's cleanup ...
So long as all OtherPeoplesBusinessLogic::execute does is launch/async/etc, everything is fine: myCustomContext will be accessible. What I'm worried about is what happens if OtherPeoplesBusinessLogic::execute (which I'm not in control of) misbehaves and does its own runBlocking call with no context argument passed at all: what I think will happen is that myCustomContext will just silently get dropped like the example above. Not good, because it needs to be accessible.
Phew. A lot of explanation. Thanks for bearing with me. :)
So my ultimate question here is this: is there anything I can do (outside of scolding the users of my library to not call runBlocking) to prevent an accidental nested runBlocking call from dropping my context? Or am I just out of luck here and should scrap the whole idea?

Spring Mono<User> as constructor param - how to "cache" object

I'm drawing a blank on how to do this in project reactor with Spring Boot:
class BakerUserDetails(val bakerUser: Mono<BakerUser>): UserDetails {
override fun getPassword(): String {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
// return ???.password
override fun getUsername(): String {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
// return ???.username
How do I make this work? Do I just put bakerUser.block().password and bakerUser.block().username and all, or is there a better way to implement these methods?
Currently, I'm doing something like this but it seems strange:
private var _user: BakerUser? = null
private var user: BakerUser? = null
get() {
if(_user == null){
_user = bakerUser.block()
return _user
override fun getAuthorities(): MutableCollection<out GrantedAuthority> {
return mutableSetOf(SimpleGrantedAuthority("USER"))
override fun getPassword(): String {
return user!!.password!!
im not well versed at Kotlin, but i can tell you that you should not pass in a Monoto the UserDetails object.
A Mono<T> is sort of like a future/promise. Which means that there is nothing in it. So if you want something out of it, you either block which means we wait, until there is something in it, or we subscribe, which basically means we wait async until there is something in it. Which can be bad. Think of it like starting a job on the side. What happens if you start a job and you quit the program, well the job would not be executed.
Or you do something threaded, and the program returns/exits, well main thread dies, all threads die, and nothing happend.
We usually in the reactive world talk about Publishers and Consumers. So a Flux/Mono is a Publisher and you then declare a pipelinefor what to happen when something is resolved. And to kick off the process the consumerneeds to subscribe to the producer.
Usually in a server world, this means that the webpage, that does the request, is the consumer and it subscribes to the server which in this case is the publisher.
So what im getting at, is that you, should almost never subscribe in your application, unless, your application is the one that starts the consumption. For instance you have a cron job in your server that consumes another server etc.
lets look at your problem:
You have not posted your code so im going to do some guesswork here, but im guessing you are getting a user from a database.
public Mono<BakerUserDetails> loadUserByUsername(String username) {
Mono<user> user = userRepository.findByUsername(username);
// Here we declare our pipline, flatMap will map one object to another async
Mono<BakerUserDetails> bakerUser = user.flatMap(user -> Mono.just(new BakerUserDetails(user));
return bakerUser;
i wrote this without a compiler from the top of my head.
So dont pass in the Mono<T> do your transformations using different operators like map or flatMap etc. And dont subscribe in your application unless your server is the final consumer.

Axonframework, how to use MessageDispatchInterceptor with reactive repository

I have read the set-based consistency validation blog and I want to validate through a dispatch interceptor. I follow the example, but I use reactive repository and it doesn't really work for me. I have tried both block and not block. with block it throws error, but without block it doesn't execute anything. here is my code.
class SubnetCommandInterceptor : MessageDispatchInterceptor<CommandMessage<*>> {
private lateinit var privateNetworkRepository: PrivateNetworkRepository
override fun handle(messages: List<CommandMessage<*>?>): BiFunction<Int, CommandMessage<*>, CommandMessage<*>> {
return BiFunction<Int, CommandMessage<*>, CommandMessage<*>> { index: Int?, command: CommandMessage<*> ->
if (CreateSubnetCommand::class.simpleName == (command.payloadType.simpleName)){
val interceptCommand = command.payload as CreateSubnetCommand
// ..some validation logic here ex.
// .filter { network -> network.isSubnetOverlap() }
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(IllegalArgumentException("Requested subnet is overlap with the previous subnet.")))
// .block() also doesn't work here it throws error
// block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-
Subscribing to a reactive repository inside a message dispatcher is not really recommended and might lead to weird behavior as underling ThreadLocal (used by Axox) is not adapted to be used in reactive programing
Instead, check out Axon's Reactive Extension and reactive interceptors section.
For example what you might do:
cmdMono -> cmdMono.flatMap(cmd->privateNetworkRepository
Mono.error(IllegalArgumentException("Requested subnet is overlap with the previous subnet."))

Is it better to use the Bus Start method or a class constructor to instantiate objects used by a service

I'm using nServiceBus 5 and have created a number of host endpoints, two of which listen for database changes. (The specifics of how to do this can be found here). The intention is to have a service running in the background which publishes an event message using the Bus when notified to do so by the database listener.
The code which creates the database listener object and handles events is in the Start method, implemented as part of IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops.
So - Is putting the code here likely to cause problems later on, for example if an exception is thrown (yes, I do have try/catch blocks, but I removed them from the sample code for clarity)? What happens when the Start method finishes executing?
Would I be better off with a constructor on my RequestNewQuoteSender class to instantiate the database listener as a class property and not use the Start method at all?
namespace MySample.QuoteRequest
public partial class RequestNewQuoteSender : IWantToRunWhenBusStartsAndStops
public void Start()
var changeListener = new DatabaseChangeListener(_ConnectionString);
// Assign the code within the braces to the DBListener's onChange event
changeListener.OnChange += () =>
// code to handle database change event
// Now everything has been set up.... start it running.
public void Stop() { LogInfo("Service Bus has stopped"); }
Your code seems fine to me.
Just a few small things:
Make changeListener a class field, so that it won't be GC (not 100% sure if it would be but just to make sure);
Unsubscribe from OnChange on the Stop() method;
You may also want to have a "lock" around changeListener.Start(_SQLStatement); and the Stop so that there are no racing conditions (I leave that one up to you to figure out if you need it or not);
Does this make sense ?