How can I map a complex number to a qubit in Q#? - complex-numbers

In theory, the state of a qubit is defined by 2 complex numbers, following this formula:
The rule is that the amount of complex numbers needed to define the state of a set of qubits is equal to 2ⁿ, where n is the number of used qubits.
if i have an array of complex numbers, how can I map or assign each number to a qubit?
For instance:
I have this complex number: 0.0020908999722450972 + i*0.001669629942625761.
What would the state of a qubit be in this case?
Would I be needing more qubits to represent this number?

I think that depends on what are you going to do with these numbers after you have mapped them to qubits.
If you need to use 2ⁿ numbers to prepare a quantum state on n qubits that is a weighted superposition of the basis states, you can use PrepareArbitraryState operation which does exactly that. Internally it implements the paper Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits by Shende, Bullock, Markov.
If you need to represent these numbers in a way that would allow you to read them out by measuring the qubits, you might have to do something like convert them in binary and store each bit in a separate qubit.


Does pandas categorical data speed up indexing?

Somebody told me it is a good idea to convert identifying columns (e.g. person numbers) from strings to categorical. This would speed up some operations like searching, filtering and grouping.
I understand that a 40 chars strings costs much more RAM and time to compare instead of a simple integer.
But I would have some overhead because of a str-to-int-table for translating between two types and to know which integer number belongs to which string "number".
Maybe .astype('categorical') can help me here? Isn't this an integer internally? Does this speed up some operations?
The user guide has the following about categorical data use cases:
The categorical data type is useful in the following cases:
A string variable consisting of only a few different values. Converting such a string variable to a categorical variable will save some memory, see here.
The lexical order of a variable is not the same as the logical order (“one”, “two”, “three”). By converting to a categorical and specifying an order on the categories, sorting and min/max will use the logical order instead of the lexical order, see here.
As a signal to other Python libraries that this column should be treated as a categorical variable (e.g. to use suitable statistical methods or plot types).
See also the API docs on categoricals.
The book, Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney, has the following on this topic:
The categorical representation can yield significant performance
improvements when you are doing analytics. You can also perform
transformations on the categories while leaving the codes unmodified.
Some example transformations that can be made at relatively low cost are:
Renaming categories
Appending a new category without changing the order or position of the existing categories
GroupBy operations can be significantly faster with categoricals because the underlying algorithms use the integer-based codes array instead of an array of strings.
Series containing categorical data have several special methods similar to the Series.str specialized string methods. This also provides convenient access to the categories and codes.
In large datasets, categoricals are often used as a convenient tool for memory savings and better performance.

What is difference between equivalence class testing and input domain partitioning?

I'm learning software testing now, just wondering what is difference between equivalence class testing and input domain partitioning, seems like both of them about to partition input domain.
Frankly saing, during my career as software testing engineer I haven't met a lot of mentions about input domain partitions.
But nevertheless this term exists and let's try to take a look is there a difference between equivalence class testing and input domain partitioning?
Equivalence class technique divides possible test data for, let's say application module, into partitions of equivalent data. They're "equivalent" because any member of that partition can perfectly represent the other member of that partition, and theoretically you need only one test using one of the partitions' members in order to make testing of that partition enough sufficient. Moreover the partitions should not overlap.
Yes I know, that's a little bit cumbersome, but let's take a look on the example: you have an input field on the web page which accepts all kind of chars but up to 256 of them. It gives you following equivalence partitions (simplified):
Char types:
only letters
only numbers
only special chars
mixed chars (letters + numbers + spec. chars)
Char quantity:
Each of that equivalence partitions has sub-partitions, e.g. "letters":
Big letters
Small letters
Mixed letters
That means that in order to sufficiently test "letters partitions" you have to design test case which will include at least one of those sub-partitions. Let's say it will be "letters -> Big letters": "TEST INPUT STRING". Take a look that here we've also combined our test string with "Char quantity - >0" equivalence partition.
So basicly saying combining sub-partitions of "Char types" and "Char quantities" partitions, you'll be able to design a minimum test set for testing input data of that field.
From the other side input domain for a program contains all the possible inputs to that program which is farely equal to equivalence classes of possible inputs of the application module.
Sometimes the ones who speak about input domain for a program, say also about regions which is the same thing as sub-partition of equivalence partitions. Moreover those input domains (and accordingly regions) must not overlap (so must they not within equivalence partition testing).
With all that said I would consider those two terms as ones, that describe the same matter but using different words.

Exponents in Genetic Programming

I want to have real-valued exponents (not just integers) for the terminal variables.
For example, lets say I want to evolve a function y = x^3.5 + x^2.2 + 6. How should I proceed? I haven't seen any GP implementations which can do this.
I tried using the power function, but sometimes the initial solutions have so many exponents that the evaluated value exceeds 'double' bounds!
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
DEAP (in Python) implements it. In fact there is an example for that. By adding the math.pow from Python in the primitive set you can acheive what you want.
pset.addPrimitive(math.pow, 2)
But using the pow operator you risk getting something like x^(x^(x^(x))), which is probably not desired. You shall add a restriction (by a mean that I not sure) on where in your tree the pow is allowed (just before a leaf or something like that).
OpenBeagle (in C++) also allows it but you will need to develop your own primitive using the pow from <math.h>, you can use as an example the Sin or Cos primitive.
If only some of the initial population are suffering from the overflow problem then just penalise them with a poor fitness score and they will probably be removed from the population within a few generations.
But, if the problem is that virtually all individuals suffer from this problem, then you will have to add some constraints. The simplest thing to do would be to constrain the exponent child of the power function to be a real literal - which would mean powers would not be allowed to be nested. It depends on whether this is sufficient for your needs though. There are a few ways to add constraints like these (or more complex ones) - try looking in to Constrained Syntactic Structures and grammar guided GP.
A few other simple thoughts: can you use a data-type with a larger range? Also, you could reduce the maximum depth parameter, so that there will be less room for nested exponents. Of course that's only possible to an extent, and it depends on the complexity of the function.
Integers have a different binary representation than reals, so you have to use a slightly different bitstring representation and recombination/mutation operator.
For an excellent demonstration, see slide 24 of or check out the Eiben/Smith book "Introduction to Evolutionary Computing Genetic Algorithms." This describes how to map a bit string to a real number. You can then create a representation where x only lies within an interval [y,z]. In this case, choose y and z to be the of less magnitude than the capacity of the data type you are using (e.g. 10^308 for a double) so you don't run into the overflow issue you describe.
You have to consider that with real-valued exponents and a negative base you will not obtain a real, but a complex number. For example, the Math.Pow implementation in .NET says that you get NaN if you attempt to calculate the power of a negative base to a non-integer exponent. You have to make sure all your x values are positive. I think that's the problem that you're seeing when you "exceed double bounds".
Btw, you can try the HeuristicLab GP implementation. It is very flexible with a configurable grammar.

How does rand() work? Does it have certain tendencies? Is there something better to use?

I have read that it has something to do with time, also you get from including time.h, so I assumed that much, but how does it work exactly? Also, does it have any tendencies towards odd or even numbers or something like that? And finally is there something with better distribution in the C standard library or the Foundation framework?
You use time.h to get a seed, which is an initial random number. C then does a bunch of operations on this number to get the next random number, then operations on that one to get the next, then... you get the picture.
rand() is able to touch on every possible integer. It will not prefer even or odd numbers regardless of the input seed, happily. Still, it has limits - it repeats itself relatively quickly, and in almost every implementation only gives numbers up to 32767.
C does not have another built-in random number generator. If you need a real tough one, there are many packages available online, but the Mersenne Twister algorithm is probably the most popular pick.
Now, if you are interested on the reasons why the above is true, here are the gory details on how rand() works:
rand() is what's called a "linear congruential generator." This means that it employs an equation of the form:
xn+1 = (*a****xn + ***b*) mod m
where xn is the nth random number, and a and b are some predetermined integers. The arithmetic is performed modulo m, with m usually 232 depending on the machine, so that only the lowest 32 bits are kept in the calculation of xn+1.
In English, then, the idea is this: To get the next random number, multiply the last random number by something, add a number to it, and then take the last few digits.
A few limitations are quickly apparent:
First, you need a starting random number. This is the "seed" of your random number generator, and this is where you've heard of time.h being used. Since we want a really random number, it is common practice to ask the system what time it is (in integer form) and use this as the first "random number." Also, this explains why using the same seed twice will always give exactly the same sequence of random numbers. This sounds bad, but is actually useful, since debugging is a lot easier when you control the inputs to your program
Second, a and b have to be chosen very, very carefully or you'll get some disastrous results. Fortunately, the equation for a linear congruential generator is simple enough that the math has been worked out in some detail. It turns out that choosing an a which satisfies *a***mod8 = 5 together with ***b* = 1 will insure that all m integers are equally likely, independent of choice of seed. You also want a value of a that is really big, so that every time you multiply it by xn you trigger a the modulo and chop off a lot of digits, or else many numbers in a row will just be multiples of each other. As a result, two common values of a (for example) are 1566083941 and 1812433253 according to Knuth. The GNU C library happens to use a=1103515245 and b=12345. A list of values for lots of implementations is available at the wikipedia page for LCGs.
Third, the linear congruential generator will actually repeat itself because of that modulo. This gets to be some pretty heady math, but the result of it all is happily very simple: The sequence will repeat itself after m numbers of have been generated. In most cases, this means that your random number generator will repeat every 232 cycles. That sounds like a lot, but it really isn't for many applications. If you are doing serious numerical work with Monte Carlo simulations, this number is hopelessly inadequate.
A fourth much less obvious problem is that the numbers are actually not really random. They have a funny sort of correlation. If you take three consecutive integers, (x, y, z), from an LCG with some value of a and m, those three points will always fall on the lattice of points generated by all linear combinations of the three points (1, a, a2), (0, m, 0), (0, 0, m). This is known as Marsaglia's Theorem, and if you don't understand it, that's okay. All it means is this: Triplets of random numbers from an LCG will show correlations at some deep, deep level. Usually it's too deep for you or I to notice, but its there. It's possible to even reconstruct the first number in a "random" sequence of three numbers if you are given the second and third! This is not good for cryptography at all.
The good part is that LCGs like rand() are very, very low footprint. It typically requires only 32 bits to retain state, which is really nice. It's also very fast, requiring very few operations. These make it good for noncritical embedded systems, video games, casual applications, stuff like that.
PRNGs are a fascinating topic. Wikipedia is always a good place to go if you are hungry to learn more on the history or the various implementations that are around today.
rand returns numbers generated by a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). The sequence of numbers it returns is deterministic, based on the value with which the PRNG was initialized (by calling srand).
The numbers should be distributed such that they appear somewhat random, so, for example, odd and even numbers should be returned at roughly the same frequency. The actual implementation of the random number generator is left unspecified, so the actual behavior is specific to the implementation.
The important thing to remember is that rand does not return random numbers; it returns pseudo-random numbers, and the values it returns are determined by the seed value and the number of times rand has been called. This behavior is fine for many use cases, but is not appropriate for others (for example, rand would not be appropriate for use in many cryptographic applications).
How does rand() work?
I have read that it has something to
do with time, also you get from
including time.h
rand() has nothing at all to do with the time. However, it's very common to use time() to obtain the "seed" for the PRNG so that you get different "random" numbers each time your program is run.
Also, does it have any tendencies
towards odd or even numbers or
something like that?
Depends on the exact method used. There's one popular implementation of rand() that alternates between odd and even numbers. So avoid writing code like rand() % 2 that depends on the lowest bit being random.

dimensional and unit analysis in SQL database

A relational database (Postgres) storing timeseries data of various measurement values. Each measurement value can have a specific "measurement type" (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen, etc) and can have specific "measurement units" (e.g. Fahrenheit/Celsius/Kelvin, percent/milligrams per liter, etc).
Has anyone built a similar database such that dimensional integrity is conserved? Have any suggestions?
I'm considering building a measurement_type and a measurement_unit table, both of these would have text two columns, ID and text. Then I would create foreign keys to these tables in the measured_value table. Text worries me somewhat because there's the possibility for non-unique duplicates (e.g. 'ug/l' vs 'µg/l' for micrograms per liter).
The purpose of this would be so that I can both convert and verify units on queries, or via programming externally. Ideally, I would have the ability later to include strict dimensional analysis (e.g. linking µg/l to the value 'M/V' (mass divided by volume)).
Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this?
I produced a database sub-schema for handling units an aeon ago (okay, I exaggerate slightly; it was about 20 years ago, though). Fortunately, it only had to deal with simple mass, length, time dimensions - not temperature, or electric current, or luminosity, etc. Rather less simple was the currency side of the game - there were a myriad different ways of converting between one currency and another depending on date, currency, and period over which conversion rate was valid. That was handled separately from the physical units.
Fundamentally, I created a table 'measures' with an 'id' column, a name for the unit, an abbreviation, and a set of dimension exponents - one each for mass, length, time. This gets populated with names such as 'volume' (length = 3, mass = 0, time = 0), 'density' (length = 3, mass = -1, time = 0) - and the like.
There was a second table of units, which identified a measure and then the actual units used by a particular measurement. For example, there were barrels, and cubic metres, and all sorts of other units of relevance.
There was a third table that defined conversion factors between specific units. This consisted of two units and the multiplicative conversion factor that converted unit 1 to unit 2. The biggest problem here was the dynamic range of the conversion factors. If the conversion from U1 to U2 is 1.234E+10, then the inverse is a rather small number (8.103727714749e-11).
The comment from S.Lott about temperatures is interesting - we didn't have to deal with those. A stored procedure would have addressed that - though integrating one stored procedure into the system might have been tricky.
The scheme I described allowed most conversions to be described once (including hypothetical units such as furlongs per fortnight, or less hypothetical but equally obscure ones - outside the USA - like acre-feet), and the conversions could be validated (for example, both units in the conversion factor table had to have the same measure). It could be extended to handle most of the other units - though the dimensionless units such as angles (or solid angles) present some interesting problems. There was supporting code that would handle arbitrary conversions - or generate an error when the conversion could not be supported. One reason for this system was that the various international affiliate companies would report their data in their locally convenient units, but the HQ system had to accept the original data and yet present the resulting aggregated data in units that suited the managers - where different managers each had their own idea (based on their national background and length of duty in the HQ) about the best units for their reports.
"Text worries me somewhat because there's the possibility for non-unique duplicates"
Right. So don't use text as a key. Use the ID as a key.
"Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this?"
Not really. It's hard. Temperature is it's own problem because temperature is itself an average, and doesn't sum like distance does; plus F to C conversion is not a multiply (as it is with every other unit conversion.)
A note about conversions: a lot of units are linearly related, and can be converted using a formula like "y = A + Bx", where A and B are constants which could be stored in the database for each pair of units that you need to convert between. For example, for Celsius to Farenheit the constants are A=32, B=1.8.
However, there are also rare exceptions. Converting between logarithmic and non-logarithmic units, for example. Or converting between mass-per-volume and molar-mass-per-volume (in which case you would need to know the molar mass of the compound being measured).
Of course, if you are sure that all the conversions required by the system are linear, then there's no need for over-engineering, just store the two constants. You can then extract standardized results from the database using straight SQL joins with calculated fields.