How to remove 0 value rows from the output - sql

i need to consider only rows with p qty is non-zero
i tried [P Qty] <> 0 and [P Qty] != 0 in where condition but it did not work
select ile.[Document No_],ile.[Source No_],ile.[Posting Date],
sum(ile.Quantity) as [P Qty],
sum([Cost Amount (Actual)]) as [P Cost]
from [X Limited$Item Ledger Entry] ile
left join [X Limited$Value Entry] ve
on ile.[Entry No_] = ve.[Item Ledger Entry No_]
left join [X$Item] i
on i.No_ = ile.[Item No_]
left join
[X$Location] on ile.[Location Code]= [X$Location].[Code]
where ile.[Posting Date] between '2019-03-01' and '2019-03-31' and ile.[Order Type] =1 and ile.[Document No_]='RPOS/1819/03/1059'
and ile.[Entry Type] =6 and [X$Location].[Production Location]= 1 and ile.[Quantity]<>0
group by ile.[Document No_],ile.[Source No_],ile.[Posting Date]
) as P
on P.[Document No_] = C.[Document No_] and P.[P Qty]!=0
where P.[Document No_]='RPOS/1819/03/1059' and P.[P Qty] <> 0

You can have HAVING clause after where clause
HAVING [P Qty] != 0;


Get latest Vendor No. in sql query from Item Ledger Entry table

I'm trying to get last Vendor No. from Item Ledger Entry table with no result.
What should I put to my query to get this latest Vendor No.?
SQL query looks as follow:
ile.[Posting Date],
WHEN ile.[Entry Type]=1 THEN 'Sale'
WHEN ile.[Entry Type]=5 THEN 'Consumption'
END AS Entry_Type,
,ile.[Item No_]
,ile.[Unit of Measure Code]
--,Last Vendor No.
FROM [MyServer]..[MyDatabase$Item Ledger Entry] as ile with (nolock)
LEFT JOIN [MyServer]..[MyDatabase$Item] as item ON item.[No_]=ile.[Item No_]
-- place for query to find last Vendor No. for particular Item No.
-- ... FROM [MyServer]..[MyDatabase$Item Ledger Entry] WHERE [Entry Type]=0 and [Source Type]=2
WHERE ile.[Entry Type] In (1,5) AND ile.[Item No_] ='123456789';
select top 1 [Source No_]
from [DatabaseName].dbo.[CompanyName$Item Ledger Entry]
where [Source Type] = 2 /* Vendor */
and [Entry Type] = 0 /* Purchase */
and [Item No_] = '<Some Item No.>'
order by [Entry No_] desc

SQL replace int in string by text

I'm trying to do a query but in my result I have a column with the number '2' which I want to be replaced by 'factura'.
How can I do this?? I want to replace Cust.[Document Type] column
SELECT Detail.[Entry No_],
'Cliente' AS Tipo,
Cust.[Customer No_] AS Cliente,
Detail.[Posting Date] AS DATA,
Detail.[Document No_] AS Documento,
Detail.[Amount (LCY)] AS Valor,
Cust.[Document Type] AS LiqPorTipo,
Cust.[Document No_] AS LiqPorNDocumento,
'97' AS Conta,
'MR' AS Loja,
'SUPER' AS Utilizador,
FROM dbo.MBS_tabela_21Detailed_NAV16 AS Detail
INNER JOIN dbo.MBS_tabela_21_NAV16 AS Cust ON Detail.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_] = Cust.[Entry No_]
INNER JOIN dbo.Integracao_Periodo_NAV16 AS Integr ON YEAR(Detail.[Posting Date]) = Integr.Ano
AND MONTH(Detail.[Posting Date]) = Integr.Mes
WHERE (Detail.[Document No_] LIKE '%REC%'
OR Detail.[Document No_] LIKE '%L%')
AND (Detail.[Entry Type] = 2)
AND (Cust.[Global Dimension 1 Code] = 'LMR')
this results in
359229 Cliente 503392154 2018-03-23 00:00:00.000 1803PAGLEITE37 -2064,62000000000000000000 2 MRVFFT1800012 97 MR SUPER MR01
and i want to have
359229 Cliente 503392154 2018-03-23 00:00:00.000 1803PAGLEITE37 -2064,62000000000000000000 fatura MRVFFT1800012 97 MR SUPER MR01
Your query is missing "Detail.[Entry Type] column". Comparing expected query result and your query result I assume you would like to use either case or create dictionary table to join it.
Best option would be to create additional table and store there all key-value translations.
So you could have
2 - factura
And join it in your query.
If not you should do like this:
SELECT Detail.[Entry No_],
'Cliente' AS Tipo,
Cust.[Customer No_] AS Cliente,
Detail.[Posting Date] AS DATA,
Detail.[Document No_] AS Documento,
Detail.[Amount (LCY)] AS Valor,
case when Cust.[Document Type] = 2 then 'factura' else '' end AS LiqPorTipo,
Cust.[Document No_] AS LiqPorNDocumento,
'97' AS Conta,
'MR' AS Loja,
'SUPER' AS Utilizador,
FROM dbo.MBS_tabela_21Detailed_NAV16 AS Detail
INNER JOIN dbo.MBS_tabela_21_NAV16 AS Cust ON Detail.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_] = Cust.[Entry No_]
INNER JOIN dbo.Integracao_Periodo_NAV16 AS Integr ON YEAR(Detail.[Posting Date]) = Integr.Ano
AND MONTH(Detail.[Posting Date]) = Integr.Mes
WHERE (Detail.[Document No_] LIKE '%REC%'
OR Detail.[Document No_] LIKE '%L%')
AND (Detail.[Entry Type] = 2)
AND (Cust.[Global Dimension 1 Code] = 'LMR')
As you want to replace one column base on join result. Bellow structure may help you
Table_A.col1 = Table_B.col1,
Table_A.col2 = Table_B.col2
Some_Table AS Table_A
INNER JOIN Other_Table AS Table_B
ON =
Table_A.col3 = 'cool'
Base on above structure your sql scritp is bellow.
SET Detail.[Entry Type] = REPLACE(Detail.[Entry Type], '2', 'factura')
FROM dbo.MBS_tabela_21Detailed_NAV16 AS Detail
INNER JOIN dbo.MBS_tabela_21_NAV16 AS Cust
ON Detail.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_] = Cust.[Entry No_]
INNER JOIN dbo.Integracao_Periodo_NAV16 AS Integr
ON YEAR(Detail.[Posting Date]) = Integr.Ano
AND MONTH(Detail.[Posting Date]) = Integr.Mes
WHERE (Detail.[Document No_] LIKE '%REC%'
OR Detail.[Document No_] LIKE '%L%')
AND (Detail.[Entry Type] = 2)
AND (Cust.[Global Dimension 1 Code] = 'LMR')

How do i sum data from 2 tables left joined to 1 table?

When I comment out all lines pertaining to either the "Sales Line" or "Warehouse Entry" table the query works as expected. But when I use this query as is; it returns faulty(unrealistically high by at least 5 digits) data.
The idea is to iterate the "Item" table and to obtain the amount in stock as well as the sum of quantity sold as well as It's worth. I think there must be something wrong by the way I'm joining these tables. Both "Warehouse Entry" and "Sales Line" table have multiple entries that can be linked to I.[No_].
,sum(S.[Quantity (Base)]) AS [Quantity Sold]
,min(I.[IP Total (Manual)]) * sum(WE.[Quantity]) AS [Stock Value]
,sum(WE.[Quantity]) AS [Quantity Stock]
FROM [Item] AS I
INNER JOIN [Warehouse Entry] AS WE ON WE.[Item No_] = I.[No_]
AND WE.[Location Code] = 'BU'
AND WE.[Bin Code] <> 'SHIPPING'
AND WE.[Bin Code] <> 'WORKSHOP'
AND WE.[Bin Code] <> 'OUTBOX'
AND WE.[Bin Code] <> 'CUT'
AND WE.[Bin Code] <> 'VERZEND'
INNER JOIN [Sales Line] AS S ON S.[No_] = I.[No_]
AND S.[Shipment Date] > '07/01/2015'
AND S.[Document Type] = 1
WHERE I.[No_] LIKE '140003000007'
Sample Data
No.|Quantity Sold|Stock Value|Quantity Stock
Wrong Data
140003000007|204484537.36000000000000000000|13051602.124400| 2355884.86000000000000000000
Right Data
SELECT sumQuantityBase as [Quantity Sold],
minIP * sumQuantityBase as [Stock Value],
sumQuantityBase as [Quantity Stock]
(SELECT MIN(I.[IP Total (Manual)] )as minIP,
WHERE [No_] like '140003000007'
(SELECT SUM([Quantity]) as sumQuantity,
[Item No_]
WHERE [Location Code] = 'BU'
AND [Bin Code] <> 'SHIPPING'
AND [Bin Code] <> 'WORKSHOP'
AND [Bin Code] <> 'OUTBOX'
AND [Bin Code] <> 'CUT'
AND [Bin Code] <> 'VERZEND'
GROUP BY [Item No_] ) SumWE
ON MinI.[No_] = SumWE[Item No_] INNER JOIN
(SELECT SUM([Quantity (Base)]) as sumQuantityBase,
WHERE [Shipment Date] > '07/01/2015'
AND [Shipment Date] IS NOT NULL
AND [Document Type] = 1
ON SumS.[No_] = MinI.[No_]
Try this one. When you want to aggregate data using sum or min function i'd recommend you do it in a subset. that way you keep it simple

Pass value in a Variable

I want to pass the value of 1 of my columns in my SELECT statements in a Variable.
Here's my sample code:
DECLARE #TotalExpense DECIMAL(18,2)
SELECT a.[Posting Date] AS [Check Date],
a.[Document No_] AS [Check Number],
a.[Vendor No_],
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN GLEntry.[VAT Amount] <> 0 THEN CAST(GLEntry.Amount AS DECIMAL(18,2)) ELSE 0 END) FROM [BLI$Detailed Vendor Ledg_ Entry] DtldVendLedger
ON GLEntry.[Document No_] = (SELECT VendLedger.[Document No_] FROM [BLI$Vendor Ledger Entry] VendLedger
WHERE VendLedger.[Entry No_] = DtldVendLedger.[Vendor Ledger Entry No_])
WHERE DtldVendLedger.[Entry Type] = 2 AND DtldVendLedger.[Initial Document Type] = 2 AND DtldVendLedger.[Document No_] = a.[Document No_]
AND GLEntry.[Source Code] = 'PURCHASES' AND GLEntry.[G_L Account No_] NOT IN ('2003','1402','1403','1401')
) AS [Vatable],
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN GLEntry.[VAT Amount] <> 0 THEN CAST(GLEntry.Amount * 0.12 AS DECIMAL(18,2)) ELSE 0 END) FROM [BLI$Detailed Vendor Ledg_ Entry] DtldVendLedger
ON GLEntry.[Document No_] = (SELECT VendLedger.[Document No_] FROM [BLI$Vendor Ledger Entry] VendLedger
WHERE VendLedger.[Entry No_] = DtldVendLedger.[Vendor Ledger Entry No_])
WHERE DtldVendLedger.[Entry Type] = 2 AND DtldVendLedger.[Initial Document Type] = 2 AND DtldVendLedger.[Document No_] = a.[Document No_]
AND GLEntry.[Source Code] = 'PURCHASES' AND GLEntry.[G_L Account No_] NOT IN ('2003','1402','1403','1401')
) AS [Input Tax],
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN GLEntry.[VAT Amount] = 0 THEN CAST(GLEntry.Amount AS DECIMAL(18,2)) ELSE 0 END) FROM [BLI$Detailed Vendor Ledg_ Entry] DtldVendLedger
ON GLEntry.[Document No_] = (SELECT VendLedger.[Document No_] FROM [BLI$Vendor Ledger Entry] VendLedger
WHERE VendLedger.[Entry No_] = DtldVendLedger.[Vendor Ledger Entry No_])
WHERE DtldVendLedger.[Entry Type] = 2 AND DtldVendLedger.[Initial Document Type] = 2 AND DtldVendLedger.[Document No_] = a.[Document No_]
AND GLEntry.[Source Code] = 'PURCHASES' AND GLEntry.[G_L Account No_] NOT IN ('2003','1402','1403','1401')
) AS [Non-Vat]
I want to Sum the Vatable, Input Tax, and Nonvat then pass the value into a variable then that variable will be used in my SELECT statements.
I tried to rearrange your query a bit. In your query the part with the DtldVendLedger query inside the join condition should not be valid. If you got that to run I have no idea how.
Because of the way I think you're summing I don't think it matters whether you used outer joins or inner joins. The rows with null GLEntry count as zeroes anyway.
DECLARE #vatable DECIMAL(18, 2);
DECLARE #inputtax DECIMAL(18, 2);
DECLARE #nonvat DECIMAL(18, 2);
#vatable = SUM(
WHEN GLEntry.[VAT Amount] <> 0
#nonvat = SUM(
WHEN GLEntry.[VAT Amount] = 0
A as a /* I'm assuming there was a FROM referencing a table "a" */
[BLI$Detailed Vendor Ledg_ Entry] DtldVendLedger
ON DtldVendLedger.[Document No_] = a.[Document No_]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [BLI$Vendor Ledger Entry] VendLedger
ON VendLedger.[Entry No_] = DtldVendLedger.[Vendor Ledger Entry No_]
ON GLEntry.[Document No_] = VendLedger.[Document No_]
a.??? = ???
AND DtldVendLedger.[Entry Type] = 2
AND DtldVendLedger.[Initial Document Type] = 2
AND GLEntry.[Source Code] = 'PURCHASES'
AND GLEntry.[G_L Account No_] NOT IN ('2003','1402','1403','1401');
SET #inputtax = 0.12 * #vatable;

SQL Where 2 values one is empty

I'm struggling whit some SQL code for some hours now. I'm trying to combine 2 different values in one row, but if one value is not there (so no result) there will not row at all.
To be more clear: I have a Location whit 2 different values, those are coming from two queries. That is working fine, but sometime the second query give no results (can happen, is not bad), but than also the first value is not shown.
Declare #Start datetime,
#Ende datetime;
SET #Start = '01.04.2015';
SET #Ende = '30.04.2015';
SELECT t1.[Location Code], CAST(t1.Umsatz as DECIMAL(18,2))as Umsatz , CAST(t2.Ersatznachweis as DECIMAL(18,2)) as Ersatznachweis
SELECT [Location Code], SUM(WareBrutto) AS Umsatz
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Location Code], [Document No_] , WareBrutto from [Item Ledger Entry]
WHERE [Location Code] > '0000' and [Location Code] < '0040' and [Document Date] >= #Start and [Document Date] <= #Ende) t
GROUP BY [Location Code]) as t1,
(select [Location Code], sum([Quantity]*Bruttopreis) as Ersatznachweis from [Item Ledger Entry]
where [Location Code] > '0000' and [Location Code] < '0040' and [Item No_] not IN ('00009000','00009900','00009906') and Gutschrift = '1' and [Document Date] >= #Start and [Document Date] <= #Ende
Group By [Location Code]) as t2
where t1.[Location Code] = t2.[Location Code]
order by t1.[Location Code]
It is the second query that sometimes does not return a value.
(select [Location Code], sum([Quantity]*Bruttopreis) as Ersatznachweis from [Item Ledger Entry]
where [Location Code] > '0000' and [Location Code] < '0040' and [Item No_] not IN ('00009000','00009900','00009906') and Gutschrift = '1' and [Document Date] >= #Start and [Document Date] <= #Ende
Group By [Location Code]) as t2
But that when it comes to the end and there is no result of t2.[Location code] the result of t1 is also not shown.
where t1.[Location Code] = t2.[Location Code]
I want that t2 gets a value of zero when there is no result. I tried isnull and the coalesec option but I was not able to get a decent result. It is just not there or I get error messages.
Thank in advanced...
Using Toad for SQl on a 2012 MSSQL server.
The problem is that the comma join and where clause you're using makes the join an inner join (Thanks to the comment from Ed B for adding details to this). In an inner join, only matching records are shown. Since there are no records in t2, nothing is matching in t1, and no records are returned. You're looking for a LEFT join, which will join any matching records from the 2nd table to the returned records from the 1st table. If nothing is in the 2nd table, you still get all of the original records from the 1st table.
I've updated your code so it uses a LEFT join, does the join in an ON statement instead of a where, and uses COALESCE to show 0 instead of NULL for records that don't match.
The following should get what you're looking for:
Declare #Start datetime,
#Ende datetime;
SET #Start = '01.04.2015';
SET #Ende = '30.04.2015';
SELECT t1.[Location Code], CAST(t1.Umsatz as DECIMAL(18,2))as Umsatz , CAST(COALESCE(t2.Ersatznachweis, 0) as DECIMAL(18,2)) as Ersatznachweis
SELECT [Location Code], SUM(WareBrutto) AS Umsatz
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Location Code], [Document No_] , WareBrutto from [Item Ledger Entry]
WHERE [Location Code] > '0000' and [Location Code] < '0040' and [Document Date] >= #Start and [Document Date] <= #Ende) t
GROUP BY [Location Code]) as t1
LEFT JOIN (select [Location Code], sum([Quantity]*Bruttopreis) as Ersatznachweis from [Item Ledger Entry]
where [Location Code] > '0000' and [Location Code] < '0040' and [Item No_] not IN ('00009000','00009900','00009906') and Gutschrift = '1' and [Document Date] >= #Start and [Document Date] <= #Ende
Group By [Location Code]) as t2 ON t1.[Location Code] = t2.[Location Code]
order by t1.[Location Code]
You should use a better syntax in your statements. Use a join instead of select from 2 comma seperated tables.
Then you'll see that you'll need a left join.
SELECT ... AS t1
(SELECT ...) AS t2 ON t1.[Location Code] = t2.[Location Code]