How do I use a heatmap with vue highcharts? - vue.js

I tried using heatmap as the chart type but I am getting error 17. I am using vue-highcharts and wondering how I can fix this proble. I looked online and it seems that I may have to import it and use it. Can anyone show me how to do that because I can't find any documentation on it?

import HighCharts from 'highcharts'
import heatmap from 'highcharts/modules/heatmap';
These are the import statements for it to work.


Use flipbook-vue in Nuxt 2 application

Hello im trying to add flipbook-vue to my Nuxt application but im getting weird error that i cant even import it.
Here is reproduction:
import Flipbook from 'flipbook-vue/vue2' gives this error:
I have to import it like this to make it work:
import Flipbook from 'flipbook-vue/dist/vue2/flipbook.mjs

import "tensorflow.keras.applications" could not be resolved (reportMissingImports) in google-colaboratory

I am trying to import tensorflow.keras.applications in Google Colab. The imported module works fine. There is no compilation error. But, I am being shown a yellow curved underline, kind of a warning.
What is the problem that leads to such a warning?
Thank you.
You are not the only one experiencing this, and it does not happen only in Google Colab. It is a bug in Tensorflow.
Since it is just a warning you could ignore it. However if you like having code completion like I do you can substitute your imports from this:
import tensorflow.keras.x
To this:
import keras.api._v2.keras.x
Where x is the import you want to get.

Why do the recommended import statements for Docusaurus fail?

Importing react components into a Docusaurus markdown file has a common pattern like:
import Figure from '#site/src/components/figure' github source
import BrowserWindow from '#site/src/components/BrowserWindow' official docs
However, this pattern throws an error in my application when I include the following line in docs/theirlabel/
import Figure from '#site/src/components/figure'
Throwing the following error
ERROR in ./docs/theirlabel/ 1:991-1039
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#site/src/components/figure'
in '/home/projects/github-5c7qs5-wquhko/docs/theirlabel'
Commenting that line allows the site to compile correctly.
I've tried many variations of referencing/including the figure.jsx component without success, like:
import Figure from '/src/components/figure'
import Figure from './src/components/figure'
import Figure from '../src/components/figure'
import Figure from 'src/components/figure'
import Figure from './figure'
import Figure from '/figure'
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Trying to view decision tree in my notebook

I am trying to scale my decision tree to fit notebook but it appears not to scale properly. I have to keep scrolling for a better view. Can I please have some help on how to fix this. Attach is a pic of how it looks like.
from graphviz import Source
from sklearn import tree
from IPython.display import SVG
graph = Source( tree.export_graphviz(dt_classifier, out_file=None, feature_names=X.columns))
Perhaps it's not relevant any more, since this question has been open for about six months now. However, I just stumbled into it, as apparently 83 other readers, and I just crafted my way around this. The easy way is to use the pydot package (pip install pydot), and then add the default size. I have also been using %matplotlib inline so that it displays nicely within the notebook but without using the svg module. With your example:
%matplotlib inline
from graphviz import Source
from sklearn import tree
import pydot
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(dt_classifier, out_file=None, feature_names=X.columns))
pdot = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data)
# Access element [0] because graph_from_dot_data actually returns a list of DOT elements.
pdot[0].set_graph_defaults(size = "\"15,15\"")
graph = Source(pdot[0].to_string())
I also added rotate=True to export_graphviz so that it displays in horizontal style, the root of the tree is directly visible, and is easier to follow. Of course, you can play around with size so as to reach something that is acceptable for you.

matplotlib grid setting (python)

I made some changes of matplotlib settings and can't figure out how to put it back. it would be great if you can help me out!
original settings
image that i see now
You question lacks relevant information such as exactly what did you change. In any case something like this should solve your problem:
import matplotlib as mpl
Try this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
which will give you the list of available styles on your machine ('classic','seaborn', etc).
From here you can set which existing plot style you want to use with'classic')