'TypeError: currentSubs[i] is not a function' when using ports in Elm 0.19 - elm

I am attempting to send data from Elm 0.19 to JavaScript using ports.
Edit: The problem seems to be related to running/building with elm-app
In Elm, I declare an outgoing port:
port modelToJs : Json.Encode.Value -> Cmd msg
which I use in the update function to produce a Cmd that sends a JSON encoded value to JavaScript.
In JS, I instantiate the Elm app:
const app = Elm.Main.init({
node: document.getElementById('root')
and register the data handler:
app.ports.modelToJs.subscribe(function dataHandler(data) {
console.log("got from Elm:" + data);
When modelToJs is called, the data is not sent and printed to the console. Instead, I get the following JavasScript runtime error (which Elm claims to avoid by design):
TypeError: currentSubs[i] is not a function
var value = _Json_unwrap(converter(cmdList.a));
2160 | for (var i = 0; i < currentSubs.length; i++)
2161 | {
> 2162 | currentSubs[i](value);
2163 | }
2164 | }
2165 | return init;
I have also provided a full proof of concept project on GitHub: https://github.com/mpgirro/elm0.19-ports-issue
The repo also contains an image of the error message (sry, I lack the reputation to post images)

The error appears to be in dataHandler.js. It currently contains this:
function dataHandler(data) {
console.log("got from Elm:" + data);
If you declare the function as export default the problem goes away:
export default function dataHandler(data) {
console.log("got from Elm:" + data);


How to pass an array as a parameter to statementExecPromisified(statement,[]) function of sap-hdbext-promisfied in nodejs?

I have an array of users as below
let usersarr = ["'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC','SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_DEF'"]
I want to fetch data about the above users(if exists) from Hana database. I am using sap-hdbext-promisfied library in node.js.
My database connection is working fine. So, I am trying to execute a select query as below
async function readUsers(xsaDbConn){
let usersarr = ["'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC','SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_DEF'"]
const checkuserexiststatement = await xsaDbConn.preparePromisified("SELECT USER_NAME FROM USERS WHERE USER_NAME IN (?)")
let checkuserexistresult = await xsaDbConn.statementExecPromisified(checkuserexiststatement, [usersarr])
return checkuserexistresult
Below is the output I get
PS C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs> npm start
> cap_njs#1.0.0 start C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs
> node server.js
myapp is using Node.js version: v12.18.3
myapp listening on port 3000
I get an empty array object as output. This is not the expected output, instead it should provide details about the users as they exist in the database.
The above code works when I provide single user value instead of multiple users in an array as shown below
async function readUsers(xsaDbConn, tempxsahdbusers){
let usersarr = 'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC'
const checkuserexiststatement = await xsaDbConn.preparePromisified("SELECT USER_NAME FROM USERS WHERE USER_NAME IN (?)")
let checkuserexistresult = await xsaDbConn.statementExecPromisified(checkuserexiststatement, [usersarr])
return checkuserexistresult
Output Of Above Code -
PS C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs> npm start
> cap_njs#1.0.0 start C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs
> node server.js
myapp is using Node.js version: v12.18.3
myapp listening on port 3000
So, why is it giving an empty array object when I provide an array as a parameter instead of a variable? Is it possible to provide an array as a parameter to the function statementExecPromisified(statement, []) of sap-hdbext-promisfied library in node.js ?
let usersarr = ["'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC','SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_DEF'"]
has exactly one value, the String:
When passing the userarr in the statementExecPromisified function as a parameter you are actually passing a nested array in an array. You could either try
xsaDbConn.statementExecPromisified(checkuserexiststatement, [usersarr[0]])
or separate the values in the userarr and add multiple ? in the prepared statement and reference each single value with userarr[x].

I am trying to get data over an OpenWeather API in Rust but I am facing some iusse regarding parsing I guess

extern crate openweather;
use openweather::LocationSpecifier;
static API_KEY: &str = "e85e0a3142231dab28a2611888e48f22";
fn main() {
let loc = LocationSpecifier::Coordinates {
lat: 24.87,
lon: 67.03,
let weather = openweather::get_current_weather(loc, API_KEY).unwrap();
"Right now in Minneapolis, MN it is {}K",
error : thread 'main' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an
Err value: ErrorReport { cod: 0, message: "Got unexpected response:
The issue is a JSON parsing error due to the deserialized struct not matching OpenWeather's JSON, perhaps the API recently added this? With your example, the OpenWeatherCurrent struct is missing timezone.
But it looks like there is an open PR that will fix this, you can test it by doing the following:
Change your Cargo.toml dependency to openweather = { git = "https://github.com/caemor/openweather" }.
The PR author has also updated the get_current_weather signature so you'll need to change lines 2, 10 to the following:
use openweather::{LocationSpecifier, Settings};
let weather = openweather::get_current_weather(&loc, API_KEY, &Settings::default()).unwrap();

issue with c8ydevicecontrol.create

the code:
this.sendOperations = function () {
var operation = {
deviceId: '12161',
com_cumulocity_model_WebCamDevice: {
name: 'take picture',
parameters: {
duration: '5s',
quality: 'HD'
a new operation will be created in cumulocity server, but in the meantime, the chrome brower on which the app is runing will report some errors, although it looks like the app is still runing after that:
angular.js:9997 TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of null
at k (deviceControl.js:267)
at wrappedCallback (angular.js:11498)
at wrappedCallback (angular.js:11498)
at angular.js:11584
at Scope.$eval (angular.js:12608)
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:12420)
at Scope.$apply (angular.js:12712)
at done (angular.js:8315)
at completeRequest (angular.js:8527)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (angular.js:8466)
any suggestion? Thanks
D. Chen

Issue with BTC-e API in App Script, method parameter

I am trying to incorporate the BTC-e.com API in to a google docs spreadsheet.
The API documentation is here: https://btc-e.com/api/documentation
The method name is sent via POST parameter method.
As the URLFetchApp requires me to set the type of request as POST by a parameter method and I then have another parameter called method to be set as getInfo.
How can I go about setting the fetch method as POST and have the API parameter method as getInfo.
Below is the function this relates too. Also I am sure there a more issues in my work I am yet to find.
function inventory() {
var nonce=Number(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('K2').getValue());
var token=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('K1').getValue();
var tokenEndpoint = "https://btc-e.com/tapi";
var sign= 'TEMP'
var head = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Key': token,
'Sign': sign
var params = {
method : "POST",
method : "getInfo",
headers: head,
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
method : "getInfo",
nonce: nonce
var request = UrlFetchApp.getRequest(tokenEndpoint, params);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(tokenEndpoint, params);
var response2=String(response);
This just yields the error
Attribute provided with invalid value: method
PS: First time posting, I tried to get the format correct.
I made the following Google JavaScript function to do POST access to BTC-e. You can find this function in action in the example spreadsheet I made to demonstrate the BTC-e API functions.
function btceHttpPost(keyPair, method, params, nonce) {
if (keyPair === undefined) {
return "{'error':'missing key pair'}"
if (params === undefined) {
params = '';
// Cleanup keypair, remove all \s (any whitespace)
var keyPair = keyPair.replace(/[\s]/g, '');
// Keypair example: "AFE730YV-S9A4FXBJ-NQ12HXS9-CA3S3MPM-CKQLU0PG,96a00f086824ddfddd9085a5c32b8a7b225657ae2fe9c4483b4c109fab6bf1a7"
keyPair = keyPair.split(',');
var pubKey = keyPair[0];
var privKey = keyPair[1];
// As specified on the BTC-e api (https://btc-e.com/api/documentation) the
// nonce POST parameter must be an incrementing integer (>0). The easiest
// implementation is the use of a timestamp (TS), so there is no need
// for persistant storage. Preferable, the resolution of the TS should be
// small enough the handle the desired call-frequency (a sleep of the TS
// resolution can fix this but I don't like such a waste). Another
// consideration is the sizeof the nonce supported by BTC-e. Experiments
// revealed this is a 32 bit unsigned number. The native JavaScript TS,
// stored in a float, can be 53 bits and has a resolution of 1 ms.
if (nonce === undefined)
// This time stamp counts amount of 200ms ticks starting from Jan 1st, 2014 UTC
// On 22 Mar 2041 01:17:39 UTC, it will overflow the 32 bits and will fail
// the nonce key for BTC-e
var nonce = Math.floor((Date.now() - Date.UTC(2014,0)) / 200);
// Construct payload message
var msg = 'nonce=' + nonce + '&method=' + method + params;
var msgSign = Utilities.computeHmacSignature(Utilities.MacAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_512, msg, privKey);
// Convert encoded message from byte[] to hex string
for (var msgSignHex = [], i = 0; i < msgSign.length; i++) {
// Doing it nibble by nibble makes sure we keep leading zero's
msgSignHex.push(((msgSign[i] >>> 4) & 0xF).toString(16));
msgSignHex.push((msgSign[i] & 0xF).toString(16));
msgSignHex = msgSignHex.join('');
var httpHeaders = {'Key': pubKey, 'Sign': msgSignHex};
var fetchOptions = {'method': 'post', 'headers': httpHeaders, 'payload': msg};
var reponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://btc-e.com/tapi', fetchOptions);
return reponse.getContentText();
The problem looks to be with your params object . You have method set thrice in the same object, which is a source of confusion.
Next, take a look at the documentation for UrlFetchApp.fetch() ( https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/url-fetch-app#fetch(String,Object) ) . The method can take a value of post, get, delete, put.
The getInfo should probably be appended to your URL to make it
var tokenEndpoint = "https://btc-e.com/tapi/getInfo"
Per the docs, you also have to put in more parameters to the request, nonce, api key etc. Use this as a starting point, revisit the documentation and get back to SO if you still have trouble

How do I send data to a process?

I'm trying to write a dart server application that will communicate to an application which accepts input and gives output, like the unix tool bc.
I can read the output of bc, but I cannot send a command to bc. Here is my code:
void main() {
var p = Process.start('bc', ["-i"]);
var stdoutStream = new StringInputStream(p.stdout);
stdoutStream.onLine = () => print(stdoutStream.readLine());
p.onExit = (exitCode) {
print('exit code: $exitCode');
When I run it, I get the following error:
Unhandled exception:
SocketIOException: writeList failed - invalid socket handle
0. Function: '_Socket#14117cc4.writeList' url: 'dart:io' line:4808 col:48
1. Function: '_SocketOutputStream#14117cc4._write#14117cc4' url: 'dart:io' line:4993 col:70
2. Function: '_SocketOutputStream#14117cc4.write' url: 'dart:io' line:4969 col:29
3. Function: '_BaseOutputStream#14117cc4.writeString' url: 'dart:io' line:5197 col:3
4. Function: '::main' url: 'file:///var/www/html/example.dart' line:8 col:22
If I comment out the line where I try to write "quit\n", then it runs and I can see the output of bc.
So how do I get my program to send commands to an application on my server like bc?
The problem is that you're writing to stdin before the process has properly started. Try:
void main() {
var p = Process.start('bc', ["-i"]);
var stdoutStream = new StringInputStream(p.stdout);
stdoutStream.onLine = () => print(stdoutStream.readLine());
p.onStart = () => p.stdin.writeString("1+1\nquit\n");
p.onExit = (exitCode) {
print('exit code: $exitCode');