Using ParseQueryString in Winform -

My program is writing URL-encoded strings into a text file like this one.
However, I'm trying to reverse the process by opening the same file and breaking that file up in a manner that I can retrieve into name/value-like pairs.
' Final Challenge Category
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("./Game" + nudGameNo.Value.ToString() + "/Final/category.txt")
strLine = WebUtility.UrlDecode(sr.ReadLine)
The closest function that I can find to help is HttpUtility.ParseQueryString but I can't seem to run it in a WinForms application. (Even if I use Imports System.Web)
I've also tried to do a .Split with & being the separator, however problems start up if a particular value contains an & of it's own.
Is it possible to break this form of string up?


VB.NET write just in the first line of file

I used over four different methods to get the text from a online text file: and overwrite it to another file.
Everything works, but I have only one problem. Everything is written in the first line and not the original format.
Here is just an example of a correct code which I'm using, but it doesn't work:
Using client As New WebClient()
Application.StartupPath & "\file.txt")
End Using
The file is using a different line-break style that is not recognized by the edit control.
There are three different types of line-break styles that are in common usage: the Windows style (CR LF), the Unix style (LF), and the classic Mac style (CR).
Windows controls like the TextBox control naturally require the Windows style, CR LF. The corresponding escape characters for C# would be \r\n; on VB, you use ControlChars.CrLf or vbCrLf. On Unix, LF (\n, or ControlChars.Lf/vbLf) is more commonly encountered. If you are getting a file from an external source, like the Internet, it probably uses Unix-style line breaks, which aren't recognized as line breaks by the Windows TextBox control. The reason it works in what you call "advanced text editors" is that they support all these different styles of line-break characters.
This is exceedingly trivial to fix. Perform a character replacement on the string, replacing LF with CR+LF, before you display it in the TextBox.
' Download the file
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath & "\file.txt"
Using client As New WebClient()
client.DownloadFile("", path))
End Using
' Read the file's text in as a string
Dim filedata As String = File.ReadAllText(path)
' Fix up the line endings
filedata = filedata.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, ControlChars.CrLf)
' Display the text in your TextBox
myTextBox.Text = filedata
I managed to solve everything by switching from textbox to richtextbox.

How to search data in a txt file through Visual Basic

I have this txt file with the following information:
National_Insurence_Number;Name;Surname;Hours_Worked;Price_Per_Hour so:
eg.: aa-12-34-56-a;Peter;Smith;36;12
This data has been inputed to the txt file through a VB form which works totally fine, the problem comes when, on another form. This is what I expect it to do:
The user will input into a text box the employees NI Number.
The program will then search through the file that NI Number and, if found;
It will fill in the appropriate text boxes with its data.
(Then the program calculates tax and national insurance which i got working fine)
So basically the problem comes telling the program to search that NI number and introduce each ";" delimited field into its corresponding text box.
Thanks for all.
You just need to parse the file like a csv, you can use Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser to do this or you can use CSVHelper -
I've used csv helper in the past and it works great, it allows you to create a class with the structure of the records in your data file then imports the data into a list of these for searching.
You can look here for more info on TextFieldParser if you want to go that way -
Parse Delimited CSV in .NET
Dim afile As FileIO.TextFieldParser = New FileIO.TextFieldParser(FileName)
Dim CurrentRecord As String() ' this array will hold each line of data
afile.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
afile.Delimiters = New String() {";"}
afile.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = True
' parse the actual file
Do While Not afile.EndOfData
CurrentRecord = afile.ReadFields
Catch ex As FileIO.MalformedLineException
End Try
I'd recommend using CsvHelper though, the documentation is pretty good and working with objects is much easier opposed to the raw string data.
Once you have found the record you can then manually set the text of each text box on your form or use a bindingsource. will not read text file correctly

I've been trying to use StreamReader to read a log file. I cannot verify what it is encoded in, as when I open it in notepad++ and select ANSI encoding, I get this result:
I'm getting the characters needed when using ANSI but they are followed by things like [NULL][EOT][SOH][NUL][SI]
When I try and read the file in VB (using StreamReader or ReadAll) with ANSI encoding selected the resulting string I get back is completely wrong.
How could I read a file like this in
You could use the IO.File.ReadAllText("File Location", encoding as System.Text.Encoding) method,
Dim textFromFile as string = IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\login20130417.rdb", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) 'Or Unicode, UFT32, UFT8, UFT7, BigEndianUnicode or default. Default is ANSI.
If you still don't get the text you need by using the default encoding (ANSI), then you can always try the other 6 different encoding methods.
It appears that your file is corrupt, using the code below I was able to get a binary representation of whatever is in the file, I got this,
The massive amount of null data would suggest that the file is corrupt, which would also explain why we are not getting a lot of data whenever we try to read the file.
The code,
Dim fileData As String = IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\login20130417.rdb")
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim binaryData As String = ""
Dim ch As String = ""
Do Until i = fileData.Length
ch = fileData.Chars(i)
bin = bin & System.Convert.ToString(AscW(ch), 2).PadLeft(8, "0")
i = i + 1
As #Daniel A. White suggested in his comment, that file does not appear to be encoded like a "normal" text file. A StreamReader will not work in this situation. I would attempt to use a BinaryReader.
Rdb file? Never heard of it. Quick google makes it less clear - n64 database file, Darkbot, etc...
However considering the name you have, and the general look of the opened file, i would say its a binary file.
If you want to read the file in you'll need a library of sorts, and i can't help you with one until you are able to shed some light on what the file may be, or what it was created with.

Creating a directory named with user's text in Visual Basic

I'm fairly new to programming in general. I'm working on a simple app that could combine a couple of functions to automate or simplify some of the things I do at work. One of the functions I'm trying to build is to be able to create a folder. Now I have found an article on that on Microsoft's msdn resource and it's child's play. But the instructions there only show how to create a folder with a predefined name in the code. What I'd rather want is to have a textbox where I input the folder's name and the directory is named with that input. The msdn code looks like this:
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory _
I understand I should now add:
Dim txt As String
txt = TextBox1.Text
But what next? How do I tell VB to use as directory name the input "txt"?
Try this:
Dim txt As String
txt = TextBox1.Text
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:\" & txt & "\")
Using & is simple and often fine for most purposes, but for your two (including what you've added as a comment) concatenation examples there are other methods:
For pathname manipulation look at System.IO.Path:
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("C:\", txt))
For (complex) string "formatting", consider String.Format:
Dim menu As String = String.Format("Today's main dish is {0}.", TextBox2.Text)

Sample HTML placed in a variable

I can retrieve the contents of a webpage into a variable like:
x = objIE.Document.body.outerHTML
But during development (data parse), I don’t want to keep pulling up a live site and instead just want to store some sample html in a format that can be placed in a variable. The issue is that trying to directly place a raw html sample into a variable creates errors and would require going through and escaping quotes etc. What’s an easy way to put place a large block of sample html in a variable?
You could read the html into a string variable using IO.StreamReader
Dim docStuff As String
Dim strReader As IO.StreamReader
Dim strWriter As IO.StreamWriter
strReader = New IO.StreamReader(Application.StartupPath & "/me.html")
docStuff = strReader.ReadToEnd
then write it back out using IO.StreamWriter
strWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath & "/changedCode.html")
I have never had issues with this method with escape characters, etc. I pull it in, then I can look at the code, make changes, etc. Works like a charm.