does contention in a tthread dump means that the code written by developer is not efficient or can jvm internal threads can also cause contetion? - weblogic

Does contention only occurs if non daemon threads (application thread ) are trying to acquire the same lock or it can also occurs if daemon threads (jvm internal threads ) causes some issue ?
So, my main question is can daemon threads can cause contention ?

The short answer is yes... WebLogic's threads are all daemon threads.


how to resove "connection.blocked: true" in capabilities on the RabbitMQ UI

"rabbitmqctl list_connections" shows as running but on the UI in the connections tab, under client properties, i see "connection.blocked: true".
I can see that messages are in queued in RabbitMq and the connection is in idle state.
I am running Airflow with Celery. My jobs are not executing at all.
Is this the reason why jobs are not executing?
How to resolve the issue so that my jobs start running
I'm experiencing the same kind of issue by just using celery.
It seems that when you have a lot of messages in the queue, and these are fairly chunky, and your node memory goes high, the rabbitMQ memory watermark gets trespassed and this triggers a blocking into consumer connections, so no worker can access that node (and related queues).
At the same time publishers are happily sending stuff via the exchange so you get in a lose-lose situation.
The only solution we had is to avoid hitting that memory watermark and scale up the number of consumers.
Keep messages/tasks lean so that the signature is not MB but KB

What exactly is a pre-fork web server model?

I want to know what exactly it means when a web server describes itself as a pre-fork web server. I have a few examples such as unicorn for ruby and gunicorn for python.
More specifically, these are the questions:
What problem does this model solve?
What happens when a pre-fork web server is initially started?
How does it handle requests?
Also, a more specific question for unicorn/gunicorn:
Let's say that I have a webapp that I want to run with (g)unicorn. On initialization, the webapp will do some initialization stuff (e.g. fill in additional database entries). If I configure (g)unicorn with multiple workers, will the initialization stuff be run multiple times?
Pre-forking basically means a master creates forks which handle each request. A fork is a completely separate *nix process.
Update as per the comments below. The pre in pre-fork means that these processes are forked before a request comes in. They can however usually be increased or decreased as the load goes up and down.
Pre-forking can be used when you have libraries that are NOT thread safe. It also means issues within a request causing problems will only affect the process which they are processed by and not the entire server.
The initialisation running multiple times all depends on what you are deploying. Usually however connection pools and stuff of that nature would exist for each process.
In a threading model the master would create lighter weight threads to dispatch requests too. But if a thread causes massive issues it could have repercussions for the master process.
With tools such as Nginx, Apache 2.4's Event MPM, or gevent (which can be used with Gunicorn) these are asynchronous meaning a process can handle hundreds of requests whilst not blocking.
How does a "pre-fork worker model" work?
Master Process: There is a master process that spawns and kills workers, depending on the load and the capacity of the hardware. More incoming requests would cause the master to spawn more workers, up to a point where the "hardware limit" (e.g. all CPUs saturated) is reached, at which point queing will set in.
Workers: A worker can be understood as an instance of your application/server. So if there are 4 workers, your server is booted 4 times. It means it occupies 4 times the "Base-RAM" than only one worker would, unless you do shared memory wizardry.
Initialization: Your initialization logic needs to be stable enough to account for multiple servers. For example, if you write db entries, check if they are there already or add a setup job before your app server
Pre-fork: The "pre" in prefork means that the master always adds a bit more capacity than currently required, such that if the load goes up the system is "already ready". So it preemptively spawns some workers. For example in this apache library, you control this with the MinSpareServers property.
Requests: The requests (TCP connection handles) are being passed from the master process to the children.
What problem do pre-fork servers solve?
Multiprocessing: If you have a program that can only target one CPU core, you potentially waste some of your hardware's capacity by only spawning one server. The forked workers tackle this problem.
Stability: When one worker crashes, the master process isn't affected. It can just spawn a new worker.
Thread safety: Since it's really like your server is booted multiple times, in separate processes, you don't need to worry about threadsafety (since there are no threads). This means it's an appropriate model when you have non-threadsafe code or use non-threadsafe libs.
Speed: Since the child processes aren't forked (spawned) right when needed, but pre-emptively, the server can always respond fast.
Alternatives and Sidenotes
Container orchestration: If you're familiar with containerization and container orchestration tools such as kubernetes, you'll notice that many of the problems are solved by those as well. Kubernetes spawns multiple pods for multiprocessing, it has the same (or better) stability and things like "horizontal pod autoscalers" that also spawn and kill workers.
Threading: A server may spawn a thread for each incoming request, which allows for many requests being handled "simultaneously". This is the default for most web servers based on Java, since Java natively has good support for threads. Good support meaning the threads run truly parallel, on different cpu cores. Python's threads on the other hand cannot truly parallelize (=spread work to multiple cores) due to the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), they only provide a means for contex switching. More on that here. That's why for python servers "pre-forkers" like gunicorn are so popular, and people coming from Java might have never heard of such a thing before.
Async / non-blocking processing: If your servers spend a lot of time "waiting", for example disk I/O, http requests to external services or database requests, then multiprocessing might not be what you want. Instead consider making your code "non-blocking", meaning that it can handle many requests concurrently. Async / await (coroutines) based systems like fastapi (asgi server) in python, Go or nodejs use this mechanism, such that even one server can handle many requests concurrently.
CPU bound tasks: If you have CPU bound tasks, the non-blocking processing mentioned above won't help much. Then you'll need some way of multiprocessing to distribute the load on your CPU cores, as the solutions mentioned above, that is: container orchestration, threading (on systems that allow true parallelization) or... pre-forked workers.

Is netty's udp running in single-threaded mode?

Is netty's udp running in single-threaded mode?
I have configured the NioDatagramChannelFactory like below:
new NioDatagramChannelFactory(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4), 4));
But, when I running the code as a server, and lunch more than 20 clients to send udp packages continuously to it, the server still use only one worker thread.
Normally it should use 4 worker threads here. So how are you seeing that it only use one thread ? Did you check with jstack to see how many worker threads are running ?
You should also use
new NioDatagramChannelFactory(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), 4));
This should take care of having at max. 4 worker threads.

Celery tasks retry (Celery, Django and RabbitMQ)

Can you tell me what is happening when in celery you tell the task to retry? Will it retry in the same worker thread or it will be returned to broker which may send it elsewhere?
What will happen with tasks for retry if worker or dispatcher suddenly stop? If tasks can be lost is there some approach to avoid this? May be save each task in database and retry them if no result is received for some time?
Or may be dispatcher have it's own persistent storage? What about then if worker thread crash receiving the task or while executing it?
Can you tell me what is happening when
in celery you tell the task to retry?
Will it retry in the same worker
thread or it will be returned to
broker which may send it elsewhere?
Yes the task return to the broker (ex. Rabbit MQ) with a different estimated execution time
What will happen with tasks for retry
if worker or dispatcher suddenly stop?
If tasks can be lost is there some
approach to avoid this? May be save
each task in database and retry them
if no result is received for some
Or may be dispatcher have it's own
persistent storage? What about then if
worker thread crash receiving the task
or while executing it?
Here a complete answer Retry Lost or Failed Tasks (Celery, Django and RabbitMQ)

Joining threads in a WCF hosted service

Can anyone recommend a "clean" way of closing a WCF service and its threads when hosted in a servicehost object?
Calling servicehost.Close(); doesn't work when the service has spawned other threads :/
That's really something you cannot do from the outside safely without collaboration from the service itself and the threads it spawned. One option would be to have the service spawn threads through special means that can be controlled through your host environment and have those threads furthermore collaborate so that they can be shutdown cleanly.
For example, you could have a custom thread pool class that gives each thread spawn a reference to an event that signals to it that it must stop processing and shutdown. .NET 4.0 is going to make this simpler with the Task Library, but meanwhile you're going to have to do it on your own.
Also, you should take care if you're spawning raw threads (instead of using the CLR thread pool) to create them as background threads in cases like this. This can help in avoiding keeping the process alive when you want it to shut down (though I'd still recommend making sure you shut them down cleanly).