I have installed using a single DataCenter with Analytics, Graph and Search enabled through OpsCenter and wish to activate OLAP Queries using DSEStudio.I have also managed to do this on the sparkmaster node using gremlin using the following DSE guide here, but I am unable to run the same commands on DSE Studio with commands that has : such as:remote config alias g database.a. When this commands is run the error encountered is shown below
org.codehaus.groovy.contorl.MultipleCompilationErrorsException:startupfailed:Script95.groovy:1:unexcepted token:#line1, columns1.
:remote config alias g GeneratedGraph.a
1 error
I have checked that Spark, Cassandra and Solr is running on the nodes installed. Any advise on steps I may have missed will be greatly appreciated.
"In Studio, under the run arrow, select Execute using analytic engine (Spark) before running."
The drop-down is "real-time" by default, you should switch it to "Analytic"
I am unable to connect to an AWS RDS instance using liquibase from the terminal using a Mac. I am able to connect to the same database and URL using MySQL workbench and pymysql in python. I have mysql-connector-java.jar in Liquibase's lib folder. I have also done brew install mysql and brew install mysql-client. I get the same error when using an invalid URL, but I have checked (many times) to make sure the URL string is correct. The exact error I get is:
Unexpected error running Liquibase: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Connection could not be created to jdbc:mysql://-URL IS HERE-?createDatabaseIfNotExists=true with driver com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver. Communications link failure
From the command:
liquibase --url=jdbc:mysql://-URL IS HERE-:3306/cdp_sms?createDatabaseIfNotExists=true --username="cdpadmin" --password=$CDP_DB_PW --changeLogFile=db.changelog-master.xml update
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had encounter a similar issue a while ago with Liquibase and AWS RDS. I would suggest you to check your security groups (inbound/outbound rules) in the aws settings.
I have been consistently receiving the same error while trying to create a connection between R and Snowflake using an ODBC driver. The error that I'm receiving says:
'''Error during wrapup: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1021: 00000: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'Snowflake' : file not found
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart'''
The instructions given by Snowflake to connect a driver are rather cut and clear - but provides little insight on what to do with errors. Can anyone lead me as to where to go given this error?
This smells like a configuration issue. Your driver manager, unixODBC, isn't able to locate the Snowflake driver. (The Snowflake documentation says on MacOS to use iODBC. Don't. It won't work with the odbc R package.)
Check that unixODBC is findable. Run odbcinst -j in a terminal. If it works, you will know that you have unixODBC properly installed, and it will give you the paths to your various configuration files.
On to checking configuration. This is the documentation for configuring on Linux using unixODBC. If you are using MacOS the same general instructions apply, but the file extensions will change from .so to .dylib . Since it's saying it can't find the file, I'm thinking that using full paths might resolve this for you. It's also possible that there's some issue with how you are specifying the driver.
Also, it looks like it's searching for a file named 'Snowflake'. I'm thinking you've got Driver=Snowflake somewhere in one of your config files. Best change that to Driver=<path>/<to>/<driver>/libSnowflake.dylib (or .so if you're on Linux). Do this in all the places where you have Driver=Snowflake.
I am trying to connect to an Vertica DB from R using "RODBC" package. Also, the machine I am using is an remote server which doesn't have direct internet access so I basically "transfer" all source files from my local to the remote server to build the system. So, in order to give you an clear context, I am listing all my steps in attending of installing "RODBC" package below:
Step1 - I downloaded the RODBC_1.3-13.tar.gz source file for RODBC and then tried to directly install it with "R CMD INSTALL". However, I encountered error as "ODBC headers sql.h and sqlext.h not found".
Step2 - After a few researches, I found that the installation of "unixodbc-dev" would potentially solve this issue. Therefore, I downloaded all needed dependencies for "unixodbc-dev" and transferred them to the server. As you can see the list:
Therefore, I also successfully installed "unixodbc-dev":
However, another error message appears when I tried to re-install the "RODBC" using "sudo R CMD INSTALL /home/mli/RODBC_1.3-13.tar.gz" in which it returns error "no ODBC driver manager found":
As the message indicates, the installation program can't locate my ODBC driver manager. So, I downloaded "vertica-client-7.2.3-0.x86_64.tar.gz" and unzipped it on the server:
So, now my question is how can I customize the "R CMD INSTALL" command say, using some parameter handles to direct the installation program to locate the driver manager? Or am I trying this in a right direction? Please let me know. Any help would be really appreciated!!! :)
I have also tried it with JDBC in which the I successfully loaded the "RJDBC" package in R and used the JDBC driver from vertica-client-7.2.3-0.x86_64.tar.gz. Also, I have already had "rJava" installed. However, I have still got an error when I tried to make the connection. I am listing my result below:
I successfully installed the "RJDBC" with "$R CMD INSTALL RJDBC_0.2-5.tar.gz --library=/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/" and then I tried the following scripts in R. All the lines are successfully executed except on the line 16:
Based on the error message, I assumed the version of the JDBC driver that I was using is too new for the Vertica server. So, I was trying to use an older version JDBC driver instead, like the "vertica-jdk5-6.1.0-0.jar" which I have downloaded from this link:http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/v/Downloadverticajdk56100jar.htm
So, I moved the file "vertica-jdk5-6.1.0-0.jar" to my home directory on the server and then changed the JDBC driver path in the R script:
As you can see, it still returns error "FATAL: Unsupported frontend protocol 3.6: server supports 3.0 to 3.5". Am I doing it right? Or is there an issue with the new driver that I downloaded? How can make it works? Please, any help will be really appreciated! Thanks!!!
A few things:
First, just do sudo apt-get install r-cran-rodbc. The package was created (by yours truly) in no small part because dealing with unixODBC or iODBC is not fun. But even once you have that, you still need the ODBC driver for Linux from Vertica. And that part is filly.
Second, I just did something similar the other day but just used JDBC, which worked. You do of course need sudo apt-get install r-cran-rjava which has its own can of worms (but I already mentioned Java...) Still, maybe try that instead?
Third, you can cheat and just use psql pointed to the Vertica port (usually one above the PostgreSQL port).
Am trying to create Repository in Pentaho DI by using SQl server and Mysql, in that am facing a issue,
Please some one can help me to resolve that .
Repositary login failed.
Detailed cause:org.pentaho.di.core.exception,kettleException:
Error connecting to the repositary!The version of the repository is -1.-1.
This Kettle edition requires it to be at least version 5.0 and as such an upgrade is required.
To upgrade, backup your database and export the repository to XML for additional safety.
Then select the 'Edit' button followed by the 'Create or Upgrade' button.
Please consult the Upgrade Guide for eventually special instructions for this version.
Try following steps:
Check the existence of
create a new database as repository,
select button [create|update], when select Dry run, please select N.
See dialog screenshot
is it in principle possible to upload and run PDI jobs in bi server?
I have tried it, but always get this error in the user console:
Sorry. We really did try. Something went wrong. Please try again or contact your administrator.
in conjunction with this log file error message:
2014/08/02 14:04:43 - RepositoriesMeta - Reading repositories XML file: FromInputStream
14:04:43,384 ERROR [GeneratorStreamingOutput] Error generating content from content generator with id [viewer]
Could some give me a hint? Thanks!
Easy answer: That does not work in the CE edition. That functionality is available only in the EE edition.
I'm not sure that's by design, so I think you should open an issue at jira.pentaho.com.
In the meantime, you can run PDI jobs in the biserver CE if you use xactions or CDA.