VueJS: read div content from its id - vuejs2

In my first example, I have in my component's template:
<div id="hello">hello world</div>
When console.log(this.$refs['hello']) is called in myMethod(), I get undefined in the console.
In my second example, I have:
<div v-for="item in data">
<div :id="'hello-'">hello {{ }}</div>
When console.log(this.$refs['hello-1']) is called in myMethod(), I also get undefined in the console.
What's wrong in my code ?

You cannot get element with refs by giving that element id. You should bind ref to that element. Here is an example:
<div v-for="item in data" :key="">
<div :id="'hello-'" :ref="'hello-'">hello {{ }}</div>
And also don't forget to bind key to your iterating elements with v-for


Vue Component that Can Override What Child Renders Dynamically

I am working on a component (InfoCard) that should be able to render any number of fields passed into it with a 'fields' prop, as an array of json objects with a name, value, and some styling options. For certain fields, I want to be able to override what component is used to render, but do it from the parent (Table) rather than inside the InfoCard component, as it should be generic. My first thought was to use a <component :is='field.component'></component>, where it will render as plaintext if field.component is not defined, but to my understand it will be difficult to pass in any potential children necessary for the <component/>. My second thought is to use named slots from within the parent, but I don't think this is possible either in a good way. I'll show my current code.
In my example, I want to be able to detect if the field being rendered is 'status', and if it is, use a different rendering mechanism than displayValue(attribute), without hardcoding it inside InfoCard; I want the parent to be able to override this rendering conditionally. Is there a way to do this in Vue? Thanks
From Table, where data.records is an array of JSON objects:
v-for="(record,index) in data.records"
<div v-for="key in Object.keys(record)" :key="key">
<template v-if="'status'" v-slot:[`${}_value`]>
<p> Field is status !</p>
From InfoCard:
v-for="(attribute, index) in fields"
#click="$emit('fieldClicked', attribute)"
:class="`mid-gray f6 clipped fw5-ns m-b-10 ${attribute.nameClasses}`"
<div v-else>
{{ displayName(attribute) }}
:class="`mid-gray f6 clipped fw5-ns m-b-10 ${attribute.valueClasses}`"
<div v-else>
{{ displayValue(attribute) }}

Vue - passing v-for index from parent to child component

I've done the research but can't find a good answer. My parent and child component code is below. How do I pass the index for the v-for loop in the parent to the child component for use there? I want to hide any of the gauges past #4 for mobile screens, but show all of them on a desktop.
<div class="col-md-8 col-xs-6">
<div class="row flex-nowrap">
v-for="(gauge, index) in device.gauges"
app.component('data-block', {
props: ['alarm', 'metric','value','unit','idx'],
template: `<div v-bind:class="'col card px-0 text-center border' + ((alarm) ? ' border-danger':' border-success') + ((idx > 3) ? ' d-none d-md-block':'')">\
<div class="card-header p-1">{{metric}}</div>\
<div class="card-body p-1 align-middle">\
<h1 class=" text-center display-1 font-weight-normal text-nowrap">{{value}}</h1>\
<div class="card-footer p-1">{{unit}}</div>\
created: ()=> console.log(this.idx) //yields "undefined"
You're passing the idx prop correctly, but Instead of checking its value inside created hook, try displaying it in the template instead, to make sure it's not an issue with timing (it might not be defined when the child component is created):
Also, to make the code easier to read and write, I would suggest you to move the static classes to class attribute and the dynamic classes to v-bind:class attribute, and also make it multiline:
template: `
class="col card px-0 text-center border"
'd-none d-md-block': idx > 3,
'border-danger': alarm,
'border-success': !alarm

Change element background-image inside a v-for

I have a v-for thats reading different .md files which have a image property in their front matter.
I am trying to change my div's background-image But it has to read that url taken from the files frontmatter.
this is the code:
<div v-for="item in projectsList" class="li" >
<div style="background-image: url(">
<a :href="item.path" class="li">
<span>{{ item.title }}</span>
Now the issue lies in changing the style:"background-image: url(<URL>) property.
I can access the image through item.frontmatter.image,
I read about this so i tried to do an example and just for testing purposes tried to feed an image through the Data function, but to vue the Url is undefined so i need a different way of feeding a URL based image to the background.
:style:"{'background-image': url( imageURL )}"
data: function () {
return {
imageURL: ''
You should be able to do it like this:
<div v-for="item in projectsList" class="li" >
<div :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${item.frontmatter.image})` }">
<a :href="item.path" class="li">
<span>{{ item.title }}</span>
No data function needed here I think.

Looping out slots?

In my vue template I have:
<li>slide a</li>
<li>slide b</li>
But I want to pass in each slide from the parent using a slot, so:
<img src="abc.jpg">
<img src="xyz.jpg">
But how can I loop out what is passed in to each li? So I want to end up with:
<li><img src="abc.jpg"></li>
<li><img src="xyz.jpg"></li>
Also I want to be able to pass in any dom element via the slot to the list element.
As Michael said, you can achieve this behavior via scoped slots.
In your carousel component, the template will look like this :
// TODO : Add a :key with a unique identifier
<li v-for="item in items">
<slot name="item" :item="item">
{{ item }}
And when using the component, you will do something like this :
<carousel :items="images">
<img #item="{ src }" :src="src">
Depending on your images data, you may need to get the source from another property.

VueJs v-for how to check list undefined before continue

Refer to the template below, how to add condition to make sure the menu is not undefined inside the v-for attribute?
I've tried v-for="menu?item in menu.items:[]" and v-for="item in menu?.items" but neither works.
<div v-for="item in menu.items">{{item.text}}</div>
Put the div with the v-for directive within a <template> that checks for menu via v-if:
<template v-if="menu">
<div v-for="item in menu.items">{{ item.text }}</div>
This way, the div inside the template won't be rendered if menu does not exist.
If you really want the check within the v-for statement, like you are attempting, it would look like this:
<div v-for="item in (menu ? menu.items : [])">{{ item.text }}</div>