FaceBook Login Integration Key hashes error? - ionic4

Trying to connect facebook login in ionic 4 application but it shows
keyhashes error happend?

change the config.xml file APP ID and APP NAME
Platform Android
<platform name="android">
<config-file parent="/resources" target="./res/values/strings.xml">
<string name="fb_app_id">xxxxxxxxxx</string>
<string name="fb_app_name">xxxxxxx</string>
Platform iOS
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-facebook4" spec="^3.1.0">
<variable name="APP_ID" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
<variable name="APP_NAME" value="xxxxxxx" />

I'm assuming you're getting an error on login with Android and it shows a key hash? You need to add all key hashes that you see in those error messages to the setting of your Facebook app. Go to developers.facebook.com/yourappid, to settings > basic, scroll down to key hashes and add it there.
It seems that the different facebook applications on the users phone can change the hash that needs to be allowed for them. We've got 4 different hashes for ours now and I'm sure they'll be more going forward. I'd recommend setting up a logger for client errors so you can get those hashes as they pop up.


Umbraco suddenly login failed for user

I'm currently using the CMS Umbraco for my website to handle my blog. While suddenly the login won't work for any user.
Event Id: 0, state: Login attempt failed for username test from IP
I've checked my MSSQL where all instances are running and connecting
correctly to my project.
I've tried the UmbracoAdminReset.dll but it doesn't make any
I've tried to manually change the password in the MSSQL Umbraco users
table with the same login attempt failed error
I've tried to login on different user and still gets the same error
I've built i have restarted the computer but the error still applies, this worked earlier today, All i have done is just working with Disqus comment API on their website.
I've noticed in my Web.config that i have errors in (I manually replaced the PublicKeyToken here with *******)
<sessionState mode="InProc" customProvider="DefaultSessionProvider">
<add name="DefaultSessionProvider" type="System.Web.Providers.DefaultSessionStateProvider, System.Web.Providers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=***************" connectionStringName="DefaultConnection" />
Invalid module qualification: Failed to resolve assembly System.Web.Providers
Cannot Resolve symbol DefaultSessionStateProivder
The website runs fine, I get to the login page, I just cannot login because I get Login attempt failed error.
In my Errorlist i can see 28 messages that says:
Could not find schema information for element __
and 25 more with the same.
It seems like you are missing the DLL for 'System.Web.Providers' OR you are using a different version.
If you publish from Visual Studio, ensure you have set 'CopyLocal' to TRUE if your project references this DLL.
You could also just try to FTP the missing file up to your hosting account.
Let me know how it goes.

ImageResizer using AzureReader2 returns 404s for resized images when deployed in RELEASE mode to Azure website

I have an MVC website (MVC, that uses ImageResizer and Azure Blob Storage, using the AzureReader2 plugin.
I am using default settings, so images will be accessed through /azure/images (where "images" is the name of my container), and it works perfectly in development - and if I deploy to an Azure Website using Debug settings.
If I deploy using Release settings, images stop working and return 404s with a times new roman text "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.", as shown below.
This is from my web.config, and is NOT modified on release (I double-checked):
<add name="MvcRoutingShim" />
<add name="AzureReader2" connectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=[accountname];AccountKey=[KEY]" endpoint="http://[account].blob.core.windows.net/" />
<add name="DiskCache" />
I am lost and don't know where to begin troubleshooting. I have tried disabling DiskCache plugin, which does not make any difference.
This is most likely because your configuration is enabling pre-compilation when you switch to release mode. Disabling pre-compilation should allow VirtualPathProviders to work again.
See "File Not Found - cause #4" in the Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

IBM WORKLIGHT: Direct update not working when assign securityTest in application-description.xml

I am testing under Android 2.2. My develop IDE is worklight 6.0.
When I remove the securityTest in application-description.xml, direct update works well. However, when added, it didn't work anymore.
<android securityTest="mobileTests" version="1.0">
<worklightSettings include="true"/>
<encryptWebResources enabled="false"/>
<testWebResourcesChecksum enabled="false" ignoreFileExtensions="png, jpg, jpeg, gif, mp4, mp3"/>
<publicSigningKey>Replace this text with the actual public signing key of the certificate used to sign the APK, available by using the 'Extract public signing key' wizard.</publicSigningKey>
The problem is,if I remove secutiryTest. customer authentication meet url not found error and direct update work's fine.
The securityTest works fine.The following is the error I meet when remove securityTest. No other problems.
[ERROR ] FWLSE0048E: Unhandled exception caught: SRVE0190E: File not found: /apps/services/my_custom_auth_request_url [project SCMProject]
SRVE0190E: File not found: /apps/services/my_custom_auth_request_url
I want to know when does direct update happens, do securityTest have issue with it?
My goal is to achieve update version function. The API *WL.Client.getAppProperty (WL.AppProperty.LATEST_VERSION)* does not work.It returns undefined. Is there any other solution?
Security test is a layer of protection. Once you apply security test to your application you need to pass it before actually getting direct update. Once you're past your authentication you will receive direct update.
If you are using a ChallengeHandler, make sure that the submitSuccess method is call after successful auth. I had the same issue and Direct Update started working after making the call:
var loginFormChallengeHandler = WL.Client.createChallengeHandler(REALM_LTPA);
... after successful authentication
If you are using 6.1, you have to use 6.1 Studio and 6.1 server. Deploy 6.0 Studio build binary to server has some issues with Direct Update.

Blackboard with Struts

I am a beginner here, and this is my first time creating a building block for Blackboard. I understand that I could use Struts in building block thus I used Struts 1.3 to develop the building block for Blackboard version 9.
I am confuse while doing Dispatch Action, Blackboard doesn't seem to be able to find my forwarded page, and I keep ended up in this error "The specified resource was not found, or you do not have permission to access it".
Link in my jsp:
This is a test
struts-config.xml setup:
<action path="/teststruts" type="com.test.action.TestAction" parameter="execute" scope="request" validate="false">
<forward name="success" path="./thistest.jsp" />
<forward name="error" path="./index.jsp" />
My dispatch action simply mapping.findforward to one of the path.
Really scratching my head here.
Fix the relative path by removing the ./ from the front of your link.
Also verify that your Blackboard Building Block is starting up correctly by looking at the
blackboard/logs/tomcat/sdtout-stderr log after you "disable and enable" the code from the Building Blocks management page. Also verify that your servlet contains a error.jsp as sometimes the 404 error comes from struts forwarding the error on to an error page that does not exist.
Try to use
<permission name="suppressAccessChecks" type="java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission" />
But i don't think is a good idea to use struts or another framework to develop Blackboard BB. It can generate conflicts with the libraries used by Blackboard, if not with the current version, when updating Blackboard version.
One approach we took when trying to do complex modules in blackboard is to create a full webapp for Blackboard tomcat's instead of a BB. Using this technique it is possible to use whatever you want, since it is an independent application, but at the same time you can comunicate with Tomcat through the context. Yoy have to add the application to the server.xml and add some permissions in catalina.policy to do so... but maybe it could be a little bit tricky...

Need help using ldap to convert ${CCNetModifyingUsers} to list of email addresses

I am trying to configure an email publisher to send email upon failure to the user[s] that contributed to a failed build. If that's not possible because it's a list, then perhaps I can configure tasks that do a forced build, in which case I could use ${CCNetUser}.
This is my attempt at configuring it because I could not find anything helpful other than the LDAP Email Converter page in the cc.net documentation.
<ldapConverter domainName="xxxxxx.com" />
<!--not sure if needed: ldapLogOnUser="LdapQuery" ldapLogOnPassword="****"-->
<cb:define userEmail="${CCNetModifyingUsers}" />
<user name="buildmaster" group="buildmaster" address="$(userEmail)" />
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I finally figured this out.
The solution, which was not clear from the documentation, was to use this type of user node:
<user name="${CCNetFailureUsers}" group="failure" address="" />
The user name uses the dynamic variable that resolves to the list of users that contributed to the failed build, the group defines notification for Failed builds (and exceptions in my configuration) and a blank address is what triggers the ldapConverter.