I want to make a high low graph with ngx-charts. It would graph a 0 as low and a 1 as high. In between low and high there is a line vertically connecting them (not diagonally like the standard implementation). Basically, [0,0,1,0] would be graphed as _ _ | ‾ | _ but the lines would be connected. I would post a picture, but I do not have enough reputation.
I've seen that there is the ability to inject d3 curve functions into the graph and I suspect that a custom function might produce the desired effect, but I am not familiar with d3 curve functions.
It turns out you can indeed use a d3 curve to accomplish this. The d3 curve I needed was 'stepAfter'.
I have a parametric surface in 3D. I would like to observe parts of this surface, specifically, the part with z > 0 and the part with x2 + y2 + z2 < c.
A few methods that I tried:
Naïvely throwing away the rest of the data, for instance setting X[Z<0] = nan etc. Since this does not line up with the parametrization that I chose, it would create ragged edges. Is there some sort of "antialiasing" interpolation options that I can choose? I would be grateful for a pointer to the docs for numpy or plotly.
Trying to set the alpha of the color scale. This sort of works, it seems to introduce some incorrect rendering. In the picture below, the dark green lump should be at the front of the light green disk. Is there something that I did wrong?
On the other hand, I couldn't locate in the manual a way to set "two dimensional" color scales, so that I can simultaneously set the opacity according to the z value and the hue according to some other quantity of interest. Is this possible?
Is there a convenient method to achieve my goal? Or can I improve my attempts above? Any help is appreciated!
My educational project is about "sign language recognition using kinect camera" .
I want to compare the hand motion trajectories using DTW as the distance measure , and then do a NN-DTW classification .
Hand trajectory is constructed from the hand joint position in consecutive frames in 3D coordinate system.
x,y,z coordinate for hand joint , in every frame , is obtained from using kinect camera .
Which option is more appropriate for measuring the distance of these trajectories? DTWi or DTWd ?
Short answer: DTWd (for your specific use-case)
You might want to have a look at this paper:
Shokoohi-Yekta, M., Wang, J., & Keogh, E. (2015). On the Non-Trivial Generalization of Dynamic Time Warping to the Multi-Dimensional Case. Proceedings of the 2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 289–297. https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611974010.33
According to this paper, one of the two (i.e., DTWi or DTWd) always exhibits better performance. However, the decision will depend on the data you are using. In general terms, the authors say that "results suggest if the data dimensions are dependently warped, use DTWd to classify the data. If the data dimensions are independently warped, DTWi will give you more accurate results for classifying the data"
If you do not want to make that decision before hand, you can continuously adapt the selection to the one that suits best as explained in their paper.
I have a curve made out of line segments. It looks something like the following:
I want to create a 2d polygon out of this, with a uniform width everywhere, something like the following:
(Imagine it's the same width everywhere)
Is there an algorithm, which does this?
You are seeking what is called the curve offset. This is a heavily studied problem. Software abounds, e.g., you can offset within Adobe Illustrator.
The task is especially challenging for self-intersecting curves, as illustrated below.
Here is one paper (which indlues the above figure):
Liu, Xu-Zheng, Jun-Hai Yong, Guo-Qin Zheng, and Jia-Guang Sun. "An offset algorithm for polyline curves." Computers in Industry 58, no. 3 (2007): 240-254.
Search for "curve offset algorithms."
I have a facial animation rig which I am driving in two different manners: it has an artist UI in the Maya viewports as is common for interactive animating, and I've connected it up with the FaceShift markerless motion capture system.
I envision a workflow where a performance is captured, imported into Maya, sample data is smoothed and reduced, and then an animator takes over for finishing.
Our face rig has the eye gaze controlled by a mini-hierarchy of three objects (global lookAtTarget and a left and right eye offset).
Because the eye gazes are controlled by this LookAt setup, they need to be disabled when eye-gaze-including motion capture data is imported.
After the motion capture data is imported, the eye gazes are now set with motion capture rotations.
I am seeking a short Mel routine that does the following: it marches through the motion capture eye rotation samples, backwards calculates and sets each eyes' LookAt target position, and averages the two to get the global LookAt target's position.
After that Mel routine is run, I can turn the eye's LookAt constraint back on, the eyes gaze control returns to rig, nothing has changed visually, and the animator will have their eye UI working in the Maya viewport again.
I'm thinking this should be common logic for anyone doing facial mocap. Anyone got anything like this already?
How good is the eye tracking in the mocap? There may be issues if the targets are far away: depending on the sampling of the data, you may get 'crazy eyes' which seem not to converge, or jumpy data. If that's the case you may need to junk the eye data altogether, or smooth it heavily before retargeting.
To find the convergence of the two eyes, you try this (like #julian I'm using locators, etc since doing all the math in mel would be irritating).
1) constrain a locator to one eye so that one axis oriented along the look vector and the other is in the plane of the second eye. Let's say the eye aims down Z and the second eye is in the XZ plane
2) make a second locator, parented to the first, and constrained to the second eye in the same way: pointing down Z, with the first eye in the XZ plane
3) the local Y rotation of the second locator is the angle of convergence between the two eyes.
4) Figure out the focal distance using the law of sines and a cheat for the offset of the second eye relative to the first. The local X distance of the second eye is one leg of a right triangle. The angles of the triangle are the convergence angle from #3 and 90- the convergence angle. In other words:
focal distance eye_locator2.tx
-------------- = ---------------
sin(90 - eye_locator2.ry) sin( eye_locator2.ry)
so algebraically:
focal distance = eye_locator2.tx * sin(90 - eye_locator2.ry) / sin( eye_locator2.ry)
You'll have to subtract the local Z of eye2, since the triangle we're solving is shifted backwards or forwards by that much:
focal distance = (eye_locator2.tx * sin(90 - eye_locator2.ry) / sin( eye_locator2.ry)) - eye_locator2.tz
5) Position the target along the local Z direction of the eye locator at the distance derived above. It sounds like the actual control uses two look targets that can be moved apart to avoid crosseyes - it's kind of judgement call to know how much to use that vs the actual convergence distance. For lots of real world data the convergence may be way too far away for animator convenience: a target 30 meters away is pretty impractical to work with, but might be simulated with a target 10 meters away with a big spread. Unfortunately there's no empirical answer for that one - it's a judgement call.
I don't have this script but it would be fairly simple. Can you provide an example maya scene? You don't need any math. Here's how you could go about it:
Assume the axis pointing through the pupil is positive X, and focal length is 10 units.
Create 2 locators. Parent one to each eye. Set their translations to
(10, 0, 0).
Create 2 more locators in worldspace. Point constrain them to the others.
Create a plusMinusAverage node.
Connect the worldspace locator's translations to plusMinusAverage1 input 1 and 2
Create another locator (the lookAt)
Connect the output of plusMinusAverage1 to the translation of the lookAt locator.
Bake the translation of the lookAt locator.
Delete the other 4 locators.
Aim constrain the eyes' X axes to the lookAt.
This can all be done in a script using commands: spaceLocator, createNode, connectAttr, setAttr, bakeSimulation, pointConstraint, aimConstraint, delete.
The solution ended up being quite simple. The situation is motion capture data on the rotation nodes of the eyes, while simultaneously wanting (non-technical) animator over-ride control for the eye gaze. Within Maya, constraints have a weight factor: a parametric 0-1 value controlling the influence of the constraint. The solution is for the animator to simply key the eyes' lookAt constraint weight to 1 when they want control over the eye gaze, key those same weights to 0 when they want the motion captured eye gaze, and use a smooth transition of those constraint weights to mask the transition. This is better than my original idea described above, because the original motion capture data remains in place, available as reference, allowing the animator to switch back and forth if need be.
As part of my work, I often have to visualize complex 3 dimensional densities. One program suite that I work with outputs the radial component of the densities as a set of 781 points on a logarithmic grid, ri = (Rmax/Rstep)^((i-1)/(pts-1), times a spherical harmonic. For low symmetry systems, the number of spherical harmonics can be fairly large to ensure accuracy, e.g. one system requires 49 harmonics corresponding to lmax = 6. So, to use this data within Mathematica, I would have a sum of up to 49 interpolated functions with each multiplied by a different spherical harmonic. While using v.6 and constructing the interpolated radial functions using Interpolation and setting r = Sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), I would stop ContourPlot3D after well over an hour without anything displayed. This included reducing both the InterpolationOrder and MaxRecursion to 1.
Several alternatives presented themselves:
Evaluate the density function on a fixed grid, and use ListContourPlot instead.
Or, linearly spline the radial function and use Piecewise to stitch them together. (This presented itself, as I could use simplify to help reduce the complexity of the resulting function.)
I ended up using both, as InterpolatingFunction gives a noticeable delay in its evaluation, and with up to 49 interpolated functions to evaluate, any delay can become noticeable. Also, ContourPlot3D was faster with the spline, but it didn't give me the speed up I desired.
I'll freely admit that I haven't tried Interpolation on v.7, nor I have tried this on my upgraded hardware (G4 v. Intel Core i5). However, I'm looking for alternatives to my current scheme; preferably, one where I can use ContourPlot3D directly. I could try some other form of spline, such as a B-spline, and possibly combine that with UnitBox instead of using Piecewise.
Edit: Just to clarify, my current implementation involves creating a first order spline for each radial part, multiplying each one by their respective spherical harmonic, summing and Simplifying the equations on each radial interval, and then using Piecewise to bind them into one function. So, my implementation is semi-analytical in that the spherical harmonics are exact, and only the radial part is numerical. This is part of the reason why I would like to be able to use ContourPlot3D, so that I can take advantage of the semi-analytical nature of the data. As a point of note, the radial grid is fine enough that a good representation of the radial part is generated and can be smoothly interpolated. While this gave me a significant speed-up, when I wrote the code, it was still to slow for the hardware I was using at the time.
So, instead of using ContourPlot3D, I would first generate the function, as above, then I would evaluate it on an 803 Cartesian grid. It is the data from this step that I used in ListContourPlot3D. Since this is not an adaptive grid, in some places this was too course, and I was missing features.
If you can do without Mathematica, I would suggest you have a look at Paraview (US government funded FOSS, all platforms) which I have found to be superior to everything when it comes to visualizing massive amounts of data.
The core of the software is the "Visualization Toolkit" VTK, and you can find/write other frontends if need be.
VTK/Paraview can handle almost any data-type: scalar and vector on structured grids or random points, polygons, time-series data, etc. From Mathematica I often just dump grid data into VTK legacy format which in then simplest case looks like this
# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
Generated by mma via vtkGridDump
SPACING 0.125 0.125 0.0625
ORIGIN 8.5 5. 0.7124999999999999
SCALARS RF_pondpot_1V1MHz1amu double 1
... <18373 more numbers> ...
If it really is the interpolation of the radial functions that is slowing you down, you could consider hand-coding that part based on your knowledge of the sample points. As demonstrated below, this gives a significant speedup:
I set things up with your notation. lookuprvals is a list of 100000 r values to look up for timing.
First, look at stock interpolation as a basemark
Out[259]= 2.28466
Switching to 0th-order interpolation is already an order of magnitude faster (first order is almost same speed):
Out[271]= 0.146486
We can get another 1.5 order of magnitude by calculating indices directly:
Module[{avg=MovingAverage[yvals,2],idxfact=N[(pts-1) /Log[Rmax/Rstep]]},
Timing[res=Part[avg,Ceiling[idxfact Log[lookuprvals]]]][[1]]]
Out[272]= 0.006067
As a middle ground, do a log-linear interpolation by hand. This is slower than the above solution but still much faster than stock interpolation:
idxfact=N[(pts-1) /Log[Rmax/Rstep]]},
idxraw=1+idxfact Log[lookuprvals];
Out[276]= 0.026557
If you have the memory for it, I would cache the spherical harmonics and radius (or even radius-index) on the full grid. Then flatten the grid caches so you can do
Sum[ interpolate[yvals[lm],gridrvals] gridylmvals[lm], {lm,lmvals} ]
and recreate your grid as discussed here.