Different JSON object value when logging the object and logging only specific field - react-native

I have a problem on accessing JSON Object on Javascript, especially React Native with Redux.
I want to access the value of some specific key within the object.
Here is the JSON object when I print it using console.log
"username": "user_name_of_user",
"name": "name_of_user",
"idVerified": false,
"emailVerified": true,
"phoneVerified": false,
"blocked": false,
"active": true
In particular, I want to access the emailVerified value.
I've been trying
user.emailVerified, user['emailVerified']
without luck,
I even try to do
console.log('user', user)
console.log('verification access using key', user['emailVerified'])
console.log('verification access using .', user.emailVerified)
strange enough, the first line, show the emailVerified, inside json content to be true but the others show as false
I have to try to search on Search Engine but didn't seem to find a similar problem, but maybe the keyword that I use is not correct too.
Have anyone find this strange behavior? Maybe some hint on how it was possible to happen and the solution?
By the way, this is react-native application, and the data is provided using redux.
a full response in a successive call as I write above
I call the data in successive as shown on the image
as per Pety Ialimijoro Rakotoniaina suggestion, I try to switch the console.log order, as shown on the Image, with no luck
OK, it seems something is wrong with the console.log itself, I try to show the content using the following code
and got these as the result
as you can see, the console.table(user), show different result as console.log('user', user), and console.table(user) is align with console.log('verification access using key', user['emailVerified']) and
console.log('verification access using .', user.emailVerified)
so I suspect that the result on console.log('user', user) might be the content from other item on the list,

OK, it seems something is wrong with the console.log itself, I try to show the content using the following code
and got these as the result
as you can see, the console.table(user), show different result than console.log('user', user), and console.table(user) is align with console.log('verification access using key', user['emailVerified']) and console.log('verification access using .', user.emailVerified)
so I suspect that the result on console.log('user', user) might be the content from other item on the list,
when I see the image result again, I see that the result to the right of user on third line, which is start with {name:"", is different than values below it, name, which is I censor, has a value, where the value above that on third line, show name: "". So maybe it was the Browser Cache that is to blame :p


SubmitForm then Patch results in "The data returned by the service was invalid"

I'm building a PowerApps app on Azure SQL
The requirement
I have a form which has "Save" and "Confirm" buttons.
Both buttons should save the form data. The Commit button should also set database column "Confirm" to 1
I've read at length about how I can programatically override the update value of a hidden control for this. But I'm not satisfied with the level of complexity (maintenance) required to get this working, i.e.
Populate a variable with the current db value
In the button code set the variable value
In the form field, set the update property to the variable
What I'm Trying
So I'm trying a different approach: SubmitForm then Patch. Even though this requires an extra database call, I'd like to understand if this will work. This is the code for OnSelect in the commit button:
// Save the record
// Update confirmed to 1
Some Complexities
Note that my record is a variable, cRecord. In short I want this app to be able to upsert based on URL parameters.
This is my App.OnStart which captures URL values, inserts a record if required. Regardless, the result of this event is that cRecord is set to the record to be edited.
// Cache employees and store lookups (as they are in a different db)
Concurrent(Collect(cEmployees, Filter('[dbo].[SalesPerson]', Status = "A")),Collect(cStores, '[dbo].[Store]'));
// Check for parameters in the URL. If found, set to Edit/Add mode
Set(bURLRecord,If((!IsBlank(Param("PersonId")) && !IsBlank(Param("Date"))),true,false));
// If URL Parameters were passed, create the record if it doesn't exist
// Try and find the record
Set(cRecord,LookUp('[dbo].[Comments]',SalesPersonId=pPersonId && TransactionDate = pDate));
// If the record doesn't exist, create it with Patch and capture the resulting record
// Navigate to the data entry screen. This screen uses cRecord as its item
frmEdit.Item is set to cRecord. As an aside I also have a gallery that sets this variable value when clicked so we can also navigate here from a gallery.
The navigating using new and existing URL parameters works. Navigating from the gallery works.
The problem
When I press the Commit button against a record which has Confirmed=0 I get this popup error:
The data returned by the service is invalid
When I run this code against a record which already has Confirmed=1 I don't get an error
If I run the PowerApps monitor it doesn't show any errors but it does show some counts being run after the update. I can paste it here if required.
I also tried wrapping the Path in a Set in case it's result was confusing the button event but it didn't make a difference.
What I want
So can anyone offer me any of the following info:
How can I get more info about "The data returned by the service is invalid"?
How can I get this to run without erroring?
Is there a simpler way to do the initial upsert? I was hoping a function called Patch could upsert in one call but it seems it can't
With regards to the setting field beforehand approach, I'm happy to try this again but I had some issues implementing it - understanding which control where to edit.
Any assistance appreciated.
As per recommendations in the answer, I moved the patch code into OnSuccess
But now I get the same error there. Worse I cleared out OnSucces and just put SubmitForm(frmEdit); into the OnSelect event and it is saving data but still saying
The data returned by the service was invalid
First things first,
Refactoring has multiple steps,
I can t type all out at once...
The submitform and patch issue:
Never use the submitforn with extra conplexity
Submitform is only the trigger to send the form out,
The form handler will work with your data...
If you hsven t filled out the form correctly, u don t want to trigger your patch action...
On your form, you have an OnSucces property,
Place your patch code there...
Change your cRecord in your patch statement:

Cypress Assertion

I have a question regarding Cypress assertions, just recently start playing with this testing platform, but got stuck when the URL returns a random number as shown below.
As you can see token is random and dojo.preventCache is also a random string. I want to detect this url and check if deep=true regardless the token number, but I don't know how to achieve this.
cy.location('origin', {timeout: 20000}).should('contain', '/Geocortex/Essentials/REST/sites/SITE?f=json&deep=true&token=**&dojo.preventCache=**');
Anyone any idea?
You can check both the path and query like this (note that cy.location('origin') doesn't yield neither pathname nor query from your original question, so I'm using cy.url()):
.should('contain', '/Geocortex/Essentials/REST/sites/SITE')
.should('contain', 'deep=true');
or check each separately:
cy.location('pathname').should('contain', '/Geocortex/Essentials/REST/sites/SITE');
cy.location('search').should('contain', 'deep=true');
or, use a custom callback in which you do and assert whatever you want:
cy.url().should( url => {
expect(/* do something with url, such as parse it, and access the `deep` prop */)

Iterating store in relay optimisticUpdater

Apologies in advance, I'm new to relay and not sure I've got all the terminology here right...
I have a (simplified) graph that looks like:
customer {
summary(id: "ABC123") {
records { // This is an array of Record
Customer, Summary and Record are all objects with global IDs - they show up as records in the Relay DevTools inspector.
I have a mutation that removes a tag by name (from elsewhere in the graph - not shown), from which I need to update the customer summary object to remove the record with associated tag. I have tried two approaches and not gotten very far with either:
Re-request customer.summary as part of the mutation. The problem is I don't know what the ID is at that point. (Maybe I can thread it through some how, but that would be messy.) Also doesn't really solve the problem, since I'd like to do this optimistically.
In an optimistic updater, remove any tag record that matches. This seems like it should work, but the RecordProxy doesn't appear to have a rich enough API to enable me to do this.
First approach, I can't seem to get access to the summary record via the root:
const customer = store.getRoot().getLinkedRecord('customer') // works!
customer.getLinkedRecord("summary") // undefined
customer.getLinkedRecord("summary", {id: "ABC123"}) // undefined
Second approach, if I could ask the store for "all records of type" or even "all records" I could iterate through and find the one I need to edit, but this doesn't seem to be a method that's exposed (even though Relay DevTools must be doing it somehow).

Best way to get a return tag from a sql SELECT command

I making a virtual assistant client for my University project and there is a slight problem in getting a tag return based on match string.
The system works like this:
1. The user speech input is converted into a string.
2. The string is then matched to column in table.
3. The matching column returns its id which then return two tags from another table.
The problem is for calling someone, how should I go around it?
I mean, the user will say something like this: "Call Arya", here I can't have predefined command for each person so I have to use "MATCH" or "LIKE" selectors in SQL.
But then if I use these selectors then it will return me the tag for say opening facebook app even if I just "facebook", as the commands for facebook will be "open facebook" or "run facebook".
So how to work around it. Please help.

Passing variables into JavaScript in ExpressJS/PassportJS/Jade app

This is essentially a continuation of the question here: Nodejs Passport display username.
app.get('/hello', function(req, res) {
res.render('index.jade', { name: req.user.username });
So users log in via PassportJS, and goes to index.jade, which contains #{name} in the body, which will be replaced by the value of req.user.username.
Question: Is it possible to use the value of req.user.username in index.jade's JavaScript? I tried assigning its value to a variable but it doesn't work.
I have been using the trick of having a hidden input with #{name} as value:
input(type='hidden', id='variableName', value='#{name}')
Then JavaScript can access this value using:
This works. But does it have any potential downside like security issues? What is the right way to do this?
You have a few options. One of them is what you did and put the value inside you html. You can also solve it by doing:
window.name = #{name};
This will create an inline script that sets the variable. The other option you have is using ajax. That means you probably need to make an extra route to reply to that request.