NotNavigableException cause - hibernate-mapping

Whenever I am running my hibernate connection java code then i am getting this exception org.hibernate.metamodel.NotNavigableException: com.javaa2z.hibernate.Customer is not a navigable (managed-type or collection)
I have written hibernate.cfg.xml code and Customer.hbm.xml.
I am using Mysql8.0
org.hibernate.metamodel.NotNavigableException: com.javaa2z.hibernate.Customer is not a navigable (managed-type or collection)
at org.hibernate.metamodel.spi.AbstractRuntimeModel.getEntityDescriptor(
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.getEntityDescriptor(
at org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedId(
at org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(
at org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(
at org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.entityIsTransient(
at org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultSaveEventListener.performSaveOrUpdate(
at org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.onSaveOrUpdate(
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.fireSave(
at com.javaa2z.hibernate.Lab1A.main(

I have faced same issue because haven't set model package in datasource :
public LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
System.out.println("Creating entity Manager");"DATASOURCE :"+dataSource());
LocalSessionFactoryBean factoryBean=new LocalSessionFactoryBean();
factoryBean.setPackagesToScan(new String[]{"You model package will set here"});
return factoryBean;


Register Hibernate 5 Event Listeners

I am working on a legacy non-Spring application, and it is being migrated from Hibernate 3 to Hibernate 5.6.0.Final (latest at this time). I have generally never used Hibernate Event Listeners in my work, so this is quite new to me, and I am studying these in Hibernate 5.
Currently in some test class we have defined the code this way for Hibernate 3:
protected static Configuration createSecuredDatabaseConfig() {
Configuration config = createUnrestrictedDatabaseConfig();
config.setListener("pre-insert", "");
config.setListener("pre-update", "");
config.setListener("pre-delete", "");
config.setListener("pre-load", "");
return config;
This is obviously no longer valid, and I believe I need to create a Hibernate Integrator, which I have done.
public class MyEventListenerIntegrator implements Integrator {
public void integrate(Metadata metadata, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = serviceRegistry.getService(EventListenerRegistry.class);
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_INSERT).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_UPDATE).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_DELETE).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_LOAD).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
So, now I believe the next step is to add this to the session via the registry builder. I am using this website to help me:
Because we were using older Hibernate 3, we had code to create our session factory as follows:
protected static SessionFactory buildSessionFactory(Database db)
if (db == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Database specifier cannot be null");
try {
Configuration config = createSessionFactoryConfiguration(db);
String url = config.getProperty("connection.url");
String user = config.getProperty("connection.username");
String password = config.getProperty("connection.password");
try {
String dbDriver = config.getProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
catch (SQLException error) {"Didn't find driver, on QA or production, so it's okay to assume we have DB connection");
SessionFactory sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory();
sessionFactoryConfigs.put(sessionFactory, config); // Cannot recover config from factory instance, must be stored.
return sessionFactory;
catch (Throwable ex) {
// Make sure you log the exception, as it might be swallowed
logger.error("Initial SessionFactory creation failed.", ex);
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
The link that I referred to above has a much different way of creating the sessionfactory. So, I'll be testing that out to see if it works in our app.
Without Spring handling our sessions and transactions, in this app it is coded by hand the way it was done before Spring, and I haven't seen that kind of code in years.
I solved this issue with the help from the link I provided above. However, I didn't copy exactly what they did, but some of it helped. My solution is as follows:
protected static SessionFactory createSecuredDatabaseConfig() {
Configuration config = createUnrestrictedDatabaseConfig();
BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapRegistry =
new BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder()
.applyIntegrator(new EkoEventListenerIntegrator())
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder(bootstrapRegistry).applySettings(config.getProperties()).build();
SessionFactory sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
return sessionFactory;
This was it. I tried multiple different ways to register the events without the BootstrapServiceRegistry, but none of those worked. I did have to create the integrator. What I did NOT include was the following:
MetadataSources sources = new MetadataSources(serviceRegistry )
Metadata metadata = sources.getMetadataBuilder().build();
// did not create the sessionFactory this way
sessionFactory = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder().build();
If I had gone further and use this method to create the sessionFactory, then all of my queries would have been complaining about not being able to find the parameterName, which is something else.
The Hibernate Integrator and this method to create the sessionFactory is all for the unit tests. Without registering these events, one unit test would fail, and now it doesn't. So, this solves my problem for now.

In-memory H2 database, insert not working in SpringBootTest

I have a SpringBootApplicationWhich I wish to test.
Below are the details about my files
#Import({ProductDataAccessConfig.class, RedShiftDataAccessConfig.class})
public class TestConfig {
Main Test Class
#SpringBootTest(classes = {TestConfig.class,ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class MainTest {
#Autowired(required = true)
private DataSource dataSource;
public void testHourlyBlock() throws Exception {
insertDataIntoDb(); //data sucessfully inserted, new String[]{}); //No data found
Data Access In Application.class;
try (Connection conn = dataSourceRedShift.getConnection();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement() {
//access inserted data
Please Help!
PS for the spring boot application the test beans are being picked so bean instantiation definitely not a problem. I think I am missing some properties.
I do not use hibernate in my application and data goes off even within the same application context (child context). i.e. I run a spring boot application which reads that data inserted earlier
Problem solved.
removing spring.datasource.platform=h2 from the
Made my h2 data persists.
But I still wish to know how is h2 starting automatically?

Apache Ignite Exception - Failed to initialize cache store (data source is not provided)

I am trying to implement persistent store for my ignite cache ,I am using CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory,My cache store factory initialization looks like this
DataSorce datasource;
public CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<?, ?> cacheJdbcdPojoStorefactory(){
CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<?, ?> factory = new CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<>();
return factory;
My implementation of the cache looks like this
CacheConfiguration pesonConfig = new CacheConfiguration();
cacheJdbcdPojoStorefactory.setTypes(jdbcTypes.toArray(new JdbcType[jdbcTypes.size()]));
Collection<QueryEntity> qryEntities = new ArrayList<>();
pesonConfig.setCacheStoreFactory((Factory<? extends CacheStore<Integer, Person>>) cacheJdbcdPojoStorefactory);
ROCCache<Integer, Person> personCache= rocCachemanager.createCache(pesonConfig);
personCache.put(1, p1);
personCache.put(2, p2)
(I am passing correct query Entities and JdbcTypes , for simplicity i have not shown that code here)
But when i run this code i get the below stack trace
Failed to initialize cache store (data source is not provided).
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.startLifecycleAware(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheProcessor.createCache(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheProcessor.prepareCacheStart(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheProcessor.prepareCachesStart(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture.startCaches(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture.init(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCachePartitionExchangeManager$ExchangeWorker.body(
Caused by: class org.apache.ignite.IgniteException: Failed to initialize cache store (datasource is not provided). at
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.startLifecycleAware(
... 8 more
When i debug i can see that my datasource parameters are correctly set inside cacheJdbcdPojoStorefactory object. Where am i going wrong ?
Instead of wiring data source bean and setting it to the factory, you can provide its bean ID and the factory will fetch it from the application context. Here is the example:
public CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<?, ?> cacheJdbcdPojoStorefactory(){
CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<?, ?> factory = new CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<>();
return factory;
The issue is that factory will be serialized, but data source field is transient. This makes setDataSource() property very confusing, I think it should be deprecated and reworked.

The underlying connection was closed error while using .Include on EF objects

Following line of code gives me an error saying "The underlying connection was closed".
return this.repository.GetQuery<Countries>().Include(g => g.Cities).AsEnumerable().ToList();
But if I remove .Include(g => g.cities) it works fine.
this code is written in one of the operation in my WCF service, and I try to test it using WCF test client. I tried by calling this operation from MVC application also, and the same issue was occurring there too.
Also, i am using generic repository with entity framework
Repository code (only few important extract)
public GenericRepository(DbContext objectContext)
if (objectContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("objectContext");
this._dbContext = objectContext;
this._dbContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
this._dbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
GetQuery method:
public IQueryable<TEntity> GetQuery<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
var entityName = GetEntityName<TEntity>();
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)DbContext).ObjectContext.CreateQuery<TEntity>(entityName);
Created following overloads in repository code:
public IQueryable<TEntity> GetQuery<TEntity>(params string[] includes) where TEntity : class
var entityName = GetEntityName<TEntity>();
IQueryable<TEntity> query = ((IObjectContextAdapter)DbContext).ObjectContext.CreateQuery<TEntity>(entityName);
foreach(string include in includes)
query = query.Include(include);
return query;
public IQueryable<TEntity> GetQuery<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, params string[] includes) where TEntity : class
return GetQuery<TEntity>(includes).Where(predicate);
WCF is now trying to execute following line of code:
return this.repository.GetQuery<Countries>("Cities").AsEnumerable().ToList()
But it still gives the same error of "The underlying connection was closed". I tested it in WCF test client. However, when I debug the repository code it shows the navigation object getting included in result, but the issue seems occurring while trying to pass the output to client (WCF test client, or any other client)
After looking at the code you've now posted, I can conclude that, indeed, your DbContext is being closed at the end of the GetQuery method, and is thus failing when you try to use include. What you might want to do to solve it is to have an optional params variable for the GetQuery method that will take in some properties to be included, and just do the include right in the GetQuery method itself.

How to list JBoss AS 7 datasource properties in Java code?

I'm running JBoss AS 7.1.0.CR1b. I've got several datasources defined in my standalone.xml e.g.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.0">
<datasource jndi-name="java:/MyDS" pool-name="MyDS_Pool" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" use-ccm="true">
Everything works fine.
I'm trying to access the information contained here within my code - specifically the connection-url and driver properties.
I've tried getting the Datasource from JNDI, as normal, but it doesn't appear to provide access to these properties:
// catches removed
InitialContext context;
DataSource dataSource = null;
context = new InitialContext();
dataSource = (DataSource) context.lookup(jndi);
ClientInfo and DatabaseMetadata from a Connection object from this Datasource also don't contain these granular, JBoss properties either.
My code will be running inside the container with the datasource specfied, so all should be available. I've looked at the IronJacamar interface org.jboss.jca.common.api.metadata.ds.DataSource, and its implementing class, and these seem to have accessible hooks to the information I require, but I can't find any information on how to create such objects with these already deployed resources within the container (only constructor on impl involves inputting all properties manually).
JBoss AS 7's Command-Line Interface allows you to navigate and list the datasources as a directory system. provides an excellent post on how to use what I believe is the Java Management API to interact with the subsystem, but this appears to involve connecting to the target JBoss server. My code is already running within that server, so surely there must be an easier way to do this?
Hope somebody can help. Many thanks.
What you're really trying to do is a management action. The best way to is to use the management API's that are available.
Here is a simple standalone example:
public class Main {
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
final List<ModelNode> dataSources = getDataSources();
for (ModelNode dataSource : dataSources) {
System.out.printf("Datasource: %s%n", dataSource.asString());
public static List<ModelNode> getDataSources() throws IOException {
final ModelNode request = new ModelNode();
request.get(ClientConstants.OP_ADDR).add("subsystem", "datasources");
ModelControllerClient client = null;
try {
client = ModelControllerClient.Factory.create(InetAddress.getByName(""), 9999);
final ModelNode response = client.execute(new OperationBuilder(request).build());
return response.get(ClientConstants.RESULT).get("data-source").asList();
} finally {
public static void safeClose(final Closeable closeable) {
if (closeable != null) try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// no-op
private static void reportFailure(final ModelNode node) {
if (!node.get(ClientConstants.OUTCOME).asString().equals(ClientConstants.SUCCESS)) {
final String msg;
if (node.hasDefined(ClientConstants.FAILURE_DESCRIPTION)) {
if (node.hasDefined(ClientConstants.OP)) {
msg = String.format("Operation '%s' at address '%s' failed: %s", node.get(ClientConstants.OP), node.get(ClientConstants.OP_ADDR), node.get(ClientConstants.FAILURE_DESCRIPTION));
} else {
msg = String.format("Operation failed: %s", node.get(ClientConstants.FAILURE_DESCRIPTION));
} else {
msg = String.format("Operation failed: %s", node);
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
The only other way I can think of is to add module that relies on servers internals. It could be done, but I would probably use the management API first.