withTranslation HOC looks for translation in first namespace only - i18next

I'm upgrading my project from i18next^11.0.0 to i18next^15.0.0 and react-i18next^7.0.0 to react-i18next^10.0.0. I was using translate HOC previously but seems that it's replaced by withTranslation now. So my simple React component after these changes looks like:
import React from 'react';
import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
const AboutControl = props => {
const { t } = props;
return (
<div className="about-control">
<p className="about-control-application-name">
{t('name')} {VERSION}
<li>Google Chrome >= 55</li>
<li>Mozilla Firefox >= 53</li>
export default withTranslation(['about', 'application'])(AboutControl);
Translation for supported-browsers key is defined in about namespace while translation for name key is in application namespace. However new version of the library doesn't translate name key in the example above:
If I change an order of about and application in withTranslation call
export default withTranslation(['application', 'about'])(AboutControl);
everything becomes vice versa (supported-browsers is not translated):
In older version of react-i18next nsMode option was available that solved the issue but it doesn't work anymore:
await i18next.init({
whitelist: this.languages,
lng: this.language || this.languages[0],
fallbackLng: this.languages[0],
lowerCaseLng: true,
debug: false,
resources: {},
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false // not needed for React
react: {
wait: true,
nsMode: true
I didn't find anything related to this in documentation. Here is an example from there:
// load multiple namespaces
// the t function will be set to first namespace as default
withTranslation(['ns1', 'ns2', 'ns3'])(MyComponent);
Looks like that no any additional options are required otherwise I wonder what namespaces should be passed for if not to translate texts of a component. Is it a bug? Or does any workaround exist?
Migration guide from 9 to 10 doesn't highlight any changes on this behavior.

I had the same problem described (the ns specified in withTranslation function was omitted) and after looking for a solution and not finding anything, I tried something different and it was the right solution.
Instead of prefix keys by namespace, you can configure the namespace to use using:
const {t} = useTranslation ('yourNSname');
You can continue using the prefix keys to access values ​​from other namespaces.
I hope it helps you or someone with the same problem.

react-i18next didn't have nsMode since version 10.0.0. But this pull request adds it back (published in 10.7.0).
One could translate texts (even without passing namespaces to withTranslation or useTranslation) just by prefixing keys by namespace (ns:key):
import React from 'react';
import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
const AboutControl = props => {
const { t } = props;
return (
<div className="about-control">
<p className="about-control-application-name">
{t('application:name')} {VERSION}
<li>Google Chrome >= 55</li>
<li>Mozilla Firefox >= 53</li>
export default withTranslation()(AboutControl);
Passing namespaces to withTranslation is required when you load translation resources asynchronously to ensure that they are available before rendering.


Vue Vite + CosmicJS

I'm building a blog SPA website as a hobby, and trying to figure out what would be the best way to get the smallest latency to acquire posts from a database.
So far I've tried Wordpress, but its API at least at the very first initial request every time, with API cache enabled, takes about a second (800-1100ms) to load only a handful posts - 6 to be precise each with a picture and about 2-300 words, and this is only for testing.
So I'm looking around for other possible solutions to make the request faster but stay free of charge and came across Cosmic JS.
I installed the cosmicjs module, but getting all sorts of errors as I try to initiate the requests, based on their documentation which looks like the following:
const Cosmic = require('cosmicjs')
const api = Cosmic()
// Set these values, found in Bucket > Settings after logging in at https://app.cosmicjs.com/login
const bucket = api.bucket({
First, you can't use require in Vite, so I've changed
const Cosmic = require('cosmicjs')
to this
import Cosmic from "cosmicjs"
But I'm still getting error:
ReferenceError: process is not defined
at node_modules/cosmicjs/dist/helpers/constants.js (cosmicjs.js?v=2a84de6d:1367:19)
at __require2 (chunk-NKHIPFFU.js?v=2a84de6d:15:50)
at node_modules/cosmicjs/dist/main.js (cosmicjs.js?v=2a84de6d:1387:21)
at __require2 (chunk-NKHIPFFU.js?v=2a84de6d:15:50)
at node_modules/cosmicjs/dist/index.js (cosmicjs.js?v=2a84de6d:3359:23)
at __require2 (chunk-NKHIPFFU.js?v=2a84de6d:15:50)
at cosmicjs.js?v=2a84de6d:3371:16ű
Can't figure out what to do next to even make this work, currently my code looks like this for the cosmic request part:
import Cosmic from "cosmicjs"
const api = Cosmic();
const bucket = api.bucket({
const data = await bucket.objects
type: "posts", // Object Type slug
.props("title,slug,metadata") // response properties
.limit(10); // number of Objects to be returned
Any idea might be a good help, thanks in advance
Figured it out:
So anyone trying to use in Vite ANY node module that has process as a function in any part in that module, should do the following
In your vite.config.ts or vite.config.js add the following
export default defineConfig({
// ...
define: {
'process.env': process.env
And instead of require
const Cosmic = require('cosmicjs')
always use import
import Cosmic from "cosmicjs"
Besides that, everything works the same as in other API requests, so eg. in my case, I'm API requesting posts from my cosmic js Bucket
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { onMounted } from "vue";
import moment from "moment";
import Cosmic from "cosmicjs"
const api = Cosmic();
const posts = ref([] as any);
const isLoading = ref(false);
const bucket = api.bucket({
slug: "c27229f0-9018-11ed-b853-65fa50acc7e7",
read_key: "G71yMNlvizQCtrvVyp9Z1AecQp8a4RTr5dl9uEGi6nst9FNQIW",
async function fetchData() {
isLoading.value = true
const data = await bucket.objects.find({
type: 'posts'
}).props('slug,title,content,metadata') // Limit the API response data by props
posts.value = data.objects
isLoading.value = false
onMounted(async () => {
and the iterate through them in my template
<ul v-if="!isLoading" class="blog-posts-ul" v-for="post in posts" :key="post.slug">
<div class="posts-card">
:to="/blog/ + post.slug"
v-if="post.metadata.image != null"
<img v-else src="#/assets/logos/favicon-big.png" />
<div class="posts-date">
{{ moment(post.date).fromNow() + " " + "ago" }}
<div class="posts-text">
<h1 class="posts-title">{{ post.title }}</h1>
<p v-html="post.excerpt" class="posts-excerpt"></p>
As a last sidenote, this works flawlessly compared to Wordpress API requests, I was using Wordpress for my backend CMS and even with API cache plugin enabled, it took around 800-1100ms to load the posts, now that time shrank to about 30ms for the API request of the text based data, and extra 30-40ms for each image (thumbnails for the posts).
As a request from a commenter, I'm including some description as to why Vite needs the change of vite.config.js
Basically, other vue instances do include by default the process.env in their configurations, Vite doesn't cause its generally a slower method for acquiring data - based on what I read, haven't tested this performance difference myself.
Vite is used instead of simply using Vue CLI, because its supposed to be even a bit faster then Vue CLI.
But, this is a small change.
"Why it is needed at all? I don't even see in your code above
calling any function named process"
Because it is this cosmicjs that is using it. I'm using a service that has a free tier, named Cosmic, and in their documentation it's advised to use their own node_module named comsicjs to fetch your data (posts, thumbnails etc etc).
This node module is what is using process, so when you are
importing it as I am as you can see above in my code:
import Cosmic from "cosmicjs"
And this is why you need to change your Vite's configuration file, so it can use process.
If you get an error in your Vite project with "process is not defined", that could be because a module you installed is using process, so simply add the following code to your vite.config.ts or vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
define: {
'process.env': process.env

How to use VueRouter with Storybook

I'm trying to write a story for a component that references this.$route.params. I'm not sure how to synthetically define this.$route in the context of a story. I think the solution is to use decorators, but all the examples in the docs focus on rendering, like adding a wrapping <div> etc. I'm not sure how to inject values.
I also found this project which appears designed for this exact situation, but it hasn't been maintained in years and README references outdated syntax that doesn't match modern versions of Storybook, so I don't think it's an option.
Here's what doesn't work:
import AssetShow from '../app/javascript/src/site/components/assets/Show'
export default {
title: 'Site/AssetShow',
component: AssetShow,
parameters: {
export const CustomerSpotlight = () => ({
components: { AssetShow },
template: '<AssetShow />',
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import StoryRouter from 'storybook-vue-router';
CustomerSpotlight.decorators = [
(story) => {
return {
components: { story },
template: '<story />'
The component I'm writing the story for has this:
mounted() {
...which causes Storybook to throw this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'params')
I suppose that your intention is to do something with the story's component based on the route parameters?
If that is the case, then I don't think you need to define the route.params within the story context. I suggest either keeping that code within the component itself, or create an option within the story for the user to simulate adding parameters to the path. Which you can simply have as an input text / select field that you send down to the component as a prop.

How to make a dynamic import in Nuxt?

In my nuxt component I want to use the ace editor:
import Ace from "ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace"
when the component is mounted I am doing the following:
this.editor = Ace.edit...
Obviously the window is not defined on the server on page reload. But unfortunately I just can't find a solution to fix this issue.
Is there a way to import a package on the mounted() hook?
I already tried
const Ace = require("ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace")
But that doesn't quite seem to work. Do you have any ideas to solve this issue?
I already tried to register a plugin plugins/ace.js:
import Vue from "vue"
import Ace from "ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace"
registered it in nuxt.config.js:
plugins: [
{ src: "~/plugins/ace", mode: "client" }
But how do I use Ace in my component now? It is still undefined...
Since the error was thrown during the import statement, I'd recommended using dynamic imports as explained in my other answer here.
async mounted() {
if (process.client) {
const Ace = await import('ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace')
From the official documentation: https://nuxtjs.org/docs/2.x/internals-glossary/context
EDIT: I'm not sure about Ace and it's maybe a drastic change but you may also give a look to vue-monaco which is elbow-to-elbow popularity wise (vanilla Monaco editor).
EDIT2: mounted actually only runs on the client so you could strip the process.client conditional. Meanwhile, I do let it here in case you want to run some logic in other hooks like created (which are run on both server + client). More info here.
EDIT3: not directly related to the question, but some packages expose a component which is only available on the client-side (no SSR support), in those cases you could import the component only on the client side and easily prevent any other errors.
Nuxt Plugin
IMHO you were on the right track with the "plugin" solution. Only mistake was the
Vue.use(Ace) part. This only works for vue plugins.
The plugin file could look somewhat like that:
import Ace from 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace'
import Theme from 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/theme-monokai'
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
inject('ace', {
editor: Ace,
theme: Theme
Then you could use this plugin and initiate the editor in a component this way:
<div id="editor">
function foo(items) {
var x = "All this is syntax highlighted";
return x;
export default {
data () {
return {
editor: {}
mounted () {
this.editor = this.$ace.editor.edit('editor')

How to integrate inertiaJS with quasar framework?

I would like to integrate intertiaJS into my Quasar app so that I can communicate with my Laravel backend. My problem now is that the general stuff is taken over by the Quasar CLI, which is good in principle, but in this case it takes away my entry point as described at https://inertiajs.com/client-side-setup:
import { createApp, h } from 'vue'
import { App, plugin } from '#inertiajs/inertia-vue3'
const el = document.getElementById('app')
render: () => h(App, {
initialPage: JSON.parse(el.dataset.page),
resolveComponent: name => require(`./Pages/${name}`).default,
My thought is that I could use a boot file like the offered in Quasar (https://quasar.dev/quasar-cli/boot-files), but I have to admit that I don't have the right approach.
When I look at the app.js that is automatically generated, I see that nothing special happens in the rendering:
* You are probably looking on adding startup/initialization code.
* Use "quasar new boot <name>" and add it there.
* One boot file per concern. Then reference the file(s) in quasar.conf.js > boot:
* boot: ['file', ...] // do not add ".js" extension to it.
* Boot files are your "main.js"
import Vue from 'vue'
import './import-quasar.js'
import App from 'app/src/App.vue'
import createStore from 'app/src/store/index'
import createRouter from 'app/src/router/index'
export default async function () {
// create store and router instances
const store = typeof createStore === 'function'
? await createStore({Vue})
: createStore
const router = typeof createRouter === 'function'
? await createRouter({Vue, store})
: createRouter
// make router instance available in store
store.$router = router
// Create the app instantiation Object.
// Here we inject the router, store to all child components,
// making them available everywhere as `this.$router` and `this.$store`.
const app = {
render: h => h(App)
app.el = '#q-app'
// expose the app, the router and the store.
// note we are not mounting the app here, since bootstrapping will be
// different depending on whether we are in a browser or on the server.
return {
I.e. in principle I should be able to link in without it causing any conflict situations. The question is, how would that look?
I have to link into the rendering afterwards and overwrite it as described in the code example. I would like to stay with the Quasar Cli, because it is very useful and the situation described here is the only exception.
the boot files is the right place to inject and initialize your own dependencies or just configure some startup code for your application.
I have not had the opportunity to use the library you mention, but I detail a little how you could implement
create your boot file
import { plugin } from '#inertiajs/inertia-vue';
export default async({ app, Vue }) => {
until there you have 50%. On the other hand, you cannot do a mixin to the main instance but you could do it for each page, however I recommend that you make a component part to which you add the data you need and make a mixin of the library you need
<div />
import { App } from '#inertiajs/inertia-vue';
export default {
mixins: [App],
props: ['initialPage', 'resolveComponent'],
In order to do this, modify according to how the library you use works.

did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option

I configured 'i-tab-pane': Tabpane but report error,the code is bellow:
<div class="page-common">
<i-tab-pane label="wx">
import {
} from 'iview'
export default{
return {msg: 'hello vue'}
components: {
'i-tabs' : Tabs,
'i-tab-pane': Tabpane
Error traceback:
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <i-tab-pane> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
found in
---> <DataCenter> at src/views/dc/data-center.vue
<Index> at src/views/index.vue
<App> at src/app.vue
I have tried in the main.js to global configuration:
Vue.component("Tabpane", Tabpane);
but still do not work.
How to resolve this issue?
If you're using a component within a component (e.g. something like this in the Vue DOM):
Here the issue is that MyComponent is both the parent and child of itself. This throws Vue into a loop, with each component depending on the other.
There's a few solutions to this:
 1. Globally register MyComponent
vue.component("MyComponent", MyComponent)
2. Using beforeCreate
beforeCreate: function () {
this.$options.components.MyComponent = require('./MyComponent.vue').default
3. Move the import into a lambda function within the components object
components: {
MyComponent: () => import('./MyComponent.vue')
My preference is the third option, it's the simplest tweak and fixes the issue in my case.
More info: Vue.js Official Docs — Handling Edge Cases: Circular References Between Components
Note: if you choose method's 2 or 3, in my instance I had to use this method in both the parent and child components to stop this issue arising.
Since you have applied different name for the components:
components: {
'i-tabs' : Tabs,
'i-tab-pane': Tabpane
You also need to have same name while you export: (Check to name in your Tabpane component)
name: 'Tabpane'
From the error, what I can say is you have not defined the name in your component Tabpane. Make sure to verify the name and it should work fine with no error.
Wasted almost one hour, didn't find a solution, so I wanted to contribute =)
In my case, I was importing WRONGLY the component.. like below:
import { MyComponent } from './components/MyComponent'
But the CORRECT is (without curly braces):
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent'
One of the mistakes is setting components as array instead of object!
This is wrong:
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
export default {
name: 'ParentComponent',
components: [
props: {
This is correct:
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
export default {
name: 'ParentComponent',
components: {
props: {
Note: for components that use other ("child") components, you must also specify a components field!
For recursive components that are not registered globally, it is essential to use not 'any name', but the EXACTLY same name as your component.
Let me give an example:
<ul v-if="tag.sub_tags && tag.sub_tags.length">
<app-tag v-for="subTag in tag.sub_tags" v-bind:tag="subTag" v-bind:key="subTag.name"></app-tag>
export default {
name: "app-tag", // using EXACTLY this name is essential
components: {
props: ['tag'],
I had this error as well. I triple checked that names were correct.
However I got this error simply because I was not terminating the script tag.
<p>My Form</p>
import PageA from "./PageA.vue"
export default {
name: "MyForm",
components: {
Notice there is no </script> at the end.
So be sure to double check this.
If you have path to the component (which causes a cycle) to index.js, cycle will be begin. If you set path directly to component, cycle will be not. For example:
import { BaseTable } from #/components/Base'; // link to index.js
import BaseTable from #/components/Base/Table.vue';
I had this error and discovered the issue was because the name of the component was identical to the name of a prop.
import Control from '#/Control.vue';
export default {
name: 'Question',
components: {
props: ['Control', 'source'],
I was using file components. I changed the Control.vue to InputControl.vue and this warning disappeared.
The high votes answer is right. You can checkout that you have applied different name for the components. But if the question is still not resolved, you can make sure that you have register the component only once.
components: {
methods: {},
components: {
we always forget that we have register the component before
This is very common error that we face while starting any Project Vue. I spent lot of time to search this error and finally found a Solution.
Suppose i have component that is "table.vue",
i.e components/table.vue
In app.js
Vue.component('mytablecomp', require('./components/table.vue').default);
So in in your index.blade file call component as
Just you need to keep in mind that your component name is in small not in large or camel case.
Then my above code will surely work for you.
We've struggled with this error twice now in our project with different components. Adding name: "MyComponent" (as instructed by the error message) to our imported component did not help. We were pretty sure our casing was correct, as we used what is in the documentation, which worked fine for the other 99% of our components.
This is what finally worked for us, just for those two problematic components:
Instead of this (which, again, works for most of our components):
import MyComponent from '#/components/MyComponent';
export default {
components: {
We changed it to ONLY this:
export default {
components: {
MyComponent: () => import('#/components/MyComponent')
I can't find the documentation we originally found for this solution, so if anyone has any references, feel free to comment.
If you are using Vue Class Component, to register a component "ComponentToRegister" you can do
import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
import ComponentToRegister from '#/components/ComponentToRegister.vue'
components: {
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {}
Adding my scenario. Just in case someone has similar problem and not able to identify ACTUAL issue.
I was using vue splitpanes.
Previously it required only "Splitpanes", in latest version, they made another "Pane" component (as children of splitpanes).
Now thing is, if you don't register "Pane" component in latest version of splitpanes, it was showing error for "Splitpanes". as below.
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <splitpanes> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
In my case it was the order of importing in index.js
/* /components/index.js */
import List from './list.vue';
import ListItem from './list-item.vue';
export {List, ListItem}
and if you use ListItem component inside of List component it will show this error as it is not correctly imported. Make sure that all dependency components are imported first in order.
This is WRONG:
import {
} from 'iview'
This is CORRECT:
import Iview from "iview";
const { Tabs, Tabpane} = Iview;
In my case (quasar and command quasar dev for testing), I just forgot to restart dev Quasar command.
It seemed to me that components was automatically loaded when any change was done. But in this case, I reused component in another page and I got this message.
Make sure that the following are taken care of:
Your import statement & its path
The tag name of your component you specified in the components {....} block
i ran into this problem and below is a different solution. I were export my components as
export default {
and I imported like this:
import { MyComponent1, MyComponent2} from '#/index'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
And it gave this error.
The solution is:
Just use export { ... } don't use export default
In my case, i was calling twice the import...
#click="$router.push({ path: 'searcherresult' })"
import SearcherResult from "../views/SearcherResult"; --- ERROR
Cause i call in other component...
The error usually arises when we have used the Component (lets say VText) but it has not been registered in the components declaration of the Parent Component(lets say Component B).
The error is more likely to occur when using components in a recursive manner. For example using tag=VText in an tag, as importing the component in a such case will result in error from Eslint as the component is not directly being used in the template. While not importing the component will cause an error in the console saying the component has not been registered.
In this case, it is a better approach to suppress the ESLinter on registration line of the Component(VText in this case). This suppression is done through writing // eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-unused-components
Example code is below
<i18n path="AssetDict.Companies" tag="VText">
<span class="bold-500">Hi This is a text</span>
import { VButton, VIcon, VTooltip, VText } from 'ui/atoms'
export default {
name: 'ComponentB',
components: {
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-unused-components
I just encountered this. Easy solution when you know what to look for.
The child component was the default export in it's file, and I was importing using:
import { child } from './filename.vue'
instead of
import child from './filename.vue'.
What happened to me was I had correctly registered the component in components but I had another components key defined at the bottom of my component, so I had two components definitions and it looked like the latter one overrode the previous one. Removing it made it work.
I encounter same error msg while using webpack to async load vue component.
function loadVMap() {
return import(/* webpackChunkName: "v-map" */ './components/map.vue')
.then(({ default: C }) => {
return C;
.catch((error) => 'An error occurred while loading the map.vue: '+error);
I found that the then function never executed.
so I reg this component out of webpack import
import Map from './components/map.vue'
Then I could gain the detailed error msg which said I used a var which is not imported yet.
I ran into this problem when:
I had components defined twice.
Used component instead of components.
I hope this helps others.
The question has been answered very well by #fredrivett here, but I wanted to add some context for other encountering the Circular Reference error when dealing with variables in general.
This error happens with any exported object not just components.
Exporting a variable from parent and importing it in a nested child:
// parent
export const FOO = 'foo';
// child
import { FOO } from 'path/to/parent'
export default {
data() {
return {
// child
export default {
data() {
return {
FOO: require('path/to/parent').FOO
Note: in case you are dealing with objects you might want to create a global state which might serve you better.
I'm curious to know if this approach makes sense or it's an anti pattern.
In my case the child component name was "ABCChildComponent" and I was referring in the HTML as assuming it to work correctly. But, the correct name should be or . Hence, changed the name to "AbcChildComponent" and referring in the HTML works fine.
import completeProfile from "#/components/modals/CompleteProfile";
export default {
components: completeProfile
import completeProfile from "#/components/modals/CompleteProfile";
export default {
components: {completeProfile} // You need to put the component in brackets