Back to line in a doc.DXL? - lotus-domino

I am using IBM Domino Designer 9.0 and i have a problem with the DXL .
How to return to line in a doc.DXL (that I created)?
I tried with \ n and <\ br> but it does not work .
So plz some help .
Code Button :
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim Stream As NotesStream
Set Stream=Session.CreateStream
Open fichier For Output As #f
Call Stream.WriteText(|..............................>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<datamodified>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<datetime dst="true">|+Now+|</datetime>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|</datamodified>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<designmodified>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<datetime dst="true">|+Now+|</datetime>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|</designmodified>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|</databaseinfo>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<form name="|+Masque.FieldGetText("nom")+|" nocompose="true" publicaccess="false" designerversion="8.5.3" recalc="true" renderpassthrough="true">|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<text>test</text>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|</item>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|</form>|)
Call Stream.WriteText(|</database>|)
End Sub
The output :
13/04/2019 14:52:56 13/04/2019 14:52:56 Option Public Dim Session As NotesSession Dim curDb As NotesDatabase Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim vue As NotesView Dim ws As NotesUIWorkspace Dim Masque As NotesUIDocument Sub Initialize Set Session = New NotesSession Set curDb = Session.CurrentDatabase Set ws = New NotesUIWorkspace End Sub UI.FieldGetText("titre") Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument) Set Masque = Source End Sub #Command([FileSave]) FIELD saveoptions:="0"; #Command([FileCloseWindow]) #Command([FileSave])

First of all: you mixed two techniques of writing files here. You can completely omit the lines
Open fichier For Output As #f
They belong to another type of writing files with print commands. Not needed here.
Second: did you check the documentation for WriteText? Obviously not, because then you would have found the second (optional) parameter eol:
bytes& = notesStream .WriteText( text$ , [ eol& ] )
Parameter eol:
Constant of type Long. End-of-line character(s) appended to the text. The default is EOL_NONE.
- EOL_CR (2) appends a carriage return (ASCII 13).
- EOL_CRLF (0) appends a carriage return and line feed (ASCII 10 + 13).
- EOL_LF (1) appends a line feed (ASCII 10).
- EOL_NONE (5) appends nothing. Default.
- EOL_PLATFORM (3) follows the conventions of the current platform.
So one line of your code would be:
Call Stream.WriteText(|<datamodified>|, EOL_PLATFORM)
Call Stream.WriteText(|<datamodified>|, EOL_CRLF)
Just add that second parameter for every line.


Writing/Reading from text files in

I am a student in computer science and for a project I need to be able to read from a text file in a way that each line is assigned to a space within an array. This should happen so that each line of text file is read in the order that it appears in the text file. I would also appreciate any methods of writing to a text file as well.
If this question is already explained, could you please direct me to the existing answer.
Things to note:
1) I am coding in a console application in VB.NET
2) I am relatively new at coding
You can do it like this:
Dim sFile As String = "D:\File.txt"
Dim aLines As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(sFile)
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(sFile, aLines)
Here's a sample from the official documentation:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Test
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim path As String = "c:\temp\MyTest.txt"
Dim sw As StreamWriter
' This text is added only once to the file.
If File.Exists(path) = False Then
' Create a file to write to.
Dim createText() As String = {"Hello", "And", "Welcome"}
File.WriteAllLines(path, createText)
End If
' This text is always added, making the file longer over time
' if it is not deleted.
Dim appendText As String = "This is extra text" + Environment.NewLine
File.AppendAllText(path, appendText)
' Open the file to read from.
Dim readText() As String = File.ReadAllLines(path)
Dim s As String
For Each s In readText
End Sub
End Class
This method opens a file, reads each line of the file, then adds each line as an element of a string array. It then closes the file. A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by a carriage return ('\r'), a line feed ('\n'), or a carriage return immediately followed by a line feed. The resulting string does not contain the terminating carriage return and/or line feed.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Declare four variables
Dim oReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(".\archive01.txt") 'This file has to exist in the aplication current directory.
Dim oWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(".\archive02.txt") 'This file will be created by the software.
Dim oArray() As String = {}
Dim oString As String = Nothing
'For reading from .\archive01.txt and to load in oArray().
oString = oReader.ReadLine
While Not oString Is Nothing
If UBound(oArray) = -1 Then 'Ubound = Upper Bound, also exist LBound = Lower Bound.
ReDim oArray(UBound(oArray) + 1)
ReDim Preserve oArray(UBound(oArray) + 1)
End If
oArray(UBound(oArray)) = New String(oString)
oString = oReader.ReadLine
End While
'For writing from oArray() to .\archive02.txt.
For i = 0 To oArray.Count - 1 Step 1
End Sub
End Module
Hi, try with this code. It works well. I hope that this helps to you to learn how to do this kind of things. Thank you very much. And happy codding!. :)

Lotusscript save base64 encoded string to file (DLL)

[EDIT] I believe i left out my original problem. To me it seems like the issue resides in passing the content of the decoded MIMEEntity to a stream, which i'd like to write out to a file. No matter how i attempt it, i can not get lotus script to write the binary data to the file. If anyone has any helpful opinion/suggestion/etc.., I'd be more then grateful!
I have the following code
Dim a As String
"AAAAgAAAAA4fug4AtAnNIbgBTM0hVGhpcyBwcm9ncmFtIGNhbm5vdCBiZSBydW4gaW4gRE9TIG1v" & _
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim stream As NotesStream
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim body As NotesMimeEntity
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set session = New NotesSession
'Create stream and display properties
Set stream = session.CreateStream
'check if the file exists
If Not stream.Open("C:\\Notes\\update.dll") Then
'if the file doesnot exist then create one and add a time stamp to it
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum% = Freefile()
Open "/ww414/notes/ebcdicfile.txt" For Output As fileNum%
Close fileNum%
'this should have created the file. see if it existis now
If Not stream.Open("C:\\Notes\\update.dll") Then
'if the file has not been created yet then let the user know of the error that blocks the operation
Messagebox("Log file Is inaccessible")
End If
End If
Dim b As NotesStream
Set b = session.CreateStream
Call b.WriteText(a)
'update file with the b64 decoded content
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = db.CreateDocument
session.ConvertMime = False
Set body = doc.CreateMIMEEntity
Call body.SetContentFromText(b, "", ENC_BASE64)
Call body.DecodeContent
content = body.ContentAsText
Call stream.WriteText(content)
'close stream/file open in memory
Call stream.Close()
The problem is, the file gets created, but when it comes to the content, it simply puts a few bytes in it (instead of the 14kb of actual file data)
I have checked a bunch of forums and possible solutions, but none of them seem to work.
For instance:
So, the solution was even simpler as i thought.
This was a huge help, as the root cause of my issue seemed to be the writing out the binary content to the disk. And that was due to creating the file the wrong way! While the file got created it couldn't output the content properly (for some "Lotus reasons"..)
Either way, taking a coffee break and starting everything from zero helped a lot! The code that worked (for future ref. if someone would need to get such a thing working):
Sub Initialize
Dim a As String
a ="BASE64 ENCODED STRING(In my case it was a DLL)"
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim stream As NotesStream
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim body As NotesMimeEntity
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set session = New NotesSession
Set stream = session.CreateStream
Dim b As NotesStream
Set b = session.CreateStream
Call b.WriteText(a, EOL_NONE)
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = db.CreateDocument
session.ConvertMime = False
Set mime = doc.CreateMIMEEntity
Call mime.SetContentFromText(b, "application/octet-stream", ENC_BASE64)
Call mime.DecodeContent
If Not(mime Is Nothing) Then
Set stream = session.CreateStream
pathname$ = "c:\temp\test.dll"
If Not stream.Open(pathname$, "binary") Then
Messagebox pathname$,, "Open failed"
Goto ExitSub
End If
Call mime.GetContentAsBytes(stream)
Call stream.Close
Messagebox "Not MIME",, doc.GetItemValue("Subject")(0)
End If
session.ConvertMIME = True ' Restore conversion
End Sub

Trying to close textfile after line is read

Im trying to output the data from the second line of my textfile to a datagridview but when doing so it is also outputting every line after the the second line. This is what I have tried. Thanks
Dim lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(OrderID & ".txt")
For index = 1 To lines.Length - 1
Dim cells = lines(index).Split(","c)
It's outputting every line after the second line, because that's what you're telling it to do when you iterate through the array of strings returns from ReadAllLines.
IO.File.ReadAllLines does not leave an output stream open. The file is closed. What it does do, is return a zero-based (by default) array of the contents of the file, with line breaks being the delimiter for the split.
To just get the contents of the second line, using ReadAllLines, this is what you need:
Dim lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(OrderID & ".txt")
If lines.length >= 2 Then
Dim cells = lines(1).Split(","c)
End If
Now, that does have the overhead of reading the entire file in. If you open the file using a reader object, then you only need to read the first and second lines of the file to get that second line.
That would be something like this:
Dim reader as StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(OrderId & ".txt")
Dim a as String
' This reads the first line, which we throw away
a = reader.ReadLine()
Dim cells = a.Split(","c)
You would need to test your explicit circumstances to determine which is better for what you're trying to do.
Your loop is executed over all lines skipping just the first line.
While I cannot see what happen in the FileClose call it seems to not have any sense because ReadAllLines has already closed the file.
You can get the second line of your file with a single line of code
Dim line as String = File.ReadLines(OrderID & ".txt").Skip(1).Take(1).FirstOrDefault()
' this check is required to avoid problems with files containing 0 or 1 line
if line IsNot Nothing Then
Dim cells = line.Split(","c)
End If
Notice that I have replaced the ReadAllLines with ReadLines. This is better because using this method you don't read all lines when you need only the second one (if it exists). More info at ReadLines vs ReadAllLines
Dim lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(OrderID & ".txt")
Dim SecondLine = lines(1)
File.ReadAllLines opens and closes the file for you so there is not need to add code to close it. causing loss of rich text formatting

I have following code in an lotusscript agent that removes attachments from NotesDocuments. But causes loss of rich text formatting (font, color). Is there any way to retain the formatting?
Sub removeAttachments_v2(doc As NotesDocument)
Dim session As NotesSession
Dim rtitem As Variant
Dim filename As String
Dim ans As Variant
Set session = New NotesSession
Dim richstyle As NotesRichTextStyle
Set richstyle = session.CreateRichTextStyle
richstyle.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE
If doc.HasEmbedded Then
Set rtitem = doc.getfirstitem("Body")
If (rtitem.type = RICHTEXT) Then
ForAll object In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects
If (object.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT) Then
filename = object.source
Call object.remove
Call rtitem.AddNewLine( 2 )
Call rtitem.AppendStyle(richstyle)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "Attachemnt removed: " & filename )
Call doc.Save( True, True , True )
End If
End ForAll
End If
End If
End sub
Edit1: Initialize function
Sub Initialize
Dim db As New NotesDatabase("","")
Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Call db.Open("", "C:\this\is\db\dir\test.nsf")
Set col = db.Alldocuments
Set doc = col.Getfirstdocument()
While Not ( doc Is Nothing )
Call RemoveAttachments_v2(doc)
Call doc.Save(False, False, False)
Set doc = col.GetNextDocument( doc )
End Sub
Despite of the fact, that you save the document for every attachment I cannot find any reason, why this should happen. I just copied your code in an agent, and it removes the attachments as desired and appends the text in blue...
No formatting is lost...
The error has to be somewhere else in your code, probably in the calling function.
OLD ANSWER (wrong due to own tests, just kept here as history):
The Problem here most probably is: you defined rtitem as Variant. And
getfirstitem gets you a NotesItem instead of a NotesRichtextItem, so
when saving, it is converted to a "plain Text" item.
Most probably you used Variant instead of NotesRichtextItem, because
there are Mime- mails where defining the variable as NotesRichtextItem
will cause an "Type Missmatch" or similar error. As long as you do not
write anything back this is OK.
As Mime Mails need complete different handling to achieve your goal,
you should first fix the code for pure NotesRichtextItems by using the
right type, and then write another code- branch for handling Mime-

VBS Invalid Character

This is a simple VBS script. But when I double-click on this, I get Invalid Character 800A0408 on Line 1, Character 1, which I think is the first "Dim". I am new to VBS--can u tell me what I did wrong? FYI, I have an XP OS and IIS6 Manager installed.
' This script adds the necessary Windows Presentation Foundation MIME types
' to an IIS Server.
' To use this script, just double-click or execute it from a command line.
' Running this script multiple times results in multiple entries in the IIS MimeMap.
Dim MimeMapObj
Dim MimeMapArray
Dim WshShell
Dim oExec
' Set the MIME types to be added
Dim MimeTypesToAddArray = Array(".manifest", "application/manifest", ".xaml", _
"application/xaml+xml", ".application", "application/x-ms-application", _
".deploy", "application/octet-stream", ".xbap", "application/x-ms-xbap", _
".xps", "application/")
' Get the mimemap object
Set MimeMapObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/MimeMap")
' Call AddMimeType for every pair of extension/MIME type
For counter = 0 to UBound(MimeTypesToAddArray) Step 2
AddMimeType MimeTypesToAddArray(counter), MimeTypesToAddArray(counter+1)
' Create a Shell object
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Stop and Start the IIS Service
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net stop w3svc")
Do While oExec.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 100
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net start w3svc")
Do While oExec.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 100
Set oExec = Nothing
' Report status to user
WScript.Echo "Windows Presentation Foundation MIME types have been registered."
' AddMimeType Sub
Sub AddMimeType(ByVal Ext, ByVal MType)
' Get the mappings from the MimeMap property.
MimeMapArray = MimeMapObj.GetEx("MimeMap")
' Add a new mapping.
i = UBound(MimeMapArray) + 1
ReDim Preserve MimeMapArray(i)
MimeMapArray(i) = CreateObject("MimeMap")
MimeMapArray(i).Extension = Ext
MimeMapArray(i).MimeType = MType
MimeMapObj.PutEx(ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "MimeMap", MimeMapArray)
End Sub
If you open the file with vim and use the ex command 'set list' it will show you any invisible characters that may be causing this issue.
If you cut and paste code from other
sources (e.g. web sites, other
editors, etc) you often bring along
characters that don't show up in
Notepad but are, nonetheless, present
-- or do appear as non-prinatable characters, that look like little
squares. If you're looking at the line
in question and it isn't simply an
unclosed string or a premature
carriage return, try deleting the
line(s) altogether and re-typing them
by hand. This should eliminate the
possibility of 'invisible' problem
characters mucking up the stream.
Check the encoding when you save the file, must be ANSI in NotePad