How to add sheets title in google spreadsheet API using java - google-sheets-api

I had created sheets in google spreadsheet but I want to update the title of created sheets of Spreadsheet. Example: I want to update the Sheet1 title to "Birthday".


How to get all the filled data in the table in google sheets api?

Please tell me how in the Google Sheets API you can not manually get the range of the entire table located on a certain sheet.
I have a table in which the number of columns can change, but I still have to get information from it.
sheet = service.spreadsheets().values().get(
spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range='???').execute()
You can you sheet.getDataRange() to get range of the visible data on your spreadsheet.
sheet = service.spreadsheets().values().get(

Delete data from a sheet in google sheets with API - using Postman

I would like to erase all the data of a sheet in a google sheet
via the googlet sheets APIs:
Unfortunately I can not select the id of my sheet.
I used the proposed method: POST{spreadsheetid}/values/{range}: clear
but it only removes the data from my first sheet.
How can I put the id of my other leaves in the method?
My google sheets ID
My first sheets in my google sheets
ID of my second sheets
My second sheets in my google sheets
From your reply, the request of "Method: spreadsheets.values.clear" is as follows.
spreadsheetId : The spreadsheet the updates were applied to.
range: The range (in A1 notation) that was cleared. (If the request was for an unbounded range or a ranger larger than the bounds of the sheet, this will be the actual range that was cleared, bounded to the sheet's limits.)
In this case, it is not required to use the sheet ID. The sheet name is used.
From your showing images, it seems that the sheet names of your 1st and 2nd sheet are Feuille 1 and Feuille 2, respectively. For example, when you want to clear 2nd sheet of Feuille 2, please use the following request.
For example, when you want to retrieve the sheet names from a Google Spreadsheet, you can use "Method: spreadsheets.get". Ref
Method: spreadsheets.values.clear

Google Spreadsheet API Query Tabs

Can I query my spreadsheet tabs via tab index instead of the tab title or tab id?{my sheet id}/values/'Hero Video Copy Section'?key={secret code}
'Hero Video Copy Section' is the title of the tab, but I want to find the tab via index.
You may refer with this SO thread(quite old question). Given example is if the row number is in A1, and the column number is in A2:
Also, you can check this documentation about Google Apps Script which uses an array to log the name of the second sheet.
// The code below will log the name of the second sheet
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
if (sheets.length > 1) {

How to use macros for hyperlink in Excel

I have sharpoint site where I have uploaded the Excel.
I have few list each list have same excel hyper link..
What I want to perform..
In Excel I have some data, Onclick of first hyperlink I want to open same excel sheet but I want some row to be selected.
same I want when I click on other option it should open same excel but row should be different one slected.
I tried to acheive this using the Macros but not able kno, How i will configure for hperlink..

I want to copy the format of one Spreadsheet in google docs do another spreadsheet. Is this possible?

I'm working on a feedback system for my math students and have a matrix that shows what points they have gotten on a test.
I have several sheets in this document with one sheet per student. I have also made one spreadsheet per student that i have put in a shared folder on Google Drive where the students only have viewing rights.
What I want to do is copy the entire sheet from my master document to the student's spreadsheet. This is all fine if I use the import range function however with that the formatting doesn't follow.
Is it possible to use a script with the commands getBackgroundColor() and setBackgroundColor() to transfer the backgroundcolors from the master sheet to the students sheet?
I started with something like this:
function getColor() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0ApOkn5XcO_GDdFd4SDBaaFpLSEUxXy1vN2pnNHBpYnc");
var ss=sheet.getSheetByName("Student1");
var r=ss.getRange("A1:R34");
var color = ss.getBackgroundColors();
That's about as far as I get. Anyone have ideas?