Error - unbound symbol modulo (Scheme) when using Repl online IDE - ide

A homework problem needs me to calculate gcd of 2 numbers. But using the modulo keyword in the function for gcd gives the above error when run on (online IDE).
I looked at other answers, but they don't exactly provide a solution to the problem. I tried to run the program using (another online IDE) and it works perfectly there. So, I don't know why it won't work on Repl.
;; My gcd function
(define (gcd a b)
(= b 0) a
(gcd b (modulo a b))
I would like to know why this doesn't work for Repl IDE and if there is any way how I can make it work there without simply switching to another website.

modulo function is not implemented in BiwaScheme used by However good new is - mod function is! So, with some reasonable reformatting, this should work:
(define (gcd a b)
(cond [(= b 0) a]
[else (gcd b (mod a b))]))


How can I use types so that generic operations are inlined (or "open coded") in sbcl?

SBCL compiler optimizations are based on the idea that if a type is declared, then "open coding" allows generic operations to be replaced with specific ones.
For example
(defun add (a b)
(declare (type fixnum a b))
(+ a b))
Will allow the generic + to be replaced with a single instruction for fixnum.
However, I have found that in practice, this seems to rarely be possible because:
In order for a function to be specialized/optimized it must be inlinable. The declaration must be marked explicitly with a (declaim (inline ...)), so the author of a function must anticipate that others might want to inline it. (In theory the compiler could generate multiple versions, but this doesn't seem to be the case.)
Most standard functions do not appear inlineable.
For example, one would expect that the following declaration is sufficient for open coding to take place:
(defun max-integers (array)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0)))
(declare (inline reduce))
(declare (type (simple-array fixnum (*)) array))
(reduce (lambda (a b) (if (> b a) b a)) array))
However, the assembly shows it's making a function call to the generic reduce:
; Size: 22 bytes. Origin: #x1001BC8109
; 09: 488B15B0FFFFFF MOV RDX, [RIP-80] ; no-arg-parsing entry point
; # ..)>
; 10: B904000000 MOV ECX, 4
; 15: FF7508 PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
; 18: B8781C3220 MOV EAX, #x20321C78 ; #<FDEFN REDUCE>
The conclusion seems to be that the compiler cannot actually do much type optimization, as each usage of reduce, map, etc is a barrier to type propagation, and they are building blocks of everything else.
How can I overcome this and take advantage of optimizations by declaring types?
I really want to avoid writing type specific versions of each function or "macroifying" what should be a function.
I think one answer is that if you want to write FORTRAN-style array-bashing code, write FORTRAN-style array-bashing code. In particular using things like reduce is probably not the way to do this.
For instance if you change your function to the perfectly readable
(defun max-integers/loop (array)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0))
(type (simple-array fixnum (*)) array))
(loop for i of-type fixnum across array
maximizing i))
Then SBCL does a far, far better job of optimising it.
It's worth pointing out another confusion in your question: You say that for something like
(defun add (a b)
(declare (type fixnum a b))
(+ a b))
SBCL will optimize + to the machine instruction. No, it won't. The reason it won't is because the fixnum type is not closed under addition: consider what (add most-positive-fixnum 1) should do. If you want to generate very fast code for integers you need to make sure that your integer types are small enough that the compiler can be sure that the operations you're doing on them remain machine integers (or, if you want to live dangerously, cover your code with (the fixnum ...) and set safety to 0 when compiling, which seems to allow the compiler to just return the wrong answer for addition in the way people usually expect computers to do).
You can't force the implementation to open-code functions that weren't declared INLINE when they were defind -- it simply hasn't saved the information needed.
However, the overhead of calling REDUCE is probably negligible compared to the actual processing. So what you can do is declare the types of a and b, to optimize the callback function.
(reduce (lambda (a b) (declare (type fixnum a b)) (if (> b a) b a)) array)
I guess you were hoping that if it open-coded reduce it would automatically propagate this type from the declaration of array, so you wouldn't need to do this.

clojure threading macro with failure form

I have a few operations I want to thread where each can fail. I would much rather get the error as a value instead of using try-catch which breaks the flow of execution.
I can do the naive version and make my functions use nil as failure:
(if-let (op1 ...)
(if-let (op2 ...)
but this is nested and makes it harder to read.
I could use some-> which seems like the closest solution but it doesn't say what failed:
(if-let [res (some-> arg
somethin-failed) ;; what failed though?
I also looked at ->, and cond-> but they don't seem to help.
I know there are macros online to do these kind of things but I would much rather not add macros if something exists to solve this. Hopefully there is something of the form:
(some-with-err-> arg
op1 err1
op2 err2
I may be overlooking something simpler, but I can't seem to find something built-in to address this issue.
I can write a macro to do it but would rather avoid it for now.
There's nothing built-in for this, but there are libraries for monadic error handling (e.g. Failjure) which seems like what you're looking for.
You could derive a version some-with-err-> from the some-> macro definition. The only practical difference is the map function that binds to steps now partitions the forms/error values, wraps step invocations in try and returns a namespaced map on failure:
(defmacro some-with-err->
[expr & forms]
{:pre [(even? (count forms))]}
(let [g (gensym)
steps (map (fn [[step error]]
`(if (or (nil? ~g) (::error ~g))
(try (-> ~g ~step)
(catch Exception _# {::error ~error}))))
(partition 2 forms))]
`(let [~g ~expr
~#(interleave (repeat g) (butlast steps))]
~(if (empty? steps)
(last steps)))))
It can be used like some-> but each form must be accompanied by an error return value:
(some-with-err-> 1
(+ 1) :addition
(/ 0) :division
(* 2) :multiplication)
=> #:user{:error :division}
(some-with-err-> " "
(clojure.string/trim) :trim
(not-empty) :empty
(str "foo") :append)
=> nil ;; from not-empty

Prolog- singleton variable in branch warning

Hello here is my code in Prolog:
related_to(X, Ys) :-
setof(Y, arc(X, Y), Ys).
cut([H|T],Y) :-
T = [] -> cut(T,Y).
check(X,Y) :-
member(Y,Xs) -> write('There is a road');
When I am trying to run check(a,b) it doesn't run. I get the message
Singleton variable in branch: Xs
When I am not using cut question, I don't get any error. I would be grateful for pointing me where I made a mistake and showing way to repair it.
TL;DR: Prolog is right. And you really are doing the best taking the messages seriously.
You are using if-then-else in an unconventional manner. For this reason it is not that simple to figure out what is happening. When I say listing(check) I get the following:
check(A, B) :-
( related_to(A, C),
member(B, C)
-> write('There is a road')
; cut(C, B)
So Prolog was not very impressed by your indentation style, instead, it just looked for operators. In fact, the C (which is your original Xs) occurs in the if-part which is unrelated to the else-part. What you probably wanted is:
check(X,Y) :-
( member(Y,Xs)
-> write('There is a road')
; cut(Xs,Y)
Regardless of the concrete problem at hand, I very much doubt that your code makes sense: Xs is a list of connected nodes, but do you really need this in this context? I do not think so.
Why not use closure0/3 to determine connectedness:
?- closure0(arc, A, B).
BTW, it is not clear whether you consider a directed graph or an undirected one. Above works only for directed graphs, for undirected graphs rather use:
comm(P_2, A,B) :-
( call(P_2, A,B)
; call(P_2, B,A)
?- closure0(comm(arc), A, B).
If you are interested in the path as well, use path/4:
?- path(comm(arc), Path, A, B).

How to generate random elements depending on previous elements using Quickcheck?

I'm using QuickCheck to do generative testing in Clojure.
However I don't know it well and often I end up doing convoluted things. One thing that I need to do quite often is something like that:
generate a first prime number from a list of prime-numbers (so far so good)
generate a second prime number which is smaller than the first one
generate a third prime number which is smaller than the first one
However I have no idea as to how to do that cleanly using QuickCheck.
Here's an even simpler, silly, example which doesn't work:
(prop/for-all [a (gen/choose 1 10)
b (gen/such-that #(= a %) (gen/choose 1 10))]
(= a b))
It doesn't work because a cannot be resolved (prop/for-all isn't like a let statement).
So how can I generate the three primes, with the condition that the two latter ones are inferior to the first one?
In test.check we can use gen/bind as the bind operator in the generator monad, so we can use this to make generators which depend on other generators.
For example, to generate pairs [a b] where we must have (>= a b) we can use this generator:
(def pair-gen (gen/bind (gen/choose 1 10)
(fn [a]
(gen/bind (gen/choose 1 a)
(fn [b]
(gen/return [a b]))))))
To satisfy ourselves:
(c/quick-check 10000
(prop/for-all [[a b] pair-gen]
(>= a b)))
gen/bind takes a generator g and a function f. It generates a value from g, let's call it x. gen/bind then returns the value of (f x), which must be a new generator. gen/return is a generator which only generates its argument (so above I used it to return the pairs).

How to know whether a racket variable is defined or not

How you can have a different behaviour if a variable is defined or not in racket language?
There are several ways to do this. But I suspect that none of these is what you want, so I'll only provide pointers to the functions (and explain the problems with each one):
namespace-variable-value is a function that retrieves the value of a toplevel variable from some namespace. This is useful only with REPL interaction and REPL code though, since code that is defined in a module is not going to use these things anyway. In other words, you can use this function (and the corresponding namespace-set-variable-value!) to get values (if any) and set them, but the only use of these values is in code that is not itself in a module. To put this differently, using this facility is as good as keeping a hash table that maps symbols to values, only it's slightly more convenient at the REPL since you just type names...
More likely, these kind of things are done in macros. The first way to do this is to use the special #%top macro. This macro gets inserted automatically for all names in a module that are not known to be bound. The usual thing that this macro does is throw an error, but you can redefine it in your code (or make up your own language that redefines it) that does something else with these unknown names.
A slightly more sophisticated way to do this is to use the identifier-binding function -- again, in a macro, not at runtime -- and use it to get information about some name that is given to the macro and decide what to expand to based on that name.
The last two options are the more useful ones, but they're not the newbie-level kind of macros, which is why I suspect that you're asking the wrong question. To clarify, you can use them to write a kind of a defined? special form that checks whether some name is defined, but that question is one that would be answered by a macro, based on the rest of the code, so it's not really useful to ask it. If you want something like that that can enable the kind of code in other dynamic languages where you use such a predicate, then the best way to go about this is to redefine #%top to do some kind of a lookup (hashtable or global namespace) instead of throwing a compilation error -- but again, the difference between that and using a hash table explicitly is mostly cosmetic (and again, this is not a newbie thing).
First, read Eli's answer. Then, based on Eli's answer, you can implement the defined? macro this way:
#lang racket
; The macro
(define-syntax (defined? stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ id)
(with-syntax ([v (identifier-binding #'id)])
; Tests
(define x 3)
(if (defined? x) 'defined 'not-defined) ; -> defined
(let ([y 4])
(if (defined? y) 'defined 'not-defined)) ; -> defined
(if (defined? z) 'defined 'not-defined) ; -> not-defined
It works for this basic case, but it has a problem: if z is undefined, the branch of the if that considers that it is defined and uses its value will raise a compile-time error, because the normal if checks its condition value at run-time (dynamically):
; This doesn't work because z in `(list z)' is undefined:
(if (defined? z) (list z) 'not-defined)
So what you probably want is a if-defined macro, that tells at compile-time (instead of at run-time) what branch of the if to take:
#lang racket
; The macro
(define-syntax (if-defined stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ id iftrue iffalse)
(let ([where (identifier-binding #'id)])
(if where #'iftrue #'iffalse))]))
; Tests
(if-defined z (list z) 'not-defined) ; -> not-defined
(if-defined t (void) (define t 5))
t ; -> 5
(define x 3)
(if-defined x (void) (define x 6))
x ; -> 3