Why it is hard to use vue-i18n in vue data() (why it is not reactive) - vue.js

I am using vue-i18n in a vue project. And I found it really confusing when using some data in vue data with i18n. Then if I change locale, that data is not reactive. I tried to return that data from another computed data but anyways it is not reactive because i18n is written in data. *My situation - * I want to show table with dropdown(list of columns with checkbox) above it. When user checks a column it will be showed in table if unchecks it won't. It is working fine until I change locale. After changing locale table columns is not translated but dropdown items is reactively translated and my code won't work anymore. Here is some code to explain better: In my myTable.vue component I use bootstrap-vue table -
template in myTable.vue
<vs-dropdown vs-custom-content vs-trigger-click>
<b-link href.prevent class="card-header-action btn-setting" style="font-size: 1.4em">
<i class="fa fa-th"></i>
<vs-dropdown-menu class="columns-dropdown">
<visible-columns :default-fields="columns" #result="columnListener"></visible-columns>
<b-table class="generalTableClass table-responsive" :fields="computedFieldsForTable">custom content goes here</b-table>
script in myTable.vue
return {
fieldsForTable: [];
computed: {
computedFieldsForTable () {
return this.fieldsForTable;
columns() {
return [
key: 'id',
label: this.$t('id'),,
visible: true,
changeable: true
key: 'fullName',
label: this.$t('full-name'),,
visible: true,
changeable: true
key: 'email',
label: this.$t('email'),,
visible: true,
changeable: true
mounted () {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns(this.columns);
methods: {
filterColumns(columns = []) {
return columns.filter(column => {
if (column.visible) {
return column
columnListener ($event) {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns($event)
Can someone give me some advice for this situation ?
*EDIT AFTER SOME DEBUGGING: I think when filtering columns(in computed) and returning it for fieldsForTable inside filterColumns(columns) method, it actually returning array(of objects) with label='Label Name' not label=this.$t('labelName'). So after filtering the new array has nothing to do with vue-i18n. My last chance is reloading the page when locale changes.

Trying modify computedFieldsForTable as follows. You need to reference this.columns in computedFieldsForTable, so that Vue can detect the change of labels in this.columns.
computedFieldsForTable () {
return this.filterColumns(this.columns);
EDITED: put your this.columns in data. Then
columnListener ($event) {
this.columns = $event;
I hope i didn't misunderstand what you mean.
EDITED (again):
Maybe this is the last chance that I think it can work. Put columns in computed() still and remove computedFieldsForTable. Finally, just leave fieldsForTable and bind it on fields of <b-table>.
watch: {
columns(val) {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns(val)
method: {
columnListener ($event) {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns($event)
However, I think it is better and easier to reload page whenever local change. Especially when your columns have a more complex data structure.


Codemirror does not refresh the contents of the textarea until its clicked or if I use the JSON.parse on the contents while setting

I am developing a web application using Vuejs/Nuxtjs within that I have some textarea which is controlled by CodeMirror for beautification purposes. The problem I am facing is that when the content of the CodeMirror changes then it is not reflected on the CodeMirror textarea unless I click on it or if I use the JSON.parse while setting the value in Watch. If I click on it then it reflects the changes and everything is correctly working.
Following is the textarea which is governed by CodeMirror:
Following is the code sample where I am loading the contents to CodeMirror if the values changes using the Vuejs Watch function:
data () {
return {
inputEditor: null
watch: {
'$store.state.modules.MyModules.input' (value) {
if (value !== this.inputEditor.getValue()) {
mounted () {
this.inputEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.$refs.testInput, {
mode: "applicaton/ld+json",
beautify: { initialBeautify: true, autoBeautify: true },
lineNumbers: true,
indentWithTabs: true,
autofocus: true,
tabSize: 2,
gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"],
autoCloseBrackets: true,
autoCloseTags: true,
styleActiveLine: true,
styleActiveSelected: true,
autoRefresh: true,
// On change of input call the function
this.inputEditor.on("change", this.createTestData);
// Set the height for the input CodeMirror
this.inputEditor.setSize(null, "75vh");
// Add the border for all the CodeMirror textarea
for (const s of document.getElementsByClassName("CodeMirror")) {
s.style.border = "1px solid black";
I found issues similar to this and tried the following things but still no luck:
Trying to refresh the contents within the watch method:
watch: {
'$store.state.modules.MyModules.input' (value) {
const vm = this
if (value !== this.inputEditor.getValue()) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1)
Trying to use the autorefresh within my CodeMirror but that also did not work.
What worked for me is that when setting the value I need to use the JSON.parse within the watch method. If I do that then It's working correctly but I do not want to do that:
watch: {
'$store.state.modules.MyModules.input' (value) {
const vm = this
if (value !== this.inputEditor.getValue()) {
Can someone please inform me why the CodeMirror data will not be updated if I do not do JSON.parse?
Chain this to the master codemirror object, make sure nothing else is chained:
.on('change', editor => {
globalContent = editor.getValue();
Providing the answer as it can be helpful to someone else in the future:
Actually the vm.inputEditor.refresh() will work only problem was that I was using it with setTimeout 0.001s which is way to quick for to refresh.
After trying a lot I found my stupid mistake. I tried to change it to 1000 or 500 and it works now.
Following is the change:
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000)

How to create getters and setters for all sub-properties of a Vuex state property efficiently?

I couldn't find the answer anywhere.
Let's say we have Vuex store with the following data:
Vuex store
state: {
dialogs: {
dialogName1: {
value: false,
data: {
fileName: '',
isValid: false,
error: '',
... 10 more properties
dialogName2: {
value: false,
data: {
type: '',
isValid: false,
error: '',
... 10 more properties
<div v-if="dialogName1Value">
<v-btn #click="dialogName1Value = false">
close dialog
<!-- the other dialogs here -->
Let's say we need to modify some of these properties in Dialogs.vue.
What's the best practices for creating a getter and setter for every dialog property efficiently, without having to do it all manually like this:
computed: {
dialogName1Value: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.dialogs.dialogName1.value
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('SET', { key: 'dialogs.dialogName1.value', value: value })
dialogName1DataFileName: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.dialogs.dialogName1.data.fileName
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('SET', { key: 'dialogs.dialogName1.data.fileName', value: value })
dialogName1DataIsValid: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.dialogs.dialogName1.data.isValid
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('SET', { key: 'dialogs.dialogName1.data.isValid', value: value })
dialogName1DataIsError: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.dialogs.dialogName1.data.error
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('SET', { key: 'dialogs.dialogName1.data.error', value: value })
... 10 more properties
And this is only 4 properties...
I suppose I could generate those computed properties programmatically in created(), but is that really the proper way to do it?
Are there obvious, commonly known solutions for this issue that I'm not aware of?
getters can be made to take a parameter as an argument - this can be the 'part' of the underlying state you want to return. This is known as Method-style access. For example:
getFilename: (state) => (dialogName) => {
return state.dialogs[dialogName].data.fileName
You can then call this getter as:
Note that method style access doesn't provide the 'computed property' style caching that you get with property-style access.
For setting those things in only one central function you can use something like this:
#input="update_inputs($event, 'fileName')">
// ...
update_inputs($event, whichProperty){
this.$store.commit("SET_PROPERTIES", {newVal: $event.target.value, which:"whichProperty"})
mutation handler:
// ..
SET_PROPERTIES(state, payload){
state.dialogName1.data[payload.which] = payload.newVal
Let me explain more what we done above. First we change to v-model type to :value and #input base. Basically you can think, :value is getter and #input is setter for that property. Then we didn't commit in first place, we calling update_inputs function to commit because we should determine which inner property we will commit, so then we did send this data as a method parameter (for example above code is 'fileName') then, we commit this changes with new value of data and info for which property will change. You can make this logic into your whole code blocks and it will solved your problem.
And one more, if you want to learn more about this article will help you more:

Custom Searchbox for vue-table-2

Using Vue Table 2, I do not want to use the default search/filter input and the Records drop down. I.e. I do not want to use controls in the image below:
Instead, I want to create my own input box outside the table. I am able to hide the default row containing the image above. However, after adding my own input box - example:
<input type="text" v-model="searchTerm" v-on:keyup='filterResult()' />,
How can I trigger the filter event to process my filter request in the filterResult() method?
return {
customFilters: [{
name: 'mysearch',
callback: function (row, query) {
return row.name[0] == query;
//how to trigger event to filter result using the searchTerm
Given a table definition like this, where tableoptions its an object containing the options you are applying to your table(these have to match their documentation), in this case i'm only adding customFilters, but you might have columns, headings or others
<v-client-table :options="tableoptions">
In their documentation it says that you should use this to trigger the custom filter
Event.$emit('vue-tables.filter::alphabet', query);
But it fails to say that Event it's VueTables.Event, so you will need to update your js to the following:
data() {
return {
searchTerm: '',
tableoptions: {
customFilters: [{
name: 'mysearch',
callback: function(row, query) {
//this should be updated to match your data objects
return row.name[0] == query;
methods: {
filterResult() {
VueTables.Event.$emit('vue-tables.filter::mysearch', query);

Get id of item clicked and use it for creating dynamic url in vuejs

I have a vue bootstrap table displaying, in each row, few properties of objects of an array (got through an api call with axios).
Every row has a button that should redirect me to a detail page, with more properties of that object, plus a map.
I was thinking to make a function to get the property id of the object contained in the clicked row, but I'm not sure on how to do it. I need the id to use it in the last part of the api call.
The store is structured so that I have a module for the user and another one for these objects (activities). In these modules I deal with state, actions and mutations. A separate file handles the getters. As these activities will be modified, I need to save their state too.
I will also need to be able to easily access all the properties of the single object (not only the ones shown in the table row) from other components.
I'm getting very confused.
Here the code:
Table with all the activities:
title="Mostra dettagli"
<span class="svg-container">
<svg-icon icon-class="search"/>
In the script:
export default {
name: 'AllActivities',
data() {
return {
fields: [
{ key: 'activity.activityName', label: 'Activity', _showDetails: true},
{ key: 'related_activity', label: 'Related activity', _showDetails: true},
{ key: 'start', label: 'Start', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'end', label: 'End', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'travel_mode', label: 'Travel mode', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'actions', label: '' }
activity: [],
methods: {
**?? how to get it ??**
goToActivityDetail() {
name: 'activityDetail'
obviously does not work, in the console:
- [vue-router] missing param for named route "activityDetail": Expected "activityId" to be defined
- [vue-router] missing param for redirect route with path "/see-all-activities/:activityId": Expected "activityId" to be defined)
In the getters file I have:
const getters = {
sidebar: state => state.app.sidebar,
device: state => state.app.device,
token: state => state.user.token
export default getters
So here I will need to have something like:
activityId: state => state.activity.activityId
Which is coming from activity.js, which is:
import {
} from '#/components/AllActivities'
const state = {
activityId: getActivityId()
const mutations = {
SET_ACTIVITY_ID: (state, activityId) => {
state.activityId = activityId
const actions = {
}) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
commit('SET_ACTIVITY_ID', '')
export default {
namespaced: true,
IF this is right, what is left is the function to get the id of the object contained in the table row clicked.
Also, how to write that activity id in the api call (axios)?
Now I have:
export function getSingleActivity() {
return request({
url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/user_activity/:activityId',
method: 'get'
But I am not sure if that's correct.
Also, how to access the other properties (to be displayed in the detailActivity page)?
This will be made of a list of some properties (probably a stacked table component) and a map component, so I will need to access the properties in both these components.
I hope I've been clear enough,
thank you.
It was dead simple. I post how to solve it in case someone else get stuck on this too.
I added a slot scope to the template that contains the button:
Then I added the single activity (following the vue bootstrap markup data.item) as parameter to the button click
And the function called by the click became:
goToDetailActivity(activity) {
name: 'DettaglioAttivita',
params: { activityId: activity.id }
That's it.
Worth mentioning is you're using vuex. If I understand correctly you want to get the property read from vuex?
To read a property from vuex you can eather use this.$store.getters.activity
Or use mapGetter.
Read the following page https://vuex.vuejs.org/guide/getters.html
Also you have to set the param when you do a router.push
router.push({ name: 'activity', params: { id: activityId } })

How to change the value of a prop (or data) of a component, from OUTSIDE the component?

As the title says, I'm trying to change the value of a prop/data in a component, but the trigger is being fired from outside the component, from something that has nothing to do with Vuejs.
Currently I trying to use a Simple State Manager, based on the docs from here, like so:
var store = {
debug: true,
state: {
progress: 23
setProgress (uff) {
if (this.debug) console.log(uff)
this.state.progress = uff
The documentation leads me to believe that if the value of progress is mutated, the value of my Vue instance would also change if I link them accordingly. But this doesn't work in a component (my guess would be it's cause it's a function).
This is part of my component:
Vue.component('transcoding', {
data () {
return {
progress: store.state.progress
template: `
So, when I trigger a store.setProgress(value), nothing happens. The log messages do happen, but the state isn't updated in the component.
This is the script that's currently triggering the state change:
{ channel: "ProgressChannel", room: "2" },
{ received: function() {
It's an ActionCable websocket in Ruby on Rails. The trigger works perfectly, but I just cannot make the connection between the state change and the component.
I tried loading this script in the mounted() event for the component, thinking I could reference the value like this:
Vue.component('transcoding', {
data () {
return {
progress: 0
template: `
methods: {
setProgress: function(uff) {
this.progress = uff
mounted() {
{ channel: "ProgressChannel", room: "2" },
{ received: function() {
But this gives me an error saying that this.setProgress is not a function, which is obvious since I'm calling it within the create method of App.cable.subscriptions.
How can I make this work? I realize I'm mixing things with my question, but I wanted to illustrate what my goal is. I simply want to know how to make the component's progress data to update, either from the outside, or from the component itself if I can make it find the function.
You are initializing your data item to the value from the store:
data () {
return {
progress: store.state.progress
Changes to the store will not propagate to your data item. You could eliminate the data item and just use store.state.progress where you need it, or you could create an computed that returns its value if you want a local single-name handle for it.