RNTester : Unable to find React Native files - react-native

I was going through a react-native tutorial and got a suggestion to check RNTester
I followed the steps of cloning and installing mentioned on github. But when I hit the run button on Xcode I get following error:
error Unable to find React Native files. Make sure "react-native"
module is installed in your project dependencies. Process terminated.
Press to close the window
The simulator is also launched with bunch of method names.
Any help is appreciated.


'RCTConvert+AIRMap.h file not found error in React Native when trying to use Google Maps on iOS

I am trying to integrate Google Maps into my React Native iOS application. I followed the steps outlined in the documentation and installed the react-native-maps library. However, when I try to build my project in Xcode, I found many solutions but no one is working for me and I get the following error:
'RCTConvert+AIRMap.h' file not found
I have tried the following steps to resolve the issue, but the error persists:
I checked that the react-native-maps library is installed correctly and I have linked it using react-native link react-native-maps.
I tried to clean the build folder and rebuild the project.
I have tried to manually add the RCTConvert+AIRMap.h file to my project, but it still gives me the same error.
I have checked that my Xcode project's search paths are set correctly and $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-maps/ios/AirMaps is added to the header search paths.
I have also tried to delete the Podfile.lock file, and reinstall the Podfile by running pod install.
Despite all these efforts, I am still getting the same error. Any help or suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

React native (Expo) project shows "cant find variable : require"

I am an intermediate react developer.
I was running my react native app peacefully without any problems untill one morning, i did not change anything in my codebase but when i tried to run the app through expo client, it started showing the error in the screenshot.
I have checked and checked this platform, and not a single solution.
I am currently using expo sdk 43 (managed workflow) please help...this is my first time posting here.
This is the error below;
Can't find variable: require /expo/AppEntry.bundle?platform=android&dev=true& hot=false&minify=false:720:3.
Click here for the screenshot of the error
I got it fixed.
See what i did,
I created a fresh expo project using "expo init"
Then copied all my files into the new project "except node_modules and .expo folders".
Then i ran "npm install"
Viola!!! Everything works fine now
Note: i tried removing "node_modules" before over and over again and it dint work.
The only thing that worked was starting a new project and following the above steps.

React-Navigation and installation error and first-usage

I am new to react-native or you can say new to React and I am working on react-native navigation I have installed all the required libraries as instructed in https://reactnavigation.org/docs/getting-started but when I am running my code it is giving an error as '#react-navigation/native could not be found within the project or in this directories.' What should I do is there any way to get started with my code? Help me
If you have installed your app following the react native cli guide you might want to try running
gradle clean
in your android folder und then try to run your app in the emulator again.
On my first steps with react native I stumpled upon the same issue. :-)

'NativeReanimated' could not be found. Verify that a module by this name is registered in the native binary

This is my Code which is showing this error . Here I am trying to make a Drawer-navigation
This is the error showing , I am doing this in react-native.
It seems you might have missed some installation / setup steps for react-navigation.
Please check this section in the docs: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/getting-started#installing-dependencies-into-a-bare-react-native-project
If you have already installed the packages listed there (notably react-native-reanimated), perhaps you have not installed the native dependencies. This is important on iOS - run npx pod-install in your project root, and then build the app again (hot reload will not be enough).

There are several files providing this module error while running react native application

I have created an android module from here and added to my project. Now I am getting below error while running application.
bundling failed: ambiguous resolution: module projectpath\index.js tries to require react-native, but there are several files providing this module. You can delete or fix them:
Got the solution. following command help me to overcome above error
yarn start --reset-cache