How to get response string from Indy udp server? - udp

I'm trying to create a simple text exchange between Indy UDP client and server in C++ Builder 10.3.1. This is the code I use:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
UnicodeString resp = IdUDPClient1->ReceiveString();
void __fastcall TForm1::IdUDPServer1UDPRead(TIdUDPListenerThread *AThread,
const TIdBytes AData, TIdSocketHandle *ABinding)
UnicodeString req = BytesToString(AData);
if(req == "Hello"){
// why this don't work?
ABinding->Send("Hello 2");
// the following works if ThreadedEvent = true
// AThread->Server->Send(ABinding->PeerIP, ABinding->PeerPort, "Hello 2");
I am unable to get the response from the server on the client side. What am I doing wrong?

On the server side, the provided TIdSocketHandle in the OnUDPRead event is not "connected" (from the OS's perspective) to the peer that sent the received data, so by default callingABinding->Send() requires specifying the target IP/Port to send to. That is why ABinding->Send(ABinding->PeerIP, ABinding->PeerPort, "Hello 2"); works and ABinding->Send("Hello 2"); does not.
Calling ABinding->Send() is not dependant on the server's ThreadedEvent property in any way. That property merely controls whether the server's OnUDPRead event is triggered in the context in the main UI thread or not. It has no effect on how the server allocates and manages its sockets.
However, if the server's ThreadedEvent property is false, and the client and server are running in the same app process, the server won't be able to fire its OnUDPRead event while your Button1Click() is running. You will need to set ThreadedEvent to true in that situation so the OnUDPRead event is triggered in the context of a worker thread instead, not waiting on the main UI thread.
Otherwise, move the client to its own worker thread instead.

Hope you can accept an answer in Delphi. I can not translate it just now.
With a pair of projects, VclIdUDPServer and VclIdUDPClient, as follows, I get the two to communicate. Tested on same machine as well as on two machines. Note, that this is minimal code to get the two to chat.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Binding: TIdSocketHandle;
Binding := IdUDPServer1.Bindings.Add;
Binding.IP := '';
Binding.Port:= 49000;
IdUDPServer1.OnUDPRead:= IdUDPServer1UDPRead;
procedure TForm1.IdUDPServer1UDPRead(AThread: TIdUDPListenerThread;
const AData: TIdBytes; ABinding: TIdSocketHandle);
req: string;
req := BytesToString(AData);
if req = 'Hello' then
ABinding.SendTo(ABinding.PeerIP, ABinding.PeerPort, 'Yes sir!', ABinding.IPVersion);
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
IdUDPClient1.Host:=''; // set to your ip
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
rep: string;
rep := IdUdpClient1.ReceiveString();


Winsock UDP sendto and get respond back like function?

I am try to figure out if the Winsock UDP way of sending and recieving datagrams has an option to get a respond back to the sendto() like a function.
To make it clear lets say that i have a function that uses UDP to send a message
and needs to return back a true or false state
Since this function is using UDP to send a message, the application that recieves the message needs to execute a specific command and send back the returned value of true false to the UDP sender, so in that way the function from the control program will know that the function was properly executed or not.
Application 1 :
bool Test(){
functionToRun = "checkandRespond";
respond = sendto(....);
if(respond == "true"){
Brespond = true;
Brespond = false;
return Brespond;
Application 2 :
bool check(){
return true;
DWORD WINAPI IncomingMessages(){
//run the function requested e.x.
bool respondto1App = check();
sendback the respondto1App boolean to string to Application 1
Is there any way to get back an instant respond like a function needs between two applications using UDP ?
NOTE : i don`t want to know if the sendto() command has send the message to the other application successfully, i want to get the respond back from the second application like if i was running the check() function from application 1.
Thanks in advance for any help on the issue

Golang - API Server and Socket at the same time

I try to make sockets to communicate with my clients.
A socket would be created after some requests to my API. It means, a client connects itself (only by request), but then, he joins a chat, so a socket is created and linked to the good channel.
I already used sockets so I understand how it works (C, C++, C#, Java), but what I want to make, with what I saw on the web, I think it's possible, but I don't understand how to handle it with golang.
I create a first server:
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", HomeHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles", ArticlesHandler)
http.Handle("/", r)
But for socket, I need another one?
package main
import "net"
import "fmt"
import "bufio"
import "strings" // only needed below for sample processing
func main() {
fmt.Println("Launching server...")
// listen on all interfaces
ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8081")
// accept connection on port
conn, _ := ln.Accept()
// run loop forever (or until ctrl-c)
for {
// will listen for message to process ending in newline (\n)
message, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
// output message received
fmt.Print("Message Received:", string(message))
// sample process for string received
newmessage := strings.ToUpper(message)
// send new string back to client
conn.Write([]byte(newmessage + "\n"))
Thank for help !
Based on our chat discussion.
OVERsimplified example with lots of pseudocode
import (
type User struct {
name string
type Message {
Action string
Params map[string]string
type Server struct {
connected_users map[*User]net.Conn
users_connected_with_each_other map[*User][]*User
good_users map[string]*User
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe(addr string) error {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
return srv.Serve(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)})
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
defer l.Close()
for {
rw, e := l.Accept()
if e != nil {
return e
// you want to create server_conn here with buffers, channels and stuff
// to use async thread safe read/write from it
go srv.serve_conn(rw)
func (srv *Server) serve_conn(rw net.Conn) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(rw)
var message Message
//read 1st message he sent, should be token to connect
token := get_token(Message)
user, ok := srv.good_users[token]
if !ok {
return errors.New("BAD USER!")
// store connected user
srv.connected_users[user] = rw
for {
// async reader will be nice
switch message.Action {
case "Message":
// find users to send message to
if chats_with, err := users_connected_with_each_other[user]; err == nil {
for user_to_send_message_to := range chats_with {
// find connections to send message to
if conn, err := srv.connected_users[user_to_send_message_to]; err == nil {
// send json encoded message
err := json.NewEncoder(conn).Encode(message)
//if write failed store message for later
//other cases
// log?
func main() {
known_users_with_tokens := make(map[string]*User)
srv := &Server{
connected_users: make(map[*User]net.Conn),
users_connected_with_each_other: make(map[*User][]*User),
good_users: known_users_with_tokens, // map is reference type, so treat it like pointer
// start our server
go srv.ListenAndServe(":54321")
ConnRequestHandler := function(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
user := create_user_based_on_request(r)
token := create_token(user)
// now user will be able to connect to server with token
known_users_with_tokens[token] = user
ConnectUsersHandler := function(user1,user2) {
// you should guard your srv.* members to avoid concurrent read/writes to map
srv.users_connected_with_each_other[user1] = append(srv.users_connected_with_each_other[user1], user2)
srv.users_connected_with_each_other[user2] = append(srv.users_connected_with_each_other[user2], user1)
//initialize your API http.Server
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", HomeHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles", ArticlesHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/connection_request", ConnRequestHandler) // added
http.Handle("/", r)
Call ConnectUsersHandler(user1, user2) to allow them communicate with each other.
known_users_with_tokens[token] = user to allow user to connect to server
You need to implement async reader/writer for connections to your server. Usefull structs to keep good Users.
Guard Server struct members and provide thread safe access to update it.
Looks like json.NewEncoder(connection).Encode(&message) and json.NewDecoder(connection).Decode(&message) is async and thread safe. So you can write simultaneously from different goroutines. No need to manual sync, YAY!
default http server accepts connection on one "host:port" only
Answer depends on what protocol you are going to use to communicate via your sockets.
I suggest to do it this way: (much simplified)
Leave http.Server alone to serve your API (it implements protocols HTTP 1.*/2 so you dont need to worry about it)
Implement your own "MultiSocketServer", do to so:
2.1 Implement GracefulListener (must implement net.Listener) (you need to shutdown your sockets when you dont need them anymore, right?)
2.2 Implement MultiSocketServer.Serve(l GracefulListener) (hello http.Server.Serve() ) to serve individual connection (your protocol to communicate with client via sockets goes here. something like net.textproto will be easy to implement since you GracefulListener.Accept() will return net.Conn)
2.3 Add methods MultiSocketServer.ListenAndServe(addr), MultiSocketServer.StopServe(l GracefulListener) to your MultiSocketServer
type MultiSocketServer struct {
listeners GracefulListener[] //or map?
// lots of other stuff
// looks familiar? (http.Server.ListenAndServe)
func (s *MultiSocketServer) ListenAndServe(addr string) {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
graceful_listner = &GracefulListener(ln)
s.listeners = append(s.listeners, graceful_listner)
go s.Serve(graceful_listner)
return graceful_listner
func (s *MultiSocketServer) StopServe(graceful_listner GracefulListener) {
remove_listener_from_slice(s.listeners, graceful_listner)
Ofcourse, you need to add error checking and mutex (propably) to guard MultiSocketServer.listeners to make it thread safe.
In your main() start your API http.Server, and initialize your MultiSocketServer. Now from your http.Handler/http.HandlerFunc of http.Server you should be able to call MultiSocketServer.ListenAndServe(addr) to listen and serve your sockets connections.
UPDATE based on question
however, I'm not sure to understand the part "In your main()". If I understand it good, you said I have my API, and after starting it, I initialize MultiSocketServer. But where? after the starting of my API? Or you mean it would be better that I use the logic of your code as an API? Every request trough a socket
BTW: updated MultiSocketServer.ListenAndServe to start Listen and return graceful_listner
func main() {
//init MultiSocketServer
multi_socket_server = &MultiSocketServer{} //nil for GracefulListener[] is fine for now, complex initialization will be added later
// no listners yet, serves nothing
// create new Handeler for your "socket requests"
SocketRequestHandler := function(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// identify client, assign him an address to connect
addr_to_listen := parse_request(r) //pseudocode
listener := multi_socket_server.ListenAndServe(addr_to_listen)
// TODO: handle errors
// now your multi_socket_server listen to addr_to_listen and serves it with multi_socket_server.Serve method in its own goroutine
// as i said MultiSocketServer.Serve method must implement your protocol (plaintext Reader/Writer on listener for now?)
save_listener_in_context_or_whatever_you_like_to_track_it(listener) //pseudo
SocketDisconnectHandler := function(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// identify client
some_client := parse_request(r) //pseudocode
// get listener based on info
listener := get_listener_from_context_or_whatever(some_client) //pseudo
// TODO: handle errors
//initialize your API http.Server
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", HomeHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles", ArticlesHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/socket_request", SocketRequestHandler) // added
r.HandleFunc("/socket_disconnect", SocketDisconnectHandler) //added
http.Handle("/", r)
// it creates new http.Server with DefaultServeMux as Handler (which is configured with your http.Handle("/", r) call)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080") // start serving API via HTTP proto
Actually, you may call multi_socket_server.ListenAndServe(addr_to_listen) and multi_socket_server.StopServe(listener) from any handler in your API server.
Every time you call multi_socket_server.ListenAndServe(addr_to_listen) it will create new listener and serve on it, you have to control it (dont listen on the same address more then once (i think it will error out anyway))
Your MultiSocketServer.Serve may looks like:
func (s *MultiSocketServer) Serve(l net.Listener) {
defer l.Close()
for {
// will listen for message to process ending in newline (\n)
message, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
// output message received
fmt.Print("Message Received:", string(message))
// sample process for string received
newmessage := strings.ToUpper(message)
// send new string back to client
conn.Write([]byte(newmessage + "\n"))
Possible GracefulListener implementation github
Or are you trying to achieve something completely different? =)

How can a RabbitMQ Client tell when it loses connection to the server?

If I'm connected to RabbitMQ and listening for events using an EventingBasicConsumer, how can I tell if I've been disconnected from the server?
I know there is a Shutdown event, but it doesn't fire if I unplug my network cable to simulate a failure.
I've also tried the ModelShutdown event, and CallbackException on the model but none seem to work.
The one I marked as the answer is correct, but it was only part of the solution for me. There is also HeartBeat functionality built into RabbitMQ. The server specifies it in the configuration file. It defaults to 10 minutes but of course you can change that.
The client can also request a different interval for the heartbeat by setting the RequestedHeartbeat value on the ConnectionFactory instance.
I'm guessing that you're using the C# library? (but even so I think the others have a similar event).
You can do the following:
public class MyRabbitConsumer
private IConnection connection;
public void Connect()
connection = CreateAndOpenConnection();
connection.ConnectionShutdown += connection_ConnectionShutdown;
public IConnection CreateAndOpenConnection() { ... }
private void connection_ConnectionShutdown(IConnection connection, ShutdownEventArgs reason)
This is an example of it, but the marked answer is what lead me to this.
var factory = new ConnectionFactory
HostName = "MY_HOST_NAME",
UserName = "USERNAME",
Password = "PASSWORD",
RequestedHeartbeat = 30
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
connection.ConnectionShutdown += (o, e) =>
//handle disconnect
using (var model = connection.CreateModel())
model.ExchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, "topic");
var queueName = model.QueueDeclare();
model.QueueBind(queueName, EXCHANGE_NAME, "#");
var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(model);
model.BasicConsume(queueName, true, consumer);
while (!stop)
BasicDeliverEventArgs args;
consumer.Queue.Dequeue(5000, out args);
if (stop) return;
if (args == null) continue;
if (args.Body.Length == 0) continue;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
//Do work here on different thread then this one
}, TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness);
A few things to note about this.
I'm using # for the topic. This grabs everything. Usually you want to limit by a topic.
I'm setting a variable called "stop" to determine when the process should end. You'll notice the loop runs forever until that variable is true.
The Dequeue waits 5 seconds then leaves without getting data if there is no new message. This is to ensure we listen for that stop variable and actually quit at some point. Change the value to your liking.
When a message comes in I spawn the handling code on a new thread. The current thread is being reserved for just listening to the rabbitmq messages and if a handler takes too long to process I don't want it slowing down the other messages. You may or may not need this depending on your implementation. Be careful however writing the code to handle the messages. If it takes a minute to run and your getting messages at sub-second times you will run out of memory or at least into severe performance issues.

WCF Proxy Client taking time to create, any cache or singleton solution for it

we have more than dozon of wcf services and being called using TCP binding. There are a lots of calls to same wcf service at various places in code.
AdminServiceClient client = FactoryS.AdminServiceClient();// it takes significant time. and
i want to cache the client or produce it from singleton. so that i can save some time, Is it possible?
Yes, this is possible. You can make the proxy object visible to the entire application, or wrap it in a singleton class for neatness (my preferred option). However, if you are going to reuse a proxy for a service, you will have to handle channel faults.
First create your singleton class / cache / global variable that holds an instance of the proxy (or proxies) that you want to reuse.
When you create the proxy, you need to subscribe to the Faulted event on the inner channel
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(ProxyFaulted);
and then put some reconnect code inside the ProxyFaulted event handler. The Faulted event will fire if the service drops, or the connection times out because it was idle. The faulted event will only fire if you have reliableSession enabled on your binding in the config file (if unspecified this defaults to enabled on the netTcpBinding).
Edit: If you don't want to keep your proxy channel open all the time, you will have to test the state of the channel before every time you use it, and recreate the proxy if it is faulted. Once the channel has faulted there is no option but to create a new one.
Edit2: The only real difference in load between keeping the channel open and closing it every time is a keep-alive packet being sent to the service and acknowledged every so often (which is what is behind your channel fault event). With 100 users I don't think this will be a problem.
The other option is to put your proxy creation inside a using block where it will be closed / disposed at the end of the block (which is considered bad practice). Closing the channel after a call may result in your application hanging because the service is not yet finished processing. In fact, even if your call to the service was async or the service contract for the method was one-way, the channel close code will block until the service is finished.
Here is a simple singleton class that should have the bare bones of what you need:
public static class SingletonProxy
private CupidClientServiceClient proxyInstance = null;
public CupidClientServiceClient ProxyInstance
if (proxyInstance == null)
return this.proxyInstance;
private void ProxyChannelFaulted(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool connected = false;
while (!connected)
// you may want to put timer code around this, or
// other code to limit the number of retrys if
// the connection keeps failing
public bool AttemptToConnect()
// this whole process needs to be thread safe
lock (proxyInstance)
if (proxyInstance != null)
// deregister the event handler from the old instance
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted -= new EventHandler(ProxyChannelFaulted);
//(re)create the instance
proxyInstance = new CupidClientServiceClient();
// always open the connection
// add the event handler for the new instance
// the client faulted is needed to be inserted here (after the open)
// because we don't want the service instance to keep faulting (throwing faulted event)
// as soon as the open function call.
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(ProxyChannelFaulted);
return true;
catch (EndpointNotFoundException)
// do something here (log, show user message etc.)
return false;
catch (TimeoutException)
// do something here (log, show user message etc.)
return false;
I hope that helps :)
In my experience, creating/closing the channel on a per call basis adds very little overhead. Take a look at this Stackoverflow question. It's not a Singleton question per se, but related to your issue. Typically you don't want to leave the channel open once you're finished with it.
I would encourage you to use a reusable ChannelFactory implementation if you're not already and see if you still are having performance problems.

IAudioSessionManager2 notifications not sent

I'm trying to monitor new audio sessions via Windows 7's IAudioSessionManager2 COM interface (coupled with IAudioSessionNotification). Currently, IAudioSessionNotification::OnSessionCreated() is never called and I've run out of ideas as to why.
Code registering custom IAudioSessionNotification:
#define SAFE_RELEASE(comObj) \
if(comObj != NULL) \
{ (comObj)->Release(); comObj = NULL; }
BOOL success = false;
IClassFactory* pFactory;
IMMDevice* pDevice;
IMMDeviceEnumerator* pEnumerator;
res = CoInitialize(NULL);
if(res != S_OK && res != S_FALSE)
return false;
res = CoGetClassObject(CLSID_CustomAudioFactory, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, __uuidof(IClassFactory), (void**)&pFactory);
if(res != S_OK) goto Exit;
res = pFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, CLSID_CustomAudioNotifications, (void**)&SESSION_LISTENER);
if(res != S_OK) goto Exit;
res = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator), (void**)&pEnumerator);
if(res != S_OK) goto Exit;
res = pEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eMultimedia, &pDevice);
if(res != S_OK) goto Exit;
res = pDevice->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioSessionManager2), CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&SESSION);
if(res != S_OK) goto Exit;
res = SESSION->RegisterSessionNotification(SESSION_LISTENER);
if(res != S_OK) goto Exit;
success = true;
CustomAudioNotifications declaration:
class CustomAudioNotifications : public IAudioSessionNotification
CustomAudioNotifications() { InterlockedIncrement(&g_notifyCount); m_listener = NULL; }
~CustomAudioNotifications() { InterlockedDecrement(&g_notifyCount); SAFE_RELEASE(m_listener); }
//IUnknown interface
HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(
REFIID riid ,
void **ppObj);
ULONG __stdcall AddRef();
ULONG __stdcall Release();
HRESULT __stdcall OnSessionCreated(IAudioSessionControl *NewSession);
LONG m_nRefCount;
OnSessionCreated just posts a message to a window whenever a session is created for the time being; which never happens. Just in case my assumptions are totally off base, I'm expecting a notification whenever an application that has yet to play audio starts to do so; so launching VLC with a video file should immediately result in a notice, while visiting Pandora via a web browser would also trigger such a notice.
Debugging shows all returned values are S_OK.
My COM experience is pretty limitted, so pointing out general "WTFs?" would also be appreciated.
That's a TON more work than you need to do.
You just need to write a class that derives from IAudioSessionNotifications - you don't need to actually write a whole COM object and register it.
You should also use the eConsole role instead of the eMultimedia role. It doesn't effectively matter (if you have only one audio device) but it's more correct.
The destructor for the CustomAudioNotification class should be private - that way you prevent accidental destruction. So I'd write:
*customNotification = new CustomAudioNotification();
I'm also assuming that you've initialized COM before your code snippet.
UPDATED: Kevin sent me his application and there are a couple of other issues with his application that are more fundamental (I'm working to get the documentation for the APIs improve to prevent any confusion in the future)
The first is that his application hasn't retrieved the current list of sessions. This is one of the really subtle things about the session enumeration APIs. In order to prevent a race condition that can occur when a session notification arrives while the application using the session APIs is starting up, the session enumeration API discards new session notifications until the application has first retrieved the list of existing sessions.
The expected usage pattern is:
Application activates a session manager2.
Application registers for session notifications.
Application retrieves the current list of sessions for the endpoint and stores the session control objects into a list (don't forget to addref the session).
When a new session is created, the application takes a reference to the newly created session control object and inserts it into the list if it's not already present. Note that the session control object passed into the notification will be destroyed when the session notification returns - if you call GetSessionEnumerator at this point it will probably NOT hold the newly created session (it might, it all depends on timing).
The application manages the lifetime of the session based on its own criteria - as long as the application has a reference to the session control the session control object will be valid. There is no expiration mechanism for audio session control objects.
In addition, the session APIs require that the MTA be initialized - this is unfortunate but because we create COM objects (which implement IAudioSessionControl) on a worker thread the API requires that the MTA be created before the notification is received.