Is this example from bootstrap vue documentation wrong / outdated? - vuejs2

On this page of the documentation of bootstrap-vue, they are giving an example of how to use vee-validate.
However, their example doesn't work for me, because i get a warning saying [vee-validate] A field is missing a "name" or "data-vv-name" attribute. In deed, there is no name or data-vv-name attribute in their example and after adding one of them, it works like a charm.
Is this example outdated / wrong?

<b-form-input id="example-input-1" v-model="" v-validate="{ required: true, min:2 }":state="validateState('')" aria-describedby="input-1-live-feedback" placeholder="Enter name"enter code here></b-form-input>
The documentation has been updated to require name attribute and not v-model binding.
<input v-validate="'required|email'" type="email" name="email">
So Yes. this needs to be updated


Not able to use attribute selector in cypress

My HTML fragment is:
<label class="email">
<input data-test="email" type="text" v-model="curMember.email_address">
Then in my cypress test the following 'GET' does not work (using attribute selector):
cy.get('[data-test="email"]').should('have.value', '')
the above times out trying to find the element but the folowing does work (using a class selector)
cy.get('.email>input').should('have.value', '')
Can anyone tell me what my problem is?
I am not sure that cypress provides of getting value from NON-class
but take a look at this
for the first example, you can only check the length
cy.get('[data-test="email"]').should('have.length', '10')

Why are my Vue/Nuxt Select field states valid by default?

I have a variety of HTML select elements inside of Nuxt.js. I'm also using Vuelidate for validation and this is working as expected. This is a typical select box in my form:
:class="{error: appendErrorClass($v.form.location)}"
<option :value="null" hidden>Choose...</option>
v-for="(item, index) in $"
Before selecting any of the options, I'm noticing the following on all select fields.
I've tried removing any Vue magic on a test select field to see if the same results happen.
<select id="location1" name="location1">
<option value="" hidden>Choose...</option>
<option value="one">one</option>
<option value="two">two</option>
<option value="three">three</option>
Still seeing valid: true. Is there anything I'm overlooking that would cause the validity to default to true? Thanks in advance for any help or guidance on this issue.
UPDATE For Clarification:
Vuelidate validation works just fine. The issue I'm dealing with is the select field property Validity.validate. I only mention Vuelidate to give full context.
HTML Select is a sort of "strange" form element in that validity is typically checking to see if there's a readable value. Since a select always has something picked, it validates...
This is different from say a telephone input that has a specific pattern required to be valid.
I haven't used Vuelidate specifically, but I read the docs as saying, if you left the v-model="form.location" there's a good chance it's simply validating that a value exists so Any selcted item would qualify.
In my original post, I referenced the dynamic style based on the vuelidate library: :class="{error: appendErrorClass($v.form.location)}"
#PierreSaid responded to this post and later deleted his/her reply. Turns out, his response was helpful in pointing me to some Vuelidate attributes that were able to assist in a workaround for my issue. Thank you, PierreSaid.
I have since updated that dynamic class to be a mixin that looks like this:
export default {
methods: {
appendErrorAndValidityClass(field) {
return {
error: field.$error,
invalid: field.$invalid,
After importing the mixin into the Vue partial, my select box looks like this:
This appends a class of invalid when the select field has not been updated. It also updates the error style accordingly. Now, I can assign styles for when the select field has an invalid class. This solves the overall issue for me. Thanks for your help PierreSaid and Bryce.

Vue & Pug - CoffeScript in attributes

So I'm using Vue with the template written in Pug and I'd like to use a bit of CoffeeScript in the Pug markdown.
Something like this:
input( v-model.trim="#[:coffee-script user?.details?.last_name]" type="text" placeholder="Last name")
... since user, details and last_name are not guarenteed to exist and I'd like to use Coffee's existential chaining.
But I get an invalid expression: Invalid or unexpected token in #[:coffee-script user?.details?.last_name] error.
I also tried input( v-model.trim=":coffee-script user?.details?.last_name" type="text" placeholder="Email address") to no avail.
Is this possible? If not, is there another, short way of guarding against undefined values?
PS: I did npm install —save jstransformer-coffee-script

Why v-model attribute behaves differently

Two equal examples (according to Vue.js) work differently:
<input v-model="value" #input.once="setDirty" type="text" id="object-email">
<input v-bind:value="value" v-on:input="value = $"
In the first example value changes only after second input, while the second example works correctly.
If we delete #input.once attribute, two examples will work fine.
P.S. Vue 2.4.0
This was a bug that was fixed in version 2.4.3.
As a workaround for previous versions, you can simply use #keydown.once="setDirty" instead of #input.once.

.net core Input tag helper does not appear to be rendering correctly

I have an issue where a .net core input tag helper does not appear to be rendering correctly.
<input id="FullName" type="text" class="standard-textbox" asp-for="Contact.FullName" data-validation-required="#Html.Raw(Contact.FullNameValidationErrorMessage.Trim())" placeholder="#Contact.FullNameLabel.Trim()" required />
This is being rendered as:
<input id="FullName" type="text" class="standard-textbox" asp-for="Contact.FullName" data-validation-required="Please enter your name so we know who we're talking to." placeholder="Your full name" required="" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="FullName-error">
You will note the asp-for helper is not being re-rendered as a "name" attribute.
On another site, which uses essentially the same form, the input field is rendered correctly with asp-for being changed to name.
Figured it out!
The Views/_ViewImports.cshtml file was missing the following line:
#addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
Adding this line to the file fixed this issue.