Vuetify Unable to locate target when using attach on v-autocomplete - vue.js

I want to use autocomplete from Vuetify and I am facing issues there because on my website I have one of the outer divs position: relative the dropdown part of the autocompelete, which is position: absolute, is attaching itself not to the bottom of the input but in random place.
Autocomplete has a prop attach which Specifies which DOM element that this component should detach to. Use either a CSS selector string or an object reference to the element. so I thought I use that and set it to class of my input.
And this works but it causes warning in the console
[Vuetify] Unable to locate target v-autocomplete
found in
---> <VMenu>
Here the link where I reproduced the console warning.

If you are not using v-app component in App.vue, make sure to add data-app attribute to the div with the id app in App.vue.
The result will be like the following:
<div id="app" data-app>
.... All components, routers, views here ...

This worked for me:
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-card-title class="headline font-weight-regular blue-grey white--text">Profile</v-card-title>
<v-subheader class="pa-0">Where do you live?</v-subheader>
:hint="!isEditing ? 'Click the icon to edit' : 'Click the icon to save'"
:label="`State — ${isEditing ? 'Editable' : 'Readonly'}`"
<template v-slot:append-outer>
<div id="attach"></div>
:color="isEditing ? 'success' : 'info'"
#click="isEditing = !isEditing"
v-text="isEditing ? 'mdi-check-outline' : 'mdi-circle-edit-outline'"


How to use v-item-group when using vue.components - Vuetify

I'm trying to create a group of selectable items using Vuetify.
Nevertheless, it is not working because inside the template I'm using a Vue.component called fm-card.
When you use a Vue.component you have to use #click.native instead of #click.
<v-item-group active-class="primary">
<v-row justify="center">
v-for="item in items"
<v-item v-slot="{ active, toggle }">
class="fm-card d-flex align-center"
:color="active ? 'primary' : ''"
{{`hola soy el ${toggle}`}}
<div v-if="active" class="text-h2 flex-grow-1 text-center">
I have tried to use #click and #click.native but it seems that nothing is happening
First of all why don't you put your <fm-card> as an "real" component and reference it in your parent and pass all of your values you are using in there with it?
Like this
<fm-card :value1="value1" :value2="value2"/>
than you can put your complete code in this component - it's making your code much more clearer.
And than I think you don't need to use #click.native any more... #click should be enough, but than check that you have a semicolon after your toggle; - you have to delete this!
Than you can go to your methods and work with your click event like this:
methods: {
toggle() {
//your code in here
Hopefully this helps you out! Pls let me know!

How to use router-link in vue js?

I am a beginner to laravel-vue and I have a problem with router-link when I get data from the database to view, all things work correctly, but when I set the path to router link, it does not work.
The error is like:
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop “to”. Expected String, Object, got Undefined found in ---> RouterLink
Here is my template code:-
<v-card-title primary-title>
<h3 class="headline mb-0">
<router-link :to="data.path">{{data.title}}</router-link>
<div class="grey--text">
This is my script:-
export default {
This is the form template view that I read questions inside it:-
<v-container fluid grid-list-md>
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs8>
<question v-for="question in questions"
And this is forum script:-
import question from './question'
export default {
.then(res=> this.questions =
Hello is says its expcting a string or an object ,, but it received an undefinded .
how to debug this ?
you should go back in steps
1. check the item you accessing maybe console log it : here it looks fine :to="data.path" but data could be empty or undefined
2 . check the prop for changes :it didnt change
3 . check prop passing :data=question aha !: here is the problem i think you are missing quotes here
it should be :data="question"
<question v-for="question in questions"
4. this would be where you check your request ... so always check your data with console log , how it is formatted what it contains and then use it ,, if its alright than you probably have soime syntax issue

How to add v-tooltip for v-combobox? issues

I have added code for v-tooltip but it doesn't display when I hover the combobox , do you see mistakes or in the order of the code, let me know, please.Thanks .
<v-tooltip top>
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
label="Choose videos"
<span>Left tooltip aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</span>
When I hover the combobox , nothing happens
You're not applying the activator slot attributes.
Secondly, the combo box creates a parent element that wraps the input that the activator attributes bind to.
This breaks the tooltip, causing it to only trigger when the box input is clicked on.
What you need to do is also wrap your combo box in a div and apply the activator to the div like this:
<v-tooltip top>
<template #activator="{on, attrs}">
<div multiple v-on="on">
label="Choose videos"
<span>Left tooltip aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</span>
This same fix also applies to other Vuetify elements such as v-select which also create their own parent elements.

Nuxt/Vuetify v-autocomplete menu not showing when user type input by auto focus

i am using v-autocomplete with autofocus.
<template v-slot:item="data">
<v-btn block depressed :to="`/stock/${data.item.symbol}/`">
<v-list-item-title v-html="data.item.symbol"></v-list-item-title>
<v-list-item-subtitle v-html=""></v-list-item-subtitle>
the autocomplete work correctly when user click on it and then type the input:
but when user type the input without clicking on v-autocomplete, v-menu does not appear :
however relative events emitted as expected and items are filtered.
surprisingly i tried the same code in vue (not nuxt) and it works properly!
I think you can use :
like question below:

Meaning of v-slot:activator="{ on }"

Looking at the Vuetify example code for v-toolbar, what is the purpose of v-slot:activator="{ on }"? For example:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<v-toolbar-title v-on="on">
<v-icon dark>arrow_drop_down</v-icon>
export default {
data: () => ({
items: [
'All', 'Family', 'Friends', 'Coworkers'
As far as I can see, on is not a defined variable anywhere, so I don't see how this is working. When I try it in my project, Internet Explorer throws an error on the <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">, but if I remove it, the page renders.
You're likely referring to this example:
<v-toolbar color="grey darken-1" dark>
<v-menu :nudge-width="100">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<v-toolbar-title v-on="on">
<v-icon dark>arrow_drop_down</v-icon>
The following line declares a scoped slot named activator, and it is provided a scope object (from VMenu), which contains a property named on:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
This uses destructuring syntax on the scope object, which IE does not support.
For IE, you'd have to dereference on from the scope object itself:
<template v-slot:activator="scope">
<v-toolbar-title v-on="scope.on">
But the ideal solution IMO is to use a Vue CLI generated project, which includes a Babel preset (#vue/babel-preset-app) to automatically include the transforms/polyfills needed for the target browsers. In this case, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring would be automatically applied during the build.
Details on the activator slot
VMenu allows users to specify a slotted template named activator, containing component(s) that activate/open the menu upon certain events (e.g., click). VMenu provides listeners for those events via an object, passed to the activator slot:
<template v-slot:activator="scopeDataFromVMenu">
<!-- slot content goes here -->
The slot content can access VMenu's event listeners like this:
<template v-slot:activator="scopeDataFromVMenu">
<button v-on="scopeDataFromVMenu.on">Click</button>
For improved readability, the scoped data can also be destructured in the template:
<!-- equivalent to above -->
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<button v-on="on">Click</button>
The listeners from the scope object are passed to the <button> with v-on's object syntax, which binds one or more event/listener pairs to the element. For this value of on:
click: activatorClickHandler // activatorClickHandler is an internal VMenu mixin
...the button's click handler is bound to a VMenu method.
I think the original question is about understanding the "on" object. It is best explained here:
Essentially "on" is a prop passed in from the activator. What v-on="on" does is bind that on prop to the component. "on" itself is all of the event listeners passed from the activator.
To call out a readability tip, it's possible to use this syntax:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on: activationEvents }">
<v-btn v-on="activationEvents">
I like turtles 🐢
In my brain this has a more fluent readability than v-on="on", which to me is like observing a conversation consisting solely of:
Person 1: "Hey"
Person 2: "Yep"
Understand? ;)
By the way, activationEvents could be any alias, like "slotEvents", "listeners", "anyOldEvent", or whatever makes more sense to the reader as a renaming of the mysterious on.
Run the below code,you will know what is 'attrs' an 'on' in v-menu.
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<div v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">
v-menu slot activator:
<br />
attrs == {{ JSON.stringify(attrs) }}
<br />
on == {{ '{' + Object.keys(on).map(k => k + " : " + on[k]).join(',') + '}' }}
v-menu slot activator:
attrs == {"role":"button","aria-haspopup":true,"aria-expanded":"false"}
on == {
click:function (e) {if (_this.openOnClick) {onClick && onClick(e);}_this.absoluteX = e.clientX;_this.absoluteY = e.clientY;},
keydown:function () { [native code] }
<div v-bind="attrs" v-on="on"> equals
v-on="{click:function (e) {/*implement by v-menu*/},keydown:function () {/*implement by v-menu*/}}"
Starting in vue 2.4.0+, v-on also supports binding to an object of event/listener pairs without an argument. Note when using the object syntax, it does not support any modifiers.
<!-- v-on's object syntax (vue 2.4.0+) -->
<button v-on="{ mousedown: doThis, mouseup: doThat }"></button>
About <template> tags in Internet Explorer throws an error :
as vuetify docs say:
Template caveat
Due to Internet Explorer’s limited support for <template> tags, you must send fully compiled dom elements to the browser. This can be done by either building your Vue code in advance or by creating helper components to replace the dom elements. For instance, if sent directly to IE, this will fail:
<!-- Vue Component -->
<template v-slot:items="props">
<td>{‌{ }‌}</td>