LIKE statement to compare strings with hyphen - sql

I am working in SQL and I have 3 columns Current Name, Given Full Name and Whether the names match (Y or No)
The problem with that is that when I am comparing the strings in the first 2 columns, it is not showing me the current result. For example, I am not finding a way to prove that 'Tushar Sharma' is same as 'Tushar-Sharma' considering that Tushar Sharma is the current full name and Tushar-Sharma is the name that has been extracted from a report.
I am stuck at the LIKE statement as to what to do if I want to have hyphen(-) included in the comparison so that I get a Y in the 3rd column.
Thank you

One option is to remove the hyphen for the comparison:
select (case when replace(given_name, '-', '') = replace(full_name, '-', '') then 'Y' else 'N' end) as names_match
You can use replace() with like as well:
select (case when replace(given_name, '-', '') like '%' + replace(full_name, '-', '') '%' then 'Y' else 'N' end) as names_match

Replace - with whitespace and compare, you can also use regex or fuzzy matching to improve the match for other conditions.
AND REPLACE(CurrentName, '-', ' ') = REPLACE(GivenName, '-', ' ');
AND REPLACE('Tushar Sharma', '-', ' ') = REPLACE('Tushar-Sharma', '-', ' ')
will eval to
AND 'Tushar Sharma' = 'Tushar Sharma'

this will work:
select currentname,givenfullname,case when regexp_replace(currentname,' ','') like
regexp_replace(givenfullname,' ','') the 'Y' else 'N' end as matchstatus from


Separate fullname into first and last, and remove 'junk'

Wasn't sure of the best way to word this. So I have a column with names, as below:
Undefined - 0
Sam Brett-sbrett
Kelly Roberts-kroberts
Michael Paramore-mparamore
Alivia Lawler-alawler
Ryan Hooker-rhooker
Heather Alford-halford
Cassandra Blegen-cblegen
JD Holland-jholland
Vendor Accounts-VENDOR
Other Accounts-OTHER
Getting the names separated is easy enough with PARSENAME and REPLACE functions, but where I'm running into a pickle is with getting rid of the 'junk' at the end:
SELECT SalesPerson_Key
WHEN PARSENAME(REPLACE(SalesPerson_Name, ' ', '.'), 2) IS NULL
THEN PARSENAME(REPLACE(SalesPerson_Name, ' ', '.'), 1)
ELSE PARSENAME(REPLACE(SalesPerson_Name, ' ', '.'), 2)
END AS FirstName
WHEN PARSENAME(REPLACE(SalesPerson_Name, ' ', '.'), 2) IS NULL
ELSE PARSENAME(REPLACE(SalesPerson_Name, ' ', '.'), 1)
END AS LastName
FROM Salesperson
Specifically, I want to get rid of the text (userid) at the end of the last name. If the names were the same length, I could just use a RIGHT function, but they vary in length. Ideas?
select left(PARSENAME(REPLACE(SalesPerson_Name, ' ', '.'), 1), len(SalesPerson_Name)-CHARINDEX('-',SalesPerson_Name)-1)
You are getting charindex of - and taking the left string of it.
If you just want to remove the last word (username) you can use a query like this
from Salesperson
The charindex function locates the occurrence of the character/s you are looking for.
Consider whether hyphen is followed by a space or not, and split depending on these two cases
with Salesperson( SalesPerson_Name ) as
select 'Undefined - 0' union all
select 'Sam Brett-sbrett' union all
select 'Kelly Roberts-kroberts' union all
select 'Michael Paramore-mparamore' union all
select 'Alivia Lawler-alawler'
select case when substring(SalesPerson_Name,charindex(' ',SalesPerson_Name)+1,1) = '-' then
substring(SalesPerson_Name,charindex(' ',SalesPerson_Name)+3,len(SalesPerson_Name))
substring(SalesPerson_Name,charindex(' ',SalesPerson_Name)+1,len(SalesPerson_Name))
end as last_name
from Salesperson s;

Parsing Name Field in SQL

I am trying to separate a name field into the appropriate fields. The name field is not consistently the same. It can show up as Doe III,John w or Doe,John, or Doe III,John, or Doe,John W or it may be lacking the suffix and or middle initial. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
CASE LEN(REPLACE(FirstName, ' ', ''))
WHEN LEN(FirstName + ' ') - 1
THEN PARSENAME(REPLACE(FirstName, ' ', '.'), 2)
ELSE PARSENAME(REPLACE(FirstName, ' ', '.'), 3)
) AS LastName
CASE LEN(REPLACE(FirstName, ' ', ''))
WHEN LEN(FirstName + ',') - 1
ELSE PARSENAME(REPLACE(FirstName, ' ', '.'), 2)
) AS Suffix
,PARSENAME(REPLACE(FirstName, ' ', '.'), 1) AS FirstName
FROM Trusts.dbo.tblMember
I need the name regardless of the format, as stated above, to parse into the appropriate fields of LastName,Suffix,FirstName,MiddleInitial, regardless of whether it has a suffix or a middle initial
If the given 4 names are the only type of cases, then you can use something like below.
Note: I used a CTE table tbl2 to separate comma_pos,first_space,second_space for better understanding in the main query. You can replace these value in main query with their corresponding function in CTE, to make the main query faster. I mean replace comma_pos in main query with charindex(',',name) an so on.
Also I am assuming that there are no leading/trailing or extra whitespaces or any junk character in name column. If you have, then sanitize your data first before proceeding.
Rexter Sample
with tbl2 as (
select tbl.*,
charindex(',',name) as comma_pos,
charindex(' ',name,1) first_space,
charindex(' ',name,charindex(' ',name,1)+1) second_space
from tbl)
,case when second_space <> 0
then substring(name,comma_pos+1,second_space-comma_pos-1)
when first_space > comma_pos
then substring(name,comma_pos+1,first_space-comma_pos-1)
else substring(name,comma_pos+1,len(name)-comma_pos)
end as first_name
,case when second_space <> 0
then substring(name,second_space+1,len(name)-second_space)
when first_space > comma_pos
then substring(name,first_space+1,len(name)-first_space)
end as middle_name
,case when first_space=0 or first_space>comma_pos
then substring(name,1,comma_pos-1)
else substring(name,1,first_space-1)
end as last_name
,case when first_space=0 or first_space>comma_pos
then null
else substring(name,first_space,comma_pos-first_space)
end as suffix
from tbl2;

Removing spaces in complex names

I am trying to insert complex names like Juan Carlos but I want to remove all the spaces except the one between Juan and Carlos. Lets use # as space to see spaces better.
When inserting I have tried RTRIM(LTRIM(#Name)) however It seems not to work, I tried to insert ###Jua#Car### but when I select the field with DATALENGTH([Name]) I get the lenght of 14.
As I see that string I can count 13 characters, not 14.
1. What is the character I cannot count?
2. How can I end up getting Juan#Carlos removing all the spaces if LTRIM and RTRIM does not work?
Update with more info:
The column datatype is nvarchar(100)
I just tried REPLACE([Name], ' ','') and the lenght i get is 12
You can trim non-alphanumeric characters using a somewhat complicated method:
select t2.name2
from t outer apply
(select (case when name like '%[a-zA-Z0-9]%'
then stuff(, 1, patindex(, '%[a-zA-Z0-9]%'), '')
else ''
end) as name1
) t1 outer apply
(select (case when name1 like '%[a-zA-Z0-9]%'
then left(t1.name1,
len(t1.name1) - patindex(reverse(, '%[a-zA-Z0-9.]%')
else ''
end) as name2
) t2
Try to use in following, select separately FirstName, LastName and concat them with space:
DECLARE #FullName VARCHAR(MAX) = ' Juan Carlos '
CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#FullName)))) - 1) )) AS [Len]
It returning len = 11

SQL variable length numeric string

This query converts bc_int_phone to just numeric characters eliminating - and '' characters. Say the numbers obtained need not have the same starting numeric. Say I'm searching for 123-456-7890 but this could be of the form 999 123-456-7890.. How do I incorporate the like %(bc_phone_number)% in this code to incorporate this case?
ca.callingpartynumber, ca.originalcalledpartynumber, ca.duration,
ca.duration_text, ca.finalcalledpartynumber,
when calledpartylastname is not null
then ca.calledpartylastname + ',' + calledpartyfirstname
end as calledpartyname,
p1.location, p1.dept, p1.title,
when callingpartylastname is not null
then ca.callingpartylastname + ',' + callingpartyfirstname
end as callingpartyname
calldata.calldetailreport ca
ps_bc_peoplesource_base p1 on ca.originalcalledpartynumber like replace(p1.bc_int_phone, '-', '')
left outer join
ps_bc_peoplesource_base p3 on ca.callingpartynumber like replace(p3.bc_int_phone, '-', '')
callingpartynumber in (select replace(bc_int_phone, '-', '') internal_modified
from ps_bc_peoplesource_base
where bc_lan_id like 'f7c')
try like ca.originalcalledpartynumber like '%'||replace(p1.bc_int_phone, '-', '')||'%'
|| is the concatenation operator for strings in oracle.
USe + if you are using SQL Server.

concatenate two database columns into one resultset column

I use the following SQL to concatenate several database columns from one table into one column in the result set:
SELECT (field1 + '' + field2 + '' + field3) FROM table1
When one of the fields is null I got null result for the whole concatenation expression. How can I overcome this?
The database is MS SQL Server 2008. By the way, is this the best way to concatenate database columns? Is there any standard SQL doing this?
The SQL standard way of doing this would be:
SELECT COALESCE(field1, '') || COALESCE(field2, '') || COALESCE(field3, '') FROM table1
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('hello', null, 'world');
SELECT COALESCE(field1, '') || COALESCE(field2, '') || COALESCE(field3, '') FROM table1;
If you were using SQL 2012 or above you could use the CONCAT function:
SELECT CONCAT(field1, field2, field3) FROM table1
NULL fields won't break your concatenation.
#bummi - Thanks for the comment - edited my answer to correspond to it.
Normal behaviour with NULL is that any operation including a NULL yields a NULL...
- 9 * NULL = NULL
- NULL + '' = NULL
- etc
To overcome this use ISNULL or COALESCE to replace any instances of NULL with something else..
SELECT (ISNULL(field1,'') + '' + ISNULL(field2,'') + '' + ISNULL(field3,'')) FROM table1
If you are having a problem with NULL values, use the COALESCE function to replace the NULL with the value of your choice. Your query would then look like this:
SELECT (COALESCE(field1, '') + '' + COALESCE(field2, '') + '' + COALESCE(field3,'')) FROM table1
Use ISNULL to overcome it.
SELECT (ISNULL(field1, '') + '' + ISNULL(field2, '')+ '' + ISNULL(field3, '')) FROM table1
This will then replace your NULL content with an empty string which will preserve the concatentation operation from evaluating as an overall NULL result.
If both Column are numeric Then Use This code
Just Cast Column As Varchar(Size)
Select (Cast(Col1 as Varchar(20)) + '-' + Cast(Col2 as Varchar(20))) As Col3 from Table
Just Cast Column As Varchar(Size)
If both Column are numeric then use code below.
Select (Cast(Col1 as Varchar(20)) + '-' + Cast(Col2 as Varchar(20))) As Col3 from Table
What will be the size of col3 it will be 40 or something else