how to fix this please - sql

I Created the db with phpmyadmin and created 8 columns i forgot to create date column i tried to create it with this code and i got this
ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "cdate" DATE
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use
near '"users" ADD "cdate" DATE' at line 1

You can Use phpmyadmin to add a new column without any code
Or Use this :
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `cdate` DATE
You should use this ` not this "

you can add columns to existing table using phpmyadmin
below the table structure you can find add [num] columns
and since you asked
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `cdate` DATE

Read about this in the documentation
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name column_definition

you dont need any qoute
Backticks are to be used for table and column identifiers, but are only necessary when the identifier is a reserve word of mysql



In Tableau, I'm trying to add a column through Alter Table in a custom SQL
It looks like this:
ALTER TABLE (SELECT [W$].[W], [W$].[SDate], [W$].[EDate], [Date E$].[Date]
FROM [W$],[Date E$]
WHERE [Date E$].[Date]
BETWEEN [W$].[SDate] AND [W$].[EDate])
ADD [Type] string NOT NULL DEFAULT "P1"
But I get an error saying Syntax Error in FROM clause.
I also get this error if I use ALTER TABLE [Date E$]
ADD [Type] string NOT NULL DEFAULT "P1"
error message:
Database error 0x80040E14: Syntax error in FROM clause.
; The query: SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ( ALTER TABLE [Date E$]
ADD [Type] string NOT NULL DEFAULT "P1" ) [TableauSQL]
This is my first time using Alter Table so I'm not sure where the FROM clause is being used, or if I'm doing this incorrectly. I'm following the instructions I found here:
Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server
Is it possible that Tableau doesn't allow Alter Table to be used when creating a Custom SQL?
I am using Tableau Desktop 2018.1.2
Tableau custom SQL will not allow DDL statements such as Alter table. It creates a read-only connection to the database.
You might be able to do this using the initial sql function that is available when you setup your connection. Really Tableau is the wrong tool for this. If you want to alter tables you should use a SQL client thats appropriate for your database.

Google BigQuery: how to create a new column with SQL

I would like to add an column to an already existing table without using legacy SQL.
The basic SQL syntax for this is:
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatype;
I formatted the query for Google BigQuery:
ALTER TABLE `projectID.datasetID.fooTable`
ADD (barColumn date);
But than the syntax is incorrect with this error:
Error: Syntax error: Expected "." or keyword SET but got identifier "ADD" at [1:63]
So how do I format the SQL properly for Google BigQuery?
Support for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN was released on 2020-10-14 per BigQuery Release Notes.
So the statement as originally proposed should now work with minimal modification:
ALTER TABLE `projectID.datasetID.fooTable`
BigQuery does not support ALTER TABLE or other DDL statements, but you could consider submitting a feature request. For now, you either need to open in the table in the BigQuery UI and then add the column with the "Add New Field" button, or if you are using the API, you can use tables.update.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_dataset.my_new_table
SELECT a,b,c,
"my_string" AS d, current_timestamp() as timestamp
FROM my_dataset.my_old_table
1,2,3,my_string,2020-04-22 17:09:42.987987 UTC
2,3,4,my_string,2020-04-22 17:09:42.987987 UTC
a: integer
b: integer
c: integer
d: string
timestamp: timestamp
I hope all is clear :)
With this you can easily add new columns to an existing table, and also specify the data types. After that you can delete the old table, if necessary. :)

Oracle add a virtual column which adds years

I'm trying to add a virtual column of date type which adds five years to another date column:
DateVente date NOT NULL,
DateFinGarantie date As(ADD_MONTHS(DateVente, 60))
But I get the error: "%s: invalid identifier". Perhaps I can't use the ADD_MONTHS function in an ALTER TABLE. What can I do to accomplish what I want to do?
Although you can define a virtual column in a create table statement, where you are obviously creating it at the same time as the column it is based on, you can't define both in the same alter table statement. You have to do it in two steps:
ALTER TABLE AU_Ventes ADD DateVente date NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE AU_Ventes ADD DateFinGarantie date
As(ADD_MONTHS(DateVente, 60));
Not sure that's an intentional restriction, but it's how it works.
Trivial SQL Fiddle to show this working.

Changing the data type "varchar'' of a column to "DATE" in SQL/ORACLE

I have a table in a database created in oracle 10G. It contains a column of type 'VARCHAR' and stores date as string in this format-> 'dd-mon-yyyy' eg: '12-aug-2008'. Now I want to change the datatype of this column from VARCHAR to DATE. but when i perfrom this query->
ALTER TABLE sales_order
MODIFY COLUMN delivery_date DATE;
I get following error
ORA-00905: missing keyword
I have also tried :
ALTER TABLE sales_order
ALTER COLUMN delivery_date DATE;
I got the error :
ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option
However when i try to add a fresh column with DATE datatype it works fine.
example :
ALTER TABLE sales_order
ADD delivery DATE;
So, can anybody suggest me a way to change the datatype without deleting the column and its data.
It's the first one, with a slight modification:
ALTER TABLE sales_order MODIFY (delivery_date DATE);
But I'm not sure that will work for those particular datatypes and it also may not work depending on the current data.
You may find it necessary in that case to:
create a new column X of date type.
populate X based on the old column (may need several passes of data fix-ups to work).
delete old column.
rename X to old column name.
Although its a pretty old question, I'll put my solution here for people seeking for a solution:
Here's my solution and it works perfectly.
ALTER TABLE `sales_order` CHANGE `delivery_date` `delivery_date` DATE;
Thank you
modify a column then syntax is:-
alter table table_name modify column_name datatype;
but when you modify the column datatype column must be empty
Thanks for the hints! This got it for me.
alter table Table_Name
Alter column Column_Name datatype
I too was needing to change from a VARCHAR to a date. I am working in SQL 2008 R2. I have found that if I bring in dates as a char or varchar and then change the type to date or datetime, I can catch time/date problems more easily.
THIS STATEMENT WILL FAIL IF YOUR DATA HAS ANY BAD DATES. (I break the date down into sections to find the bad date so I can correct and then I can alter the column type.)
Alternatively, you could create a new column, in which the data type is DATE. then pass the data in your varchar as a date .then drop your initial column and finally rename your new column to what it was initially...code below.
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD (new_col DATE);
UPDATE my_table SET new_col=TO_DATE(old_col,'MM/DD/YYYY');
ALTER TABLE my_table DROP (old_col);
ALTER TABLE my_table RENAME COLUMN new_col TO old_col;
alter table employee add (DOB varchar(10));
if you add a column with datatype varchar and if you want to modify the datatype of DOB then you can use this command ->
alter table employee modify(DOB date);
Now the table is modified.

SQL server 2005 query not running

Before posting this question, I have tried so many things but that was not helpful for me.
I want to rename the column of table at sql server 2005, following query I have run at sql server2005:
AccountID TO UID; but it gives me the
error: Incorrect syntax near the
keyword 'COLUMN'.
2)I have added one new column in the
table by query: ALTER TABLE Details
ADD BID uniqueidentifier; and then I
want to set the coulmn property to not
null .
How can i do that?
Thanks in advance
Use sp_Rename 'TableName.Column', 'NewColumnName', 'COLUMN'.
In order to do your second part of the question, you'll need to do:
If you don't want to specify a default value, you'll have to first create the column with NULL. Once the column is created, you can then populate with your desired values and then re-alter the column to NOT NULL.
1) Instead of using ALTER TABLE, why not use sp_rename? For example:
EXEC sp_rename 'Details.[AccountID]', 'title', 'UID'
2) You can use ALTER TABLE Details ALTER COLUMN BID NOT NULL, but you'll probably want to specify a default value for it also, if the table already has data in it.