Where are built in scripts for identifying popular web applications? - bro

I am investigating bro as a DPI solution to identify popular web applications (something like nDPI). I can identify that conn.log is analogous to netflow.
In the official documentation, it has been said that
In addition to the logs, Bro comes with built-in functionality for a range of analysis and detection tasks,... identifying popular web applicatios...
So I was looking at bro source code and examples, but I could not find any default log which identifies popular web application flows.
I ultimately want, conn.log or similar log to contain "a popular web application service" under service tag.
It would be great if someone points me to the built in script to identify popular webapps and concerned logs.
Thanks in advance!

This comment in the docs refers to these policies/sigs, Sachin:
These are fairly dated (except for the recent Zeek renaming and compatibility updates).


Connecting internal APIs

I am looking for a software that can within defined timeframe request one endpoint in the system and provide its output to another one. I am dealing with internal endpoints, that is why 3rd party SaaS are not an option.
Things that I need it to do is
It should be configurable on the run (preferably through HTTP API)
It should request one endpoint and feed the output to another one
It should let to configure time frame
It should accept various authentication methods (for both sides)
Preferably support by community and opensource
Preferably free to use
I made quite extensive research on the internet withing last two days but was able to find only SaaS that provides that. I also asked my collegues at work but they could not suggest me anything useful. I am sure there is already something exists, it just me who could not find it.
After searching for me and looking for various DevOps tools, I discovered that such class of software is refereed as job Schedulers or Workload Automation. Most of the solutions are rather complex commercial system that provides not only such functionality. However there are some open source solutions available as well.
List of available software (it is not complete):

How to create a Web Intent service for my own site?

Twitter offers 'web intents' that are an alternative to OAuth access to their API. Basically, this provides a less feature rich experience, but can still be quite handy. User clicks on 3rd parts websites can create popup windows that check whether the user is logged in to twitter and if they are, allows them to us some Twitter features such as tweeting, retweeting, or following users.
My question is, how could I go about implementing an API like this? Are there tutorials or libraries? I'm not sure what technologie(s) power web intents or where I should start searching.
You can read more about web intents at webintents.org and read the W3C's draft spec. As far as I know, web intents are still somewhat of a new beast on the web and they have not been standardized.
Still, you may want to read this blog which contains a few examples of registering web intents and check out Paul Kinlan's git repo https://github.com/PaulKinlan/WebIntents
Hope that helps you get started.

Can you run your own reCaptcha service, in your own web app?

Is the backend used by reCaptcha open source? Is it a simple web app that can be deployed in a given container?
It's a web service. It is supplied by a third party.
You can integrate it into your application, but as far as the source code goes, no. Its value is not in the source code but in the images that are supplied. They're not randomly generated but come from books from those parts an OCR system failed to process. So by solving reCaptcha people are actually helping scan books. Somebody takes care of the scanning process and supplied a constant flow of new challenges. Hard to beat.
Running reCaptcha on your own server would be very cumbersome, as it requires a constant supply of image data (scanned books) to work. Also it would kind of beat a part of the purpose, that is digitizing books for the common good. Besides, I don't think it's even available.
This should be able to answer all of your questions for you: recaptcha

Are there any Tools to Automate Migration from a Website to Amazon Webstore?

we have a current website which shows the product, shopping cart and the whole shebang. and we're trying to migrate to Amazon web store, not the Cloud computing architecture type but the basic html web store method.
And based on the tools that i see is available on amazon web store, there seems to be a lot of html editing, excel file editing, etc.
i can see some of the process there which might get automated via perl scripting etc, but it still leaves a lot of work to be done.
So i was wondering if there's anybody else who has done this before and know of a better way to automate or setup a process so any future work can be hugely reduced down to as much automation as possible.
In case somebody is as lost as i am i was able to find some links on best practices, and found out that there's actually a Amazon seller desktop and AMTU tool which can use xml or soap to handle some automation on the inventory management part.
Amazon offers API for automated integration (although not all Webstore features are supported through these APIs).
The Marketplace Web Services API (mws.amazon.com) is well documented, and example client libraries are provided for Java, C# and PHP. For feed and report formats, you should refer to Seller Central Help pages for all formats, or to http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/tutorials/SOA-GuideToXML.pdf for more detailed documentation about XML formats.
For a higher level picture, www.amazonservices.com is a good start.

JIRA SOAP API : link an issue to another

I'm working on a tool in C# that interfaces the JIRA SOAP API. I have read the documentation but I can't find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know if it is possible to link an issue to another one via this api?
PS : Actually, my real need is to convert an issue as a subtask of an issue...
Last time I looked, JIRA's web service wasn't really actively supported or encouraged by Atlassian. It's very much a second-class citizen compared to the web front end, with very basic operations.
Also, it's not a WSI-compliant web service (it's an old Axis-based RPC_encoded service), and so modern web service stacks won't even bind to it. You might want check that your client can perform basic query operations before diving into the depths of the API.
You can actually go pretty far with Jelly scripts, but converting an issue to a subtask then linking it as a subtask... I'm not positive that you can go that far.