How to update slider values? - dojo

I'd like to update valuemax value on a slider that people can only choose a value from 1 to 3, not to 5 like it is now. I have 'inspect the element' on the page, and got something like this:
<div dojoattachpoint="sliderHandle,focusNode" class="dijitSliderImageHandle dijitSliderImageHandleH" dojoattachevent="onmousedown:_onHandleClick" wairole="slider" valuemin="1" valuemax="5" role="slider" aria-valuenow="3" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="years_label" aria-valuemin="1" aria-valuemax="5" style="position: absolute;"></div>
I'm trying to find file/place on where that value can be updated in the code, however I'm not able to figure it out.

Assuming you have access to the source code for this application, change the javascript code that creates this slider widget.
You're looking at the DOM for the page in your example. You can use the minimum and maximum properties, which translates to some of the values you see in the DOM. See the Dojo dijit/form/Slider documentation (takes you to 1.6 since it looks like you're using an older version of dojo because of the use of dojoattachpoint, those names changed in later versions of Dojo).
If you're not sure what class or widget this is in the source, look for the id element further up in the dom. Often that will have the package and class name as part of the id. Looking at the developer tools to see what files were loaded on the networking tab might give you a clue, if the application hasn't gone through any customer build or packaging to optimize it.


UI Automation - Elements on my UI have ember ids , which change frequently with addition of new UI elements. How to use the id for automation?

Example of the HTML of a dropdown element:
<div aria-owns="ember-basic-dropdown-content-ember1234" tabindex="0" data-ebd-id="ember1234-trigger" role="button" id="ember1235" class="ember-power-select-trigger ember-basic-dropdown-trigger ember-view"> <!---->
<span class="ember-power-select-status-icon"></span>
The xpath and CSS selector also contain the same ember id.
xpath : //*[#id="ember1235"]
css selector : #ember1235
The ember id would change from id="ember1235" to say, id="ember1265" when there is a change in the UI.
I am using id to locate the element. But every time it changes I need to modify the code. Is there any other attribute I could use for Ember JS UI elements?
There is quite a lot to discuss in your question but hopefully we will have a good answer for you #PriyaK
The first thing to mention is that Ember IDs may not be the best method to select an element in the DOM. As you have already mentioned, they can change from time to time and also it doesn't really give you a great semantic thing to select in your selenium test so it might seem a bit out of context when looking back.
One thing that you could try is to either pass a class to the ember-power-select component (the one that provides the HTML that you used in your example) and use that to select the element, something like:
as |name|
Then you should be able to select the selected value by using the CSS selector .my-fancy-class span (because the component outputs the selected value in a span)
We just tried this in an example app but it didn't actually work 🤔 Never fear, you can also do something like this and it should work with the same selector as before:
<div class="my-fancy-class">
<PowerSelect as |name|>
This is fine, but there are also a few issues using classes for selectors in tests. One example of a problem that might crop up is that your tests might all suddenly stop working if you did a style refactor and changed or removed some of the classes on your elements. One technique that has become popular in the Ember community is to use data-test- attributes on your DOM nodes like this:
<div data-test-my-fancy-select>
as |name|
which can then be accessed by the following selector: [data-test-my-fancy-select] span. This is great for a few reasons! Firstly it separates the implementation of your application and tests from your styling and avoids the issue I described above. The second benefit of this method is that using what #Gokul suggested in the comments, the ember-test-selectors package, you can make use of these data-test- selectors in your development and test environments but they will be automatically removed from your production build. This is great to keep your DOM clean in production but also, depending on the size of your application, could save you a reasonable amount of size in your templates on aggregate.
I know you say that you are using selenium for your testing but it's also worth mentioning that if you're using the built-in Ember testing system you will be able to make use of some testing helpers that addons may provide you. ember-power-select is one of those addons that provides specific testing helpers and you can read more about it in their documentation:
I hope this answers any questions you had!
This question was answered as part of "May I Ask a Question" Season 3 Episode 1. If you would like to see us discuss this answer in full you can check out the video here:

How to insert vue component into contenteditable div

I want to create simple wysiwyg editor with vue. I have found only one real wysiwyg editor created on vue.js. Here it is __ (But I didn't find there ability to insert image). Others vue wysiwyg editors is only wrappers to tinymce or ckeditor etc.
I am planning to create SIMPLE vue-editor using base commands from example from mozilla developer site. Here it is .
At first I want to know how to insert vue components into contenteditable div. What I mean? For example, I want to create editor plugin which will insert image on toolbar icon click. Inserted image should be with attached events (click event), it could be resizable etc. The base idea to this I found in answer here , (author #AJT82 ). He gave me example of inserting vue-component (image) into contenteditable div. Here it is .
So, I have next questions.
User open empty editor and insert component into it. I need something to store to database.
1) What exactly should I store to database?
2) Stored text with images should be rendered somewhere at the site as article for viewing only. This means I should have generated html (for example, <img src="" />). How I will take it from inserted vue-component?
3) User can edit stored earlier code from editor. How to insert (inserted and stored to database earlier) vue-component again?
I am lost in this questions.
I made you an example showing how you can inject absolutely anything into any WYSIWYG component (except for really bad ones :)
Using your first choice of WYSIWYG editor, and probably the slickest of them all...
Here you can see how easy it is to inject a random cat image for example. You could pop up a dialog and ask for an image name, you could allow the user to upload an image, wait for a promise that returns the link, then insert that image via the returned link, or do even wilder things.
The component render is handled here:
<!-- Here is where we render the component and capture it's output... -->
<div ref="renderComponent" v-show="false">
<!-- Due to limitation of codepen, must not self-close -->
<component :is="renderThisComponent" v-bind="renderTheseProps">
Clicking "Insert Random Cat" will insert a random animated cat GIF from Cats As A Service.
Clicking Insert Quasar Components will let you select from a q-icon component, and an animated indeterminate progress circle. You can also add your own components. This works with absolutely any Vue component, but it will not update it once it's been rendered in your WYSIWYG editor, and it's plain HTML after that. I also used a ref render, which works but it's basic, to show you how easy it is to accomplish. I would instead upgrade this to a proxy component so it never has to get rendered into the DOM the first time or wait for a $nextTick.
You can also see you can inject tokens (although this came from the Quasar playground). It shows how you can inject vars you might have related to the current user/etc.
If you want, you can also allow users to build their own components, or allow user-created templates to be injected, you can also insert a Emoji list, or even #mentions, which can insert live-views into if that user is currently online, etc.
Since this functionality is both really powerful and easy to implement it in theory, I wrote a really ultra-tiny and bug-free template generator that you can extend to infinity (372 bytes). It's also safe for users, as it only uses function lists you pre-allow for your users.
Grab the source here and use it in your projects if you would like...

Identifying the same Web Elements with Selenium

I am an Automation Engineer, I am currently trying to create test cases for a webpage that are sustainable ( that I can run at a later time and have still pass)
Here is my problem:
I am trying to select multiple web buttons that have the same exact class name. Now I can 'select' these buttons but these are only temporary x paths that are subject to change.
I need UNIQUE ID's (or some way of distinguishing them) for the same web elements. The only difference in the x paths are:
HTML format code that I can find each button, however if one button is moved my tests will fail.
HTML code that is the class name + nth of the button. But again my tests will fail if a button is taken out of the webpage.
^^The above code is how I currently find each button with Selenium
If I copy each classes x path this is what I get
<div class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__dateControl___2nYAL"><a tabindex="0"><div class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__icon___2z6Ak null"></div><!-- react-text: 392 -->Set +<!-- /react-text --></a></div>
<div class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__dateControl___2nYAL"><a tabindex="0"><div class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__icon___2z6Ak null"></div><!-- react-text: 386 -->Set +<!-- /react-text --></a></div>
<div class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__dateControl___2nYAL"><a tabindex="0"><div class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__icon___2z6Ak null"></div><!-- react-text: 398 -->Set +<!-- /react-text --></a></div>
I have talked to the Development team about this issue however they tell me that assigning Unique ID's to these web elements is a big no-no. (something to do with globalization of the project when we go to production) Even if they did assign Unique Id's they tell me that they would have to strip them before the project can be sent to production. Which ultimately would render my tests useless in the end...
I now come to Stack Overflow for help, everything I look up online cannot give me an answer, however this does seem to be a valid question between QA and Development departments.
Is there a way to assign Id's to a web element so that a tester using selenium can identify them and yet it will not affect a Developers ability to use that element through an entire project?
With the framework that my company uses, I am not actually writing any code in selenium. I save the Xpath to an object and then later in a manual test call that object with a pre-existing method. I can ONLY select Xpaths to be saved in an object.
I'll talk to Dev later to have them explain the big 'no-no' so that I may be able to communicate that with all of you..Thank you for your time and input
For example:
BirthDateSet= someXpath
Click() using {BirthDateSet}
Here are some pictures to help give you a visual
You can simplify your XPathto make it less sensitive to possible changes in DOM:
//div[#class="src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__icon___2z6Ak null"][N] # Where N is button index
If this part 2z6Ak of class name is dinamically generated, try:
//div[starts-with(#class, "src-js-components-DateControl-___DateControl__icon___")][N] # Where N is button index
Another way of reaching to the required button using xpath is following:
//*[#id='tenant-details-accordion']/descendant::div[contains(#class, 'DateControl__icon')][1]
Above xpath should be able to select the first occurring button. Similarly, for the second occurring button, the xpath will become:
//*[#id='tenant-details-accordion']/descendant::div[contains(#class, 'DateControl__icon')][2]
Hence, you can continue to replace the predicate([2]) based on occurrence level of the required button on page.
you can ask devs to add attribute to those buttons
so instead of:
<button class="common_class_name">
<button class="common_class_name">
<button class="common_class_name">
for each button you will see
<button class="common_class_name" test-id="uniqueAttributeForButton1">
<button class="common_class_name" test-id="uniqueAttributeForButton2">
<button class="common_class_name" test-id="uniqueAttributeForButton3">
And in your tests you can find those buttons using css selector
e.g. C# code:
var buttonLocator = "[test-id=\"uniqueAttributeForButton1\"]";
WebElement button = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(buttonLocator));
if devs doesnt want to add unique IDs or attributes (it's weird why they don't want to do that) you could try something like this:
//return div class 'col-sm-4' which contain text 'Activation Date'
var parentDiv = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[contains(#class, 'col-sm-4') and contains(., 'Activation Date')]"));
//should return div with icon you want e.g. Click
var childElement = parentDiv.FindElement(By.CssSelector(".DateControl__icon"));
You can go with the nth approach to find your unique element or with another, that won't solve your real problem which is that your colleague developers aren't cooperating with you. The automated tests are supposed to be (among other things) a service for the developers to know they haven't broken anything as fast as possible, but if they aren't giving any effort, then WHY should you invest in it at all..?
They probably won't even look at the results. Especially when your locators are in the form of div[2]/div[3]... which would break very often and you'll lose their trust in the automation.
I'm no front-end expert but I've seen enterprise products in production with G10N and L10N and other long words, that have id's in their HTML, so if I were you I'd dig deeper to understand why? that big no-no, which sounds very odd to me...
So you asked the wrong question, it should be something like ~ How to add unique id's to the HTML using React in a global web application? and the ones who should be asking it are the developers.
As a side note, as many people tend to think, automation is not mainly about moving manual tests to automated it also finds "bugs" in the communication inside the company. To quote a great blog post on this subject:
Counter-intuitively, the bigger obstacles when developing automation
are either low priority bugs or even things that are not bugs
whatsoever. These obstacles can be symptoms of a bad design, bad
development practices and even symptoms of inefficient communication
patterns in the organization (that are usually caused by the
organizational structure! Conway’s law is a classic example for this).
Good luck!
Thanks for the code.. So if you look at your code, you can see that although what you're after have similar attributes, there are elements in the page that would allow you to identify what you're after. So let's say you want the SET link after Birth Date, then use:
//div[contains(text(),'Birth Date')]/div/a/div
So to reuse this xpath, just replace the text String.format("//div[contains(text(),'%s')]/div/a/div", labelName);
OLD: if you want to temporarily assign the elements an attribute, I believe you can do that through javascript element.setAttribute() which you can run through the executeScript() function.
Don't the buttons have text? Are you saying that the buttons swap places with one another? or don't you want to use the index of the buttons?
I understand you want to select the "Set +" buttons, correct?
If so you can try to find all buttons under the #id="tenant-details-accordion" element with a specific text like that:
//*[#id="tenant-details-accordion"]//*[text()='Set +']

How to find XPath of an ExtJS element with dynamic ID

All the elements in the application which i am testing have dynanic ID's . The test always passes when i replay it without refreshing the page but as soon as i refresh the page, The Test Fails because Id's of all the elements changes randomly and selenium cannot match the recorded id's with the new ones .
I tried to use Xpath-position, It works for some objects but in case of Dropdown list and Buttons, it dosent work!
Can anyone please tell me how to find the Xpath (Meathods in JAVA or S*elence*) of an object OR How to create a new Locator Finder for Dropdown list and Buttons
I can show the properties (Inspected by Firebug) of the dropdown which is teasing me.
properties of Dropdown :
<div id="ext-gen1345" class="x-trigger-index-0 x-form-trigger x-form-arrow-trigger x-form-trigger-last x-unselectable" role="button" style="-moz-user-select: none;"></div>
properties of Dropdown*Choice*:
<li class="x-boundlist-item" role="option">Rescue</li>
Please search before posting, I have been answering this over and over.
ExtJS pages are hard to test, especially on finding elements.
Here are some of the tips I consider useful:
Don't ever use dynamically generated IDs. like (:id, 'ext-gen1345')
Don't ever use absolute/meaningless XPath, like //*[#class='someclass']/li/ul/li[2]/ul/li[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div
Take advantage of meaningful auto-generated partial ids and class names. (So you need show more HTML in your example, as I can make suggestions.)
For example, this ExtJS grid example: (:css, '.x-grid-view .x-grid-table') would be handy. If there are multiple of grids, try index them or locate the identifiable ancestor, like (:css, '#something-meaningful .x-grid-view .x-grid-table'). In your case, (:css, '#something-meaningful .x-form-arrow-trigger')
Take advantage of button's text.
For example, this ExtJS example: you can use XPath .//li[contains(#class, 'x-boundlist-item') and text()='Rescue']. However, this method is not suitable for CSS Selector or multi-language applications.
The best way to test is to create meaningful class names in the source code. If you don't have the access to the source code, please talk to your manager, using Selenium against ExtJS application should really be a developer's job. ExtJS provides cls and tdCls for custom class names, so you can add cls:'testing-btn-foo' in your source code, and Selenium can get it by (:css, '.x-panel .testing-btn-foo').
Other answers I made on this topic:
How to find ExtJS elements with dynamic id
How to find unique selectors for elements on pages with ExtJS for use with Selenium?
How to click on elements in ExtJS using Selenium?
Using class names in Watir
how to click on checkboxes on a pop-up window which doesn't have name, label
I would suggest you build a xpath from any of the parent of your DIV. you may get messed if there is no immediate parent node has such one.
//*[#id='parentof div']/div
//*[#class='grand parent of div']/div/div
i did even something like this,
But still, its not encouraged to do so.

Selenium regex question

Im trying to automate the creation of a customer on the project im currently workin on, using selenium. (note, so far im only using selenium's own ide, not through java or anything else) The problem im having is that the panel i use to fill in the details is not recognised on playback of the script. This is because the panel gets a new id every time it is generated, and selenium is looking for the old one. I wanna know can i use regex somehow to match the pattern of the id instead of the actual id?
The ID looks something like this: P_0500A_72_4_P
its only the 4 that increments. and if a new browser session is started it resets to 72_0 and begins to increment again.
You have not mentioned what element the panel is. Assuming this to be a div, your html element should be something like given below
<div id="P_0500A_72_4_P">
<div id="P_0500A_72_5_P">
To identify the div use the following xpath:
This xpath will select the element which has P_0500A_72_ in its ID.