Can't run 'npm install' on a React-Native project - react-native

I am currently trying to run a simulation of a pre-built React Native project on my computer but I couldn't install NPM on the project. Every time I run 'npm install' on the root file of the project, I get the following error:
link to image --> <--
project directory --> <--
You can check out the error log here:
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling node and npm, but the problem still persists. I also tried updating pm2, but that doesn't work either. I do not have a very good understanding of how npm works, and honestly could not pin point where the actual problem is. Any help will be much appreciated!


ng-zorro Error: Module not found when trying to run project

I'm using ng-zorro v14.1.1 for my angular 14.2.7. But when I try to run my angular application, I got errors when building the project looking for modules from ng-zorro and identifying it as not found even though the files existed in the project.
Here's the full view of the error:
Additional detail of the project:
Angular Electron project
Angular 14.2.7
Electron 21.2.0
Thanks in advance for helping!
I tried removing node-modules and re-install ng-zorro-antd using ng add ng-zorro-antd, and even npm install ng-zorro-antd if it makes a difference but to no avail, I'm still having the issue. Thus, can't run the project.
I have solved my problem. What I did was to install the modules that are mentioned in the error:
I ran the commands:
npm i d3-zoom --> this command gives you hint on what to do next when you're trying to run the project after the installation is finished, and it instructed me to run the next command below:
npm i --save-dev #types/d3-zoom
npm i dagre-compound
npm i d3-shape

What causes the npm error {errno: -4094, code: 'UNKNOWN', syscall: 'readlink'}?

I have been happily building a next.js app over the last couple days without error. Today I installed the firebase npm and suddenly I am getting a strange error when I try to run "npm run dev?
ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3002
[Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, readlink 'C:\...\seo-site\.next\server\pages\_document.js'] {
errno: -4094,
code: 'UNKNOWN',
syscall: 'readlink',
path: 'C:\\...\\seo-site\\.next\\server\\pages\\_document.js'
Even if I uninstall firebase and roll the entire project back to a working build I still get the same error. If I try to run this "broken" build on another computer with the same version of node and npm it runs completely fine. I've tried running npm cache clean --force and npm install -g npm#latest --force several times without any luck.
I have noticed that as I change things I get the error with a different path. Sometimes it's \webpack-runtime.js sometimes its \errors.js and somethimes it's \pages\_document.js'
I cant find anything online or on stack overflow for an error matching this errno or syscall. Has anyone experienced this before or know what is causing this?
deleting the .next file and running npm run dev fixed the issue. I am not sure why this worked but I think it has something to do with next.js trying to use parts of a previous build when you make updates that are causing errors. deleting folder forces next to rebuild everything again.
I tried to go back directories from command line and then reentered into the workplace directory and tried npm run dev. Worked for me.
Right-click the project folder and from the menu choose "Open in integrated Terminal". Then try to run "npm run dev". If it still doesn't work, go back one folder with the command "cd .." and then go back again to the project folder with "cd project folder name". Try running "npm run dev". It worked for me on both occasions. Hope this helps.
Solved by restarting VS Code 🤔
Error occurred seemingly out of nowhere, when restarting the local server with 'npm run dev'. Just doing minor CSS changes to a component in the Nextjs project.

React native packager fails to create jsbundle

I just upgraded react-native version to 0.48.1 from 0.30 and I am facing a weird issue.
I fixed all the peer-dependencies for the libraries that I am using. then ran command,
react-native start
running above command starts packager. Now when I hit below url to generate jsbundle,
I am getting below error,
"message":"Ambiguous resolution: module '$PROJ_ROOT_DIR/' tries to require 'react-native', but there are several files providing this module. You can delete or fix them:
$PROJ_ROOT_DIR is my project directory path.
I don't have any '$PROJ_ROOT_DIR/node_modules/jest-react-native/node_modules/' directory in my setup.
I tried deleting node_modules directory then running npm install. but nothing changed.
I have also tried, clearing packager cache by running command,
ls -l $TMPDIR/react-*
but nothing happened.
Has anyone faced similar issue? any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
In case anyone else facing same issue of similar issues, Clearing cache using below command worked for me.
npm start -- --reset-cache
I was trying react-native start -- --reset-cache command which does nothing(my bad.).

react native doesn't recognize project

I've made a fresh clone of a react-native project which is 100% ok and working. Installed react-native-cli, trying to run react-native start in the project dir, but I get Command start unrecognized. Make sure that you have run npm install and that you are inside a react-native project.
I tried to init a fresh project just to test, and it worked fine, I was able to run react native commands there and everything worked.
It's definitely not an issue with my project because other people work on it as well and it's 100% ok and valid. This is some issue with react native or some other lib, I suppose. What could that be?
I'm using mac os sierra and project's react native version is 0.40.0
So, I've resolved this issue finally, and, to whoever it may concern: the problem wasn't with react-native. The problem was with npm. I was using yarn, and had npm 5 installed on my system. Also I had a postinstall script, which called rn-nodeify. rn-nodeify, in turn, on the final stage called npm (not yarn), and since it was npm 5 I was experiencing an npm 5 bug, which wiped out my modules. The bug is described e.g. here. Downgrading to npm 4 solved this issue for me.

Can't install Semantic-UI via NPM

I've been trying to install Semantic via NPM for a while now and am having problems. I run npm install semantic-ui and it goes through the setup process. However, it stops at Finished 'install' after 3.61 s and never exits the process. If I manually cancel the process and navigate to the semantic folder and run gulp build I'm told there's no local gulp found. So I run npm install gulp just for fun. It installs and I run gulp build again but all of the gulp dependencies are missing.
Any ideas? It's getting frustrating because I've been tinkering with it for a few hours instead of getting to work on the actual project. Running npm install in the semantic directory or my project directory doesn't work either. Thanks for the help!
EDIT: I tried creating a new Ubuntu VM and installing Semantic the same way I was on my Mac. It worked with no problems leading me to believe it's something to do with my configuration on my Mac.
This is really odd, but after I got to the Finished 'install' step, nothing was happening. Just a solid cursor when the node deps should've been installing. I decided to hit return just to see if anything would happen and that seems to have done it. Hitting return gives me the spinning cursor and the deps install. I can successfully run gulp build after that. Weird.