AUTOSAR Configuration - NVM - nvm

I try to write into the memory using NvM_Write(); there is a positive response from the UDS.
When I try to read the same block, there is no response and the software goes into det with NvM_PENDING state. I reset and then try to read the same memory block, there is no data in that block (it is just 0x00).
NvM_Write leads to Fee_Write but Fls_Write is never called. Is this a configuration issue?
Debugged and found that Fls_Write is never called. The Nvm, Fee and fls are called once every 5 ms. When I request NvM_Write, the request is put in a queue to be serviced in the future.

Seems to be a problem in your setup. I wonder, if you have a task, that calls NvM_Mainfunction(), Fee_Mainfunction() and Fls_Mainfunction(). NvM handles requests like NvM_ReadBlock() and NvM_WriteBlock() by a Queue, which is worked on by the mainfunctions on task level.
Regarding UDS Service, the request returned a positive response most likely due to the fact, that you used the return value of the NvM_WriteBlock(), which will be E_OK if the request to write was accepted by NvM and put in the NvM Queue. If the request was not accepted it returns E_NOT_OK.
The diagnostic service implementation should actually wait for the NvM_GetErrorStatus(BlockID) return value changing from NVM_REQ_PENDING to return NVM_REQ_OK or something else like NVM_REQ_NOT_OK.
I guess, that your implementation was implemented by hand, because with a proper configuration, the Dcm has a standard behaviour described in requirement SWS_Dcm_00541, just as I have explained above.


Hystrix Calls the fallbackMethod even when backend API gets executed

I am trying to implement the Hystrix into our micro-services project. To keep the question simple and concise, I will describe the scenario below:
(a) A call to a backend service which is performing slow at times (e.g. Payment Service)
(b) I have annotated the method with #Hystrix (from where I am making the call to the payment service). Also, I have implemented the corresponding fallback method.
(c) Below is the code snippet for the same.
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallbackProcessPayment")
public String processPayment(User user) throws Exception
// Call the payment service (which is slow in nature) to process the payment for the user....
public String fallbackProcessPayment(User user){
// This is the fallback method for processPayment....
// Gracefully handle the processPayment
In the file timeout is configured as
Current Behavior - As soon as call to the backend Payment service is made from processPayment(..) method, it takes longer (~ 4000 ms) than what I have set in the hystrix.command.getUseCase1.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds (2000 ms)
and hence Hystrix calls the fallbackProcessPayment (...) but what I also see is the fact that backend Payment service also gets executed albeit slowly.
This is undesired behaviour as Payment is being processed in the background as I also notify the user (through the fallback method) that we are not able to process the payment (because the call was timed out as paymentService took 4 secs to respond whereas Hystrix expected the response in 2 secs (based on timeoutInMilliseconds configuration).
Is there are any configuration which I am missing to make it work properly ???
Any pointer into this would be of great help.
Thanks for your time
Well. This is the expected behaviour of hystrix. You have couple of options.
1. Either increase the timeout
2. In your fallback method check what is the reason for the method to fail. i.e. on which exception. (You can get to know this by adding a argument to your fallback method of type Throwable which will have the exception for which fallback method is triggered). If the failure is due to timeout then you can write a piece of code to check if the previous process completed or not before returning the response.
But the second approach isn't feasible because, If you have set your threshold as 5 and if 5 requests fail due to timeout in succession then the 6th request will directly go to your fallback method. Where checking if previous process completed or not doesn't make sense.

How to test handle_cast in a GenServer properly?

I have a GenServer, which is responsible for contacting an external resource. The result of calling external resource is not important, ever failures from time to time is acceptable, so using handle_cast seems appropriate for other parts of code. I do have an interface-like module for that external resource, and I'm using one GenServer to access the resource. So far so good.
But when I tried to write test for this gen_server, I couldn't figure out how to test the handle_cast. I have interface functions for GenServer, and I tried to test those ones, but they always return :ok, except when GenServer is not running. I could not test that.
I changed the code a bit. I abstracted the code in handle_cast into another function, and created a similar handle_call callback. Then I could test handle_call easily, but that was kind of a hack.
I would like to know how people generally test async code, like that. Was my approach correct, or acceptable? If not, what to do then?
The trick is to remember that a GenServer process handles messages one by one sequentially. This means we can make sure the process received and handled a message, by making sure it handled a message we sent later. This in turn means we can change any async operation into a synchronous one, by following it with a synchronisation message, for example some call.
The test scenario would look like this:
Issue asynchronous request.
Issue synchronous request and wait for the result.
Assert on the effects of the asynchronous request.
If the server doesn't have any suitable function for synchronisation, you can consider using :sys.get_state/2 - a call meant for debugging purposes, that is properly handled by all special processes (including GenServer) and is, what's probably the most important thing, synchronous. I'd consider it perfectly valid to use it for testing.
You can read more about other useful functions from the :sys module in GenServer documentation on debugging.
A cast request is of the form:
Module:handle_cast(Request, State) -> Result
Request = term()
State = term()
Result = {noreply,NewState} |
{noreply,NewState,Timeout} |
{noreply,NewState,hibernate} |
NewState = term()
Timeout = int()>=0 | infinity
Reason = term()
so it is quite easy to perform unit test just calling it directly (no need to even start a server), providing a Request and a State, and asserting the returned Result. Of course it may also have some side effects (like writing in an ets table, modifying the process dictionary...) so you will need to initialize those resources before, and check the effect after the assert.
For example:
test_add() ->
{noreply,15} = my_counter:handle_cast({add,5},10).

Idempotent PUT in a concurrent environment

I have a REST API where multiple clients (applications) can update the state of a resource with PUT. For the example, this resource is a lamp that you can turn ON or OFF.
This resource is also automatically updated by the system when it detects that an electricity failure has occurs, leading to have a lamp in a BROKEN state. I want to made the distinction between BROKEN and OFF, a lamp in BROKEN can not be turn ON !
I use PUT method to do this, something like PUT http://address:port/my_lamp { "state": "ON"}
But I am not sure if i respect the idempotent property of PUT method.
In fact, i have 3 cases:
The lamp is ON. The above code leads to the ON state.
The lamp is ON. The above code leads to the ON state.... cool! At this moment, idempotency is still guaranteed :-) !
The lamp is BROKEN. The above code leads to an error, like 503 Service Unavailable
I am not sure to correctly understand the notion of idempotency. Trust me, I read a lot of thing about it but still a little bit confused.
In my understanding, multiple PUT always leads to a same state of the resource: not guaranteed in my case due to BROKEN
But I could also understand it in an other way: multiple PUT always leads to the same side-effect: guaranteed, my request either produce to turn ON, either nothing (for the BROKEN case, it was already in).
EDIT: I mean: the only side-effect is to turn ON the lamp, which is guaranteed (it either turn-on or do nothing here)
See here: Is REST DELETE really idempotent?
Which one is correct ? Depending of the understanding, my REST API ensure idempotency or not...
EDIT2: From the definition of the W3C
Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request.
Can i consider that it's an error to turn ON the lamp when it is BROKEN ?
Idempotency means that in an isolated environment multiple requests from a same client does not have any effect on the state of resource. If request from another client changes the state of the resource, than it does not break the idempotency principle. Although, if you really want to ensure that put request does not end up overriding the changes by another simultaneous request from different client, you should always use etags. To elaborate, put request should always supply an etag (it got from get request) of the last resource state, and only if the etag is latest the resource should be updated, otherwise 412 (Precondition Failed) status code should be raised. In case of 412, client is suppose to get the resource again, and then try the update. According to REST, this is vital to prevent race conditions.
To elaborate even more:-
According to W3C(, 'Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request.'
Get request - {'state': 'ON'} Etag-header(say)- 123
PUT request - {'state': 'OFF'} Etag-header - 123
Some internal activity changes state such that new state is {'state': 'BROKEN'}. In this even etag should be changed to say 124.
put request - {'state': 'ON'} Etag-header - 123.
Since etag header has changed, 412 error is returned which does not break idempotence of api (aside from error or expiration issues).
Get request - {'state': 'BROKEN'} Etag-header - 124
Put request - {'state': 'ON'} Etag-header - 124

GET or PUT to reboot a remote resource?

I am struggling (in some sense) to determine which HTTP method is more appropriate for rebooting a remote resource: GET or PUT?
On one hand, it seems more semantic to call because one might want to GET a representation of a freshly rebooted canopy.
On the other hand, a reboot is not 'safe' (nor is it necessarily idempotent, but then a canopy or modem is not just a row in a database) so it might seem more semantic to PUT the canopy into a state of rebooting, then have the server return a 202 to indicate that the reboot was initiated and is processing.
I have been reading up on HTTP/1.1, REST, HATEOAS, and other related concepts over the last week, so I am still putting the pieces together. Could a more seasoned developer please weigh in and confirm or dispel my hunch?
A GET doesn't seem appropriate because a GET is expected, like you said, to be "safe". i.e. no action other than retrieval.
A PUT doesn't seem appropriate because a PUT is expected to be idempotent. i.e. multiple identical operations cause same side-effects as as a single operation. Moreover, a PUT is usually used to replace the content at the request URI with the request body.
A POST appears most appropriate here. Because:
A POST need not be safe
A POST need not be idempotent
It also appears meaningful in that you are POSTing a request for a reboot (much like submitting a form, which also happens via POST), which can then be processed, possibly leading to a new URI containing reboot logs/results returned along with a 303 See Other status code.
Interestingly, Tim Bray wrote a blog post on this exact topic (which method to use to tell a resource representing a virtual machine to reboot itself), in which he also argued for POST. At the bottom of that post there are links to follow-ups on that topic, including one from none other than Roy Fielding himself, who concurs.
Rest is definitely not HTTP. But HTTP definitely does not have only four (or eight) methods. Any method is technically valid (even if as an extension method) and any method is RESTful when it is self describing — such as ‘LOCK’, ‘REBOOT’, ‘DELETE’, etc. Something like ‘MUSHROOM’, while valid as an HTTP extension, has no clear meaning or easily anticipated behavior, thus it would not be RESTful.
Fielding has stated that “The REST style doesn’t suggest that limiting the set of methods is a desirable goal. [..] In particular, REST encourages the creation of new methods for obscure operations” and that “it is more efficient in a true REST-based architecture for there to be a hundred different methods with distinct (non-duplicating), universal semantics.”
With this all in mind I am going to be 'self descriptive' and use the REBOOT method.
Yes, you could effectively create a new command, REBOOT, using POST. But there is a perfectly idempotent way to do reboots using PUT.
Have a last_reboot field that contains the time at which the server was last rebooted. Make a PUT to that field with the current time cause a reboot if the incoming time is newer than the current time. If an intermediate server resends the PUT, no problem -- it has the same value as the first command, so it's a no-op.
You might want to get the current time from the server you're rebooting, unless you know that everyone is reasonably time-synced.
Or you could just use a times_rebooted count, eliminating the need for a clock. A PUT times_rebooted: 4 request will cause a reboot if times_rebooted is currently 3, but not if it's 4 or 5. If the current value is 2 and you PUT a 4, that's an error.
The only advantage to using time, if you have a clock, is that sometimes you care about when it happened. You could of course have BOTH a times_rebooted and a last_reboot_time, letting times_rebooted be the trigger.

How to simulate an uncompleted Netty ChannelFuture

I'm using Netty to write a client application that sends UDP messages to a server. In short I'm using this piece of code to write the stream to the channel:
ChannelFuture future = channel.write(request, remoteInetSocketAddress);
//abort logic
Everything works fine, but one thing: I'm unable to test the abort logic as I cannot make the write to fail - i.e. even if the server is down the future would be completed successfully. The write operation usually takes about 1 ms so setting very little timeout doesn't help too much.
I know the preffered way would be to use an asynch model instead of await() call, however for my scenario I need it to be synchronous and I need to be sure it get finnished at some point.
Does anyone know how could I simulate an uncompleted future?
Many thanks in advance!
Depending on how your code is written you could use a mock framework such as mockito. If that is not possible, you can also use a "connected" UDP socket, i.e. a datagram socket that is bound to a local address. If you send to a bogus server you should get PortunreachableException or something similar.
Netty has a class FailedFuture that can be used for the purpose of this,
You can for example mock your class with tests that simulate the following:
ChannelFuture future;
future = channel.newFailedFuture(new Exception("I failed"));
future = channel.write(request, remoteInetSocketAddress);