I am going to use Hash::Merge as an example. Consider:
use v6;
use Hash::Merge; # <-- imports all symbols marked with "is export" from Hash::Merge
my %hash1 = a1 => [1, 2, 3], b => "xxx", c => { ca => 1 }, e => 5;
my %hash2 = a1 => [1, 5, 3], b => "yyyy", c => { ca => 5, f => "a" }, d => 4;
my %res = merge-hash(%hash1, %hash2, :no-append-array);
Suppose I do not want to pollute my name space when using a module (here Hash::Merge is used as an example). I could achive this in Perl 5 by specifying an empty argument list to use:
use Hash::Merge (); # <-- No symbols will be imported into the current namespace
Then I would call the sub routine merge-hash using its fully qualified name:
According to this bug report it seems like this is not possible in Perl 6. Is this correct?
To load a module without importing, use need instead:
need Hash::Merge;
In the case of the module in question, it does not declare the things it exports with our, which unfortunately means that calling it as:
Will not work, since it's not installed in the package. However, it is still possible to dig the symbol out of the exports manually:
need Hash::Merge;
say Hash::Merge::EXPORT::DEFAULT::merge-hash({ a => 1 }, { b => 2 })
And, for more convenience, it can be aliased:
need Hash::Merge;
my constant &merge-hash = &Hash::Merge::EXPORT::DEFAULT::merge-hash;
say merge-hash({ a => 1 }, { b => 2 });
There is a speculated syntax along the lines of use Hash::Merge :MY<&merge-hash>, which is not implemented in current Perl 6 versions, but would probably have the same semantics as the constant trick shown here.
A simple way to deal with this is to just put the use of the module in a block.
{ use Hash::Merge }
Since the {} defines a scope, nothing escapes it.
You can get it so that something can escape by placing it in a do block.
do { use Hash::Merge }
What you can do then is have it so that the values you care about get stored in the correct places.
my &merge-hash = do { use Hash::Merge; &merge-hash }
my (&merge-hash,&merge-hashes) = do { use Hash::Merge; (&merge-hash, &merge-hashes) }
Another option is to just place it in as small a scope as possible.
my %a = a => 1;
my %b = b => 2;
my %c;
use Hash::Merge;
%c := merge-hash %a, %b
my %c := do {
use Hash::Merge;
merge-hash %a, %b
(The binding operator := was just used because the result of merge-hash is already a hash.)
I was looking at REPL-like evaluation of code from here and here, and tried to make a very small version for it, yet it fails:
use nqp;
class E {
has Mu $.compiler;
has $!save_ctx;
method evaluate(#fragments) {
for #fragments -> $code {
my $*MAIN_CTX;
my $*CTXSAVE := self;
outer_ctx => nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx()));
if nqp::defined($*MAIN_CTX) {
$!save_ctx := $*MAIN_CTX;
method ctxsave(--> Nil) {
say "*in ctxsave*";
$*MAIN_CTX := nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx());
$*CTXSAVE := 0;
my $e := E.new(compiler => nqp::getcomp("Raku"));
nqp::bindattr($e, E, '$!save_ctx', nqp::ctx());
$e.evaluate: ('say my #vals = 12, 3, 4;', 'say #vals.head');
I pieced together this from the above links without very much knowing what I'm doing :) When run, this happens:
*in ctxsave*
[12 3 4]
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling file.raku
Variable '#vals' is not declared. Did you mean '&val'?
------> say ⏏#vals.head
with Rakudo v2022.04. First fragment was supposed to declare it (and prints it). Is it possible to do something like this, so it recognizes #vals as declared?
You can do it in pure Raku code, although depending on the not-exactly-official context parameter to EVAL.
# Let us use EVAL with user input
loop {
# The context starts out with a fresh environment
state $*REPL-CONTEXT = UNIT::;
# Get the next line of code to run.
my $next-code = prompt '> ';
# Evaluate it; note that exceptions with line numbers will be
# off by one, so may need fixups.
EVAL "\q'$*REPL-CONTEXT = ::;'\n$next-code", context => $*REPL-CONTEXT;
Trying it out:
$ raku simple-repl.raku
> my $x = 35;
> say $x;
> my $y = 7;
> say $x + $y;
I am writing a model Series class (kinda like the one in pandas) - and it should be both Positional and Associative.
class Series does Positional does Iterable does Associative {
has Array $.data is required;
has Array $.index;
### Construction ###
method TWEAK {
# sort out data-index dependencies
$!index = gather {
my $i = 0;
for |$!data -> $d {
take ( $!index[$i++] => $d )
### Output ###
method Str {
### Role Support ###
# Positional role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Positional
method of {
method elems {
method AT-POS( $p ) {
method EXISTS-POS( $p ) {
0 <= $p < $!data.elems ?? True !! False
# Iterable role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Iterable
method iterator {
method flat {
method lazy {
method hyper {
# Associative role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Associative
method keyof {
method AT-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return $p.value if $p.key ~~ $k
method EXISTS-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return True if $p.key ~~ $k
#`[ solution attempt #1 does NOT get called
multi method infix(Hyper: Series, Int) is default {
die "I was called"
my $s = Series.new(data => [rand xx 5], index => [<a b c d e>]);
say ~$s;
say $s[2];
say $s<b>;
So far pretty darn cool.
I can go dd $s.hyper and get this
HyperSeq.new(configuration => HyperConfiguration.new(batch => 64, degree => 1))
BUT (there had to be a but coming), I want to be able to do hyper math on my Series' elements, something like:
say $s >>+>> 2;
But that yields:
Ambiguous call to 'infix(Hyper: Dan::Series, Int)'; these signatures all match:
(Hyper: Associative:D \left, \right, *%_)
(Hyper: Positional:D \left, \right, *%_)
in block <unit> at ./synopsis-dan.raku line 63
How can I tell my class Series not to offer the Associative hyper candidate...?
Note: edited example to be a runnable MRE per #raiph's comment ... I have thus left in the minimum requirements for the 3 roles in play per docs.raku.org
After some experimentation (and new directions to consider from the very helpful comments to this SO along the way), I think I have found a solution:
drop the does Associative role from the class declaration like this:
class Series does Positional does Iterable {...}
leave the Associative role support methods in the body of the class:
# Associative role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Associative
method keyof {
method AT-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return $p.value if $p.key ~~ $k
method EXISTS-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return True if $p.key ~~ $k
This gives me the Positional and Associative accessors, and functional hyper math operators:
my $s = Series.new(data => [rand xx 5], index => [<a b c d e>]);
say ~$s; #([a => 0.6137271559776396 b => 0.7942959887386045 c => 0.5768018697817604 d => 0.8964323560788711 e => 0.025740150933493577] , dtype: Num)
say $s[2]; #0.7942959887386045
say $s<b>; #0.5768018697817604
say $s >>+>> 2; #(2.6137271559776396 2.7942959887386047 2.5768018697817605 2.896432356078871 2.0257401509334936)
While this feels a bit thin (and probably lacks the full set of Associative functions) I am fairly confident that the basic methods will give me slimmed down access like a hash from a key capability that I seek. And it no longer creates the ambiguous call.
This solution may be cheating a bit in that I know the level of compromise that I will accept ;-).
Take #1
First, an MRE with an emphasis on the M1:
class foo does Positional does Associative { method of {} }
sub infix:<baz> (\l,\r) { say 'baz' }
foo.new >>baz>> 42;
Ambiguous call to 'infix(Hyper: foo, Int)'; these signatures all match:
(Hyper: Associative:D \left, \right, *%_)
(Hyper: Positional:D \left, \right, *%_)
in block <unit> at ./synopsis-dan.raku line 63
The error message shows it's A) a call to a method named infix with an invocant matching Hyper, and B) there are two methods that potentially match that call.
Given that there's no class Hyper in your MRE, these methods and the Hyper class must be either built-ins or internal details that are leaking out.
A search of the doc finds no such class. So Hyper is undocumented Given that the doc has fairly broad coverage these days, this suggests Hyper is an internal detail. But regardless, it looks like you can't solve your problem using official/documented features.
Hopefully this bad news is still better than none.2
Take #2
Where's the fun in letting little details like "not an official feature" stop us doing what we want to do?
There's a core.c module named Hyper.pm6 in the Rakudo source repo.
A few seconds browsing that, and clicks on its History and Blame, and I can instantly see it really is time for me to conclude this SO answer, with a recommendation for your next move.
To wit, I suggest you start another SO, using this answer as its heart (but reversing my presentation order, ie starting by mentioning Hyper, and that it's not doc'd), and namechecking Liz (per Hyper's History/Blame), with a link back to your Q here as its background. I'm pretty sure that will get you a good answer, or at least an authoritative one.
1 I also tried this:
class foo does Positional does Associative { method of {} }
sub postfix:<bar>(\arg) { say 'bar' }
but that worked (displayed bar).
2 If you didn't get to my Take #1 conclusion yourself, perhaps that was was because your MRE wasn't very M? If you did arrive at the same point (cf "solution attempt #1 does NOT get called" in your MRE) then please read and, for future SOs, take to heart, the wisdom of "Explain ... any difficulties that have prevented you from solving it yourself".
Rakudo version 2020.01
I was writing some throw-away code and did not bother to implement a class, just used a Hash as work-alike. I found some surprising behaviour with lists.
class Q1 {}
class R1 {
has Str $.some-str is required;
has #.some-list is required;
my $r1 = R1.new(
some-str => '…',
some-list => (Q1.new, Q1.new, Q1.new)
# hash as poor man's class
my $r2 = {
some-str => '…',
some-list => (Q1.new, Q1.new, Q1.new)
multi sub frob(R1 $r1) {
for #`(Array) $r1.some-list -> $elem {
multi sub frob(Hash $r2) {
for #`(List) $r2<some-list> -> $elem {
frob $r1;
# OK.
# Q1.new
# Q1.new
# Q1.new
frob $r2;
# got:
# (Q1.new, Q1.new, Q1.new)
# expected:
# Q1.new
# Q1.new
# Q1.new
frob(Hash …) works as expected when I call .flat or .list on the list (even though it is already a list‽).
I tried to make a minimal test case, but this works identical AFAICT.
for [Q1.new, Q1.new, Q1.new] -> $elem {
for (Q1.new, Q1.new, Q1.new) -> $elem {
I have read the documentation on List and Scalar several times, but I still cannot make sense out of my observation. Why do I have to special treat the list in the Hash, but not in the class?
for doesn't loop over itemized values.
When you place something in a scalar container it gets itemized.
sub foo ( $v ) { # itemized
for $v { .say }
sub bar ( \v ) {
for v { .say }
foo (1,2,3);
# (1 2 3)
bar (1,2,3);
# 1
# 2
# 3
An element in a Hash is also a scalar container.
my %h = 'foo' => 'bar';
say %h<foo>.VAR.^name;
# Scalar
So if you place a list into a Hash, it will get itemized.
my %h;
my \list = (1,2,3);
%h<list> = list;
say list.VAR.^name;
# List
say %h<list>.VAR.^name;
# Scalar
So if you want to loop over the values you have to de-itemize it.
given %h<list> -> #list { … }
my #list := %h<list>;
(my # := %h<list>) # inline version of previous example
You could avoid this scalar container by binding instead.
%h<list> := list;
(This prevents the = operator from working on that hash element.)
If you noticed that in the class object you defined it with an # not $
class R1 {
has Str $.some-str is required;
has #.some-list is required;
If you changed it to an $ and mark it rw it will work like the Hash example
class R2 {
has Str $.some-str is required;
has List $.some-list is required is rw;
my $r2 = R2.new(
some-str => '…',
some-list => (1,2,3),
for $r2.some-list { .say }
# (1 2 3)
It has to be a $ variable or it won't be in a Scalar container.
It also has to be marked rw so that the accessor returns the actual Scalar container rather than the de-itemized value.
This has nothing to do with [] versus (). This has to do with the difference between $ (indicating an item) and % (indicating an Associative):
sub a(%h) { dd %h } # a sub taking an Associative
sub b(Hash $h) { dd $h } # a sub taking an item of type Hash
a { a => 42 }; # Hash % = {:a(42)}
b { a => 42 }; # ${:a(42)}
In the "b" case, what is received is an item. If you try to iterate over that, you will get 1 iteration, for that item. Whereas in the "a" case, you've indicated that it is something Associative that you want (with the % sigil).
Perhaps a clearer example:
my $a = (1,2,3);
for $a { dd $_ } # List $a = $(1, 2, 3)
Since $a is an item, you get one iteration. You can indicate that you want to iterate on the underlying thing, by adding .list:
for $a.list { dd $_ } # 123
Or, if you want to get more linenoisy, prefix a #:
for #$a { dd $_ } # 123
Not strictly an answer, but an observation: in Raku, it pays to use classes rather than hashes, contrary to Perl:
my %h = a => 42, b => 666;
for ^10000000 { my $a = %h<a> }
say now - INIT now; # 0.4434793
Using classes and objects:
class A { has $.a; has $.b }
my $h = A.new(a => 42, b => 666);
for ^10000000 { my $a = $h.a }
say now - INIT now; # 0.368659
Not only is using classes faster, it also prevents you from making typos in initialization if you add the is required trait:
class A { has $.a is required; has $.b is required }
A.new(a => 42, B => 666);
# The attribute '$!b' is required, but you did not provide a value for it.
And it prevents you from making typos when accessing it:
my $a = A.new(a => 42, b => 666);
# No such method 'bb' for invocant of type 'A'. Did you mean 'b'?
Let's say I have the following module:
module Simple-Mod;
#| Calculate the nth fibonacci number.
multi fib( 0 ) { 1 }
multi fib( 1 ) { 1 }
multi fib( Int $n where * > 1 ) {
fib($n - 2 ) + fib($n - 1);
#| Say hello to a person.
sub hello( $person ) { say "Hello, $person!" }
=begin pod
A really simple module.
=head1 Example
=begin code
use Simple-Mod;
say fib(3); #=> 2
hello("Gina"); #=> Hello, Gina!
=end code
=head1 Subroutines
=end pod
At the moment, when I extract the Pod from this module, I obtain this:
sub fib(
Int $ where { ... },
Calculate the nth fibonacci number.
sub hello(
Say hello to a person.
A really simple module.
use Simple-Mod;
say fib(3); #=> 2
hello("Gina"); #=> Hello, Gina!
Is it possible to instruct the Pod parsing process to place the
subroutine definitions and comments after the Subroutines header? Like this:
A really simple module.
use Simple-Mod;
say fib(3); #=> 2
hello("Gina"); #=> Hello, Gina!
sub fib(
Int $ where { ... },
Calculate the nth fibonacci number.
sub hello(
Say hello to a person.
I could probably place everything from the =begin pod to the =head1 Subroutines (followed by =end pod) directive at the top of file and then the usual code with the declarator blocks. However I'd like to keep all the Pod at the bottom of the file if possible.
By tinkering with the Pod::To::Text module, I came up a somewhat hackish solution
that is far from robust. It solely depends on a new subroutine and some changes to the render, pod2text and heading2text routines:
unit class Pod::To::Textx;
my $top-pod = Any;
method render($pod, Bool $declarator-displacement = False) {
$top-pod = $pod if $declarator-displacement;
sub pod2text($pod) is export {
# other code
when Pod::Block::Declarator { if $top-pod { succeed }
else { declarator2text($pod) }
# remaining code
sub add-code-info($pod) {
return pod2text($pod.contents) unless $top-pod;
if $pod.contents.head.contents.lc.contains("routines") {
pod2text($pod.contents) ~
#($top-pod).grep({ $_ ~~ Pod::Block::Declarator })
.map({ "\n\n" ~ declarator2text($_) })
sub heading2text($pod) {
given $pod.level {
when 1 { add-code-info($pod) }
when 2 { ' ' ~ pod2text($pod.contents) }
default { ' ' ~ pod2text($pod.contents) }
# rest of code
To render the Pod in a .p6 file and place the declarator blocks underneath a heading level 1 titled Subroutines/Routines, use:
use Pod::To::Textx;
say Text.new().render($=pod, True);
inside the file.
I have some classes (and will need quite a few more) that look like this:
use Unit;
class Unit::Units::Ampere is Unit
method TWEAK { with self {
.si = True;
# m· kg· s· A ·K· mol· cd
.si-signature = [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ];
.singular-name = "ampere";
.plural-name = "ampere";
.symbol = "A";
sub postfix:<A> ($value) returns Unit::Units::Ampere is looser(&prefix:<->) is export(:short) {
return Unit::Units::Ampere.new( :$value );
sub postfix:<ampere> ($value) returns Unit::Units::Ampere is looser(&prefix:<->) is export(:long) {
I would like to be able to construct and export the custom operators dynamically at runtime. I know how to work with EXPORT, but how do I create a postfix operator on the fly?
I ended up basically doing this:
return %(
"postfix:<A>" => sub is looser(&prefix:<->) {
#do something
which is disturbingly simple.
For the first question, you can create dynamic subs by returning a sub from another. To accept only an Ampere parameter (where "Ampere" is chosen programmatically), use a type capture in the function signature:
sub make-combiner(Any:U ::Type $, &combine-logic) {
return sub (Type $a, Type $b) {
return combine-logic($a, $b);
my &int-adder = make-combiner Int, {$^a + $^b};
say int-adder(1, 2);
my &list-adder = make-combiner List, {(|$^a, |$^b)};
say list-adder(<a b>, <c d>);
say list-adder(1, <c d>); # Constraint type check fails
Note that when I defined the inner sub, I had to put a space after the sub keyword, lest the compiler think I'm calling a function named "sub". (See the end of my answer for another way to do this.)
Now, on to the hard part: how to export one of these generated functions? The documentation for what is export really does is here: https://docs.perl6.org/language/modules.html#is_export
Half way down the page, they have an example of adding a function to the symbol table without being able to write is export at compile time. To get the above working, it needs to be in a separate file. To see an example of a programmatically determined name and programmatically determined logic, create the following MyModule.pm6:
unit module MyModule;
sub make-combiner(Any:U ::Type $, &combine-logic) {
anon sub combiner(Type $a, Type $b) {
return combine-logic($a, $b);
my Str $name = 'int';
my $type = Int;
my package EXPORT::DEFAULT {
OUR::{"&{$name}-eater"} := make-combiner $type, {$^a + $^b};
Invoke Perl 6:
perl6 -I. -MMyModule -e "say int-eater(4, 3);"
As hoped, the output is 7. Note that in this version, I used anon sub, which lets you name the "anonymous" generated function. I understand this is mainly useful for generating better stack traces.
All that said, I'm having trouble dynamically setting a postfix operator's precedence. I think you need to modify the Precedence role of the operator, or create it yourself instead of letting the compiler create it for you. This isn't documented.