Order Confirmation is Very slow - prestashop

When trying to make any payments, It is taking 10 min to complete the payment.
After 5 mins I am receiving email and after 5 more mins I am redirected to Order Confirmation Page.
I tried all possible ways, can some one help me with this please ?

The cause can be many, and the only way to know is debugging, but a common problem here is the sending mail, specially when the admin use the mail alerts module with a large list of emails address to be notified, if you have turned on this module, just disable it and try again.
An extra recommendation is, use SMTP instead of php mail.


Update an other field when a count is on a certain value

Hi i'm actually working on a report system for my social network, i want to achieve something like : if a user is reported 5 times it will update a field on the user table to deactivate the user.
So if 5 row of reports is created i want to update the "activated" field
The thing is i'm working with GraphQL and Vue for the first time, my backend is in Symfony with ApiPlatform.
Should i try to query all the reports with the userId who is reported to count if there is 5 row when a user is reported and then mutate the user object to deactivate it or can i achieve this more easily on the backend side ?
So anything of importance should be done on the backend. The frontend is easily hacked and while it's good to stop normal (good) users from seeing something they're not supposed to, it's not a blocker to anyone who has even rudimentary web coding ability.
Seeing as you're talking about someone being reported, I'd recommend doing it on the backend and then make sure the frontend reflects that gracefully.
Hum it seems that the answer is that i need a reportListener and i need to listen the postPersist event, then inside this function i can check how many report there is for a user using the ReportRepository->findBy function, then i can count the row of the array return by the function and if the count is > 5 then i edit my user, persist and flush.

BBpress receiving 'mentioned by' for very old replies

We migrated our old forum to BBpress, we had to add all users, topics and replies via CSV files.
But now all users receive email notifications that they have been mentioned by another user for very old replies, some dating back to the very beginning of our forum in 2004.
I don't know exactly what the trigger is, but I'm guessing that everytime an user signs in for the first time on the new forum, all people who he has mentioned in the past receive an email.
How can I stop this from happening without actually disabling this feature? I still want the users to receive notifications for new replies.
As a way around it I replaced every # in old messages with # via query. So the users still see # but the messages have stopped.

Validating Bitcoin Payments Programmatically

Is it possible to anonymously programmatically verify that a transaction has reached n number of validations without running a full node? If so, what is the best means to do this?
Basically I want it to build a payment system where after the transfer is initially detected, the customer sees a message thanking them and telling them that their purchase will be processed within 24 hrs and that they'll receive an email once confirmation is complete. Then throughout the day maybe run a cron job that checks that each transaction reaches the desired number of validations and if so divide the money between two wallets and mark the product to be sent. I also don't want it to be with a service like Coinbase or Bitpay where they have control of your coins.
So far I've been experimenting with Blocktrail and mycelium gear. Both have some elements I like but still not everything that I need. With mycelium you can set the number of verifications but for instance if I want to set it for 6 verifications the customer would have to sit there possibly an hour before they see the next screen. Blocktrail allows me to query that a transaction is validated but it only has the ability to check that 1 validation was completed as far as I can tell. Can anyone suggest an API or widget that can accomplish these things? Preferably PHP or if not JQuery.
Blockchain.info has a simple Query API for querying how much bitcoin an address has received. You can add a confirmations=n parameter that will only include bitcoin that has been confirmed 'n' times. It returns a simple value in satoshis.
For example to check how much bitcoin was received with at least 2 confirmations at a specific address you could have your code query the API like this:

Solution for listening to file once/download

I have energyshop.se which is a small webshop im doing for a customer. She sells various stuff but she has meditations on .mp3 and on discs. The customers can choose to buy:
a disc which is then sent to their home address.
one listening to one part of a meditation or one listening to all parts in a meditation
some items are also available for download for another price.
So question is how do I solve this? We use PayPal at her site to make the payments and I know that after a payment I can redirect the users to a "thankyouforthepurhase"-page if I want to. That leads me to think that one option is to take the users to that page where they can download/listen, but I dont know how to "connect" the shopped item with the isplayed files to be downloaded and/or listene once too and how to limit this. I mean if the page is energyshop.se/thanks someone that have made the purchase can just copy that address and go straight there.
There is also a idea about codes in some way. If they make a purchase they get a code sent to them for download or listening, but how do I generate this code which has to be unique everytime and the password ha to change everytime someone has entered it so someone dont save the code as well.
Well im kinda out of ideas and not sure how to do this. I just wanna wrap this project up but I think I hve to solve this for her.
I guess the solution depends on how much control (or security) she feels is required. If all you need is a reasonable confidence that a user has paid, then you can be much more relaxed about the whole thing.
The 'thanks' page could easily provide the content in concert with the transaction id paypal will return - you can use this to control what is shown. If you're not too worried about a 'listen-once' item being replayed, or 'download' being downloaded a bunch of times then you can avoid a bunch of edge-case stuff (where download fails or listen-once feed dies halfway, etc) and simply serve links to content based on the transaction.
If its abused then you can put effort into locking down content, serving mp3 streams from one-time links, tracking downloads in a database etc, but that will cost significantly more (in both time and server resources) so if you can, try simple first :)

ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback taking too long

I'm using ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback to receive notifications when my address book database changes. My app allows users to edit a person's contact info. However, it takes forever for the callback to be invoked. For instance, in one case it 30 seconds. I need it to happen immediately! How do I go about doing this? Has anyone else experienced this issue using ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback?