How to get the first tuple inside a bag when Grouping - apache-pig

I do not understand how to deal with duplicates when generating my output, so I ended up getting several duplicates but I want one only.
I've tried using LIMIT but that only applies when selecting I suppose. I also used DISTINCT but wrong scenario I guess.
grouped = GROUP wantedTails BY tail_number;
smmd = FOREACH grouped GENERATE wantedTails.tail_number as Tails, SUM(wantedTails.distance) AS totaldistance;
So for my grouped, I got smg like (not the whole):
but I expect (N983JB,44550). How can I delete those duplicates generated during grouping? Thank you!

The way I see it, there are two ways to de-duplicate data in Pig.
Less flexible but a convenient way is to apply MAX to the columns which need to be de-duplicated after performing a GROUP BY. Apply SUM only if you want to add up values across duplicates:
dataWithDuplicates = LOAD '<path_to_data>';
grouped = GROUP dataWithDuplicates BY tail_number;
dedupedData= FOREACH grouped GENERATE
--Since you have grouped on tailNumber, it is already de-duped
group AS tailNumber,
MAX(dataWithDuplicates.distance) AS dedupedDistance,
SUM(dataWithDuplicates.distance) AS totalDistance;
If you want more flexibility while de-duping, you can take help of nested-FOREACH in Pig. This question captures the gist of its usage: how to delete the rows of data which is repeating in Pig. Other references for nested-FORACH:


Access SQL GROUP BY problem (eg. tbl_Produktion.ID not part of the aggregation-function)

I want to group by two columns, however MS Access won't let me do it.
Here is the code I wrote:
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter,
tbl_Produktion.ProduktionsID, tbl_Produktion.Linie,
tbl_Produktion.Schicht, tbl_Produktion.Anzahl_Schichten_P,
tbl_Produktion.Schichtteam, tbl_Produktion.Von, tbl_Produktion.Bis,
tbl_Produktion.Pause, tbl_Produktion.Kunde, tbl_Produktion.TeileNr,
tbl_Produktion.FormNr, tbl_Produktion.LabyNr,
tbl_Produktion.Stueckzahl_Ausschuss, tbl_Produktion.Ausschussgrund,
tbl_Produktion.Kommentar, tbl_Produktion.StvSchichtleiter,
tbl_Produktion.Von2, tbl_Produktion.Bis2, tbl_Produktion.Pause2,
tbl_Produktion.Arbeiter3, tbl_Produktion.Von3, tbl_Produktion.Bis3,
tbl_Produktion.Pause3, tbl_Produktion.Arbeiter4,
tbl_Produktion.Von4, tbl_Produktion.Bis4, tbl_Produktion.Pause4,
tbl_Produktion.Leiharbeiter5, tbl_Produktion.Von5,
tbl_Produktion.Bis5, tbl_Produktion.Pause5,
tbl_Produktion.Leiharbeiter6, tbl_Produktion.Von6,
tbl_Produktion.Bis6, tbl_Produktion.Pause6, tbl_Produktion.Muster
tbl_Produktion ON tbl_Personal.PersID = tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter;
It works when I group it by all the columns, but not like this.
The error message say that the rest of the columns aren't part of the aggregation-function (translated from german to english as best as I could).
PS.: I also need the sum of "tbl_Produktion.Stueckzahl_Prod" therefore I tried using the SUM function (couldn't try it yet).
Have you tried something along these lines?
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter,
MAX(tbl_Produktion.ProduktionsID), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Linie),
MAX(tbl_Produktion.Schicht), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Anzahl_Schichten_P),
MAX(tbl_Produktion.Schichtteam), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Von), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Bis),
tbl_Produktion ON tbl_Personal.PersID = tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter;
I have used the MAX function for all the data except the two items you specify in the GROUP BY and the one where you desire the SUM. I took the liberty of leaving out mush of your data just to get started.
Using the MAX function turns out to be a convenient workaround when the data item is known to be unique within each group. We cannot know your data or your itent, so we cannot tell you whether MAX will yield the results you need.
If you use an aggregation function in the select clause, you must group by every column that you're selecting that's not an aggregation. If you don't want to do that for some reason (perhaps it changes the output of the aggregation in way that you don't intend) you either must think of an aggregate to use (pick a value. Average? Max? Min?) or just do two selects, one for the aggregate, and one for the non-aggregates. But, then, you have to decide how to get the non-aggregated fields that make sense for the aggregate (or show them all in a table, I suppose?)

How to run a sql query multiple times and combine the results into single output?

I have a list of 2500 obj numbers stored in Excel for which I need to run the below SQL:
aq$_queue_tables a
AQ$_QUEUES b ON a.objno = b.table_objno
a.objno = 19551;
Is there any way I can write a loop on above SQL with objno feeding from a list or from a different table? I also want to store/produce all the results from each loop run as a single output.
I considered the option to upload the numbers into a new table and add a where condition:
a.objno=(SELECT newtab.objectno FROM newtab);
However, the logic I'll be writing in the query would exclude certain objectno results. Let's say that the associated objectno has certain queue_comment as of certain date associated with that objectno. I do not want to pull that record. This condition would match with some objectno and wouldn't match with others. Having that condition and running the query against all the objectno is returning 0 results. I couldn't share the original logic as it would reveal certain business rules and it'll be a violation of some policy.
So, I need to run the query on each objectno separately and combine the results.
I'm totally new to SQL and got this task assigned. I'm aware of the regular loop, for in SQL, but I don't think I can apply them in this situation.
Any guidance or reference links to helpful topics is much appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance for the help.
One option is to upload the object numbers from Excel sheet to a table in the database and run the query as following. Assuming newtab is the table where the objectno are uploaded.
aq$_queue_tables a JOIN AQ$_QUEUES b on a.objno = b.table_objno
a.objno IN (SELECT newtab.objectno FROM newtab);
I have used a subquery here, join to the aq$ can work as well.
Reading the comments and all I think you need to enhance your Excel with 2 additional columns and load to a new table.
IN can be used in the following way too:
aq$_queue_tables a
AQ$_QUEUES b ON a.objno = b.table_objno
(a.objno,a.table_comment,b.queue_comment) IN (19551,'something','something');
so with the new table will be:
(a.objno,a.table_comment,b.queue_comment) IN
(select n.objno, n.table_comment, n.queue_comment from new_table n)

Pentaho Adding summary rows

Any idea how to summarize data in a Pentaho transformation and then insert the summary row directly under the group being summarized.
I can use a Group By step and get a summarised result stream having one row per key field, but what I want is each sorted group written to the output and the summary row inserted underneath, thus preserving the input.
In the Group By, you can do 'Include all Rows', but this just appends the summary fields to the end of each existing row. It does not create new summary rows.
Thanks in advance
To get the summary rows to appear under the group by blocks you have to use some tricks, such as introducing a numeric "order" field, setting the value of the original data to 1 and the sub totals rows to 2.
Also in the group-by/ sub-totals stream, I am generating a sum field, say "subtotal". You have to make sure to also include this as a blank in your regular stream or else the metadata will be divergent and the final merge will not work.
Here is the best explanation I have found for this pattern:
You will need to copy the rows too a different stream, and then merge or join them again, to make it a separate row.

SQL MIN() returns multiple values?

I am using SQL server 2005, querying with Web Developer 2010, and the min function appears to be returning more than one value (for each ID returned, see below). Ideally I would like it to just return the one for each ID.
SELECT Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber,
MIN(Production.WorksOrderOperations.OperationNumber) AS Expr1,
FROM Production.WorksOrderOperations
INNER JOIN Production.Resources
ON Production.WorksOrderOperations.ResourceID = Production.Resources.ResourceID
INNER JOIN Production.WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View
ON Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber = Production.WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View.WorksOrderNumber
WHERE Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber IN
( SELECT WorksOrderNumber
FROM Production.WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View AS WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View_1
WHERE (WorksOrderSuffixStatus = 'Proposed'))
AND Production.Resources.ResourceCode IN ('1303', '1604')
GROUP BY Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber,
If you can get your head around it, I am selecting certain columns from multiple tables where the WorksOrderNumber is also contained within a subquery, and numerous other conditions.
Result set looks a little like this, have blurred out irrelevant data. (Wouldn't let me embed image).
The highlighted rows are NOT supposed to be there, I cannot explicitly filter them out, as this result set will be updated daily and it is likely to happen with a different record.
I have tried casting and converting the OperationNumber to numerous other data types, varchar type returns '100' instead of the '30'. Also tried searching search engines, no one seems to have the same problem.
I did not structure the tables (they're horribly normalised), and it is not possible to restructure them.
Any ideas appreciated, many thanks.
The MIN function returns the minimum within the group.
If you want the minimum for each ID you need to get group on just ID.
I assume that by "ID" you are referring to Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber.
You can add this as a "table" in your SQL:
(SELECT Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber,
FROM Production.WorksOrderOperations
GROUP BY Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber)

Projecting Grouped Tuples in Pig

I have a collection of tuples of the form (t,a,b) that I want to group by b in Pig. Once grouped, I want to filter out b from the tuples in each group and generate a bag of filtered tuples per group.
As an example, assume we have
The pig script would produce
The question is: how do I go about producing this result? I'm used to seeing examples where aggregation operations follow a group by operation. It's less clear to me how to filter the tuples and return them in a bag. Thanks for your assistance!
Turns out what I was looking for is the syntax for nested projection in Pig.
If one has tuples of the form (t,a,b) and wants to drop b after the group by, it is done this way.
grouped = GROUP tups BY b;
result = FOREACH grouped GENERATE tup.(t,a);
See the "Nested Projection" section on the PigLatin page.