How do I display border lines for my search bar with React native - react-native

I need the border lines to be displayed but here only the sides can be seen it is blank in the top and bottom
I have tried this using react native elements
Here is what I wanted to acheive
Here is what I got with this code
icon={{ type: 'font-awesome', name: 'search' }}
placeholder="Buscar producto..."
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
inputStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'white' }}

First you have to find which prop that SearchBar gives you access to is the one you want. inputStyle only styles the TextInput component, while containerStyle styles the whole big SearchBar (which has some extra padding and stuff that we don't want).
The prop you want is inputContainerStyle which will style the container around TextInput and the bits on the left and right. So to give a border you could simply do:
icon={{ type: 'font-awesome', name: 'search' }}
placeholder="Buscar producto..."
backgroundColor: 'white',
borderColor: 'grey',
borderWidth: 1


How to make a text input scroll to exact position on focus using a keyboard aware scroll view in React Native?

I have read the docs but still don't understand how to make the text input scroll to an exact position. I want the text input to automatically scroll to the very top of the screen just below my Header component. Using the following code below, could anyone provide an example of how this is done? Thanks.
fontSize: 18,
width: "100%",
textAlignVertical: "center",
onChangeText={(text: string) => {

react-native-elements Button is not a perfect rectangle

I have a button in my app that needs to be a perfect rectangle, but with no styling attached to it, there's a tiny default border-radius to it. How can I resolve this?
onPress={() => // Next stuff}
backgroundColor: "#000000",
width: 'auto',

React Native Autocomplete Input results list ignores touch

I've been tackling this issue for a few weeks, and it's driving me insane.
Basically, I have a Modal component that nests a form. The form is a bunch of TextInput components, at the heart of everything. One of the components in the form is an Autocomplete, from React Native Autocomplete Input. The problem is that I'm able to put the results list from Autocomplete in front of everything else, but my touches pass right through the container and focuses on the TextInput behind the results list. I'm not able to change the order of components, so I can't just put this one input after everything else.
The general setup of the form is below:
<View style={containerStyle}>
<CardSection style={sectionStyle}>
<CardSection style={acSectionStyle}>
<Text style={labelStyle}>Brand *</Text>
<View style={acContainerStyle}>
data={brands.length === 1 && comp(query, brands[0]) ? [] : brands}
onChangeText={text => this.setState({ query: text })}
hideResults={this.state.hideResults ? this.state.hideResults : undefined}
onBlur={() => this.setState({ hideResults: true })}
onFocus={() => this.setState({ hideResults: false })}
<CardSection style={sectionStyle}>
I had to stack the TouchableWithoutFeedback components in order to make the modal behave. There's more props in the components, but I only kept what was relevant.
My renderItem method is:
renderItem(brand) {
return (
style={{ width: '100%', height: 25 }}
onPress={() => {
this.setState({ pBrand: brand.trim(), query: brand.trim() });
<Text style={styles.listItemStyle}>{brand}</Text>
I don't believe it's a styling issue, but I've added the styles that deal with zIndex just in case:
containerStyle: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
position: 'relative',
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
zIndex: 1
acSectionStyle: {
justifyContent: 'center',
zIndex: 2,
height: 40
acContainerStyle: {
right: 0,
width: '75%',
flex: 1,
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 2
The default keyboardShouldPersistTaps for Autocomplete is always. All of the questions I've seen suggest to set a higher zIndex (which isn't a problem - I can see the list, but if I tap on it, the tap goes through to the TextInput behind it), change the order of components (which I can't do), set onStartShouldSetResponderCapture to true (which didn't work), or mess with Pointer Events, none of which worked.
I'm using React Native V0.57.1, an actual Android device, and the project is built with Expo.
Finally, I've recorded a small demo for what my problem is. When the cursor re-appears, that's when I clicked on a result.
Is there just something I'm missing? I've only been writing in React Native for a few months so that's a definite possibility. I come from a web development background, so I thought that if a component was on top (thanks to zIndex), I'd be able to tap on it and not through it by default.
Edit: While messing around, if I change acSectionStyle to a height big enough for the dropdown, then the dropdown works how it should. The issue comes in when a sibling CardSection is being covered. The other CardSection takes precedence.
So, I finally found a workaround. Whether it's correct or not, which I feel like it isn't, at least it works!
I ended up taking the Autocomplete component (along with its' view) outside of the CardSection, but leaving the label in it, like so:
<CardSection style={acSectionStyle}>
<Text style={labelStyle}>Brand *</Text>
<View style={acContainerStyle}>
// Text input container
placeholder='China Glaze'
data={brands.length === 1 && comp(query, brands[0]) ? [] : brands}
onChangeText={text => this.setState({ query: text })}
hideResults={this.state.hideResults ? this.state.hideResults : undefined}
onBlur={() => this.setState({ hideResults: true })}
onFocus={() => this.setState({ hideResults: false })}
Then, and this is the part I think is wrong, I just played with the absolute-positioned view until I moved it far enough down to line up next to the label:
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 18,
paddingLeft: 20,
flex: 1
acContainerStyle: {
right: 0,
top: 102,
width: '72%',
flex: 1,
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 10
I would love if someone has a better solution, but this is the best I could come up with. I try to avoid moving views with hard coded values just for scaling purposes, but it seems like this is the only option.

How can I get this Search Bar style in react-native-element?

It's basically the search bar component from react-native-elements where the container background color is white and the placeholder field has a border with radius.
Not sure if react-native-element allows providing style to placeholder.
Any other way i could use style along with react-native-elements search bar component to get this result?
You need to modify the input and container styles
inputStyle={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}
containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'white', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5}}
placeholder={'Pritish Vaidya'}
Check the docs for more props and you can supply your own Icon
I made a combination of the answers here
inputStyle={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}
containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'white', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5}}
inputContainerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}
placeholder={'Pritish Vaidya'}

How can i charge color icon navigation bar #shoutem/ui

I tried to create react native project and UI extends Component of #shoutem/ui,
But when i used NavigationBar of #shoutem/ui, i can't change color of content inside NavigationBar, like picture below here, News always got black color, how to change it to White color?
Here is my code:
container: {
position: 'relative',
width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
style={{ paddingLeft: 10 }}
onPress={() => { this.props.navigation.navigate('DrawerOpen'); }}
source={{ uri: '' }}
selectedOption={this.state.selectedChannel ?
this.state.selectedChannel :[0]}
onOptionSelected={(channel) => this.onChoiceChannel(channel)}
And here is my result:
Please help me fix this! Or suggest me someway can resolve it!
Thanks you guys so much!
The text color in NavigationBar is determined by the background color. If the background color is dark enough, NavigationBar will switch it's components to the "light-content", as seen in:
function chooseBarStyle(bgColor) {
return color(bgColor).isDark() ? 'light-content' : 'default';
If you want to edit the color manually, you'll have to edit:
title: {
fontFamily: 'Rubik-Regular',
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'normal',
fontSize: 20,
color: '#222222', //edit color here for your Title
Edit in response to comment:
The icon color is also edited in:
navBarIconsColor: '#222222' //edit this line for your Icon