Select not null columns as a comma separated string from dynamic sql - sql

I am trying to do my best to avoid using cursors. There is a comma separated list of columns in nvarchar variable that looks like this:
#columnList = 'col1,col2,col5'
There is a table with lots of varchar columns:
myTable: [col1],[col2],[col3],[col4],[col5],[col6],[col7]
This is how I select data using a dynamic sql:
exec ('select ' + #columnList + ' from myTable')
This query returns the following results:
[col1], [col2] , [col5]
null , "txt1" , null
"txt2", null , null
null , "txt3" , "txt4"
This is what I need to get:
#resultList = "txt1,txt2,txt3,txt4"
How do I select a comma separated string containing not-null values only? I know how to convert a table to comma separated string, so getting something like:
Is also fine. Any suggestions? Feel free to suggest a basic approach, I don't expect you to write the actual code for me.

You can use a solution like the following, using just a REPLACE to create the SQL query:
DECLARE #columnList VARCHAR(100)
SET #columnList = 'col1,col2,col5'
SET #columnList = REPLACE(#columnList, ',', ' AS colName FROM myTable UNION ALL SELECT ');
EXEC('SELECT * FROM (SELECT ' + #columnList + ' AS colName FROM myTable)t WHERE NOT t.colName IS NULL');
You can also use a solution using UNPIVOT:
DECLARE #columnList VARCHAR(100);
SET #columnList = 'col1,col2,col5';
EXEC('SELECT colName FROM (SELECT ' + #columnList + ' FROM myTable) t1 UNPIVOT (colName FOR columnNames IN (' + #columnList + ')) AS t2');
demo on

Since you mention you already know how to aggregate into comma-seperated, here's how to unpivot your table with cross apply:
select unpivoted.*
from myTable
cross apply
( values
,('col3',col3) -- etc

This would work for SQL Server 2017, on earlier version STRING_AGG usage should be replaced with XML-based solution.
You could first concatenate your results into a single line and then use STRING_AGG to aggregate them into a single string:
;with t as
(null , 'txt1' , null),
('txt2', null , null),
(null , 'txt3' , 'txt4')) x(col1, col2, col5)
SELECT STRING_AGG(STUFF(CONCAT(',' + col1, ',' + col2, ',' + col5), 1, 1, ''), ',')
CTE is just for showcasing, you can simply do it in your dynamic query:
DECLARE #columnList NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'col1,col2,col5'
SELECT #query = 'SELECT STRING_AGG(STUFF(CONCAT('','' + ' + REPLACE(#columnList, ',', ', '','' + ') + '), 1, 1, ''''), '','') from mytable'
EXEC sp_executesql #query
Working example on dbfiddle


Select non-empty columns using SQL Server

I am using SQL Server 2012. i have a table with 90 columns. I am trying to select only columns that contains data. After searching i used the following procedure:
1- Getting all columns count using one select query
2- Pivoting Result Table into a Temp table
3- Creating Select query
4- Executing this query
Here is the query i used:
DECLARE #strTablename varchar(100) = 'dbo.MyTable'
DECLARE #strQuery varchar(max) = ''
DECLARE #strSecondQuery varchar(max) = 'SELECT '
DECLARE #strUnPivot as varchar(max) = ' UNPIVOT ([Count] for [Column] IN ('
CREATE TABLE ##tblTemp([Column] varchar(50), [Count] Int)
SELECT #strQuery = ISNULL(#strQuery,'') + 'Count([' + name + ']) as [' + name + '] ,' from sys.columns where object_id = object_id(#strTablename) and is_nullable = 1
SELECT #strUnPivot = ISNULL(#strUnPivot,'') + '[' + name + '] ,' from sys.columns where object_id = object_id(#strTablename) and is_nullable = 1
SET #strQuery = 'SELECT [Column],[Count] FROM ( SELECT ' + SUBSTRING(#strQuery,1,LEN(#strQuery) - 1) + ' FROM ' + #strTablename + ') AS p ' + SUBSTRING(#strUnPivot,1,LEN(#strUnPivot) - 1) + ')) AS unpvt '
INSERT INTO ##tblTemp EXEC (#strQuery)
SELECT #strSecondQuery = #strSecondQuery + '[' + [Column] + '],' from ##tblTemp WHERE [Count] > 0
DROP TABLE ##tblTemp
SET #strSecondQuery = SUBSTRING(#strSecondQuery,1,LEN(#strSecondQuery) - 1) + ' FROM ' + #strTablename
EXEC (#strSecondQuery)
The problem is that this query is TOO SLOW. Is there a best way to achieve this?
Table have only one clustered index on primary key Column ID and does not contains any other indexes.
Table is not editable.
Table contains very large data.
Query is taking about 1 minute to be executed
Thanks in advance.
I do not know if this is faster, but you might use one trick: FOR XML AUTO will ommit columns without content:
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(col1 INT,col2 INT,col3 INT);
FROM #tbl AS tbl
This is the result: col3 is missing...
<tbl col1="1" col2="2" />
<tbl col1="1" />
<tbl />
Knowing this, you could find the list of columns, which are not NULL in all rows, like this:
SELECT DISTINCT ',' + Attr.value('local-name(.)','nvarchar(max)')
FROM #tbl AS tbl
) AS t
CROSS APPLY t.TheXML.nodes('/tbl/#*') AS A(Attr)
The content of #ColList is now col1,col2. This string you can place in a dynamically created SELECT.
It would be very clever, to replace the SELECT * with a column list created from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS excluding all not-nullable. And - if needed and possible - types, wich contain very large data (BLOBs).
UPDATE2: Performance
Don't know what your very large data means actually... Just tried this on a table with about 500.000 rows (with SELECT *) and it returned correctly after less than one minute. Hope, this is fast enough...
Try using this condition:
where #columnname IS NOT NULL AND #columnname <> ' '

Error converting data type varchar to numeric dynamic pivot

I am getting an error described in the title where my code looks like this:
#cols numeric(10,0),
#sql numeric(10,0)
select #cols = isnull(#cols + ', ', '') + '[' + T.AmountPayd + ']' from (select distinct AmountPayd from t1) as T
select #sql = '
select *
from t1 as T
sum(T.AmountPayd) for T.Customer in (' + #cols + ')
) as P'
exec sp_executesql #sql = #sql
The error occurs at this line:
select #cols = isnull(#cols + ', ', '') + '[' + T.AmountPayd + ']' from (select distinct AmountPayd from t1) as T
In my table AmountPayd is declared as numeric data type.
The error I get is:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 108 Error converting data type
varchar to numeric.
You've declared #cols as numeric(10,0), but you're trying to assign text to it.
Probably need to declare it as nvarchar(max).
by concatenating AmountPayd you're suppose to get a list of customers?
--#cols numeric(10,0),
--#sql numeric(10,0)
#cols varchar(max),
#sql varchar(max)
--Here you are setting #cols to a concatenated list of the amounts in your table
--The problem is you are trying to concat a decimal or integer into a string without casting it
--This is the same as doing 'A' + 1 and wanting to get A1. You first have to cast it.
--Notice the CAST(T.AmountPayd AS VARCHAR). But cols still needs to be a varchar in your declaration.
select #cols = isnull(#cols + ', ', '') + '[' + CAST(T.AmountPayd AS VARCHAR) + ']' from (select distinct AmountPayd from t1) as T
--Here you are building your dynamic SQL, which is a string which is why #sql must be varchar or nvarchar
select #sql = '
select *
from t1 as T
sum(T.AmountPayd) for T.Customer in (' + #cols + ')
) as P'
exec sp_executesql #sql = #sql
You've almost copied this example line for line, you just missed the declaration of your variables.

Return SELECT query result as a CSV string

I have the following Sql Server 2016 SELECT statement that returns only 1 row:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tempdb.dbo.IMTD
How can I concatenate the values as a comma delimited string? NOTE: the column names of this temporary table are unknown as they can variate.
Thank you.
Something like this perhaps:
-- Sample data
DECLARE #someTable TABLE (SomeID int identity, SomeTxt varchar(100));
INSERT #someTable VALUES ('row1'),('row2'),('row3');
-- Solution
SELECT ConcatinatedString =
SELECT ','+SomeTxt
FROM #someTable
You can use Dynamic query as below:
WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE '#table[_]%' -- Dynamic Table (here, Temporary table)
DECLARE #COLNAMES VARCHAR(MAX) = REPLACE(STUFF(#COLS, 1, 1, ''), ',', '+ '','' +')
Declare #cmd varchar(max) = 'Select ' + #COLNAMES + ' as CSVCol from #table'
-- will generate
-- Select Column1+ ',' +Column2+ ',' +Column3 as CSVCol from #table
EXEC (#cmd)
Another solution you can try is this.
SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(<ColumnName1>)) + ',',
LTRIM(RTRIM(<ColumnName2>)) + ',',
LTRIM(RTRIM(<ColumnNamen>)) + ','
FROM tempdb.dbo.IMTD
If you only want one row keep that top 1 In there like
LTRIM(RTRIM(<ColumnName1>)) + ',',
LTRIM(RTRIM(<ColumnName2>)) + ',',
LTRIM(RTRIM(<ColumnNamen>)) + ','
FROM tempdb.dbo.IMTD
The LTRIM and RTRIM will remove any white space and this should allow you to copy and paste the result set anywhere you may need it. You will need to do this for each columnname.
You can use the query below to get the column names from your temp table.
#ColumnNames= COALESCE(#ColumnNames +',','')+COLUMN_NAME
TABLE_NAME = '#TempTableName'

SQL create distinct comma separated lists

I have a stored procedures that accepts a comma separated list, then makes copies of that list with quoted strings and brackets, then uses those in a dynamic sql statement to build a pivot table with flexible number of columns.
My problem is that sometimes my users submit a list with duplicates, and that makes the pivot query fail. So I want to somehow select distinct from my comma separated strings.
Here's how I manipulate the initial string:
Declare #data varchar(max) = '150593, 150593, 150603, 150578, 150604'
Declare #bracketed varchar(max) = ''
Declare #quoted varchar(max) = ''
select #bracketed = #bracketed + quotename(rtrim(ltrim(Value))) + ', ',
#quoted = #quoted + quotename(rtrim(ltrim(Value)), '''') + ', '
from [dbo].[fnSplitStringAsTable](#data, ',')
Select #bracketed = LEFT(#bracketed, len(#bracketed) - 1),
#quoted = LEFT(#quoted, len(#quoted) - 1)
I'm thinking I should be able to add DISTINCT somewhere in this query,
but I can't make it work. How can I select distinct from comma separated lists?
as an alternative solution you can dedupe in xml and convert back to varchar
Declare #data varchar(max) = '150593, 150593, 150603, 150578, 150604'
set #data= (select '''' + cast(cast('<d>'+replace(#data, ', ',',</d><d>')+'</d>' as xml).query('distinct-values(/d)') as varchar) +'''')
select #data
I guess we can add in distinct after you make the table, like this:
select #bracketed = #bracketed + quotename(rtrim(ltrim(Value))) + ', ',
#quoted = #quoted + quotename(rtrim(ltrim(Value)), '''') + ', '
from (
SELECT DISTINCT Value FROM [dbo].[fnSplitStringAsTable](#data, ',')
) T
If this fails try this:
select #bracketed = #bracketed + quotename(Value) + ', ',
#quoted = #quoted + quotename(Value), '''') + ', '
from (
SELECT DISTINCT RTRIM(LTRIM(Value)) AS Value FROM [dbo].[fnSplitStringAsTable](#data, ',')
) T
With a little dynamic sql, you can select distinct values from your string variable into a table variable, and then put those values back into the original variable:
declare #data varchar(max) = '150593, 150593, 150603, 150578, 150604'
declare #table table(data varchar(10))
set #data = 'select distinct value from (values (''' +
replace(#data,', ','''),(''') + ''')) as v(value)'
insert into #table
set #data = ''
select #data = #data + data +
case row_number() over(order by data desc)
when 1 then ''
else ','
from #table
order by data asc
select #data

Flattening of a 1 row table into a key-value pair table

What's the best way to get a key-value pair result set that represents column-value in a row?
Given the following table A with only 1 row
Column1 Column2 Column3 ...
Value1 Value2 Value3
I want to query it and insert into another table B:
Key Value
Column1 Value1
Column2 Value2
Column3 Value3
A set of columns in table A is not known in advance.
NOTE: I was looking at FOR XML and PIVOT features as well as dynamic SQL to do something like this:
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(max)
SET #sql = (SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + column_name
WHERE table_name='TableA'
ORDER BY column_name FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''))
SET #sql = 'SELECT ' + #sql + ' FROM TableA'
A version where there is no dynamic involved. If you have column names that is invalid to use as element names in XML this will fail.
select T2.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as [Key],
T2.N.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value
from (select *
from TableA
for xml path(''), type) as T1(X)
cross apply T1.X.nodes('/*') as T2(N)
A working sample:
declare #T table
Column1 varchar(10),
Column2 varchar(10),
Column3 varchar(10)
insert into #T values('V1','V2','V3')
select T2.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as [Key],
T2.N.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value
from (select *
from #T
for xml path(''), type) as T1(X)
cross apply T1.X.nodes('/*') as T2(N)
Key Value
-------------------- -----
Column1 V1
Column2 V2
Column3 V3
For a query with more than one table you could use for xml auto to get the table names in the XML. Note, if you use alias for table names in the query you will get the alias instead.
select X2.N.value('local-name(..)', 'nvarchar(128)') as TableName,
X2.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as [Key],
X2.N.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value
from (
-- Your query starts here
select T1.T1ID,
from T1
inner join T2
on T1.T1ID = T2.T1ID
-- Your query ends here
for xml auto, elements, type
) as X1(X)
cross apply X1.X.nodes('//*[text()]') as X2(N)
SQL Fiddle
I think you're halfway there. Just use UNPIVOT and dynamic SQL as Martin recommended:
Code VARCHAR(10),
Name VARCHAR(10),
Details VARCHAR(10)
INSERT TableA VALUES ('Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz')
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(max)
SET #sql = (SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + column_name
WHERE table_name='TableA'
ORDER BY ordinal_position FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''))
SET #sql = N'SELECT [Key], Val FROM (SELECT ' + #sql + ' FROM TableA) x '
+ 'UNPIVOT ( Val FOR [Key] IN (' + #sql + ')) AS unpiv'
EXEC (#sql)
Key Val
------------ ------------
Code Foo
Name Bar
Details Baz
There is a caveat, of course. All your columns will need to be the same data type for the above code to work. If they are not, you will get this error:
Msg 8167, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The type of column "Col" conflicts with the type of
other columns specified in the UNPIVOT list.
In order to get around this, you'll need to create two column string statements. One to get the columns and one to cast them all as the data type for your Val column.
For multiple column types:
Code INT,
Name VARCHAR(10),
Details VARCHAR(10)
INSERT TableA VALUES (1, 'Foo', 'Baf')
#sql nvarchar(max),
#cols nvarchar(max),
#conv nvarchar(max)
SET #cols = (SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + column_name
WHERE table_name='TableA'
ORDER BY ordinal_position FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''))
+ column_name + ') AS ' + column_name
WHERE table_name='TableA'
ORDER BY ordinal_position FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''))
SET #sql = N'SELECT [Key], Val FROM (SELECT ' + #conv + ' FROM TableA) x '
+ 'UNPIVOT ( Val FOR [Key] IN (' + #cols + ')) AS unpiv'
EXEC (#sql)
Perhaps you're making this more complicated than it needs to be. Partly because I couldn't wrap my little brain around the number of PIVOT/UNPIVOT/whatever combinations and a dynamic SQL "sea of red" would be necessary to pull this off. Since you know the table has exactly one row, pulling the value for each column can just be a subquery as part of a set of UNIONed queries.
DECLARE #sql NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'INSERT dbo.B([Key], Value) '
SELECT #sql += CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
+ ' SELECT [Key] = ''' + REPLACE(name, '''', '''''') + ''',
Value = (SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ' FROM dbo.A) UNION ALL'
FROM sys.columns
WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.A');
SET #sql = LEFT(#sql, LEN(#sql)-9) + ';';
PRINT #sql;
-- EXEC sp_executesql #sql;
Result (I only created 4 columns, but this would work for any number):
INSERT dbo.B([Key], Value)
SELECT [Key] = 'Column1',
Value = (SELECT [Column1] FROM dbo.A) UNION ALL
SELECT [Key] = 'Column2',
Value = (SELECT [Column2] FROM dbo.A) UNION ALL
SELECT [Key] = 'Column3',
Value = (SELECT [Column3] FROM dbo.A) UNION ALL
SELECT [Key] = 'Column4',
Value = (SELECT [Column4] FROM dbo.A);
The most efficient thing in the world? Likely not. But again, for a one-row table, and hopefully a one-off task, I think it will work just fine. Just watch out for column names that contain apostrophes, if you allow those things in your shop...
EDIT sorry, couldn't leave it that way. Now it will handle apostrophes in column names and other sub-optimal naming choices.